International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


A Student Enterpreneur : Quality Parameters


Sowymya K S

Department of Information Science and Engineering
BMS College of Engineering
Bangalore, India

Swetha K

Department of Information Science and Engineering
BMS College of Engineering
Bangalore, India

Abstract—Entrepreneurship holds the major share in economic status of any developing country. Innovation gives life to engineering education. Engineering education is the right place where entrepreneurship can be motivated with innovation embedded in it. Here in this paper attributes and qualities for successful entrepreneur needed by an engineering student, training and opportunities associated with innovation in engineering discipline is discussed.

Keywords—Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Entrepreneurship education and Training, Entrepreneurial skills and attributes.


Entrepreneurship is a process to create and develop economic activity. Entrepreneurial activities will initiate formation of new enterprises, reenergize weakening economics. Entrepreneurship is known as the creative destruction which leads to innovation. Entrepreneurial behavior has an effect in increasing the economic wealth of a nation [1].
Entrepreneurship is grabbing major attention worldwide. Entrepreneurship training and skill development has to be introduced in engineering education. More attention has been given to the university research as an additional way for enrichment of entrepreneurial activities.
Important attributes and skills required for an engineer to become an entrepreneur should be taught which includes examples of existing instruments.
Entrepreneur should interact with his environment through knowledge and skill to identify and exploit a business opportunity to start a new venture.
Implementation will be through the following: Self-study component, embedded approach in other courses and projects, extra-curricular.
Under extra-curricular activities:
 Crash courses on entrepreneurship introductory training offered by organizations under industry institute interaction.
 Entrepreneurship Competitions: students to be encouraged to participate in local, regional, and international entrepreneurship competitions.
Key points to be considered by teaching professionals are

Reasoning and inferential skills

Fluent reading skills and good vocabulary skills

Usage of strategies to improve situations

Enhance interests in tasks and challenges

Analysing the weakness of students

Better understanding the concepts

Developing better communication skills

Inculcate confidence

Enhance enthusiasm and voice quality


[2] Depicts how entrepreneurship in engineering education is provided. The review indicate the impact on entrepreneurial attitude and intentions, history of entrepreneurship education in engineering and technology curriculum and issues faced in assessment of engineering entrepreneurship outcomes.
[3] Describes the Engineering Entrepreneurship Survey (EES), which was designed to examine engineering student involvement in entrepreneurship education and related outcomes .The paper depicts the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Engineering Student Outcomes.
[4] This article discusses how knowledge of computer is necessary for engineers for development of modern life style, how latest technologies has been taught, how software used in daily life. Academic work culture in technical institutes or

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014

ISSN 2229-5518


organizations been reflected in this paper. Main intention is to develop and test an educational model for teaching engineering students. Training communicative skills and demonstrating social dimension is necessary to start with the teachers' roles.


3.1 Qualities and Attributes for successful entrepreneur to be taught to engineering student

To emerge in the entrepreneurial world, he/she should process explicit skills and attributes. An entrepreneur is a person vested with the attributes such as business skills, problem solving skills, innovative skills, professional skills of business, management skills. In addition to these skills he should have personal attributes such as teamwork, sociability, flexibility, growth orientation, innovativeness, self-efficacy and pro activeness. An entrepreneur should be aware of his environment, people and their needs, set machinery in motion towards turning resources and materials into practical solutions to problems and awareness of social and market is important since entrepreneurship world is based on continuous change and interact with social world as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Requirements for a student to be an entrepreneur

3.2 Environmental impact on entrepreneur which an engineering student should be aware

Environment in this context refers to the education life which
motivates students commitment to an entrepreneur career, economical status, higher the income of the individual, the intention to become entrepreneur will be low and job satisfaction also intend to become entrepreneur.

3.3 Entrepreneurship education and training Entrepreneurship education is defined as “providing business opportunity for a student to become an entrepreneur by sharing entrepreneurial knowledge and skills needed”. Impact of entrepreneur education increases the level of knowledge

,how to start and manage business and provides students to gain experiences in real business context, develops perception of self-efficacy of students and makes to choose an entrepreneurial career.

3.4 Opportunities associated with innovation in engineering education

Changing engineering workforce require better educational
approaches to prepare an engineering student. There are many opportunities in student-centred education. Feasibility of teaching should empower character and intuition as well as the freedom to fail. Growing interest in entrepreneurship education motivates students towards innovation. Entrepreneurship and Innovation shows that the means of delivery is evolving with the development of new technological capacities. Engineers must integrate and practice their skills in the real world. Educational collaboration should go beyond the classroom and real world problems need to be solved.

IV. Model supported for Engineering Entrepreneurship

Education in BMSCE

Engineering students aspiring to become an entrepreneur will be motivated by making them aware of the attributes and qualities for a successful entrepreneur through various workshops conducted by BMSCE.
Introducing the student towards the environmental impact on an enterprise by conducting an extension lecture by a successful entrepreneur at BMSCE by an EDC cell meant for training the engineering student towards entrepreneurship and innovation.
Aspiring students will be sent on an internship to many companies where they learn to understand the business environment and identify the market and gives right idea for the innovative skills they possess.
During their tenure in the internship students are exposed to identify the opportunities for the innovative ideas which they have learnt out of classroom.

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014

ISSN 2229-5518



In this paper, we proposed new quality parameters required for a student to become an able entrepreneur. In addition to the said quality attributes an extensive training will also add as potential parameter for a student to efficiently deliver entrepreneur skills with more efficacies.


The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) phase-II, B. M. S. College of Engineering and Static Project Facilitation Unit (SPFU), Karnataka for supporting the research work.

[1] Mueller, Susan. "Increasing entrepreneurial intention: Effective entrepreneurship course characteristics." International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 13, no. 1 (2011): 55-74.

[2] Kumar, Rajesh, and S. A. Iman. "Entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education to meet recent changes in the world." AKG Journal of Technology 1, no. 1 (2010): 1-13.

[3] Abdul wahed, Mahmoud, Jehan Abu Hamad, Maram Hasanain and Mazeno Hasna. “"Entrepreneurship Education in Engineering: A Literature Review, and an Integrated Embedment Proposal." world 12 (2013): 5.

[4] Gorman, Gary, Dennis Hanlon, and Wayne King. "Some research perspectives on entrepreneurship education, enterprise education and education for small business management: a ten-year literature review." International Small Business Journal 15, no. 3 (1997): 56-77.

[5] The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering,, Accessed on

21st October, 2014.

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