International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1161

ISSN 2229-5518

Present Scenario of Building Construction with

Respect to Green Criteria’s.

Mr. Raviraj V. Jadhav, Dr. A. C. Attar.

Abstractwith the help of questionnaire data was collected on present scenario of residential building in Sangli, Islampure and Ashta city with the help of questionnaire. The questions in this questionnaire base on the green building rating system such as LEED, GRIHA, and SVAGRIHA. Data from this question give the information on rainwater harvesting in building, use of fly ash in construction, low water fitting,

reduced water during construction, reduced water in landscape, reuse of material etc.


—————————— ——————————
ith the help of questionnaire data was collected on pre- sent scenario of residential building in Sangli, Islampure and Ashta city with the help of questionnaire, which is located in Sangli district Maharashtra (India). The ques-
tions in this questionnaire base on the green building rating
system such as LEED, GRIHA, and SVAGRIHA. Data from this
question give the information on rainwater harvesting in build- ing, use of fly ash in construction, low water fitting, reduced water during construction, reduced water in landscape, reuse of material etc.


2.1 In open space, how much percentage of greenery and hard pave present around the building.

Data was collected on the basis of how much percent- age of greenery and how much percentage of hard paver pro-

2.2 Building layout according to site topography.

Was the building construct according to site topography or excess filling or excavation was done. Due to this it increases the erosion of soil. Also find the orientation of the building. If the orientation of building is proper it reduces the energy requirement. In Ashta almost 100% in Isalmpure and Sangli 80% and 65% respectively the building layout is according to site topography.

Building layouts according to site topography




Building Design

vides in the open space. Due to plantation or greenery present
around the building it automatic reduced heat gain and increas-
es the thermal comfort of building. After data analyse it is found
that in Islampur, Ashta and Sangli city only 35%, 41% and 33%

respectively greenery present around the building.






Islampur Ashta Sangli

according to site topography






Islampur Ashta Sangli

Hard paver


Fig.2 Building layouts according to site topography

2.3 Safety provision adopted during construction.

To avoid the accident on the site the safety provision is very much important. It directly relates to life of the labours. Only 22% of sites in Sangli, 14% in Islampur and zero percent- age in the Ashta city make the provision for safety.
Fig.1 Percentage of open space and greenery around the building


Mr. Raviraj V Jadhav M.thec. (C&M) From Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Rajaramnagar,Islampur Distric – Sangli Ma- harashtra (India)

Dr. A. C. Attar professor in Civil Engineering Department, Rajaram-

bapu Institute of Technology Rajaramnagar, Islampur Dis- tric – Sangli Maharashtra (India).

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1162

ISSN 2229-5518

Safety provision during construction




10 provision


5 construction


Islampur Ashta Sangli

Any building material reused during construction



Any building

10 material reused


5 construction


Islampur Ashta Sangli

Fig.3 Safety provision adopted during construction.

2.4 Efficient water use during construction.

Construction industry’s growth now a day is at a very fast rate. But it also increases the water requirement because almost in every activity in the construction water is needed. This water is taken from the municipal potable water or from the ground water. So it is required to minimize the water de- mand, or efficient use of the water on site without compromise in the quality of construction. In Sangli city more efficiently water is used as compared to other cities. Less efficiency water was use in Islampur city as compard to other cities.

Efficient water use during construction

Graph 5 any building material reused during construction

2.6 Use of natural (sun) light in the room.

Use of the natural light effectively in the building re- duces the demand of artificial sources of light. It is achieved by providing proper openings of window and providing good fenestration. Buildings in Sangli city have less natural light provision as compared to other cities, and in Ashta city it is more as compared to other cities.

Use of natural (sun) light in the room




30 90

25 85


20 75


Islampur Ashta Sangli

Use of natural

(sun) light in the room




Islampur Ashta Sangli

Graph 4Efficient water uses during construction.

2.5 Any building material reused during construction.

Reuse of old or waste material in building construction it decreases the embodied energy of the building. Also it decreases
environmental impact due to building construction. In Ashta city most of such material was used as compared to other cities. Less reuse the building material in Sangli city as compare to other cities.
Graph 6 Use of natural (sun) light in the room.

2.7 Design openings according to wind patterns.

Opening of window should be provided according to wind pattern, it increases the natural ventilation in the build- ing. Also it increases the thermal comfort in the building. Window opening in building according to local wind pattern. In Sangli, Ashta city almost the 66% and 65% in Islampur.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1163

ISSN 2229-5518









Islampur Ashta Sangli

Design openings according to local wind patterns.

2.10 Use of renewable energy.

Renewable energy used in the building that is solar energy for electricity generation and for water heater. Also wind energy used for electricity generation for building. Use of solar water heater in Sangli is 31% in Islampure it is 27% and Ashta it is 16 % only. Use of solar panel for electricity generation in building in Sangli is 6% in Islampur it is 3% and in Ashta it is almost zero.


Grapha 7 Design openings according to local wind patterns.

2.8 Provision for any temperature controls in building.

Temperature control in the building was done by plantation of the trees around building. Also other method used such as geothermal ventilation is provided in the build- ing. In Sangli city maximum provision was done in building temperature control as compared to Islampur city. In Ashta city it is almost zero.

Provision for any temperature controls in building.








Islampur Ashta Sangli

2.10 Use of renewable energy.

Solar panel for

electricity generation or wind power

solar water heater





Islampur Ashta Sangli

Provision for any temperature controls in building.

2.11 Low water flow fittings for buildings.

Low water fitting are used in building to minimise water demand. It is minimising the water demand for bathing, toilet and for kitchen. Maximum low water fitting are used in Sangli city as compared to Islampure and Ashta. Minimum it is used in Ashta city.

low water flow fittings for buildings


Graph 8. Provision for any temperature controls in building.

2.9 Artificial lighting system.

Building artificial lighting demand can be minimized by using LED or CFL light. But the use of LED light is almost zero in this city. CFL are used up to 65% in sangli city 58% in Islampur and Ashta city. Other used conventional bulbs or tubes for artificial lighting in the building.







Islampur Ashta Sangli

low water flow fittings for buildings








Islampur Ashta Sangli

Use of bulbs/tubes


Graph 11 Low water flow fittings in buildings.

2.12 Source of drinking water.

In Sangli and Islampur city almost 100% municipal potable water is used for drinking purpose. In Ashta it is 80% municipal potable water used for drinking purpose. Own source of drinking water, that is bore well, in Sangli 22% and in Ashta 21% buildings use their own source of water for drinking.
Graph 9.Artificial lighting systems.

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1164

ISSN 2229-5518








Islampur Ashta Sangli

Graph 12 Source of drinking water.


Own Source

2.15 Use of fly ash or any other material during the construction.

Islampur, Ashta and Sangli city the use of fly ash in con- struction is almost zero percent. So the weightage of the flyash crite- ria is more.

2.16 Collection and storage of waste properly.

Waste generated from the building must be stored in different coloured dust bins. This different coloured dust bin used for wet and dry waste collection. In Sangli 66 %, Ashta 58% and Islampur 58% storage and collection were done properly.

Collection and storage of waste properly

2.13 Rain water harvesting on site.

Only 3% rain water harvesting is done in Sangli city 68
and in Ashta, Islampure it is zero percentage. So weightage of 66

this criteria is more in the rating system. 64

Rain water harvesting on site. 62


4 58

3 56


Collection and storage of waste properly




Islampur Ashta Sangli

Graph 13 Rain water harvesting on site.

Rain water

harvesting on site.

Islampur Ashta Sangli

Graph 15 Collection and storage of waste properly


Investigation of existing scenario of buildings in the mu- nicipal areas was done with the questionnaire. It is done in

2.14 Waste water disposal properly.

In Sangli 94% ,in Ashta 83% and in Islampure 88% waste water disposed properly in the open trench municipal drainage. Mostly the building drainage is connected to munic- ipal drainage so it makes disposal of waste water properly.

Waste water disposal properly



Sangli, Ashta and Islampur city. Questions which are included in it are related to greenness criteria of the building. From the collection of data following serious observation are made-
Provision of rainwater harvesting in buildings is only
three percent in Sangli city and almost zero in the other cities.
Use of fly ash during the construction of the building
is also zero percentage.
Greenery present on open space around the building, efficient use of water during the construction, use of solar en- ergy for hot water and electricity generation, is below 40 per- cent in all cities.
Safety provision during the construction of building




Islampur Ashta Sangli

Waste water disposal properly

is below 20 percent in all three cities.
From above observations it is concluded that there is
a need to promote and create awareness among the people for
use of maximum renewable resources and minimize use of the
nonrenewable resources in the building. Which will reduce the
environmental impact because of building footprint.
Graph 3.14 Waste water disposals properly.


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IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1165

ISSN 2229-5518

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