International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Translation of Software Requirements

Hanan Elazhary

Abstract—Stakeholders typically speak and express software requirements in their native languages. On the other hand, software engineers typically express software requirements in English to programmers who program using English-like programming languages. Translation of software requirements between the native languages of the stakeholders and English introduces further ambiguities. This calls for a system that simplifies translation of software requirements while minimizing ambiguities. Unfortunately, this problem has been overlooked in the literature. This paper introduces a system designed to facilitate translation of requirements between English and Arabic. The system can also facilitate the analysis of software requirements written in Arabic. This is achieved through enforcing writing software requirements statements using templates. Templates are selected such that they enforce following best practices in writing requirements documents.

Index Terms— Requirements, Software Engineering, Translation

—————————— • ——————————


OFTWARE requirements engineering is concerned with understanding and specifying the services and constraints of a given software system. It involves software require-
ments elicitation and specification [1]. Elicitation of software requirements from stakeholders typically results in user re- quirements, which are natural language statements that de- scribe the high-level goals of a given software system [2]. Analysis of natural language user requirements is an important activity since imprecision in this stage causes errors in later stages. Requirements imprecision is at least an order of magni- tude more expensive to correct when undetected until late software engineering stages [3]. Thus, focusing on improving the precision of the elicited user requirements in the first cycle is one of the ambitious aims of software engineering [4]. One of the main causes of imprecision is the ambiguity of natural lan- guages used to express the user requirements [5]. To minimize ambiguity, a number of best practices in writing requirements documents have been proposed by experts [6-9]. These practic- es include:
• Maintain terminological consistency and clarity by re-
stricting action and actor descriptions to terms that are
clearly defined in a glossary.
• Do not use different phrases to refer to the same entity
(For example, do not use Order Processing System and
Order Entry System to refer to the same system).
• Avoid using phrases, such as “easy to use”, whose
meaning is subjective and leads to ambiguity.
• Write each requirement as a single separate sentence.
• Write complete sentences rather than bulleted buzz
• Write complete active-voice sentences which clearly specify the actor/agent and the action.
• Write requirements sentences in a consistent fashion us- ing a standard set of syntaxes with each syntax-type corresponding to and signaling different kinds of re- quirements.
• Associate a unique identifier with each requirement. While these practices are relatively easy to state and under- stand, it seems fairly difficult for requirements engineers to consistently apply them throughout requirements documents
with thousands of requirements. Thus, some tools in the litera- ture have been developed to help users adhere to best practices in writing requirements documentation. This also simplifies the automatic analysis of requirements documents written in natural language and allows generating warning messages when the requirements do not conform to best practices [9].
One of the problems that have been overlooked in the litera- ture is the problem of software requirements translation. Stakeholders typically speak their native languages, while re- quirements documents are typically written in English and software programs are typically developed in English-like pro- gramming languages. The problem is that the translation of software requirements from the native language of stakehold- ers to English introduces further ambiguities. Whenever errors are discovered in later stages of the software engineering process, suggested modifications of the software requirements result. To negotiate these modifications with the stakeholders, modified requirements need to be translated between English and the native language of the stakeholders back and forth. This can introduce more ambiguities that complicate the prob- lem even more.
To address this problem, we suggest implementing systems that helps users adhere to best practices in writing require- ments documents using different natural languages. This sim- plifies analyzing requirements documents in the natural lan- guage of the stakeholders. By specifying the mappings be- tween the different developed systems, we allow translation of software requirements between different natural languages while minimizing ambiguities. In this paper, we introduce the Arabic Requirements Analysis Tool (ARAT) system that has been designed to handle software requirements in Arabic. The reason for selecting the Arabic language is that it is the official language of hundreds of millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa. It is expected that a large number of these targeted users would benefit from ARAT. We also specify mappings between our system and a similar system called Re- quirements Analysis Tool (RAT) [9]. RAT handles require- ments written in English. Mappings simplify translation of natural language requirements between English and Arabic, while minimizing ambiguities.

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2 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011

ISSN 2229-5518

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes related research in the literature. Section 3 describes the RAT system and Section 4 describes the ARAT system and how the Arabic requirements are analyzed using it. Section 5 provides exam- ples that illustrate the mappings between the English syntaxes in the RAT system and the Arabic syntaxes in the ARAT sys- tem. The examples also illustrate how translation is performed



Entity Descriptor




order processing


System for processing



Web server

HTTP Web Server


finance department


User from finance



chemical containers

Containers that store acids


customer standing

The status of the customer


between English and Arabic requirements accordingly while



Action Descriptor


process payroll

Action for processing of payroll.

inform administrator

Action for sending e-mail

notification to the administrator.

send contracts data

Action for transfer of contract



Rendering an item on screen.

minimizing ambiguities. Finally, Section 6 provides conclu- sions and directions for future research.


Many tools in the literature have been developed to automati- cally analyze natural language software requirements. Lami [10] and Hussain et al. [11] developed systems that can auto- matically detect potential imprecision in natural language software requirements through indicators such as weak verbs. But, these systems don’t assist in correcting any imprecision. Another approach in the literature attempts to avoid the intro- duction of imprecision while the software requirements are being written by imposing the use of natural language pat- terns. Some of these have focused on developing natural lan- guage patterns for specific domains such as database systems [12], scenarios [13], and embedded systems [5]. General pur- pose systems include Raven [14], which can analyze use cases. Jain et al. [9] developed the general-purpose RAT system that imposes the use of specific natural language patterns that help users adhere to best practices in writing software requirements in different situations and can provide useful advices.
The REAS system [15] attempts to integrate these two ap-
proaches intelligently to exploit their advantages and avoid
their disadvantages, but cannot help in the translation of re-
quirements. Thus, the prposed system emulates the RAT sys- tem and uses the analogy ti simplify the translation of re- quirements between Arabic and English while minimizing am- biguities.


In this section, we describe the structure of an English re- quirements document according to the RAT system and dis- cuss how the requirements document is analyzed accordingly.

3.1 User-Defined Glossaries

User-defined glossaries should be created to define valid enti- ties and actions in the requirements document. This helps re- quirements engineers adhere to one of the best practices in writing requirements documents; that is using entities and ac- tions consistently. As will be explained later in Section 3.3, the terms in the glossaries will also be used as placeholders that help in the analysis of the requirements.
The entity glossary defines all entities in the requirements doc- ument. It also specifies whether each entity is an agent that can perform actions or not. Agents and non-agents will be referred to as agents and entities respectively throughout the paper. Snapshots of an entity glossary and an action glossary are shown in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.

3.2 Best Practices Syntaxes

A set of syntaxes has been defined in the RAT system to help requirements engineers adhere to best practices in writing re- quirements documents as explained in Section 1. These syntax- es are as follows:
(a) The syntax <Agent Phrase> <“shall” | “must” | “will”>

<Action Phrase> is used to express a requirement that an

agent is responsible for carrying out some action. For
example: The Web server must inform administrator of failed login attempts.
(b) The syntax <Agent Phrase> <“shall” | “must” | “will”> “be able to” <Action Phrase> is used to express a re- quirement that an agent should have the ability to per- form an action. For example: The payroll system shall be able to deduct loan amounts from paychecks.
(c) The syntax <Agent Phrase> <“shall” | “must” |“will”>

<“allow” | “permit”> <Agent Phrase> “to” <Action Phrase> is used to express a requirement that an agent should provide another agent with the capability to perform an action. For example: The order processing system must permit administrator to view daily trans- actions.

(d) The syntax <Agent Phrase> <“shall” | “will” | “may”>

<“only” | “not”> <Action Phrase> <“when” | “if”> <con- dition> is used to express imposed conditions or con- straints on actions performed by agents. For example: The account management system shall only close an ac- count if the current balance is zero.

(e) The syntax “Only” <Agent Phrase> <“may” | “maybe”>

<Action Phrase> is used to express imposed conditions

on agents who may perform an action or to whom an
action may be performed. For example: Only the pay-
roll employees may access the payroll database.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011 3

ISSN 2229-5518

(f) The syntax <Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase> “must” <“al- ways” | “never” | “not”> <“be” | “have”> <Value Phrase> is used to express imposed constraints on attributes or values of attributes of entities or agents. For example: The customer standing must always be gold, silver, or bronze.
(g) The syntax <Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase> “is” <“defined as” | “classified as”> < Entity Phrase> is used to express a definition of an entity or an agent. For example: The total sales value is defined as total item value plus sales tax.
(h) The syntax <Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase> <“is” | “is not”> <Action Phrase> is used to express policies that should be adhered to. For example: The sales tax is computed on instate shipments.
It is clear that each category of requirements is expressed by a specific syntax type with different keywords. This simplifies understanding the intent of each requirement and its analysis as explained in Section 3.3. It should be noted that these syn- taxes can be written in the format of the conditional syntax (d).

3.3 Analyzing Requirements

RAT uses a two phased approach for the analysis of the re- quirements document: 1) lexical analysis and 2) syntactic anal- ysis.

Fig. 1. A state machine for syntax type (a) of the RAT system [9].

3.3.1 Lexical analysis
A lexical analyzer breaks down a given requirement into a set
of tokens: agent phrases, entity phrases, action phrases, or
modal phrases formed of keywords such as “shall”, “will” and
“shall be able to”. For example, the following statement “The
SAP system shall send the vendor data to the order processing
system” is tokenized into: the agent phrase “The SAP system”,
the modal phrase “shall”, the action phrase “send”, the entity phrase “the vendor data”, the unknown phrase “to” and the agent phrase “the order processing system”. After tokeniza- tion, the requirement is classified into one of the syntax types
based on the modal phrase(s). Thus, according to the above
modal phrase “shall”, the requirement follows syntax type (a).
3.3.2 Syntactic analysis
The syntactic analyzer has a different sate machine to validate
each syntax type. The tokenized requirement is run through
the corresponding state machine. A requirement is treated as
syntactically correct when the state machine successfully tran-
sitions from the start state to a valid final state. In the above example, the state machine shown in Figure 1 is used. The to- ken stream for the requirement will end up in “Action State” and so will be treated as a valid requirement.
For every error state, there is a predefined warning message that is displayed to the user. The statement of each warning
message explains why the requirement deviates from best practices in writing requirements documents. Table 3 shows the warning messages corresponding to different error states in the above state machine. For example, the statement “shall dis- play error messages in new window” halts in “Missing Agent State” since it lacks an agent phrase in the beginning. The gen-



Error State

Warning Message

Missing Agent State

This requirement lacks an agent before

'<variable at which error occurs>'. It can be confusing to leave the agent implicit.

Unknown Action State

This requirement contains '<variable at which error occurs>' where an action is expected, but

'<variable at which fault occurs>' is not in the

action glossary.

Unknown Agent State

This requirement contains '<variable at which error occurs>' where an agent is expected, but

'<variable at which fault occurs>' is not in the

entity glossary.

Non Agent Entity State

This requirement contains '<variable at which error occurs>' where an agent is expected.

'<variable at which error occurs>' is in the

entity glossary but is not designated as an agent.

Missing Action State

This requirement lacks an action before

'<variable at which error occurs>'. It can be

confusing to leave the action implicit.

erated warning message is “This requirement lacks an agent before ‘shall’. It can be confusing to leave the agent implicit.”
3.3.3 Early Deployment Results
Eleven real industrial software projects have been used to as-
sess the tool. They used RAT to make changes to the require-
ments based on the warning messages generated by RAT. This
resulted in:
• 10-30% reduction in time required to transform notes taken in interview sessions to well formed require- ments.
• 30-50% reduction in time needed to review require- ments.
• 5% estimated reduction in overall budget, due to ex- pected reduction in requirements defects and associated reduction in rework.

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ISSN 2229-5518


<Action Phrase> <" " | " "> <Agent Phrase>


The ARAT system is an Arabic version of the RAT system. The

| " "> <" "

| " ">

<Agent Phrase>


<Action Phrase> <" "

advantage of this system is twofold. First, it has similar advan-

<" "

| " "> <" "

| " ">

<Agent Phrase>


tages as the RAT system but with respect to Arabic require-

.<Action Phrase> " " <Agent Phrase>

ment documents. In other words, it helps requirements engi-

<" "

| " ">


<Agent Phrase>


neer adhere to best practices in writing Arabic requirements

<condition><" _," | " . .c" | " "> <Action Phrase>

documents and simplifies the analysis of these documents.

" "

| " ">

<Agent Phrase>

Second, due to the analogy between both systems, it allows the
translation of software requirements between Arabic and Eng-
lish while resolving many ambiguities. Thus, an Arabic syntax

<condition><" _," | " . .c" | " "> <Action Phrase>

<Action Phrase>" " <Agent Phrase> ".b:s"

<" : ." | " " | " .J .:"> <Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase>

(e) (f)

(and a corresponding state machine) in the ARAT system has

<" "

| " "

| " "

| " ">



been designed corresponding to each English syntax (and its
corresponding state machine) in the RAT system. While read-
ing the Arabic syntaxes, it should be noted that:

| " . "

| " . ">

<Value Phrase>

<Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase>

<Entity Phrase> <" " | " "


• Arabic statements and thus Arabic syntaxes are written

<Action Phrase> <Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase>


from the right to the left.
• Some syntaxes in RAT are decomposed into two syn-

<Action Phrase> " "

<Entity Phrase | Agent Phrase>

taxes in ARAT due to the nature of the Arabic language.
• Some model phrases in RAT are represented by two
modal phrases in the corresponding syntax in ARAT
due to the nature of the Arabic language. For example “be able to” is represented by " " and" " for masculine and feminine respectively.
• The meanings of the Arabic modal phrases in these syn-
taxes are provided in the modal phrases dictionary
shown in Table 4.
• The arrangements of the components of a given syntax
in ARAT may be different from that of the correspond-
ing syntax in RAT due to the nature of the Arabic lan-
The ARAT Arabic syntaxes (corresponding to the RAT English
syntaxes described in Section 3.2) are as follows:



As an example of analyzing Arabic requirements in ARAT, consider the following Arabic statement " ". This statement is tokenized into: the agent phrase " ", the modal phrase " ", the action phrase " ", the entity phrase " ", the unknown phrase " ", and the agent phrase " " . According to the above modal phrase " ", the re- quirement follows syntax type (a). When this token stream is run through the corresponding state machine, it ends up in “Action State” and so is treated as a valid requirement.
In the next section, we provide examples that illustrate the
mappings between the English syntaxes in the RAT system and
the Arabic syntaxes in the ARAT system. The examples also
illustrate how translation is performed between English and
Arabic requirements accordingly while resolving many ambi- guities.


Translating a given statement between RAT and ARAT sys- tems is done by following the following steps:
• Break down the statement into a set of tokens.
• Specify the corresponding syntax.
• Translate each modal phrase according to the modal
phrases dictionary shown in table 4.
• Interpret the unknown phrases and rearrange the
statement according to the corresponding goal syntax
(RAT syntax if translating from Arabic to English and
ARAT syntax if translating from English to Arabic).
• The rest is left to the software engineer to resolve.
This is illustrated by few examples. The first example involves
translating Arabic statements to English. Because the reader
expects to read mainly English, the rest of the examples will
involve translating English statements to Arabic.

5.1 Example 1

Consider the following Arabic statement: " ". This statement is tokenized into: the agent phrase " ", the modal phrase

IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011 5

ISSN 2229-5518

" ", the action phrase "

", the entity phrase "

", nimal ambiguity. Since "

" is masculine in Arabic, the

the unknown phrase "

", and the agent phrase "

software engineer selects "

" rather than "

". The

" (remember that the Arabic statements are written from the right to the left). According to the above modal phrase, the requirement follows syntax type (a). The unknown phrases are interpreted as extensions of the action phrase. According to the

modal phrases dictionary, this modal phrase is translated into
translated statement is:

. : . :

5.4 Example 4

J "


“shall | will”. The statement is then rearranged as follows:
Consider the following English statement: “The order
" " "

“shall | will”


" " processing system must permit administrator to view daily transactions”. This statement is tokenized into: the agent

The software engineer can then translate "

" to “The SAP

phrase “The order processing system”, the modal phrase
system”, "

" to “send”, and "

" “must”, the modal phrase “permit”, and agent phrase “admin-

to “the vendor data to the order processing system” with- out/with minimal ambiguity. Note that the words “shall” and “will” have the same meaning. The translated statement is:
“The SAP system shall | will send the vendor data to the or- der processing system”.
istrator”, the modal phrase “to”, and the action phrase “view
daily transactions”. According to the above modal phrases, the
requirement follows syntax type (c). According to the modal
phrases dictionary, the modal phrase “must” is translated into

" ", the modal phrase “permit” is translated into | "

5.2 Example 2

" , and the modal phrase “to” is translated into "

statement is then rearranged as follows:

". The

Consider the following English statement: “The Web server " | " "

" “The order processing system”

must inform administrator of failed login attempts”. This

“view daily transactions” "

" “administrator”

statement is tokenized into: the agent phrase “The Web serv-
The software engineer can then translate “The order processing
er”, the modal phrase “must”, the action phrase “inform ad-
system” to "


", “administrator” to "J _

", and

ministrator”, the unknown phrase “of”, and the entity phrase
“view daily transactions” to " . . .

" without/with

“failed login attempts”. According to the above modal phrase,
minimal ambiguity. Since "J _

" is masculine in Arabic, the

the requirement follows syntax type (a). The unknown phrases are interpreted as extensions of the action phrase. According to
software engineer selects "
lated statement is:

" rather than "

". The trans-

the modal phrases dictionary, the modal phrase “must” is

" . . . J _

.. "

translated into "

". The statement is then rearranged as

follows (remember that the Arabic statements are written from the right to the left):

" " “The Web server”

“inform administrator of failed login attempts”

The software engineer can then translate “The Web server” to

" .: ", “inform administrator of failed login attempts” to

5.5 Example 5

Consider the following English statement: “The account man- agement system shall only close an account if the current bal- ance is zero”. This statement is tokenized into: the agent phrase “The account management system”, the modal phrase “shall”, the modal phrase “only”, the action phrase “close an account”,

"J s .

.c J _ " without/with minimal

the modal phrase “if”, and the unknown phrase “the current
ambiguity. The translated statement is:

"J s . .c J _ .: "

5.3 Example 3

Consider the following English statement: “The payroll system
balance is zero”. According to the above modal phrases, the
requirement follows syntax type (d). The unknown phrase is
interpreted as a condition. According to the modal phrases
dictionary, the modal phrase “shall” is translated into " ", the modal phrase “only” is translated into ".b:s ", and the modal
shall be able to deduct loan amounts from paychecks”. This
statement is tokenized into: the agent phrase “The payroll sys-
phrase “if” is translated into "
then rearranged as follows:

_, | . .c |

". The statement is

tem”, the modal phrase “shall”, the modal phrase “be able to”, "

" ".b:s"

“The account management system”

the action phrase “deduct loan amounts”, the unknown phrase
“from”, and the entity phrase “paychecks”. According to the

" _, |

. .c |

" “close an account” “the current balance is zero”

above modal phrases, the requirement follows syntax type (b).
The software engineer can then translate “The account man-
The unknown phrases are interpreted as extensions of the ac-
agement system” to "


", “close an account” to

tion phrase. According to the modal phrases dictionary, the

" _, ", and “the current balance is zero” to "

modal phrase “shall” is translated into "

" and the modal

" without/with minimal ambiguity. Note that the words

phrase “be able to” is translated into "

| ". The

" ", " . .c", and "

_," have the same meaning. The translated

statement is then rearranged as follows:
statement is:

" | " "

" “The payroll system”

_, |

. .c |

_, .b:s .: "

“deduct loan amounts from paychecks” "

The software engineer can then translate “The payroll system”
to " J
checks” to "

" and “deduct loan amounts from pay-

. : . : " without/with mi-

5.6 Example 6

Consider the following English statement: “Only the payroll

IJSER © 2011

6 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011

ISSN 2229-5518

employees may access the payroll database”. This statement is tokenized into: the modal phrase “only”, the agent phrase “the
engineer selects "
statement is:

. " rather than "

. ". The translated

payroll employees”, the modal phrase “may”, and the action phrase “access the payroll database”. According to the above

" . .:

. . "

modal phrases, the requirement follows syntax type (e). Ac-
cording to the modal phrases dictionary, the modal phrase
“only” is translated into ".b :s" and the modal phrase “may” is

5.9 Example 9

Consider the following English statement: “The sales tax is computed on instate shipments”. This statement is tokenized
translated into "

“access the payroll "

". The statement is then rearranged as

" “the payroll employees” ".b:s"


into: the entity phrase “The sales tax”, the modal phrase “is”,
the action phrase “computed on instate shipments”. According
to the above modal phrase, the requirement follows syntax
type (h). According to the modal phrases dictionary, the modal
The software engineer can then translate “the payroll em-
phrase “is” is translated into "". The statement is then rear-
ployees” to "

J ." and “access the payroll data-

ranged as follows:
base” to "

J .c

" without/with minimal

“computed on instate shipments” “The sales tax” •
ambiguity. The translated statement is:
The software engineer can then translate “The sales tax” to

J .c J

. .b:s"


" . " and “computed on instate shipments” to "

" .c without/with minimal ambiguity. The trans-

5.7 Example 7

Consider the following English statement: “The customer standing must always be gold, silver, or bronze”. This state-
lated statement is:


5.10 Results

.c . "

ment is tokenized into: the entity phrase “The customer stand- ing”, the modal phrase “must”, the modal phrase “always”, the modal phrase “be”, and the unknown phrase “gold, silver, or bronze”. According to the above modal phrases, the require- ment follows syntax type (f). The unknown phrase is inter- preted as a value phrase. According to the modal phrases dic-
From the above examples, it is clear that many ambiguities
have been resolved while translating software requirements
between English and Arabic. These include specifying the
agents, the entities, the actions, who performs each action, and
to whom an action is performed. Besides, the intent of each statement is well understood. Few ambiguities are left to the
tionary, the modal phrase “must” is translated into "

", software engineer to resolve, which dramatically simplifies the

the modal phrase “always” is translated into "

.J .:", and the

work of the software engineer.
modal phrase “be” is translated into "
is then rearranged as follows:

| ". The statement


“gold, "

| " "

" " .J .:" “The customer standing”

silver, or bronze”

Stakeholders typically speak and express software require- ments in their native language. On the other hand, software
The software engineer can then translate “The customer stand-
engineers typically express software requirements in English to
ing” to "

. ."

and “gold, silver, or bronze” to
programmers who write program using English-like pro-

".) s "

without/with minimal ambiguity. Since
gramming languages. This requires translating requirements

" . ." is masculine in Arabic, the software engineer se-

between the native language of the stakeholders and English
lects "

" rather than "

". The translated statement is:

back and forth. This introduces further ambiguities, which af-

".) s

5.8 Example 8

.J .: . ."

fects the length of the whole software process. Unfortunately, this problem has been overlooked in the literature. To tackle
Consider the following English statement: “The total sales val- ue is defined as total item value plus sales tax”. This statement is tokenized into: the entity phrase “The total sales value”, the modal phrase “is”, the modal phrase “defined as”, and the ent- ity phrase “total item value plus sales tax”. According to the above modal phrases, the requirement follows syntax type (g). According to the modal phrases dictionary, the modal phrase “is” is translated into "", and the modal phrase “defined as” is
this problem, this paper introduces the ARAT system. The
ARAT system is analogous to the RAT system [9] that uses
templates to express English software requirements. As illu-
strated by many examples, specifying mappings between both
systems facilitate translation of requirements between English and Arabic while resolving many ambiguities such as specify- ing agents and their actions. Since the RAT system uses tem- plates that enforce following best practices in writing require- ments documents in English, the ARAT system achieves the
translated into "
as follows:

" . |

. | . ". The statement is then rearranged

. " “The total sales value” •

“total item value plus sales tax”
same while writing requirements documents in Arabic. Simi-
larly, since the RAT system has been designed to facilitate the analysis of English software requirements, the ARAT system facilitates the analysis of Arabic software requirements. As fu-
The software engineer can then translate “The total sales val-
ture work, the tool should be tested against more requirements
ue” to " .

" . .:

" and “total item value plus sales tax” to

" without/with minimal ambigui-

documents. Observings and suggestions should be taken into consideration in future versions of the system. We encourage
ty. Since " .
" is masculine in Arabic, the software

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2011 7

ISSN 2229-5518

researchers to develop similar systems in their native languag- es with the aim of facilitating communication between stake- holders and software engineers using different languages.


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