International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1614

ISSN 2229-5518

The Scio-Economic Determinants of the Education of Female Child and its Nexus with the Parent Expectations about their Future Career.

Mariam Abbas Soharwardi1, Dr. Abdul Sattar Khan2, Maiwand Khan Sherani3


The present study explore the Scio-Economic determinants of the education of female child and its nexus with the parent expectations about their future career by the using of the seven variables. The controlled variable is education and exogenous variable is Age of mother, Income of household, Family setup, Household invests, Attitude of the family, Expectation about her future spouse job. The primary source of data is used for the study and analysis done through Ordinary Least Squire (OLS) model. The results indicate that education of female child is positively related with age of mother, income of household, family setup, household invest, attitude of family, expectation about future spouse job. It also concludes that most families are against for girl’s education for labor force participation and they prefer female education for their marriage purpose.

Keywords:- Female Child, Household Investment, Female Education, Family Setup


The investment in education which boost up the human capital by means to increase the ability of men and woman to reached their full potential in a particular society. By more focusing on the female education which considers the Back bone of the country economy. Because today’s girls is the future mother and hence it’s the future of a nation, so caring for a today’s girls is means to be caring for future mother (Rena; 2005; Jackson et al.,2009).The right of female education which more depend on the decision of father and mother, society, cultural norms, state of education, cost of education and other like this type factors which may affect the girls education by different ways in different eras. Education of father and mother castpositive impact on the decision of child schooling (Alderman and King; 1998). Aside this the decision of mother as compared to father casts positive impact on the both daughters and sons, hence the mother education which more beneficial for
her daughter career (Qureshi 2012).
1. Lecturer Department of Economics
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
2. Department of Economics
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur-Pakistan
2. Executive Director (SEED)
Sheen Ghar Educational Environmental
Development Organization
The girls education play a vital role in the human capital formation that would leads to decrease the gender differences in the labor market and other institutions.The increase of female education and dynamics of economic activity increases the female labor force participation in later stage of development (Mujahid and
Zafar; 2012). The female education which reduces fertility, infant mortality and increases children's education

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1615

ISSN 2229-5518

(Knowles et al 2002; Murphy et al., 2009; Schultz2001). Now education has become a universal human right
and an important component of opportunities and empowerment of women. Recognizing the importance of education Universal Declaration of Human Right (UDHR) declared education a fundamental right, which was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. According to it,
“Every One has the right to education. Education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stage, elementary education shall be compulsory” [Article 26(1) UDHR].
In September 2000 the leaders of the world adopted the eight millennium goals for the development of human being through the United Nations Millennium Development Declaration. The MDGs 2 says,
“Ensure that 2015 children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete full course of primary education”
Today’s in the contemporary world, the conditions of women in less developed countries (LDCs) like Pakistan, where women still dependent on men and unable to proceeds any type of decisions of her future or activates of the daily life. Some decision which included such as about her educational career, about the marriage, her child, and household decision etc. In this all decision women are dependent on the men and they deprived from these rights in most areas of Pakistan. The situation of education and female participation in the labor market in the less developed countries including Pakistan have faced a lot of troubles. Agreeing to the study of (Chaaban and Cunningham 2011) that the girls’ engagement in the labor market could be enhanced through building marketable skills, facilitating the labor force entry process, and alleviating gender constraints and expectations. The Report of the World Bank shows that women now represent 40 percent of the global labor force, 43 per- cent of the world’s agricultural labor force, and more than half the world’s university students [World Development Report, 2012]. According to the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM 2012-13) which illustrate population as that country which compose of 48.65 percent of female population as compared to the male population which consists 51.35 percent, here the literacy rate for female population 10 years and older only just 48 percent as compared to the male literacy rate
71 percent of total thus the total literacy rate for both is just 60 percent only. To understanding this fact why
women have less literate in Pakistan, by knowing this taking the evidence from the early history. Where lack of finance as well as professionals, low level of productivity and other this types of problems faced by this infant country. So the machinery from abroad were exported to run up the different institutions of the country, and these foreigners have no interest to run up the institutions, and they preferred to take the bribery from the land lords, mullahs and other these types of actors and hand over them the institutions, which means they sold the future of Pakistani nation. These actors badly affected the every department of the country as they can do. And the girl’s education have confronted to them. Because they were against the girls education in simple words due to the terror of awareness, which harm full for them. The condition of Pakistanis in most rural areas where women are strictly restrict to their houses, and not allowed them to come do different activates of daily life including education activates. In Pakistan the situation of rural areas where almost have parochial society regarding to the girls education, hence they have less share in the policy making or the presence of their in important institutions of the country. The study of (Bronson;2013) tells that women's occupational and educational choices significantly depending on the policies and some policies substantially increasing the share of women in the field of science and business which takes as major. In the LDCs like Pakistan where less contribution of women in the different institution which discourage the incoming of women to fill this gap
and it almost be seen in rural areas. All these types of troubles are due to the low enrollments of girls child in to

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1616

ISSN 2229-5518

school by seeing it in contrast, due to the many circumstances regarding to which a compelled a girl child or
her family by not enrolling in school. There are many factors that contribute to cause the low enrollment in
Pakistan, some of major circumstances are

1.1Allocation of low budget for Education:

The allocation of budget at federal and provincial level for education is very less that cannot fulfill the requirements of education. The presence of large number of natural resources in Pakistan and on the other side, there is less budget share for the educational sector development especially for girl’s educational. Beside this there are many girls school, which do not have the compulsory facilities such as class rooms, boundary wall, clean drinking water and toilets etc. All of these have negative impact on the girl’s education. On the basis of facilities the province of Baluchistan and Khyber PashtoonKhwa and rural areas of Sind condition is worse than Punjab. In the Baluchistan girls and boys are go to school or college they travel several mills to reach the school or college. According to the (Ansari 2013), founded the determinants of school enrollment in Balochistan, that children of primary school whose ages between 6-10 are more affected by distance from home to school as compared to the children who live within 15 minutes of a distance of primary school.
It is difficult for girls as compared to boys because of the fear of sexual harassment, social taboo, terror of Taliban, the religious extremism and feuds are also not in the favor of sending girls to school. The factors which mention in above were less seen in the province of Punjab as compared to the Baluchistan, Sind and Khyber Pashtoonkhwa.


The study of Chaudhry and Rahman (2009) investigate that gender inequality in education which has adverse impact on rural poverty, and their empirical findings illustrate that female-male enrolment ratio, female-male literacy ratio, female-male ratio of total years of schooling, female- male ratio of earners and education of household head have significant negative impact on rural poverty. The curse of poverty which halt the life of families and forced the different families by not sending to their child to school or drop out their child from school due to the insufficient resources of them. By seeing to this situation in contrast girls child education is more affected in this case. Beside this majority of families sacrifices their other needs of daily life to provide the education to their children. Another tragedy for girls education which faced the poor students that they cannot afford the expenditures due to the location of well education institutions such as Schools, colleges, universities and other institutions are situated big cites or in the provincial capital of the country.

1.3 Social Taboo:

Pakistan have patriarchal social set up, that also hinder the parents to send their child to schools, especially the girls students, because of schools in rural areas are joint schools in simple words co-education school both for boys and girls, therefore majority of parents are unwilling to enroll their girl children in joint school. In Baluchistan and northern areas of Khyber PashtoonKhwa these conditions are more strong notified as compared to other provinces of country. Furthermore, religious factors also contribute in this regard, such as they consider it against the religious instructions to send their family children to joint schooling system.

1.4 Lack of Political spirit and educational Experts:

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1617

ISSN 2229-5518

The lack of political will and educational experts which are the major challenges for the promoting of
education in Pakistan. Many international donors are interested to support the education in the rural areas of Pakistan, but the government is least interested to provide commitment. Here it is also noticeable that a government has failed to protect the international donors from the attacks of Taliban, or the fear foreign intelligence agencies due to instability of country in different regimes. The political leaders have not the vision to focus on education or improvement of education they have no planes. The major tragedy of department is that it is always assigned to a person, who himself uneducated. In such state of affairs, how can the education and its standard to be improved. And aside with this all signs enhancing the gender inequality in education. Thus the lack of political will and lack of interest are the serious obstacles in the way of girl’s education in Pakistan. Different studies shows that, the social problems which associated with the economy of the families where girls are put to work, helping their mothers fetch water and firewood, mainly in the rural areas; work load at home (domestic chores) such as caring for younger children, sweeping and cooking (Rena 2005).
There are some more factors such as the parental investment in education such in the study of (Alderman and King1998) who take different evidences of gender differences in parental investment in education such as, gender differences on the basis of the returns of schooling, Access and price, Income constraints, Patterns by birth order and number of siblings. The remarkable point founded in the study of (Young;2012), that the expenditure on education depend upon potential of children which may be increases or decreases per child, if heterogeneous children differing in their future earning capabilities, perhaps parents would invest more in a child with greater potential. Aside this, lackof jobs opportunities for women, low share in wealth and early age marriages which harm full regarding to their health and education career are also caused troubles in the front of female education.
The constitution of Pakistan protect the right of education and it more cleared on passing of 18th amendment in which it’s stated as:
“The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by the law” (Article 25a)
Under Article 25aeducation is become basic human right for every citizen of the state, and thus it should be provide free and compulsory education to all children

1.5 Objective of the Study:

Following are the objectives of the study.

o To find out determinants of female Educations

o To find out how Parents Expectations about future Spouse effect female education.


Research methodology is one of the necessities of the scientific investigation. It is the declaration of the procedure by which a clarification has been reached. The method applied in the investigation is those, which validate the study to be scientific, reliable and precise. Methodology consists of rules and procedure upon which research is based against which claims for knowledge are evaluated. Merton (1957) referred methodology as the logic of scientific procedures. Therefore, this explains various tools and techniques for data collection, analysis and interpretation of data under investigation.

2.1Interviewing Schedule:

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1618

ISSN 2229-5518

Keeping in view the nature of population, it was decided to use Questionnaire as a technique for data
collection. All the respondents were interviewed personally. The interviewing schedule was prepared in
English question were asked in English, Urdu, Saraiki, Punjabi according to the situation.

2.2 Pre-Testing:

The pre-testing was done in order to ensure the validity and of interviewing schedule, before collecting actual data, interviewing schedule was pre-tested and during the pre-testing some ambiguities were identified. So, a few modifications and additions were made in the light of pre-testing.

2.3 Tabulation:

It is the process of arranging the facts of figures in the form of tables (Jonathan 1998). After coding, then transferred the material on a totally sheet done and in the table simple technique was used.

2.4 Variables and their Explanation:

The dependent variable is education of female Child. Independent variables are Age of mother, income of household, family setup, household investment, attitude of the family, expectation about her future spouse.
The descriptions of dependent, independent variables and their Coding are following:

Table-1: Descriptions of Dependent, Independent Variables and their Coding


Dependent variable

EFC = Education of female childContinues

Independent variables

AOM= Age of MotherContinues

IH= Income of HouseholdContinues

FS= Family Setup Joined=0
Separate =1

HIS= Household Invests for Education Yes=1


AF= Attitude of Family toward Education Negative=0


EFSJ= Expectation about Future Spouse Job low Salaried job =0

Normal Salaried =1

High Salaried=2

o Model Specification:

To find out the Scio-Economic determinants of the education of female child and its nexus with the parent expectations about their future career may analyzed by the OLS method and it may be written as in the form of
a function:

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1619

ISSN 2229-5518

Education of female child= f(Age of Mother, Income of Household Family Setup, Household Invests, Attitude
of Family, Expectation about Future Spouse) So in this way, the model constructed as:

EFC =β0 1 (AOM) +β2 (IH)+ β3 (FS)+ β4 (HIS)+ β5 (AF)+ β6 (EFSJ)


3.1 Age of Mother:

The value of female child education intended to increase to 4.283 units through increase the mother age. T. test show the positive relation between education of female child and mother age. It is statically significant.

3.2 Income of household:

The value of female child education intended to increase to3.291units through increase the income of household. T. test show the positive relation between education of female child and income of household. It is statically significant.

3.3 Family setup:

The value of female child education intended to increase to 2.052 units through increase the with separate family setup. T. test show the positive relation between education of female child and separate family setup. It is statically significant.

3.4 Household invests toward education:

The value of female child education intended to increase to 2.597 units through more invests toward female education. T. test show the positive relation between education of female child and household invests toward education. It is statically significant.

3.5 Attitude of the family:

The value of female child education intended to increase to 3.395 units through positive attitude of the family. The T. test show the positive relation between education of female child and attitude of the family. It is statically significant.

3.6 Expectation about future spouse job:

The value of female child education intended to increase to 3.167 units through expectation about future spouse job. T. test show the positive relation between education of female child and expectation about future spouse job. It is statically significant. Education is affected 48% by given variables in the model. While 52% depends on external variables.

Table-2: Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation for the Determinants of female educations

Variables B T. testing Sig.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1620

ISSN 2229-5518




10.969 5.103 .000

10.969 4.283 .000

.142 3.291 .001

.033 2.052 .043

.566 2.597 .011

1.302 3.395 .001

1.381 3.167 .002





Adjusted R2=0.427

F. Test=8.443


The results analysis shows that education of female child is positively related with age of mother, income of household, family setup, household invest, attitude of family, expectation about future spouse job. The income of parents is positively effected on female child education because increase in parents income is strongly related with child education all the variables are significant, household income, family setup, household invest, attitude of the family, expectation about the future spouse job shows that when they increase the education of female child will increase also. The value of R-square shows that education of female child is 48% effected by household income, family setup, household invest, attitude of the family, expectation about the future spouse job. The other variable is 52% effected by F test the result shows that the model is significant.


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ISSN 2229-5518

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1622

ISSN 2229-5518


Source: Pakistan Education Statistics (2010-11) and Graph estimation is centered by the authors. In the above Fig:1 where Pri=Primary, Mid=Middle, KPK=Khyber PashtoonKhwa, GB=

GilgatBaltestan, AJ&K= Azad jamo And Kashmir, FATA= Federal Tribal Administrated Areas, ICT= Islamabad Capital Territory

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 1623

ISSN 2229-5518

Source: Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) Survey 2012-13. And

Graph estimation is centered by the authors

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