International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Application level load balancing in a web switch or security oriented filtering based on the content signatures for deep packet inspection and delayed input DFA

K.Madhuri, M.Suman, K.Rajasekhar Rao

AbstractThere is a growing demand for network devices capable of examining the content of the Data packet in order to improve the network security and provide application specific services. Most high performance systems that perform deep packet inspection implement simple string matching algorithms to match packets against a large but finite set of strings

.However there is a growing interest in using regular expressions based pattern matching. Since regular expressions offer Superior expressive power and flexibility. DFA representations are typically used to represent the regular expressions. However the DFA representation of regular expressions sets arising in network applications requires large amount of memory, limiting their practical application. In this paper I introduce a new representation for regular expressions called delayed input DFA (D2FA) which substantially reduces the space requirement as compared to a DFA. A D2FA is constructed by transforming a DFA via incrementally replacing several transmissions of the automata with a single default transmission. This approach dramatically reduces the number of transmissions in between the states. Given the substantially reduced space requirements, we can describe an efficient architecture that can perform deep packet inspection at multi gigabit rate.

Index TermsDFA, Regular expressions, deep packet inspection, Network Intrusion Detection, Security, NFA and Delayed input DFA called D2FA.


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ANY critical network services handle packets based on payload content, In addition to the struc-
ture information found in the packet headers. Forwarding packet based on content (either for the purpose of appli- cation lever load balancing in a web switch or security oriented filtering based on the content signatures.) re- quires new level of support in networking equipment. To see why, we must consider how regular expressions are implemented. A regular expression is typically represented by a deterministic finite automaton. For any regular expression it is possible to construct a DFA with minimum number of states. The memory required to represent the DFA is intern determined by the product of the number of states and the number of transmissions from each state for ASCII alpha bet each state will have
256 out going transmissions. In this paper I introduce a highly compact DFA Representation , Our approach re- duces the number of transmissions associated with each


K.Madhuri is currently working as a Assistant Prof. in K L University, India, PH-+91-9885928333. E-mail:

M.Suman is currently working as a Associate Prof. in K L University, India, PH-+91-9848187437. E-mail:

K.Rajasekhar Rao is currently working as a Principal & Dean-Student

Welfare in K L University, India,
state the main observation is that groups of states in DFA often have identical outgoing transmissions and we can use this duplicate information to reduce memory re- quirement. For example suppose there are two states s1 and s2 that make transmissions to the same set of states { S } , for some set of input characters , { C } We can elimi- nate these transmissions from one state say s1 by intro- ducing a default transmission from s1 to s2 that is fol- lowed for all the characters in{ C } Essentially s1 now only maintains unique next states for those transmissions not common to s1 and s2. And uses the default transmission to s2 for common transmissions. We refer to a DFA with such default transmissions as delayed input DFA (D2FA).
In practice the proper and effective construction of de-
fault transmission leads to the trade of between the size of
the DFA representation and the memory bandwidth re-
quired to traverse it [1]. In a standard DFA the input cha-
racter leads to a single transmission between the states.
In a D2FA an input character lead to multiple default transmissions before it is consumed along a normal


Deep packet inspection has recently gained popularity as it provides the capability to accurately classify and con- trol traffic in terms of content, applications, and individu- al subscribers. Some important applications require the

IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 2

ISSN 2229-5518

deep packet inspection are listed below.

Network intrusion detection and system and pre-

vention (NIDS/NIPS) generally scan the packet header and payload in order to identify a given set
of signatures of well known security threats.

Layer7 switches and firewalls provide content

based filtering load balancing, authentication and
monitoring.Application-aware web switches, for
example provide scalable and transparent load ba- lancing in data centers.

Content based traffic management and routing can be used to differentiate traffic classes based on type of data in a packet.

Deep packet inspection often involves scanning every byte of the packet payload and identifying a set of match- ing predefined patterns. Traditionally rules have been represented as exact match strings consisting of known patterns of interest. Naturally due to their wide adoption and importance several high speed and efficient string matching algorithms have been proposed recently. Many researchers have been proposed high speed pattern matching hard ware architectures.


It is well known that for any regular expression set there will be a DFA with minimum number of states the memory needed to represent a DFA is determined by the number of transmissions from one state to another or equivalently the number of edges in the graph represen- tation We introduce the modification to the DFA that can be represented much more compactly. Our modification is based on the techniques used in the string matching algorithm [2]. I extend their technique and apply it to DFA s obtained from regular expressions, rather than a simple string tests. As demonstrated in this document, the numbering for sections upper case Arabic numerals, then upper case Arabic numerals, separated by periods. Initial paragraphs after the section title are not indented. Only the initial, introductory paragraph has a drop cap.


If our only objective was minimizing the space re- quirement of the D2FA, it would suffice to find maximum weight spanning tree in the space reduction graph. The tree edges corresponding to the state pairs between which we create default transmissions.
Unfortunately when this procedure is applied to the DFA’s arising in typical network applications, the resulting default transmission tree has many long paths implying that the D2FA may need to make many trans- missions for each input character consumed[3]. We can improve the performance some what by selecting a tree root that is centrally located with in the spanning tree. However this still leaves us with many long default
paths, the natural way to avoid long default paths is to construct a maximum weight spanning tree with a speci- fied bounded diameter. Fortunately we have found that fairly simple methods based on classical maximum span- ning tree algorithms, yield good result for D2FA construc- tion.


In order to evaluate the space reduction achieved by the delayed input DFA. We can perform an experiment on the regular expression sets used in a variety of net- work applications. One most important dataset are the regular expression sets used in CISCO systems this set contains more than 750 moderately complex expressions which are used to detect the anomalies in the traffic. It is widely used across several Cisco security appliances and Cisco commonly employs general purpose processor with gigabyte.


In this paper I introduce a new representation of the regular expressions called the delayed input DFA which significantly reduces the space requirement of the DFA by replacing its multiple transmissions with a singly default transmission. By reduction we can show that con- struction of d2fa from the DFA is NP hard .We can there- fore present heuristics for D2FA construction that provide deterministic performance guarantees. Some of the results suggest that a D2FA constructed from the DFA can re- duce memory space requirements by more than 95 per- cent.


I would like to thank Sailesh Kumar, Department of CSE, Washington University for hosting this research and mak- ing the available data.


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IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 3

ISSN 2229-5518


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