International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 110

ISSN 2229-5518

Complexes of 2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide(ATAH), salicylaldehyde-2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone(ATASH) and

acetone-2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid

hydrazone(ATAAH), each with copper(II)sulphate

M. C Enedoh (

Department of Chemistry, Imo State University, P.M.B. 2000, Owerri, Nigeria.

Abstract: Four complexes obtained from 2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide [keto- (ATAH) and enol- (ATA) forms), salicylaldehyde- 2- amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone (ATASH) and acetone -2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone (ATAAH) each complexed with copper(II) sulphates have been synthesized. The complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, conductance, infrared and electronic spectral studies. The ligands and complexes were screened for antimicrobial activity and the compounds were relatively inactive against the organism tested. The electronic data indicate a square planar coordination for the all the complexes synthesized. The IR spectra data are diagnostic of bidentate coordination via the carbonyl oxygen and the azomethine, the SO42- anions are in their inner coordination spheres. The conductivity analyses indicate a non-electrolytic nature for the chelates.

Key Words: acetone, 2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid, antimicrobial, bidentate, enol, hydrazide, hydrazone, keto, Salicylaldehyde, sulphates

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The increasing clinical importance of drug-resistant mycobacterial pathogens has lent additional urgency to microbiological research and new antimycobacterial compound development. Much attention is given to hydrazones and some other hydrazine derivatives because of their biological and physiological activities [J.N. Nwabueze (1997),
Complexes of Copper (II) with Acetone hydrazones derived from some cyclocarboxylic acids, Synth. React.Inorg. Met.-Org. Chem. 27,
673.] They generally exhibit very strong antibacterial activity. This antibacterial activity is enhanced on complexation to some transition metal ions[Bontchev et al; 1981]. 4-isopropylthiazole-2- carbohydrazide is known to be a novel class of potential antibacterial, antifungal and antitubercular agents [B. P. Mallikarjuna et al, 2008, 2009]. Also of interest is the coordination mode of hydrazones. This is due to the fact that other ligating sites may be present in addition to the carbonyl O and the
azomethine N depending on the nature of R and R1
in RCONHNCR 1 2 . Hydrazones derived from 6-
amino-5-formyl-1, 3-dimethyl uracil and nicotinic and isonicotinic acid hydrazides formed four – coordinate complexes with Cu2+ which are monomeric with three binding sites occupied by the dinegative tridentates ligand and the fourth position by water. The donor atoms are the deprotonated N of the 6- amino group, the azomethine N and the carbonyl O of the hydrazone moity. Neither the
carbonyl O atoms of the uracil ring nor the endocyclic N atom of the pyridine are involved in the coordination to the metals[Enedoh and Nwabueze; 2011, Fransisco et al; 2000]
This work aims at synthesizing for the first time complexes of the title metal with 2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide(ATAH &ATA), salicylaldehyde-2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone (ATASH) and acetone -2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone (ATAAH) for

possible use










physicochemical properties while subjecting the ligands and complexes to antimicrobial screening.


IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 111

ISSN 2229-5518

Ethyl-2-amino-4-thiazoleacetate, acetone and salicylaldehyde were obtained from Sigma –
Aldrich Chemical Company Ltd, while the copper(II) sulphates and acetates were obtained
from BDH Chemical Ltd England. All were used without further purification

Preparation of 2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide (ATAH)

2- amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide was
prepared from 1mole of ethyl-2-amino-4- thiazoleacetate and 1 mole of the hydrazine hydrate using standard methodas in literature [Nwabuezeto ;
25.00ml (0.40moles) of hydrazine hydrate was added to 70g (0.40moles) of ethyl-2-amino-4- thiazoleacetate in 300mls of absolute ethanol. It was refluxed on a water bath for 6 hours. The solution was left to crystallize for 3 days. The light brown crystals obtained were filtered , recrystallized from ethanol, filtered and dried over silica gel in a desiccators. (yield , 46.1g; 65.86%)

Preparation of Salicylaldehyde-2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone (ATASH)

8.6g, (0.05 mole) of 2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid
hydrazide (ATAH) was mixed with 5.3ml( 6.01g,(
0.0.05 moles) of salicylaldehyde in 130ml ethanol
and refluxed for 4 hours in a 250ml round bottom flask on water bath. The solution was left for 24 hours to crystallize. The yellow crystals obtained were filtered and were recrystallized from ethanol.s They were then dried in a desiccator over silica gel.( Yield,9.7g; 80.78%).

Preparation of Acetone-2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone (ATAAH)

8.6g, (0.05 mole) of 2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide (ATAH)
was mixed with 3ml (0.05 moles]) of acetone in 120ml ethanol and refluxed for
4 hours in a 250ml round bottom flask on water bath. The solution was left for 7days
to crystallize. The milky crystals obtained were filtered and were recrystallized from
ethanol.s They were then dried in a desiccator over silica gel.( Yield,6.1g;

Preparation of the complexes

The complexes were prepared by the
reaction between aqueous solutions of the metal salts and ethanolic solutions of the ligand in a 1,2 molar ratio

The preparation of the Cu-ATAH


0.86 gram (0.005mole) of 2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide(ATAH) was
dissolved in 10ml of ethanol and slightly warmed, while 0.61g (0.0025 moles) of
CuSO4 .5H2 O was dissolved in 10ml of water. The ligand was then added gently while stirring continuously into the copper(II) solution and a light brown coloured crystals were formed. The crystals were filtered and dried over silica gel in a desiccator for 2 days. (Yield, 1.1g;

The preparation of the Cu-ATASH


1.22 gram (0.005mole) of salicylaldehyde-
2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone was dissolved in 10ml of ethanol and slightly warmed, while 0.61g (0.0025moles) of CuSO4.5H2 O was dissolved in 10ml of water. The ligand was then added gently while stirring continuously into the copper(II) solution and a brown coloured crystals were formed. The crystals were filtered and dried over silica gel in a desiccator for 2 days. (Yield, 1.3g; 60%).

The preparation of the Cu-ATAAH


0.985gram (0.005mole) of acetone-2- amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone
was dissolved in 10ml of ethanol and slightly warmed, while 0.61g (0.0025
moles) of CuSO4 .5H2 O was dissolved in
10ml of water. The ligand was then added
gently while stirring continuously into the copper(II) solution and a coffee brown coloured crystals were formed. The

IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 112

ISSN 2229-5518

crystals were filtered and dried over silica gel in a desiccator for 2 days. (Yield,
1.15g; 61%).

The preparation of enolhydrazide, Cu- ATA

This was obtained by adding a little quantity of sodium ethoxide into the
mixture of copper (II) sulphate and 2- amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide
during the complexation

Elemental Analysis [Jeffrey et al;


Using EDTA the percentage of metals in
the complexes were determined complexometrically while that of sulphur was gravimetrically determined as sulphate by precipitation using BaCl2.

Instrumental Measurement

IR spectra in nujol were taken using 8400S Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectrophotometer.Electronic absorption spectra of the ligand and complexes were
done in ethanol solution using Spectronic
21D Milton Roy UV – VIS
SpectrophotometeR. The conductivity measurement in EtOH of the complexes were made using the pH/ conductivity meter, JENWAY 430.
different solutions of the ligand and complexes(0.005g/ml ethanol).Drying and sterilization in the oven at a temperature of
37oC for 24 hours followed. The Petri-
dishes containing already gelled nutrient agar were innoculated with the micro- organisms. These Petri-dishes were impregnated with the disks containing the solutions of the ligands and the complexes differently and separately. They were arranged radially from the centre of the dishes and incubation was done for 24 hours. This was done in duplicate . Antibacterial activity was measured as zone diameter of inhibition around the disk.

Result and discussion

The chemical equation below represents the preparation of the thiozolehydrazone
from the thiozolehydrazide

Assignment of band above 3000cm-1 are only tentative since band due to the symmetric vibrations of OH, NH and NH2 groups appear in this region as unresolved

[Jeffery et al; 1979]. Bands around 3400cm-1 in the

spectra of the hydrated complexes are assigned to υ(OH) of water of crystallization [Ikekwere et al; 1989]. The υ(C=O) band located in the spectrum of the ligand at


Antimicrobial Screening


is lowered in the spectra of the complexes

Antimicrobial screening of the ligands, the copper salts and the complexes in aqueous methanol was carried out using nutrient Agar. In-vitro susceptibility testing of the chemicals were carried out on four types of micro-organisms viz staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, streptococcus, klebsialla aero genes. Disks were sterilized in the oven at a temperature of
60oC for one hour and allowed to cool and
then they were coated accordingly with the


by 02 – 128cm-1 indicating coordination via the carbonyl oxygen.

The υ(C=N) group is also affected because the azomethine N is used for ligation [Ikekwere et al; 1989, Nwabueze 1999]. Uncoordinated sulphate group has infrared active vibration located around 1120cm-1. Whenever this anion coordinated, it lowers its Td symmetry and split this band. As the sulphate band is split in all the relevant complexes, it indicates that the anion is in the inner coordination sphere.

IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 113

ISSN 2229-5518











The reaction between the ligands and the metal salt yield complexes with 1:1, 2:1, or3:1
The analytical data and some physical constants for the complexes are shown in table 1

TABLE I: Analytical data and some physical constants of the ligands and complexes



2. ATA



5 [Cu(ATAH)3 ]SO4 .

6 [Cu(ATA)2 ]H2 O

7 [Cu(ATASH)2 SO4. H2 O

8 [Cu(ATAAH)]SO4

Figures In parenthesis are theoretical values

These complexes are monometric non-electrolytes, proved by their solubility in common organic solvents, insolubility in H2 O, not too high melting points and very low conductivity [Ikekwere et al 1989]

Infrared data

The diagnostic IR bands for the ligands and complexes are shown in Table 2

TABLE 2 Diagnostic IR band for the ligands and complexes

Compound υ(OH) υ(NH) υ(C=O) Δυ(C=O) υ(C=N) Δυ(C=N) υ(SO 4 2-1) υ(M-O) υ(M-N) ( H 2 O)

ATAH 3322 3120 1701 1508 600 423

ATASH 3788 1750 1589 423

ATAAH 3395 1628 1528 432

[Cu(ATAH)3 ]SO4 . 3310 3124 1627 -74 1522 +14 1119 599 423 699 [Cu(ATA)2 ]H2 O 3308 3112 1626 1521 603 510 693 [Cu(ATASH)2 SO4. H2 O 3382 3131 1622 -128 1521 -68 1104 614 460

[Cu(ATAAH)]SO 4 3312 3139 1630 -02 1516 -12 1130 412 698

IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 114

ISSN 2229-5518

Electronic spectra

The electronic spectra data for the complexes are shown in table 3

TABLE 3: Electronic data for the complexes





1 [Cu(ATAH)3 ]SO4 .


d → d

Square planar

2. [Cu(ATA)2 ]H2 O


d → d

Square planar

3. [Cu(ATASH)2 ]SO4 .H2 O


d → d

Square planar

4 [Cu(ATAAH)]SO4


d → d

Square planar

The spectra of the copper(II)complexes show a single band located at610nm, 670nm, 682nm and 680nm. This is the d→d band which indicates a square planar

geometry for the complexes [Nwabueze; 1997, Nicholis;


Antimicrobial screening:

The result of the antimicrobial screening of the compounds is shown in table 4

TABLE 4 :Antimicrobial test results for ligands and complexes

COMPOUNDS S.aureas E.coli S.spp K.aerogenes





















[Cu(ATAH)3 ]SO4






[Cu(ATASH)2 ]SO4 .H2O











Key - resistance, + (fairly active) ++ (active)

The microbial activity of the compounds is insignificant, probably due to the presence of few nitrogen atoms.


The ligands (1). 2-amino-4-thiazoleacetic acid hydrazide

(2). salicylaldehyde-2-amino-4-

thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone and (3). acetone-2-amino-4- thiazoleacetic acid hydrazone with their complexes which was each done with copper (II) sulphate was successfully synthesized. The ligands acted as a neutral bidentate donor via the azomethine

IJSER © 2015

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 115

ISSN 2229-5518

N and the carbonyl O. The copper complexes are square planar. The anions apparently are in the inner coordination sphere. No significant antimicrobial activity was shown by the compounds.


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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 116

ISSN 2229-5518

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