An Efficient Signcryption Based Data Sharing in Public Clouds with Message Verification [ ]

Cloud Computing is a new way of providing sharing of resources over internet in a more easily and sophisticated manner. But with the advent of this new technology (Cloud Computing) various limitations and issues arises. The major issue that is visible is the security achieved during data sharing over cloud. Hence various security and encryption algorithms are implemented for the secure data sharing over public clouds. An efficient Certificate less encryption technique is implemented for the secure data sharing over public clouds. But the existing technique implemented suffers from escrow problem and there is no concept of proxy re-encryption used in the methodology. Here in this paper a new and efficient technique for the data sharing over public clouds is proposed which is based on the concept of Signcryption using Elliptic Curves. The proposed methodology implemented here provides security from various attacks as well as provides less computational overhead and encryption time as well as takes less storage space.