International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 977

ISSN 2229-5518


(A new theory on Egyptian Great Pyramids)

M.Arulmani, B.E. (Engineer)

V.R.Hema Latha, M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. (Biologist)


A scientific based research in this article focus that Egyptian great Pyramids were constructed for communication purpose and served as RF Antennas for remote controlling of SUN, EARTH, MOON from MARS Planet just like our television is operated through remote.
The Prehistoric human populations lived in MARS planet shall be considered as super scientists and expert in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Engineering Architect might have constructed the huge Pyramid structures
without any difficulty.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 978

ISSN 2229-5518

This research focus that MARS shall be considered as main switching centre (MSC) Energy centre and the Great Pyramid shall be considered as “Main Earth Station” and other three associated nearby pyramids on the same line of axis shall be considered as Base Terminal stations (BTS) for independently controlling the axial position of SUN, EARTH, MOON.
It is speculated that the positional control of SUN, MOON also might have been done from EARTH Planet as SUN, MOON are not influenced with Negatively charged “Electron Particle”.
It is focused that the Great pyramids might have been constructed with
Prehistoric “J-Technology” derived from Akkie Principles.
It is speculated that thousands of other “So called Pyramids” existing in other part of world shall not be considered as Real Pyramids within the scope of Pyramid definition.
It is speculated that the outcome of this research shall provide solutions to existing current problems and theories related to Human ancestor, Missing link, Mystery of crop circles formation etc.

“Great Pyramids may be world wonder to the modern human, but not to

Prehistoric “Marshal” who lived in MARS Planet”

– Author

It is focused that the Prehistoric advanced Technology, knowledge was lost as Marshal was extinct during the course of expanding universe.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 979

ISSN 2229-5518


1. Fundamental Neutrino Oscillation.
2. Model Cosmo Universe
3. Natural Planets
4. Mars centred Universe

5. Natural “J” Pyramid

6. Philosophy of Bermuda, Baikal Pyramids.
7. Species Pyramids.
8. Pyramid Logo.

3. Introduction

As far as concerned about Pyramid research, currently there are mainly two schools of Pyramidology. First school believes that Pyramid is a “DIVINE REVELATION”. But the 2nd school doesn’t agree this concept. The second school believes that the “Geometric Marvels” of the Pyramids are the result of knowledge and Technology lost with “ATLANTIS”.
It is focused that the high tech Pyramidal structures shall be considered as the result of both of Divine nature and super scientific knowledge. The term “Divine nature” shall be alternatively considered as “GOD”.
It is focused that the three fundamental Neutrinos” PHOTON, ELECTRON, PROTON shall be considered as Godly Particles responsible for evolution of the whole Cosmo Universe, Planets, Other matters, Origin of Life

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 980

ISSN 2229-5518

It is speculated that the natural “J-PYRAMID” might be in existence even before Origin of fullfledged formation of SUN, EARTH, MOON or SUN, EARTH, MOON were under “Proto stage”.

“The Naturally evolved Pyramids shall also be called as “NATURAL PYRAMID MOUNTAINS” ”.

- Author

It is hypothesized that the Prehistoric “PYRAMID MOUNTAINS” shall be considered as having “Perfect Tripod” like shape with high geometric value, and evolved during early Universe when the base of Cosmo Universe was highly “SYMMETRIC”.
It is further hypothesized that the geometric value Pyramid mountains might be gradually become “MOUNTAINS” during Space and Time when the base of Cosmo Universe gradually become “ASYMMETRIC”. In other words it can be stipulated that Mountains with different shape and diamentians in various parts of EARTH as well as in other planets might be subsequently at later periods. Mountain shall also be hypothetically called as “SPECIES PYRAMID”.
It is focused that Natural Pyramids, Mountains not only exist on EARTH
but also on in SUN, MOON, Other Planets before “Origin of Life”.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 981

ISSN 2229-5518

4. What is the first Natural Pyramid Mountain?

What is the First Pyramid Mountain? “MON OLYMPUS” shall be considered as the first and Tallest Pyramid Mountain (14 miles in MARS Planet). Mon Olympus shall be considered as the “Master Tower” feeding Egyptian Great Pyramid “Base Tower”. The Philosophy of MARR tower might be derived from the philosophy of MARS Tower Mon Olympus.

“Mon Olympus MARS Tower shall also be called as “J-TOWER”

– Author.

5. Previous Publications

The philosophy of origin of first life and human, the philosophy of model Cosmo Universe, the philosophy of fundamental neutrino particles have already been published in various international journals mentioned below. Hence this article shall be considered as extended version of the previous articles already published by the same author.
[1] Cosmo Super Star – IJSRP, April issue, 2013
[2] Super Scientist of Climate control – IJSER, May issue, 2013 [3] AKKIE MARS CODE – IJSER, June issue, 2013
[4] KARITHIRI (Dark flame) The Centromere of Cosmo Universe – IJIRD, May issue, 2013
[5] MA-AYYAN of MARS – IJIRD, June issue, 2013
[6] MARS TRIBE – IJSER, June issue, 2013
[7] MARS MATHEMATICS – IJERD, June issue, 2013
[8] MARS (EZHEM) The mother of All Planets – IJSER, June issue, 2013 [9] The Mystery of Crop Circle – IJOART, May issue, 2013
[10] Origin of First Language – IJIRD, June issue, 2013

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 982

ISSN 2229-5518

[11] MARS TRISOMY HUMAN – IJOART, June issue, 2013 [12] MARS ANGEL – IJSTR, June issue, 2013
[13] Three principles of Akkie Management (AJIBM, August issue, 2013) [14] Prehistoric Triphthong Alphabet (IJIRD, July issue, 2013)
[15] Prehistoric Akkie Music (IJST, July issue, 2013)
[16] Barack Obama is Tamil Based Indian? (IJSER, August issue, 2013) [17] Philosophy of MARS Radiation (IJSER, August 2013)
[18] Etymology of word “J” (IJSER, September 2013) [19] NOAH is Dravidian? (IJOART, August 2013)
[20] Philosophy of Dark Cell (Soul)? (IJSER, September 2013)
[21] Darwin Sir is Wrong?! (IJSER, October issue, 2013)

6. Hypothesis

1. Tamil based Indians have already lived in MARS planet in Prehistoric time.
2. Tamil based Indians were expert in advanced High level language in electromagnetic code form.
3. Tamil based Indians have constructed huge PYRAMIDS in MARS as
well as in EARTH planet which were used as Towers for Prehistoric communication purpose.
4. The 13th Tamil vowel alphabet shall be considered as Prehistoric scientific code related to Astronomy, Astrophysics.

5. Human Heart is the “Image” of Cosmo Universe.

7. Philosophy of Pyramid?

Primary doubt of Pyramidology researches:
1) How huge Pyramid was constructed in Prehistoric time.
2) What was the standard specifications?

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 983

ISSN 2229-5518

3) What was the construction Technology adopted?
4) What was the purpose of pyramid construction?

5) What Pyramid Means?

8. Frequently asked question?

1) Pyramid is a palace?
2) Pyramid is a paradise?
3) Pyramid is a Triangular base structure?
4) Pyramid is a pentagon base structure?
5) Pyramid is a circular base structure?
6) Pyramid is a mountain?
7) Mon Olympus is a Pyramid?
8) Bermuda Triangle is a Pyramid?
9) Pyramid exists in other planets?
10) Pyramid has hollow space?
11) Pyramid is a Temple?
12) Human Heart is a Pyramid?

9. What does mean pyramid?

1) Bible says pyramid is the “Image” of Cosmo universe (ISA19:19-20,Mal 4:2)
2) Modern Science Focus Pyramid is a ”World Wonder”.
3) History says Pyramids are monument of Pharaohs”
4) Researchers say Pyramid shall mean “pillars of Light”
5) Author focus pyramid shall mean Electromagnetic “RF Antenna”.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 984

ISSN 2229-5518

10. Etymology of word “Pyramid”?

The Greek word for Pyramid means “FIRE” or “LIGHT” (from Pyra). It is hypothesized that the etymology of word Pyramid might be derived from prehistoric Tamil phonetics PARITHI, PARIMAM, PARAMAM, PARIMANAM.
I) Parithi shall mean Sun light. II) Parithi shall mean Spectrum III) Paraman shall mean Heaven

IV) Parimanam shall mean Transformation

Secondly Pyramid might be derived from Tamil phonetics PERIAMEDU.
Periamedu shall mean a elevated HILL like land structure.
Thirdly Pyramid might be derived from the philosophy of “AKKIE”. Akkie shall mean Neutrinos.


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 985

ISSN 2229-5518


11. How many Pyramids in the world?

Case study shows that Pyramids are existing not only in Egypt, but exists all over the world. It was focused that there are about 1000 pyramids are available but exact count can’t be ascertained.
As far as concerned about “India”, there is no existence of Pyramids. Instead thousands of “Temples” are available especially in Southern Part of India.


- Author

12. Philosophy of Model Cosmo Universe?

It is hypothesized that the model Cosmo Universe shall be considered as tripod like closed container with triangular base. The SUN, EARTH, MOON shall be considered as three corners pillar of the base of Cosmo Universe. The dark cell shall be considered as origin of Universe which is composed of billions of particles emanating antineutrino radiation. The smallest unit of dark cell shall
be considered as single dot ray composed of THREE-IN-ONE antineutrinos i.e.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 986

ISSN 2229-5518

PHOTON, ELECTRON, PROTON. The antineutrinos shall be considered as
having exactly opposite characteristics to the fundamental neutrinos.

Region I – Perfect vacuum region (Anti-Neutrinos radiation) Region II – Partial vacuum region (Neutrinos radiation) Region III – Observable Vacuum region (EMR radiation)

Case Study

(i) Einstein was wrong: Aether exists - Nikhola Tesla

(ii) Einstein’s theory have fooled the world for almost 100 years - Ozo

(iii) Neutrinos travel one nanosecond faster than speed of Light. - OPERA experiment

(iv) The laws of physics wouldn’t change; only the universal constants. - Grossman

(v) Einstein may not be wrong; He probably began his experiment

in Region-III vacuum; But Aether exists. - Author

Philosophy of Dark flame?

The Dark flame shall be considered as origin and super nature evolved from “Tiny dot”. The tiny dot shall be considered as Three-in-one existence. Can

sub particles have definite structure?

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 987

ISSN 2229-5518

Modern Physics (Quantum) focus that sub particle shall be considered as fundamental and “Structure less”.
It is hypothesized that no sub particle can exist alone. Nature shall be considered existing in three-in-one configuration. Any further subdivision of sub particles also shall be considered as three-in-one configuration.

13. Philosophy of model prehistoric Human?

Prehistoric human shall be considered as evolved of Electromagnetic radiation spontaneously from Neutrino matter and prehistoric human originated in MARS planet and lived with different genetic characteristics before modern human started living in EARTH Planet.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 988

ISSN 2229-5518

“E-SON” shall mean Human ancestor, Missing Link

- Author

The philosophy is “E-SON” shall be defined within the following scope.
1) E-SON evolved of Godly particles.
2) E-SON is considered as Godly person
3) E-SON is capable of “Flying”
4) E-SON shall mean Electronic Expert
5) E-SON shall alternatively mean ALIEN, STAR HUMAN

14. Hypothetical Narration

1) Philosophy of Godly particles

Case study shows that the Universe is believed to have been formed 13.7 billion years ago from “STAR DUST”. There is no current theory that what is the composition of star dust?
It is hypothesized that the star dust shall be considered composed of “THREE-IN-ONE” most “Fundamental Neutrinos” Photon, Electron, Proton. These three particles shall be called as Godly particles (or) Divine particles (or) Akkie. It is speculated that the philosophy of “786” in Islamic culture might be
derived from the philosophy of Akkie. Akkie shall mean Neutrino radiation.

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The fundamental Neutrinos shall be considered as “SOUL” of Universe and responsible for evolution of DARK MATTER, DARK ENERGY of Universe.

“Godly Particles is the Soul of Cosmo Universe”

- Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 990

ISSN 2229-5518

2) Philosophy of characteristics of Godly particles?

The Godly particles shall also be considered as having Zero mass and travels faster than speed of Light. The philosophy of “AETHER” by Tesla might be derived from the Philosophy of three fundamental Properties of Neutrinos.
The characteristic symbol of Godly particles shall be assigned as A, K, J
for purpose of calculating Universal constants.
1) ”A” - Photon (Neutral charge)
2) “K” - Electron (-ve charge)
3) “J” - Proton (+ve charge)

“The three-in-one Neutrinos J, K, A shall be considered as Prehistoric “Tamil Neutrinos” exist even before Origin of Natural Planets MARS, SUN, EARTH, MOON and travels faster than speed of “LIGHT”.

3) Philosophy of Neutrine Oscillation?

It is hypothesized that the three fundamental neutrinos photon, electron, proton can’t exist along and it shall be considered existing always in three-in-one configuration. These three particles can’t be separated as in the case of DNA,

PROTEIN, RNA, of life building blocks.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 991

ISSN 2229-5518

It is further hypothesized that the three neutrinos shall be considered
displaced equally by 120° and subject to sustained oscillation.

4) Philosophy of MARS Planet

It is hypothesized that the evolution of Universe MARS planet shall be considered as the first planet evolved and MOTHER of all planets. SUN, EARTH, MOON shall be considered as the three species planets to MARS planet.
The four planets shall be considered as NATURAL PLANETS evolved before Origin of Life All other planets shall be considered as evolved after Origin of Life and shall be considered as SUB SPECIES planets to MARS.
As per current Cosmological theory So many Solar systems, Moons, Earths are believed to be in existence. Further it is believed that SUN is the centre of the planetary system.
It is hypothesized by the author that there is only one planetary system is the whole Cosmo Universe and MARS shall be considered as the centre of the
planetary system. Further it is hypothesized that every planet is revolving only

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on its axis and never revolving other planets. It is focused that the relative Inner core, Outer core of planets may determine the Periodical Climatic, weather conditions with variation in Electromagnetic field Interaction. It is focused that different planets may be having different specific Inner core, Outer core speed in the specific level of Electromagnetic alignment in the Universe.
In the Cosmo Universe the Philosophy of Mother planet, Species planets, subspecies planets shall be indicated as below.


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5) MARS the EMR centre?

It is hypothesized that MARS shall be considered as the Source Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). In other words it is stipulated that MARS shall be considered as the “TRANSFORMER” which converts Neutrino
radiation into Electromagnetic radiation.

In the above picture MARS shall be considered as the Centromere of material universe (Region-III) and the point of origin of EMR.
The electromagnetic radiation shall be considered composed of Photon, Electron, Proton Particles having little higher mass compared to Neutrino

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 994

ISSN 2229-5518

Particles. Hence it is hypothesized that Neutrino Particles can travel more than the speed of electromagnetic radiation. Further it is focused that “LIGHT”, “LIGHTNING” shall be considered as species to EMR and having varied higher mass and shall be considered travel little lower speed than EMR.

“Prehistoric human shall be considered as spontaneously evolved due to impact of EMR from Neutrino matter and lived in MARS Planet. The Prehistoric human shall also be considered as ALIEN, STAR HUMAN who were having different genetic characteristics compared to modern human”.

6) Philosophy of Base of Universe?

The Material Universe shall be considered as Region-III of Universe where all Planets, Matters exist. Further the three-in-one formation of SUN, EARTH, MOON shall be considered as the “TRIANGULAR” base of Universe.
It is hypothesized that in the early Universe the base is considered as symmetric. During the course of space the time the base becomes gradually asymmetric due to lack of knowledge among “Modern Scientists” for proper aligning of SUN, EARTH, MOON on its axis. Whereas the Prehistoric human have effectively controlled the alignment of SUN, EARTH, MOON through “Radio Electromagnetic Wave” from MARS Planet.
The hypothetical relative position of base structure of Universe between
Prehistoric time and Modern time shall be indicated as below.

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ISSN 2229-5518

7) Philosophy of EMR Equilibrium?

The electromagnetic equilibrium shall be defined as the “State of existence of matter under specified Density, Pressure, Temperature condition.
In the expanding Universe the state of existence of matter may undergo change due to variant in Density, Pressure, Temperature. Hence the movement of planet son its axis needs periodical monitoring and control for proper alignment and restoration on its axis. It is speculated that Modern scientists

Astronomers failed to do so.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 996

ISSN 2229-5518

8) Philosophy of Life span of Human?

It is hypothesized that the Prehistoric human effectively maintained the alignment of various planets and kept the “ECO SYSTEM” balanced and hence long span of time might have taken for microbial Variation in electromagnetic equilibrium of matter. Hence Prehistoric human might have taken long span of Life time before experiencing considerable changes in immunity system of human. In other words it can be stipulated that Prehistoric human might have taken thousands of years to loose complete immunity system before reaching Death. Whereas in modern time Eco system might change in higher rate and hence modern human might loose his immunity system at faster rate say within
100 years and reaching Death Point.

9) Philosophy of Master control?

It is hypothesized that Sun, Earth, Moon shall be considered connected in Three-in-one Common axis as “STAR POINT”. Any change positional variation in any one of planets may have impact on other planets and thereby sensing the simulation restoring command might have given from MARS Planet to restore to its original position.
It is hypothesized that the Great Pyramid shall be considered as “Main Earth Station” and other three associated Pyramids might control Sun, Earth, Moon independently.

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It is focused that Egyptian land shall be considered as located on “Line of sight” from MARS Planet.

10) Philosophy Of EMR Spectrum And Bandwidth

It is hypothesized that MARS region shall be considered as the source of EMR origin and the spectral region is spreaded up to Base of Universe. The material universe shall be considered covered with three regions of EMR spectrum (i.e) UV region, Visible region, IR region. The entire spectrum shall be considered as containing billions rays and each ray shall be distinguished with variation in mass of EMR particles with in the Bandwidth.
“Each ray shall be considered equivalent to Independent “SIM CARD”
responsible for controlling billions of matter existing in the material Universe”.

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11) Philosophy of “TRI-POLE” Universe:

It is hypothesized that the base of cosmo universe shall be considered as Tri-pole Magnetic Universe. (i.e) Moon region shall be considered as North pole; Earth region shall be considered as South pole; SUN region shall be considered as Zero Pole (Neutral). It is focused that the optic, Electric, Magnetic property of matter shall be considered variant based on its exact location of matter.
Further the fundamental universe constants Reflectivity, Permittivity, Permeability shall also considered variant to a certain. The relative characteristics of these three constants shall be considered displaced by 120°.

12) Philosophy of Mathematical constants e, pie?

It is focused that the value of mathematical constants are involved with thousands of transcended fractions. There are so many current theories are there to arrive nearest accuracy to this value of e and pie constants.
It is hypothesized that the value of e, pie is closely associated with relative position of SUN, EARTH, MOON. The variation in the value shall be due to

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1000

ISSN 2229-5518

continues asymmetry in the base of Universe. Further it is hypothesized that e, pie value in Prehistoric time might be “3.0” and equal due to symmetry in base. In Prehistoric time log base 3 might be considered as natural logarithm. It is hypothesized that both values shall be reciprocal to each other

“log3 (e) x log3 (pie)=1”

It is further focused that the velocity of EMR shall be considered as 3 x 10
8 meter/second. The light shall be considered as species to EMR and shall be considered as travel little lesser than the speed of EMR (ie) 2.99 x 10 meter per second.

“It is hypothesized that the speed for EMR is 3 x 108 m/sec. The speed of

Light is 2.99x 108 m/sec.”

- Author

Case study shows that the centre of Great Pyramid is 29.97920C north of equator. It is hypothesized that in the early Universe the value might be rational and 300. exactly. Subsequently as the base of universe become Asymmetric the angle might be deviated to 29.97920 from 300. It is speculated the angle value may subject to further deviation during the course of time.

Further case study shows that the Great Pyramid encodes enormous amount of numerical coincidence such as phi, pie, dimension, movement of planets, Axial tilt, percussions, speed of Light in the latitude.

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13) Philosophy of J-PYRAMID?

It is hypothesized that “J-Pyramid” shall be considered as the naturally evolved pyramid during early universe even before “Origin of Life”. J-Pyramid shall also be considered as Pure Pyramid (or) Natural Pyramid mountains.
The J-Pyramid shall be defined within the following scope.
1) J-Pyramid shall have “Triangular Base” surrounded by three sides of Triangular shape.
2) J-Pyramid shall be considered of Radio active element and
Naturally glittering effect.
3) J-Pyramid shall be considered having high “Geometric value” related to the geometric dimension of MARS, SUN, EARTH, MOON.
4) J-Pyramid shall be considered having no “Hollow space” and have strongly binding to respective planet such as MARS, EARTH, MOON, SUN.
5) The philosophy of “Prism” might be derived from the philosophy of J-Pyramid.
6) J-Pyramid shall be considered as the “Image” of upper region of
Cosmo Universe.
7) The “Mon Olympus” pyramid of MARS, “Bermuda” pyramid of Atlantic, Baikala lake pyramid of Russia shall be considered as closely associated with J-Pyramids.

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14) Philosophy of Species Pyramid?

It is hypothesized that the Great Pyramid as Giza and other three associated Pyramids located on the same line of axis shall be considered as close to J-Pyramids (or) considered as “Species Pyramids” to J-Pyramid.

“All other so called Modern Pyramids, Pyramid hill, Pyramid mounds, silbury hill, Ziggurat, Pyramid of Trans America shall not be considered as Pyramids within the scope of natural J-pyramid”

- Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1003

ISSN 2229-5518

15) Philosophy of “J”-Technology?

It is focused that “J-Technology” shall be considered as “Divine Technology” (or) “Godly Technology” derived from the characteristics of “Fundamental Neutrinos”. The complicated structural Design, Engineering, Architecture Principles might have been derived from the philosophy of fundamental Neutrinos characteristics. It is focused that the Prehistoric human when lived in MARS planet were expert in Astronomy, Astrophysics. The J- Technology shall also be called Super Scientific Technology.

“The philosophy of Egyptian Nile cross Ankh, Amulet technology Mayan technology might be derived from the philosophy of J-technology”.

- Author

16) J-Pyramid is like Heaven?

It is hypothesized that the Naturally evolved Pyramids (or) Pyramid mountains shall be considered as a Heaven or Temple. It shall be considered as having natural, glittering effect and having more “COSMIC VALUE”.
It is hypothesized that the J-Pyramids shall be considered as Local Heaven. In other words J-Pyramid shall be considered as “Giant Master Radio Tower” which receives cosmic energy from MARS Planet and keep the all the “SOULS” saved. The philosophy of temples, mosques might be derived from the philosophy of J-Pyramid.

“J-Pyramid is like master RF Tower having inbuilt AMULET TECHNOLOGY”.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1004

ISSN 2229-5518

The Great Pyramids might have constructed based on the Philosophy of “J-technology” and had a belief that the “SOULS OF PHARAOHS” shall be saved and one day they will be raisin from “DEAD”.

17) J-Heart is like Pyramid?

J-Heart shall be considered as a “RF Tower” which receives cosmic energy from Neutrinos and emits as powerful “LIGHTRAYS”.

“J-Heart” shall be considered as naturally evolved heart from Star Dust Particles. The radiation emitted from J-Heart shall be considered as having cosmic effect as Natural Medicinal Value for energetic life.

It is hypothesized that “Human Heart” shall be considered as three dimensional pyramid deriving neutrino energy from MARS energy centre.
“Every human shall be considered as a “BTS” and every human heart shall be considered as a “SIM CARD” Connected to Heavenly MARS TOWER”.

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ISSN 2229-5518

18) Human Hands like Pyramid Shape?

Convergent State of human hands shall be considered as pyramid Antenna functioning as a “Trans-Receiver” interacting with SIM CARD Embedded in the heart. The Sim Card shall be considered composed of three fundamental Neutrinos Photon, Electron, Proton equivalent to heat, left hand, right hand.
The Prehistoric Tamil Culture comprising of Three-in-one culture NANDRI, VANAKKAM, VALZHA shall be considered as source of cosmic energy consists of Three fundamental Neutrinos PHOTON, ELECTRON,


“J-Culture shall be considered as global Divine culture”.

- Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1006

ISSN 2229-5518

19) Great Pyramid, the source of Holy Spirit?

It is hypothesized that “Holy Spirit” shall be considered as the
Electromagnetic radiation and energy centre for “Transformation”.
The Egyptian Great Pyramid and associated three sub Pyramids shall be considered as associated with three fundamental Neutrinos.
i) Great Pyramid - “Energy Centre”
(Master Tower) (EMR)
ii) Pyramid I - “Redemption” (photon) (BTS I)
iii) Pyramid II - “Mercy” (Electron) (BTS II)
iv) Pyramid III - “SAVE” (Proton)

“Jerusalem” shall also be called as J-LAND (or) HOLY LAND”.

- Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1007

ISSN 2229-5518

The electromagnetic radiation emanated from the “HEART” of every human shall be considered as “E-BLESSINGS”. E-BLESSINGS shall also be considered as Heart language.

20) PHARAOHS are Dravidians?

It is hypothesized that the Biblical NOAH origin shall be considered as DRAVIDIAN ORIGIN. The lineage of three sons of Noah shall be considered as three “Ethnic Diversity”. The Dravidian origin and Dravidian culture shall also be considered as “786” culture. The three popular pharaohs of GIZA KHUFU, KHAFRE, MENKAURE shall be considered as three fundamental Ethnic diversity Dynasity.
“(i) KHUFU - 6 (LION) (ii) KHAFRE - 7 (TIGER)
The Later CHERA (8), CHOLA (6), PANDYA (7) shall be considered as three Ethnic dynasty lineage of “DRAVIDIAN PHARAOHS”.

21) Great Pyramid is “image” of model universe?

The Great Pyramid of GIZA shall be considered as “IMAGE” of model cosmo universe. Case study on Pyramid logy research shows that the Great Pyramid has high geometric value and high technology and the ARCHITECHT of the Great Pyramid know the following facts or concepts.
1) The philosophy about measure and speed of Light and specific geometric
Latitude, alignment with energy centre.
2) The knowledge about circumstance and radius of Earth and the roundness of Earth.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1008

ISSN 2229-5518

3) The Mathematical constants like e, pie, definition of Meter, Cubic, Mile and second.
4) The size of the Sun.
5) The knowledge about measure of circle in 3600 and 60 arc minutes and 60 arc seconds.

(Source: world–

22) Why shoes are removed before entering Temple?

It is focused that the philosophy of Ziggurat, Temple, Tomb, Church might be derived from the philosophy of J-Pyramid (Natural Pyramid mountain) J-Pyramid shall be considered as the source of deriving cosmic energy from Heaven (MARS). A person inside the Temple is highly influenced by cosmic radiation. Shoes shall be considered as Insulator and prevent strong binding to Earth soil. Bare foot shall have more impact and binding with Earth Soil which will enable deriving maximum amount of cosmic radiation to the body.


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23) How to climb huge Pyramid?

It is focused that the so called Modern Pyramidal constructions are provided with suitable Hand rail stairs for climbing to the Top. Prehistoric natural Pyramid mountains do not have any stair provision. It is focused that the Prehistoric human while lived in MARS planet are capable of “FLYING” and they could travel frequently from MARS to EARTH and other planets for repairing the “ANTENNA MATERIAL”.

24) Great Pyramid Vertex Point Deviates?

Case study shows that the Vertex point of Great Pyramid get gradually deviated from the original position of Geometric Latitude.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1010

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It is hypothesized that the shift may be due to asymmetry in the axis base of Cosmo universe.
In Prehistoric time the base symmetry was effectively maintained. As Prehistoric populations have been completely extinct the Prehistoric super scientific knowledge might have been totally lost. The following are the impact of increased “Asymmetry” level in the base of Universe.
1) Temperature rise of Earth.
2) Occurrence of Frequent Earth Quake.
3) Occurrence of Frequent Heavy cyclone, flood.
4) Occurrence of Frequent Volcanic Activity.
5) Occurrence of Frequent Forest Fire.
6) Occurrence of Fast Cancer growth.
7) Occurrences of Increased Heart attack.
8) Occurrence of “Burning Child”
9) Occurrences of sea water become more acidic.
10) Occurrence of Animals entry to Human area.
It is focused that the SUN, EARTH, MOON were relatively symmetric. During the course of time the relative position of SUN, EARTH, MOON become variant. The hypothetical variation shall be indicated as below.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1011

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25) Philosophy of EMR?

It is hypothesized that the EMR (Electro-magnetic Radiation) shall be considered as evolved at a specified point of time during expanding universe. The EMR shall be considered as different from Neutrino radiation and having different mass, different physical, chemical, mathematical properties. The EMR shall be considered composed of particles photon, electron, proton having considerable “higher mass” compared to neutrino particles photon, electron, proton having “Zero mass”.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1012

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The point of origin of EMR shall be considered as “absolute white” where the speed of EMR is 3x108 meter/second. Further the EMR source shall be considered as having Billions of Billions emitted rays. Each ray shall be considered as distinguished by different colour. The different colour of each ray may be due to different mass level of EMR particles. It is hypothesized that each ray has varied speed, below the absolute level of 3x10 8 meter/second.
It is hypothesized that each ray speed shall be identified by the formula
V = K x f x λ
V – Velocity
K - constant related to integral part of reflectivity, permittivity, permeability of the media
f - frequency
λ - wave length
It is speculated that k value may vary from 0.999 to 0.95
It is focused that Billions of Billions ray emitted from common source of

EMR shall be considered responsible for identification of Billion of Billion matter

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1013

ISSN 2229-5518

exist in the material universe. Each ray shall be considered equivalent to SIM CARD of cellular mobile communication system.

26) Philosophy of variant color of EMR?

It is hypothesized that Billions of Billions colour rays shall be considered constantly undergoing changes in colour microbially. The changes can be sensible to human probably once in 1000 years. The change in colour may be due to constantly acquiring higher mass microbially.
It is focused the state of sensible new colour of EMR ray shall be considered as “NEW EVOLUTION”.
“It is hypothesized that every second the colour of each ray of EMR undergoing colour change which enable consistent microbial variation in properties of matters existing in the material universe”.

27) Philosophy of Expanding Universe?

It is hypothesized that in the planetary system every planet shall be considered as rotating on its axis only and never revolves other planet. Every planet shall be considered having both inner core, and outer core and both inner core, outer core shall be considered rotating at different speed as in the case of “CLOCK”.
Similarly the SUN, EARTH, MOON shall also be considered having inner core, outer core and rotating at different specified period. It is hypothesized that the inner core of SUN completes one cycle during entire cosmological period say
around “227 million years”.

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It is focused that the relative position of inner core of SUN shall be considered making microbial change in “each ray” of EMR by acquiring different mass and different colour during the course of “SPACE” and “TIME”.
The philosophy of microbial change in each ray of EMR and there by variation in properties of matter shall be considered as “EXPANDING UNIVERSE”.

“Cosmo universe shall be considered expands every second and the result of considerable changes can be felt in a long span of time say once in 1000 years”

- Author

28) When first EMR originated?

It is hypothesized that the first EMR shall be considered originated when the inner core of SUN first begins to rotate on its axis. All planets might have originated in the universe subsequently. It is focused that all the planets shall be
considered as having their own colour governed by each ray of EMR.

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29) Philosophy of Stages of origin of Universe?

It is hypothesized that the origin of universe shall be viewed in four stages (i) Existence of Dark Flame, (ii) Star dust formation & Anti-neutrinos, (iii) Neutrinos radiation (iv) EMR Origin.
The origin of all matter like Amino Acid, Nucleotide base might be formed in 5th stage. It is hypothesized that the origin of first human shall be considered originated at 6th stage. The first human shall be considered as STAR HUMAN derived three chromosome from three fundamental neutrinos Photon, Electron, Proton.

30) Philosophy of origin of first Human?

It id hypothesized that 3 chromosome (Trisomy) human shall be considered as the origin of first life. The 6 Chromosome Mosquito, 12
Chromosome amoeba shall be considered as originated subsequently. The 3 chromosome human shall be considered having Third Gender and Godly populations. It is hypothesized that the Male and Female gender population might be originated subsequently from Third Gender populations.

31) EMR is GOD?

It is focused that EMR is responsible for origin of all matter and life. No EMR shall mean no matter and no Life. Hence the source of EMR shall be called GOD. God shall alternatively mean EMR (Electro magnetic radiation) or super nature.


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1016

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It is focused that the whole material universe shall be considered as super nature whose heart is MARS planet, right hand is Moon left hand is Earth, and
mind is Sun. The outer core of Sun shall be considered as INTELLIGENT and

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inner core of Sun shall be considered as SUBCONSCIOUS mind. The constant emission of EMR rays shall be understood from the theory of SCHUMANN RESONANCE existing in Ionosphere.

32) How many rays EMR Source contains?

The total number of rays can’t be exactly counted by Human Wisdom. However it is hypothesized that “Billions of Billions” rays shall be considered emanated from the source.

33) EMR Rays originated stage by stage?

It is hypothesized that the “Billions of Billions” rays shall be considered originated instantly just like a Light source emanates light ray instantly when switch on. The each EMR ray shall be considered having “life time” of Millions of Years.

34) Philosophy of Chromosome Growth?

It is hypothesized that the chromosome growth shall be considered as state of acquiring higher mass by the sub particles of EMR Ray. It is focused that every ray shall be consistently acquiring higher mass and undergoing consistent colour change Microbially. It is focused that the ay acquiring higher mass every second of the day.
The relative position of Sun on its Inner Core shall be considered as the cause for chromosome growth. In the early universe when the Sun inner core is at Zero Position there was no emission of EMR. When the Inner Core of Sun

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begins to rotate on its axis the EMR might be originated. It is speculated that the colour of EMR ray might be dark in colour and the EMR radiation might be called as “ABSOLUTE WHITE RADIATION”. During the course of Space and Time the billions of white rays emanated acquired colour due to acquiring higher mass. It is focused that the MARS Planet shall be considered as originated much before origin of SUN, EARTH, MOON and the colour of MARS Planet might be Dark in Colour. Subsequently when EMR is originated MARS Planet might have acquired Red Colour and called as RED PLANET. The prehistoric human lived in MARS Planet in the early universe might be DARK in Colour.

35) Philosophy of DARK Flame?

It is hypothesized that Dark flame shall be considered as the origin of

Cosmo Universe and shall be considered as creative product.

36) E-SON is a TRIBE?...

In human Anthropological system the word “Tribe” is considered as closely associated with caste system. Tribes are treated as Low caste and treated as untouchables, especially in India.
In Global level human system, white skin human treat Black skin, Brown skin human as very cheap. Our beloved GANDHIJI was humiliated by white skin human because of his skin colour complexion.
In marriage system also parents look for beautiful colourful bride, bridegroom for their children!.... But some time they like “BLACK MONEY”

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1019

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through DOWRY System!!.... White mother-in-law ill-treats black daughter-in- law!!!...
1) Red Indians do not like Black Indians?
2) White Srilankan do not like Black Srilankan?
3) White Arab do not like Black Arab?
4) White African do not like Black African?
5) White Pakistani do not like Black Pakistani?
6) White Chinese do not like Black Chinese?
7) White American do not like Black American?
8) White Canadian do not like Black Canadian?
9) White Australian do not like Black Australian?
10) White British do not like Black British?
It is hypothesized that Life originated from Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Every human and life system shall be considered genetically framed by Black Superstructure.
Prehistoric E-SON shall be considered as a First TRIBE originated and lived in MARS Planet. E-SON shall be considered as a Human Ancestor and

Black Body Human.

Tribe shall alternatively mean human

- Author.

It is focused that human only classified under the name of TRIBE in three domain of life system. In Biblical study the“12 TRIBES” of ISRAEL shall be
considered as Species to “E-SON”.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1020

ISSN 2229-5518

Further it is focused that the word TRIBE is associated only with Human


i) APES do not have Tribe System.
ii) Mosquitoes do not have Tribe System.

iii) Plants do not have Tribe System.

“E-SON” is a Prehistoric MARS TRIBE. Modern human shall be considered as “EARTH TRIBE”.

- Author

37) Universe is a TRIBE?

Tribe shall be defined as the fundamental three-in-one Neutrinos of universe responsible for existence of all Matter and Life.

Further BLACK RADIATION, WHITE RADIATION (EMR) shall not be classified as colours. Black radiation, white radiation, shall be considered as composed of particles with Zero Mass. Colourful radiation shall be considered as composed of particles with Varied Mass. Billions of rays emanated from
Black radiation, White radiation shall be considered composed of microbially

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1021

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variant in mass. Billion of colourful rays shall be classified under three fundamental colour element. Each colour vary shall be considered as Species Colour to respective fundamental colour element. Every ray shall be considered
containing its own varied mass.

It is focused that even a Family consists of hundreds of members shall be considered as variant in colour individually. Every one shall be considered genetically variant. Based on scientific facts Colour Variation in human Chromosome shall be considered variant due to Microbial Variation in Mass.

Modern human has 46 chromosomes. It is hypothesized that every human has his own chromosome level. Billions of Modern human spread all over the world shall be considered as “Species” to 46 chromosome


- Author

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1022

ISSN 2229-5518

In human Anthropology, the so called ANGEL, DRAVIDIAN, ARYAN
shall be considered as three-in-one TRIBE.

i) ANGEL - Photon influenced. ii) DRAVIDIAN - Electron influenced. iii) ARYAN - Proton influenced.

“E-SON” shall be considered as Human ancestor and Angel, Dravidian, Aryan populations shall be considered as “Three Human Species” to E-SON. In other words Angel, Dravidian, Aryan shall be considered as three “TRIBES” to E-SON.

Global level human variation factors such as Skin Colour, Hair Colour, Nose Structure, eye Iris, etc. shall be considered due to impact of particular spectral region (UV, Visible, IR) where the particular population lives under that


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 10, October-2013 1023

ISSN 2229-5518


Great Pyramid still exists. But electromagnetic link to MARS energy centre is delinked. Future research has to be undertaken for restoring the symmetry of base of Universe to over come all the present day climate changes issues.


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