International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 918

ISSN 2229-5518

Revisiting the Approaches to Design Secured Hash Functions Using Weakened Random Oracle Models

Fahim Hasan Khan, Syed Muzakkir Ahmed

Abstract— Random oracles are used to model cryptographic hash functions in schemes where strong randomness assumptions are needed of the hash function's output. Random oracles have long been considered in computational complexity theory and many schemes have been proven secure in the random oracle model. In this paper, we studied the recent works for constructing secure cryptosystems and secure hash functions in weakened random oracle models. At first we reviewed the Hash functions used in cryptographic systems for message authentication. Then, we studied the properties of the original Random Oracle Model (ROM). Next, we focused on the weakened variants of the ROM which are called Weak random Oracle Models (W ROMs). The W ROMs we discussed here are CT-ROM, SPT-ROM and FPT-ROM which are based on the properties of ROM. We also followed an investigation about whether public-key encryption schemes in the random oracle model essentially require the standard security of hash functions by the W ROMs. The public-key encryption schemes considered here are Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion (FO), its two artificial variants dFO and wFO and Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). The result of the investigation implied that standard encryption schemes such as the OAEP and FO-based one do not always require the standard security of hash functions. Finally, we concluded with our comments and improvement ideas which can be explored in the future.

Index Terms— Cryptographic System, Random Oracle Models, W ROMs, Hash Functions, Preimage attacks, Encryption Schemes, Decryption Schemes, Public-key Encryption.

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RYPTOGRAPHY has three most important components: message secrecy, confidentiality and integrity [15][16]. There are many circumstances when we don’t need of secrecy and confidentiality; rather we need to preserve docu- ment by integrity. For instance, somebody write a will to hand over his property to his beneficiary after his death. For this, he doesn’t need to encrypt his document; rather he preserves the document through fingerprint. This will ensure the document integrity. Ultimately, the electronic equivalent of both docu- ment and fingerprint pair is the message and digest. The di- gest is prepared through hash function. The hash function is a one-way variation of message authentication code. A hash function accepts a variable-size message M as input and pro- duces a fixed-size output, referred to as a hash code H(M). Unlike other cryptographic system, a hash code does not use a key but is a function only of the input message. The hash code is a function of all the bits of the message and provides an er- ror-detection capability: A change to any bit or bits in the mes- sage results in a change to the hash code. The purpose of a hash function is to produce a "fingerprint" of a file, message, or other block of data. Cryptographic hash function requires meeting certain criteria: pre-image resistance, second pre- image resistance and collision resistance. Therefore, the cryp-
tographic hash function is a core issue for message integrity.


Fahim Hasan Khan is currently working as a faculty member in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Bangladesh. E-mail:

Syed Muzakkir Ahmed is currently working as a faculty member in Computer

Science and Engineering Department of Military Institute of Science and

Technology (MIST), Bangladesh. E-mail:
A random oracle is a theoretical black box that responds to every query with a truly random response chosen uniformly from its output domain, except that for any specific query, it responds the same way every time it receives that query. Put another way, a random oracle is a mathematical function mapping every possible query to a random response from its output domain. Random oracles are a mathematical abstrac- tion used in cryptographic proofs; they are typically used when no known implementable function provides the mathe- matical properties required by the proof. A system that is proven secure using such a proof is described as being secure in the random oracle model, as opposed to secure in the standard model. In practice, random oracles are typically used to model cryptographic hash functions in schemes where strong randomness assumptions are needed of the hash func- tion's output. The concept of Random Oracle Model (ROM) has been introduced in 1993 by Bellware and Rogaway [6]. Random Oracle Model is considered as an ideal mathematical model for a hash function. When a new message of any length is given as input, the oracle creates the fixed length message digest with random string of 0’s and 1’s. That is how, oracle records the message and message digest. In case of existing records, oracle just looks for corresponding digest. Here, an- other principle is to be strictly adhered i.e. oracle cannot use a formula or an algorithm to calculate the digest. Basically, the implementation schemes of ROM by cryptographic hash func- tion like Message Digest (MD) and Secured Hash Algorithm (SHA). With the fast growing improvement in the attack of cryptography, it is hard to determine the resistivity of hash function to attack like preimage attack, second preimage at- tack and collisions.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 919

ISSN 2229-5518

In the past, many efforts have been made to identify the weakness and limitations on the properties of ROM. The non- programmable random oracle model where the random oracle is not programmable is proposed by Nielson [11]. In this mod- el, the values that the random oracle answers to some conven- ient values cannot be set. Unruh proposed a ROM with oracle- dependent auxiliary inputs [12]. In this model, adversaries obtain an auxiliary input that contains information with re- spect to the random oracle. He showed that the RSA-OAEP encryption scheme [6] is secure in the ROM even under the presence of oracle-dependent auxiliary inputs. The most im- portant work has been done in identifying several weakened versions of the ROM, called weakened random oracle model (WROMs), which offer additional oracles to break some prop- erties of the random oracle [9]. These models capture the situa- tion that adversaries are given an attack algorithm for break- ing some specific property of the functions. Subsequently, we like to explore further works in terms of security encryption schemes.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The section 2 deals with the related work on hash function, ROM and WROMs. The section 3 briefly discusses the problems and challenges to be faced in the design of the security schemes. In section 4, we discussed the available solution approaches pro- posed in different texts. Thereafter, in section 5 a brief com- parative analysis of ROMs and the security schemes is pre- sented. Finally, in section 6, we conclude our paper with comments and idea of improvements which can be some pro- spective future research works.


In last few years, there are significant works are done on
WROMs. Several weakened ideal models were considered [3,
9] and several cryptographic schemes were proposed that are
secure in a weakened model. Liskov [9] first proposed weak-
ened random oracle models for compression functions: fixed
input length weakened random oracle model (FIL-WROM). In
the models, adversaries are given sub-oracles in addition to
RO. The sub-oracles return collisions, preimages and so on. He
proposed the Zipper hash function which indistinguishably
behaves like Random Oracle even when an underlying com-
pression function is modeled by FIL-WROM. WROM offer
additional oracles to break some properties of the random ora-
cle. These models capture the situation that adversaries are
given an attack algorithm for breaking some specific property of the functions. For example, the first-preimage tractable ran- dom oracle model offers the random oracle and the first- preimage oracle associated with the random oracle, which
returns a first-preimage of the random oracle to adversaries. This first-preimage oracle then corresponds to the attack to the first preimage property of a hash function. We can replace the additional oracle to others such as the second-preimage and collision ones that correspond to the attack to the properties. Thus, the WROMs can capture vulnerability of hash functions even if the parties are allowed to utilize ideal ones as in the ROM. By using WROMs, Liskov constructed hash functions based on weak ideal compression functions and proved it is
not distinguishable from the random oracle (RO).
Hoch and Shamir [1] revised this model and proved that
the Double pipe hash function and the parallel hash function
are indistinguishable from RO even when an underlying com-
pression function is modeled by FIL-WROM. Pasini and Vau-
denay also applied Liskov’s idea to the security analysis of
digital signature schemes [10]. Fischlin and Lehmann also
proposed a weakened random oracle model in a similar way
to Liskov’s one in the context of secure combiners [14].
Numayama et al formalized the WROMs, which allows us
to formally analyze the security of the schemes [3]. By using
these models, they classified several digital signature schemes
by the properties of the ROM. Naito, Wang, and Ohta, in their paper[13], proposes new conversion that can convert any cryptosystem secure in ROM to a new cryptosystem that is secure in the first preimage tractable random oracle model
(FPT-ROM) without re-proof. They also propose two hash constructions that are indifferentiable from RO when the un- derlying compression function is modeled by two-way partial- ly-specified preimage tractable fixed input length random ora- cle model (TFILFOM).


3.1 Preliminaries

All uses of cryptographic hash functions require random ora- cles schemes that require only some property or properties that have a definition in the standard model, such as resistance against collision attack, preimage attack and second preimage attack.
In cryptography, the preimage attack is a classification of attacks on hash functions for finding a message that has a spe- cific hash value. There are two types of preimage attacks:

Preimage attack or First-preimage attack: given a hash h, find a message m (a preimage) such that hash(m) = h.

Second-preimage attack: given a fixed message m1, find a different message m2 (a second preimage) such that,

hash(m2) = hash(m1).
A collision attack on a cryptographic hash tries to find two arbitrary inputs that will produce the same hash value, i.e. a hash collision. In contrast to a preimage attack, neither the hash value nor one of the inputs is specified. There are rough- ly two types of collision attacks:

Collision attack: Find two arbitrary different messages m1 and m2 such that hash(m1) = hash(m2).

Prefix collision attack: Given two different prefixes p1, p2 find two appendages m1 and m2 such that

hash(p1∥ m1) = hash(p2 ∥ m2)
where ∥ is the concatenation operation.
To give formal definitions of the WROMs, we need to de-
fine some notation. Let X and Y be finite sets. Let H be a hash
function chosen randomly from all of the functions from X to

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 920

ISSN 2229-5518

Y. We denote by T H the table {(x, H(x)) | x X}. We identify the hash function H with the table T H . We next define the ran- dom oracle and the additional oracles associated with H : X → Y as follows. (details are explained in [2] and [3]).
Random oracle ROH: Given x, return y such that (x, y) ∈ T H .

Collision oracle COH: On the query, first pick one entry (x, y)

T H uniformly at random. If there is no other entry (x′, y)
T H , then answer . Otherwise, pick one entry (x′, y) T H sat-
isfying x , x′ uniformly at random and answer (x, x′).
Second-preimage oracle SROH: Given (x, y), if (x, y) < TH an- swer . If there is no other entry (x′, y) T H , then answer . Otherwise, pick one entry (x′, y) T H satisfying x , x′ uniform- ly at random and answer x′.
First-preimage oracle FPOH: Given y, if there is any entry (x, y) T H then return such an x uniformly at random. Otherwise return .
The formal definitions of the WROMs are given as follows. The WROMs consist of three components, a hash function h chosen randomly from all of the functions from X to Y, the random oracle, and the additional oracle associated with h. The models are called the CT-ROM, SPT-ROM, and FPT-ROM, if the additional oracle is the collision, second-preimage, and first-preimage oracle, respectively.

3.2 Difference between ROM and WROM

There are some important differences between the ROM and WROMs by considering the ROM and FPT-ROM. WROMs offer additional oracles to break some properties of the ran- dom oracle. In the both models, the function H, i.e., the table TH is uniformly distributed. In the ROM, if one queries some x that has never been queried to the random oracle, the value of H(x) is uniformly distributed regardless of the past queries. That is, the knowledge of the past queries does not affect the entries not queried in the table. This property of the ROM is called uniformity. In contrast to the situation in the ROM, when it comes to the FPT-ROM, this property is not attained. Recall that the first-preimage oracle uniformly returns one of the preimages, say x, of queried value y. If the first-preimage oracle leaks a number of preimages of y, the value of H(x) is not uniformly distributed for an x not queried yet.

3.3 Problem formulation and Simulation Methods

We studied very vividly the relationship between the compo- nents of WROMs and the variants of existing public-key en- cryption schemes and therefore, depict whether public-key encryption schemes in ROM essentially require the standard security of hash functions by the WROMs. In Fig 1 we try to relate the major components discussed in this paper and their role in the design of security schemes.
In almost all the security proofs in the ROM, the reduction algorithms simulate the random oracles. When it comes to the security proofs in the WROMs, the reduction algorithms have to simulate both the random and the additional oracle, which makes differences of the simulation methods in the WROMs from those in the ROM. Numayama et al. [3] proposed the simulation methods for WROMs, but they required an un-

proven assumption. Under this assumption, they constructed the simulation algorithms, RO, CO, SPO, and FPO, for the se- curity proofs in the WROMs as given in the following proposi- tion.

Fig. 1 Role of W ROMs in Security Schemes

There is an efficient sampling algorithm appropriate for this purpose in the real-number computation model [4]. The algorithm is modified and rigorously analyzed the error bound in the bit computation model. Finally a simulation method without assumption is obtained [2]. It can statistically simulate the random oracle, collision oracle, second-preimage oracle, and first-preimage oracle in the WROMs. That is, the output distributions of the oracles in the WROMs are statisti- cally close to the output distributions of the algorithms RO, CO, SPO, and FPO, respectively.


4.1 Notation and Definitions

Public-key encryption schemes: We first give notation and notions for public-key encryption schemes briefly. A public- key encryption scheme PKE = (Gen, Enc, Dec) over a plaintext space M and a random coin space R is defined by the follow- ing three algorithms. Let k denote the security parameter.

Key Generation: On input 1k, the key generation algorithm
Gen(1k) produces a public/secret key pair (pk, sk).
Encryption: Given a public key pk, a plaintext m ∈ M, and a random string r ∈ R, the encryption algorithm Encpk (m; r)
outputs a ciphertext c corresponding to the plaintext m.

Decryption: Given a secret key sk and ciphertext c, the de-

cryption algorithm Decsk (c) outputs the plaintext m ∈ M or the special symbol ⊥ ∉ M corresponding to the ciphertext c.
We require the perfect completeness, that is, for every (pk, sk)
generated by Gen(1k), every plaintext m ∈ M, and every ran- dom string r ∈ R, it should be satisfied that
Decsk (Encpk (m; r)) = m.
We only consider three standard security notions for pub-
lic-key encryption schemes, the one-wayness against chosen-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 921

ISSN 2229-5518

plaintext attack (OW-CPA), the indistinguishability against chosen-plaintext attack (IND-CPA), and the indistinguishabil- ity against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (IND-CCA2). For γ = γ(k), we say PKE is γ-uniform if for any key pair (pk, sk)
generated by Gen(1k), any m ∈ M, and c ∈ {0, 1}, we have
Prr←R [c = Encpk(m; r)] ≤ γ. There exists an OW-CPA public-
key encryption scheme with γ-uniformity.

4.2 Brief review for Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) conversion The Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) conversion was proposed by Eiichiro Fujisaki and Tatsuaki Okamoto, to obtain highly se-

cure public-key encryption schemes in the ROM [5]. As the
standard one-time pad satisfies the requirement of the FO
conversion, the one-time pad is selected as the symmetric-key
encryption scheme used in the FO conversion for simplicity.
Considering PKE be an OW-CPA secure and γ-uniform public-key encryption scheme over a plaintext space M and a randomness space R. Now the FO conversion converts PKE to an IND-CCA2 secure one PKE′ = FO(PKE) over a plaintext
space M′= {0, 1}k′ and a randomness space R′ = M. Here k′ de- notes the length of plaintexts, which is polynomially related to the security parameter k. The encryption technique of PKE′ is
explained as follows: For a plaintext m ∈ M′ = {0, 1}k′ and a random string r ∈ R′= M, the ciphertext is
(c1, c2) = (Encpk (r; H(m, r)),G(r) ⊕ m)
Here H: {0, 1}k′ × M → R and G : M → {0, 1}k′ are hash functions
modeled as the random oracles. The decryption technique is
specified as follows: For a given ciphertext (c1, c2), c1 decrypt-
ed by sk and r is obtained. Then, m is extracted by c2 ⊕ G(r)



and c1 = Encpk (r; H(m, r)) is verified. If not, output is⊥. I n a brief, H(m, r) ensures that if a ciphertext (c1, c2) is valid then the encryptor producing (c1, c2) knows corresponding m and r.

4.3 Security of the Original FO Conversion

Here it is showed that the obtained scheme by the conversion FO with the one-time pad is secure in the SPT-ROM, but not secure in the FPT-ROM in some parameter setting.
Let G : M → {0, 1}k′ and H : {0, 1}k′ × M → R be hash functions
modeled as the random oracles.
Recall the encryption procedure of PKE′ = FO(PKE). For a
plaintext m ∈ M′= {0, 1}k′ and a random string r ∈ R′ = M, the ciphertext is (Encpk (r; H(m, r)),G(r) ⊕ m). The scheme is
summarized in Table 1.

Theorem 1. Suppose that PKE is OW-CPA secure and γ-uniform for some negligible γ. Then, PKE′ = FO(PKE) is IND-CCA2 se- cure in the SPT-ROM.

However, the presence of the first-preimage oracle for G vio- lates the IND-CPA security of PKE′ in some parameter set- tings. Note that if m is 0k′, the second component of the cipher- text is G(r), which is vulnerable the first-preimage oracle of G.

Theorem 2. Let C = #M/2k′. Assume that C = kO(1). Then, PKE′ = FO(PKE) is not IND-CPA secure in the FPT-ROM.

The detail proofs of Theorem 1 and 2 appear in [2].

4.4 Security of the First Variant dFO

The first artificial variant dFO is introduced here and showed that dFO is secure in the ROM, but not secure in general in the CT-ROM. Like FO, the variant dFO converts a public-key en- cryption scheme PKE, with the one-time pad, to another pub- lic-key encryption scheme PKE′ = dFO(PKE). The encryption
procedure of PKE′ is explained as follows. For a plaintext m ∈
M′= {0, 1}k′ and a random string r ∈ R′= M, the ciphertext of
PKE′ is
(c1, c2) = (Encpk(r; H(F(m), r)),G(r) ⊕ m)
Here F : {0, 1}k′ → P, G : M → {0, 1}k′, and H : P × M → R, for an
appropriate set P, are hash functions modeled as the random
oracle. Formal description is given in Table 2.
The idea to weaken the conversion is briefed as follows:
H(m, r) in the FO conversion can be considered as encryptor’s
signature on m and r. To make it vulnerable by a collision, a
new random oracle F is introduced and replace H(m, r) with
H(F(m), r). The replacement does not harm the security in the
random oracle model, while it can be exploited by the pres-
ence of the collision oracle COF.
The following theorems are on the security and weakness
of dFO. The proofs are elaborated in [2].

Theorem 3. Assume that PKE is an OW-CPA secure and γ- uniform public-key encryption scheme for some negligible γ. Then, PKE ′= dFO(PKE) is IND-CCA2 secure in the ROM if #P

= 2ω(log k).

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 922

ISSN 2229-5518



Theorem 6. Let PKE be a public-key encryption. If #P ≤ 2k′ • #S, then the scheme PKE′= wFO(PKE) is not IND-CCA2 secure in the SPT-ROM.

Theorem 4. Let PKE be a public-key encryption scheme. If #P ≤ 2k′ then PKE′= dFO(PKE) is not IND-CCA2 secure in the CT- ROM.

4.5 Security of the Second Variant wFO

Next, the second artificial variant wFO is introduced and showed that the obtained scheme by wFO is secure in the CT- ROM, however not generally secure in the SPT-ROM.
The encryption procedure of PKE′= wFO(PKE) is given as
follows. For a plaintext
m ∈ M′= {0, 1}k′ and random strings (r, s) ∈ R′= M× S, the ci-
phertext of PKE′ is
(c1, c2, c3) = (Encpk(r; H(F(m, s), r)),G(r) ⊕ m, s)
Here F : {0, 1}k′ × S → P, G : M → {0, 1}k′, and H : P ×M → R
are hash functions modeled as the random oracles. The formal
definition is given in Table 3.
It can be noted that (H(F(m, s), r), s) is a proof of knowledge on (m, r, s) which resists a collision on F however is vulnerable by a second-preimage attack against F as in Numayama et al. [3]. It can be shown that the obtained scheme is IND-CCA2 secure in the CT-ROM and the detail proofs of theorem 5 and
6 is in [2]

Theorem 5. Suppose that PKE is a OW-CPA secure and γ-uniform public-key encryption scheme for some negligible γ. Then, PKE′= wFO(PKE) is IND-CCA2 secure in the CT-ROM if #P−1 and

#S−1 are negligible in k.

However, its security is broken under the presence of the second-preimage oracle for F.



4.6 Brief Review for Optimal Asymmetric Encryption

Padding (OAEP)

Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) is a pad- ding scheme often used together with RSA encryption. OAEP was introduced by Bellare and Rogaway[7]. The OAEP algo- rithm is a form of Feistel network which uses a pair of random oracles G and H to process the plaintext prior to asymmetric encryption. When combined with any secure trapdoor one- way permutation f, this processing is proved in the random oracle model to result in a combined scheme which is semanti- cally secure under chosen plaintext attack (IND-CPA). When implemented with certain trapdoor permutations (e.g., RSA), OAEP is also proved secure against chosen ciphertext attack. OAEP can be used to build an all-or-nothing transform. OAEP satisfies the following two goals:
1. Add an element of randomness which can be used to convert a deterministic encryption scheme (e.g., tradi- tional RSA) into a probabilistic scheme.
2. Prevent partial decryption of ciphertexts (or other in- formation leakage) by ensuring that an adversary can- not recover any portion of the plaintext without being able to invert the trapdoor one-way permutation f.

4.7 Security of OAEP

The final focus is on the OAEP and its IND-CCA2 security in the FPT-ROM is presented. For the security parameter k, k0

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 923

ISSN 2229-5518

and k1 is considered to be functions in k, where k0 < k − k0. F is considered to be a family of partial-domain one-way trapdoor permutations of a domain {0, 1}k−k0 × {0, 1}k0. (The definition of the partial-domain one-wayness is described in [8].) Also, let G and H be hash functions such that
G : {0, 1}k0 →{0, 1}k−k0 and H : {0, 1}k−k0 → {0, 1}k0.
Now, the OAEP encryption scheme based on F is described in
Table 4.



The following theorem is obtained from [2] that state the security of the OAEP encryption scheme in the FPT-ROM.

Theorem 7. Let F be a family of partial-domain one-way trapdoor permutations. Then, the OAEP encryption scheme based on F is IND-CCA2 secure in the FPT-ROM.


In [2] it is investigated whether public-key encryption schemes constructed in the ROM essentially require the standard secu- rity of hash functions by further extending the direction origi- nated from Liskov [9]. In particular, their security in ROM, CT-ROM, SPT-ROM, and FPT-ROM is considered. Here, they are ordered according to their strengths. For instance, the se- curity of encryption schemes in the FPT-ROM implies that in the SPT-ROM and such implications hold between each adja- cent two models.
The security of four schemes is summarized in Table 5.



It is demonstrate in [2] that the security notions in the four WROMs can be strictly separated in the context of encryption schemes. For the separation, the security of the encryption schemes obtained by the Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion (FO) [5], its two artificial variants (dFO and wFO), and the OAEP is focused. Precisely, the following four statements are proved:
1. OAEP is IND-CCA2 secure in the FPT-ROM.
2. FO is IND-CCA2 secure in the SPT-ROM, but not IND-
CPA secure in the FPT-ROM.
3. wFO is IND-CCA2 secure in the CT-ROM, but not IND-
CCA2 secure in the SPT-ROM.
4. dFO is IND-CCA2 secure in the ROM, but not IND- CCA2 secure in the CT-ROM.


In this literature we have discussed the basic working prin- ciples of Hash Functions and Random Oracle Model [6]. We also discussed the weakened variants of ROM the weak Ran- dom Oracle Models [9] and Hash Functions in wROMS. Then we walked through the previous and recent works on con- structing secure cryptosystems and secure hash functions based on ROM and wROMs. In the latter half of this literature we compared some public-key encryption schemes and com- pare their securities for ROM and three variants of wROMs by revisiting works of Kawachi et al [2]. The summary of the re- sult of the comparison is also mentioned briefly.
From this study several drawbacks are found which can be addressed as future works. First, most of the recent works like [2][3][10] is based on the simplified version of wROM pro- posed by Liskov[9]. The working principle of the wROM can be further analyzed. Also, these works discussed the mono- lithic random oracle H and the additional oracles associated with H. The monolithic H is considered as a black-box which can be simply used without considering the internal structure. But, the realistic implementation of H is far more complicated. So, the works can be done addressing the gap between H and realistic instantiation of ROM and wROM. Except for the OAEP and FO conversion, there are several other conversion methods in the ROM. Also, investigating the security of these conversion methods in the WROMs can be considered as a very interesting future work.


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