International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, February-2014 885

ISSN 2229-5518

Sample Based Curve Fitting Computation on the

Performance of Quicksort in Personal Computer

Dipankar Das, Arijit Chakraborty, Avik Mitra

Abstract— In this paper we have used curve fitting technique for analyzing the classical Quicksort algorithm and its performance in worst case on personal computer. The proposed generic model can be viewed as: Time ~ f (Number of Elements). We fit the data points (Time vs Number of elements) in twenty one different models from various types of fit such as Polynomial, Exponential, Power, Gaussian and Fourier. This analysis leads us to identify the best model amongst these models. We found that a model of Fourier series is the best fit.

Index Terms— Curve Fitting, Experimental Algorithmics, Fourier Fit, Graphical Residual Analysis, Performance Analysis, Quicksort, Worst



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OMPUTATIONAL experiments on the performance of algorithms give us further insight into their behaviors in real world scenarios and supplement their theoretical
analysis. Algorithmic work and experimentation are combined in Experimental algorithmics [1].
There is a trend in research community to measure perfor- mance of complex algorithms by employing various models. The situation is not different for common sorting algorithms as well; curve fitting gives us visual information to look upon the situation in a subtle way, based on the motivation of easily available computing devices like personal computers, laptops etc and softwares like GCC, MATLAB etc.
Performance analysis of Quicksort which is one of the pop- ular sorting algorithms [2] in a simulated environment will give us a fair idea about various dimensions of the algorithm.


There are two ways of analyzing Quicksort algorithm [34] by
C.A.R. Hoare.

Theoretical [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12],


Empirical [14], [15], [16]

Theoretical analyses are done with respect to the following


Run-time [3], [4], [5]

Probabilistic distribution on the number of compari-

sons required during sorting [7], [9]

The limit theorem on the distribution [8], [10], and


Dipankar Das is currently working as a Faculty member in The Heritage Academy, Kolkata, India, PH-919831592063. E-mail:

Arijit Chakraborty is currently working as a Faculty member in The Herit-

age Academy, Kolkata, India, PH-919830722218. E-mail:

Avik Mitra is currently working as a Faculty member in The Heritage

Academy, Kolkata, India, PH-918902727029. E-mail:
deviations from that limit for finite number of ele- ments [11], [12].
Empirical analyses are based on the response time of Quicksort to patterns (i.e. already arranged, partially ar- ranged, reverse arranged) in the list of elements that is to be sorted i.e. adaptive ability [14] of Quicksort.
Analyses of variations [15] of Quicksort like Qsorte [25], qsort7 [26] etc are based on:

Number of comparisons and swaps required during running of Quick sort [14], [15].

Comparative analysis of pivoting schemes [14], [15].

Affect of computer configuration like type of micro-

processor, L1 cache miss events, and branch miss-

predictions by the microprocessors etc [14].

Several developments of Quicksort have been performed. These developments include how well the Quicksort be tuned for parallel processing environment like distributed memory system [19], graphics processing unit [18], or online version of Quicksort [20]; in the online version of Quicksort, called Quick sort on the fly, the first element in the sorted arrangement is found and put in the output before the rest of the elements are sorted, thus, the output appears as a stream. A generalization of Quicksort has also been explored where respective the au- thors proposed a solution of the problem of sorting by consid- ering the first k largest elements in a set of n elements [24].
Other types of developments include proposals for new single pivot selection schemes [21], [22], and multiple pivot selection schemes [21], [23]; in [23] three pivots are considered for reducing the run-time of Quicksort in average case.


We tried to identify the best curve that can be fitted to the data points (Time vs Number of elements) generated by simulating Quicksort algorithm for the worst case.
The objective of this study is to propose a generic mathe- matical model using large dataset that can explain the behav- ior of Quicksort for worst case in a personal computer.

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, February-2014 886

ISSN 2229-5518


4.1 Sample Data Set

Open source platform and ANSI C have been used to generate the experimental data. The sample data set is given in the fol- lowing table (TABLE 1):





4.2 Model Fitting

In this case, the researchers have chosen ‘Time’ as the response (dependent) variable and ‘Number of elements’ as the predic- tor (independent) variable for analyzing the data.

Thus the proposed generic model can be written as: (1)
The data points have been fitted with twenty one different
types of models from different types of fit (Polynomial, Expo-
nential, Gaussian, Power and Fourier) and the goodness of fit statistics of these models are calculated.
The model expressions of these models have been tabulated below in the following tables (TABLE 2 – TABLE 6):

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, February-2014 887

ISSN 2229-5518



In this study all the curve fitting has been performed using
‘Non linear least square’ [35] method, keeping ‘Robust’ [36]
off. The researchers have used ‘Trust-Region’ [37] algorithm
for curve fitting. The entire analysis was performed at 95%
confidence level.

4.3 Model Selection Based on Goodness of Fit


For the purpose of this study the following goodness of fit statis- tics have been considered:
a. R2
b. Adjusted R2
c. Sum of squares due to error (SSE)
d. Root mean squared error (RMSE)
A better fit is indicated by high value of R2 and Adjusted R2
(value close to 1). Similarly, low value of SSE and RMSE (val-
ue close to 0) also indicate a better fit [27].

Decision rule:

The best model is chosen based on highest R2 and Adjusted R2 value (close to 1) and lowest values of SSE and RMSE (close to 0).

4.4 Diagnostic Procedure

In statistical modeling residual analysis plays an important role. The quality of a regression can be assessed by using re- sidual plots [28].
Residual is defined as:
Residual = observed value – predicted value
In general residuals are a form of errors and the same gen- eral assumptions of errors can be applied to the residuals too. It is expected that the residuals should be (roughly) normal and (approximately) independently distributed with a mean of 0 and some constant variance [29].
In this study, the following graphical residual analysis methods have been used to assess the quality of regression:
a. Residual vs predictor plot b. Residual plot
c. Residual lag plot
d. Histogram of the residuals
e. Q-Q plot of the residuals

a. Residual vs predictor plot –

To assess sufficiency of the functional part of the model this plot is used. If the residuals in the plot do not exhibit any sys- tematic structure then it indicates that the model fits the data well [30].

b. Residual plot –

This plot is used to check the error variance. If the residual plot has an increasing/ decreasing trend then it indicates that the error variance increases/ decreases with the independent variable. A horizontal-band pattern indicates that the variance of the residuals is constant [28].

c. Residual lag plot –

This plot is used for checking the independence of the error term. It is a scatter plot of residuals (i) on the y axis and the residual (i-1) values on the x axis. Any random pattern in a lag plot suggests that the variance is random [28]. If there is no pattern or structure in the plot i.e. the points appear to be ran- domly scattered then it suggests that the errors are independ- ent [31].

d. Histogram of the residuals –

This is test for residual normality. A symmetric bell shaped his- togram which is evenly distributed around zero suggests that the residuals are normally distributed [32].

e. Q-Q plot of the residuals –

A Q-Q plot is a probability plot. It is a graphical method for
comparing two probability distributions by plotting their
quantiles against each other. If the points on the plot are linear
then it suggests that the randomly generated data are normal-
ly distributed [33].

4.5 Software Used

We have used Fedora 14 (Kernel Version 2.6), ANSI C for generating experimental data and for the purpose of the data analysis of this paper MATLAB 7.7.0, SPSS 17.0 and MS Excel have been used.

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, February-2014 888

ISSN 2229-5518

4.6 Hardware Platform

The Quicksort algorithm has been executed and simulated in a hardware platform which is as follows:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T6570 @2.10 GHz

RAM: 3GB; DDR-3; frequency-399.0 MHz

L1 Data Cache Size: 32 KB (8-way set associative)

L1 Instruction Cache Size: 32 KB (8-way set associa-


L2 Cache size: 2048 KB (8-way set associative)


The twenty one fitted models are first evaluated using the goodness of fit statistics and the best model amongst the fitted models has been identified based on the decision rule as dis- cussed in sub section 4.3.
A summary of goodness of fit statistics is given in TABLE 7.



Φ Best model.

# Equation is badly conditioned.

§ Fit computation did not converge.

a. Residual vs predictor plot –

Fig. 1. Residual vs predictor plot of Fourier7 model.

From the above figure (Fig. 1.) it is evident that the residu- als appear to behave randomly. Therefore, it suggests that the model fits the data well.

b. Residual plot –

Fig. 2. Residual plot of Fourier7 model.

We can find a horizontal band pattern from the above fig- ure (Fig. 2.) which suggests that the variance of the residuals is constant and the regression is a good one.

5.2 Diagnostic Procedure

In this subsection the graphical residual analysis of the best mod- el (identified in sub section 5.1) has been performed.

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, February-2014 889

ISSN 2229-5518

c. Residual lag plot –

e. Q-Q plot of the residuals –

Fig. 3. Residual lag plot of Fourier7 model.

Fig. 5. Q-Q plot of the residuals of Fourier7 model.

The random pattern in the lag plot (Fig. 3.) suggests that the variance is random and it suggests that the errors are inde- pendent.

d. Histogram of the residuals –

Fig. 4. Histogram of the residuals of Fourier7 model.

The above figure (Fig. 4.) exhibits a symmetric bell shaped histogram which is evenly distributed around zero. Therefore it suggests that the residuals are normally distributed.
It may be easily observed from the figure (Fig. 5.) that the residuals are approximately linear. Therefore it suggests that the residuals follow approximately normal distribution.

5.3 Result of the Diagnostic Procedure and the

Proposed Model

From the subsection 5.2 the residuals appear to be randomly distributed around zero. Hence, it can be suggested that the model appear to fit the data well and it can be concluded that
‘Fourier7’ model is the best fit in this case.
The proposed mathematical model is given below:

Here, the value of ‘w’ is equal to 0.0000486. The plot of the proposed model is shown in Fig. 6. The circles indicate data points and the solid line represents the curve of the proposed model.

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, February-2014 890

ISSN 2229-5518

Fourier type of fit. The study shows that among the various available models, the Fourier type of models may be explored in depth while analyzing the performance of Quicksort in worst case.

Fig. 6. Proposed model (Fourier7).


We ran classical Quicksort algorithm on a particular machine configuration i.e. hardware and a state of the operating sys- tem. We are yet to explore the effects of different hardwares and operating system configurations and its states on the per- formance of Quicksort in worst case.
We have also not considered factors pertained to operating system (Fedora 14 in this case) i.e. context switch time, cache hit, cache miss, buffering etc.
Various pivoting schemes also are not explored in this pa- per.
It will certainly be our future endeavor to consider these factors as we believe that these factors can contribute to actual execution time of Quicksort.
This article is a simplistic representation of the said algo- rithm, hence we assumed the net iteration time to be our exe- cution time, but in reality the total execution time of the algo- rithm is higher though in negligible proportion.


In this study we have used curve fitting techniques to examine the experimentally simulated dataset. After plotting the da- taset given in TABLE 1 (Number of elements in X axis and Time in Y axis), it is evident that the dataset has a definite pat- tern and takes a shape of a curve i.e. it is following curvilinear- ity. The data have been analyzed by using different type of fits namely Polynomial, Exponential, Power, Gaussian and Fouri- er. The analysis shows that the Fourier type of fit outper- formed all the other types of fit in terms of goodness of fit sta- tistics. In this case, ‘Fourier7’ is the best fit with highest R2 (0.999994), highest Adjusted R2 (0.999976), lowest SSE (0.0022) and lowest RMSE (0.0212). Graphical residual analysis of Fou- rier7 model exhibits that the model fits the data well, variance of the residuals is constant, errors are independent, residuals are normally distributed and approximately linear. This indi- cates that the performance of Quicksort in worst case follows


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