International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 57

ISSN 2229-5518

Data Security in wireless Sensor Network using

Multipath Randomized Dispersive Routes

Nagdev Amruthnath1, Prathibhavani P M2

Abstract— Attacks are common in wireless sensor networks. In this paper we study the routing protocols to overcome the black holes formed by the attacks. We also discuss the problems that we have in our existing multipath routing and how to overcome the problems of our existing multi path routing by our proposed randomized random routing. In our proposed routing we generate random multi path routes and send the packets of information in these randomized multi path routes. By this proposed method it would be difficult for one to discover the routes in which the actual packets are being transmitted. Besides randomness the packets transmitted are highly dispersive and secure, making the bypass the black holes.

Index Terms— Attack, Black holes, Data Security, Multipath Network, Random routes, Security, W ireless sensor network.

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Wireless sensor networks are used to provide wireless communication infrastructure in sensor network. Sensor net- works is the inter collection of several nodes. The applications of the wireless sensor network are increasing rapidly in the current scenario due to the fact that they are low cost solution for most of the real world problems. The infrastructure of the
der to develop a very efficient approach to overcome these problems in the network.
In today’s times security has become an important issue in networking. There has been a constant study for secure data transmissions over the network. Today, we have various cryp- tographic algorithms and routing protocols to achieve secure


wireless sensor networks facilitates them in the use of real
world applications. Hence security considerations in the wire-
less sensor network are very important.
The real threat in security of wireless sensor network
is the problem of the compromised node and Denial-of-Service
(DOS). These two problems would facilitate the creation of
black hole in the network. The Compromised Node attack re-
fers to the situation when an adversary physically compromis-
es a subset of nodes to eavesdrop information Compromised
node is formed when an adversary goes near a sensor node
and compromises with that node. Due to the problem of com-
promised node the adversary can send the fabricated date to
the user of the network and thus prevent him from receiving
the actual packets. So, the user looses the actual packets and
hence suffers badly due to this problem. Denial-of-Service is
another severe problem due to which the user of the network
misses the services provided by the network. In denial-of-
service the adversary sends numerous requests to the server of
the network and this gradually results in slowing down the
speed in which network is operating and finally ends up with
crashing the server. Due to this the users of the network would
miss the service that is provided by the particular server. Black
hole is a part of a network using which an adversary can at-
tack the network or a particular route(s). In the black hole an
adversary establishes his control over the subset of sensor
nodes and reprograms the sensor nodes in such a way that,
the nodes would fail to transmit the actual data packets and
hence result in either failure of transmitting packets or trans-
mits the fabricated packets to the respective destinations. Since
the black hole problem would result in the manipulation of the
actual data exchanged between source and destination, it is
very serious problem that needs actual attention.
The existing multi path network is very much vulner-
able to these types of attacks. Hence there is a demand in or-
data transmission. But, these are still vulnerable to attacks.
There are various security threats that exist in wireless sensor
networks. Although the information is being encrypted and
split in to packets by various cryptographic algorithms is a
possibility that these are vulnerable to attacks.
In this paper, we are proposing a very efficient approach to
overcome the security problems in the network. In our pro-
posed methodology we are transmitting the packets using
multipath randomized dispersive routes. Here, numerous
randomized routes generated from source to destination. As a
result of this it would become practically impossible for an
adversary to take the entire information exchanged between
the source and destination. Even though an adversary suc-
ceeds to capture the packets, he will only succeed in getting
the part of the information not the entire information. Hence
the data that is exchanged between the source and destination
would be highly secure. When an adversary tries to capture
the part of the information, the nodes in the network would
sense this and changes the path of transmission.


2.1 Review Stage

The most recently used multipath algorithms are Ad hoc On- demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Ad Hoc On- Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing (AOMDV), Mul- ticast Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (MAODV). Several implementation of multipath routing are based on AODV. AODV is a simple flooding-based routing scheme as- sumes that each node is aware of its location and presents a greedy geometric routing algorithm. In AODV routing, when a source has data to transmit to a new destination, it broadcast a RREQ for that destination to its neighbors. A node on receiv-

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 58

ISSN 2229-5518

ing the RREQ checks if it has not received the same request before using the ROUTE-ID. It is not the destination and does not have a current route to the destination, it rebroadcasts the RREQ and at same time backward route to the source is creat- ed. If the receiving node is the destination or has a current route to the destination, it generates a RREP. The RREP is uni cast in a hop-by-hop fashion to the source. As the RREP prop- agates, each intermediate node creates a route to the destina- tion. When the source receives the RREP, it records the for- ward route to the destination and begins sending data. If mul- tiple RREPs are received by the source, the route with the shortest hop count is chosen. In case a link break is detected, a RERR message is sent to the source of the data in a hop-by- hop fashion. As the RERR propagates towards the source, each intermediate node invalidates route to an unreachable destina- tions. When the source of the data receives the RERR, it inval- idates the route and reinitiates route discovery. Sequence numbers in AODV play a key role in ensuring loop freedom and freshness of the route.

A. Proposed Protocol

The route discovery is done by using the steps of AODV rout-
ing algorithm on the basis of ROUTE-REQUEST, ROUTE-
route to the destination is discovered. Once the route is dis- covered, the data transmission can begin.
Every node maintains a Destination sequence number for each route entry. This number plays a very important role in the discovery of the routes to the destination. The destination sequence number is created by the destination for any route information which sends to requesting nodes, using destina- tion sequence numbers ensures loop freedom and allows to know, to which of several routes is more “fresh”. Given a choice between two routes to a destination a requesting node always selects the one with the greatest sequence number. Nodes that are part of active route may offer connectivity in- formation by broadcasting periodically local hello messages (special RREP messages) to its immediate neighbors. If HEL- LO messages stop arriving from neighbor beyond some given time threshold the connection is assumed to be lost.

B. Existing network

Our existing network is a multipath network. Here dur-
ing the first phase of the data transmission the best path is
discovered for routing. Once the best route is discovered all
the packets are transmitted over the network in the discov-

ered shortest route. Our existing network is highly vulnera-

A. Route Discovery


For path discovery source node broadcast a route request (R- REQ) packet to all its neighbor nodes. The header of the RREQ packet contains the Sequence number and ROUTE-ID fields. The neighbor nodes then again rebroadcast the R-REQ packet to their neighbor nodes. So, a reverse path is generated be- tween the source and the neighbor node. The nodes which already get a ROUTE-ID will discard all the next coming ROUTE-IDs in order to prevent the loop formation in the route. So, the R-REQ packets propagate in the network until the destination is found. When the destination is reached by the R-REQ packet reach to the destination, the destination node send a unicast R-REP message towards the source in a hop-by-hop fashion. So, a forward path is generated between the source node and the destination node.



AODV stands for Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector. Each
node in the network monitors the cost of the out going links. It
is then periodically broadcasts the shortest routes to the
neighboring nodes. In this protocol we use the RREQ(Route
Request)packets and the RREP(Route Reply)packets to discov-
er and maintain the shortest routes to the destination. When
ever the source node has data packets to send, it sends RREQ
packets to all the neighboring nodes. If the node is present in
the route to the destination it send a RREP packet to the source
node. Thus by using the RREQ and RREP packets, a shortest
Figure 1. Multi path network with Compromised node

C. Problems of Existing Approach

The route between the source and the destination is prede-
termined; hence if the attacker finds out the route, the attacker
can obtain all the data packets sent along the route, thus mak-
ing this approach vulnerable to attackers.
In order to keep the routes alive the “HELLO” packets have

exchanged constantly, this proves to be a hindrance as the en-
ergy is consumed without the transfer of data packets. Inter-
mediate nodes can lead to inconsistent routes if the source

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 59

ISSN 2229-5518

sequence number is very old and the intermediate nodes have a higher but not the latest destination sequence number, thereby having stale entries. Also, multiple Route Reply pack- ets in response to a single Route Request packet can lead to heavy control overhead. Another disadvantage of AODV is unnecessary bandwidth consumption due to periodic beacon- ing


In this paper we propose randomized multipath routing to overcome the problem of compromised node attack in the network. Here, we focus mainly on data transmission. In this proposed network, instead of selecting a predefined path for the packet transmission we select the possible random routes in which the packets can be sent in the network. We send the packets in the multiple routes in the network. Hence ,in case of attack in our proposed network the attacker would not be able to find the source from which the packets are being sent and also will not be able to find the other random routes in which the remaining packets that are being sent in the network. In our proposed network, we disperse information packets in the network. The route that is used to send the packets will not be
used again to send the packets during data transmission.
the packet. By this concept we have overcome the problem of looping in our proposed method. Our second problem is when there is limited number of nodes in the network; we send the packets in every possible path with compromising efficiency over security. Hence by this we are providing security of the data which is the main agenda of our paper. Finally, we come across the main problem in our proposed method, the packets reaching the destination. There is a possibility that the packet might not reach the destination in time due to dispersion of packets in the random multi path. To overcome the above is- sue, we add a TTL header to the packets (Time to Live). If the packet does not reach the destination within the time limit then the packet is dropped and an acknowledgement is sent from the destination to the source and the packet is resent to the destination. Hence, we are improving the security over the network.

B. Randomized Multipath Delivery

In our proposed approach we are trying to overcome the
problems of multipath network by creating randomized
routes. Initially the route is the shortest one to the destination.
The next route would be the randomly selected route to the
destination. The original information is broken into [M] num-
ber of shares using [T, M] threshold secret sharing algorithm.
The source and destination nodes are determined and each


Hence by our proposed randomized multipath network we
achieve data security.

Figure 2. Randomized Multi Path Routing

A. Overview

As we have come across the problems of multipath routing in
the following paper, we try to overcome the problems by ran-
domized multipath delivery. In this paper we mainly focus on
the packet transmission over the network. We try to disperse
our packets over the network from source to destination.
There is couple of Problems that has to be mainly focused up-
on. The key problems include looping, Packet transmission in
the same route in the network when there are limited number
of node and packets reaching the destination. To avoid loop-
ing in our network, we introduce a concept of Incremental
distance packet transmission. In this when the packet is
transmitted randomly in the network we send the packet such
that it is sent farther from the source in each transmission of
node transmits a signal. By transmitting the signal every node
realizes the neighboring nodes. The shortest distance between
the source and destination is found and the transmission of
data packet begins. Once the packet is sent, another random
route is discovered and the next packet is sent to the destina-
tion. For every data packet received, an Acknowledgement
packet is sent back.
Firstly, the information which needs to be transmitted
is broken down into packets using the threshold secret share
algorithm. Hello messages are used to detect and monitor
links to neighbors. If Hello messages are used, each active
node periodically broadcasts a Hello message to all its neigh-
bors. Because nodes periodically send Hello messages, if a
node fails to receive several Hello messages from a neighbor, a
link break is detected. When a source has data to transmit to
the destination, it broadcasts a Route Request (RREQ) for that
destination. At each intermediate node, when a RREQ is re-
ceived a route to the source is created. If the receiving random
node has not received this RREQ before, it rebroadcasts the
RREQ. If the receiving random node is the destination or has a
current random route to the destination, it generates a Route
Reply (RREP). As the RREP propagates, each intermediate
node creates a route to the destination. When the source re-
ceives the RREP, it records this as a random route to the desti-
nation and begins sending data.

C. Algorithm

1. The source node ‘S’ broadcast the ROUTE-REQUEST to
all its neighbors.
2. After getting the ROUTE-REQUEST the neighbor nodes
check the ROUTE-ID, whether the ROUTEREQUEST has been
received before.
3. If the ROUTE-REQUEST packet has been already re-

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 60

ISSN 2229-5518

ceived by the neighbor node, then it discards the packet.
4. Otherwise, a reverse path is established between the
source and the neighbor node.
5. If this node is not the destination or having no path to the
destination, then
6. Repeat step 1 and onwards (neighbor node in place of
source node)
7. When the ROUTE-REQUEST packet find the destination
node or node having path to the destination, the destination
node unicast the ROUTE-REPLY towards the source node.
8. When the ROUTE-REPLY packet reach to the source
node following the path of intermediate nodes, the route is
established in the reverse way i.e. from the destination to the
9. The route is established, and the data packets can be sent
through the established route.



D. Route Maintenance

The proposed protocol is used for the route-maintenance in
the wireless network. After the route discovery process, we
traverse the path in order to find the static nodes in the route.
These static nodes are consists of buffers to store the necessary
information and packets. If the static nodes are found in the
route, then a buffer is attached to each static node in order to
store the information regarding the static nodes and the pack-
ets in case of link failure. When the link between the two
nodes are broken in the network that consist the static nodes,
then predecessor node of the broken link send the ROUTE-
ERR message towards the source. If there exist a static node in
between the source node and the predecessor node then the
message has to travel that much path only, i.e. the path be-
tween the predecessor node and the static node. Since the stat-
ic node contains the route information (routing table) to the
source, we need not to send the ROUTE-ERR message to the
source. If the route is needed then route-caching or route-
discovery (based on feasibility) process initiates from the static
node not from the source. The buffer attached to the static
node is used to store the data packets after the declaration of
the broken link in order to prevent the packet loss. After the
route-recovery the stored packets in the static node are sent to
the destination.


The operability and behavior of the routing protocol AODV in a wireless sensor network, the Network Simulator (NS-2) is installed on Linux OS. The table below shows the context of our simulation.
The following Figures shows the animated screenshots us- ing NS-2, a set of nodes and random path generated between the source and destination respectively demonstrating the pro- tocol functionality of AODV and random path generation us- ing the following protocol.
Figure 3 Network Topology

Figure 4 Random Routes 1
The Figure 3 represents the network topology. Our topolo- gy consists of 10 nodes. Our network includes a source, desti- nation, attacker and intermediate nodes. In Figure 4 and Fig- ure 5 we have generated a random route from node to destina- tion. Here, we have observed 12 random routes to the destina- tion. These random routes are unique.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, January-2014 61

ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 5 Random Route 2
The simulation result shows that the loss rate is increased when there is high mobility in the network. The dropping of packets may occur frequently, which leads to variations in the throughput of the network. The following graphs show the change in the number of random routes with respect to the increase in number of nodes and the change in throughput


Our proposed method has shown the effectiveness of random- ized dispersive routing in combating CN attacks. Our pro- posed method was compared against existing multi path net- work .The obtained results showed tremendous improvement of security performance.


The research was conducted as a part of our final year project and a project that was conducted for Old Dominion University under the guidance of Dr Ramesh Babu H S. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect our views.


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By considering 10 nodes in the simulation with all the nodes being mobile and the simulation time considered for
40seconds the throughput observed is about 585.23 Kbps.

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