NCCT 2013 - National Conference on Future Trends in Communication and Computation Techniques
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SPW: Scheduling and Positioning of Web- Services[Full-Text ] Reena Malik, Neeti Bisht, Pawan MishraWith the emergent number of Web services, it has become an urgent task to make operative selection from the large number of functionally-equivalent Web service candidates. It is estimated that there would be large number of web services developed, deployed in the internet in next several years. Earlier approaches proposed that two major properties should be taken into consideration that are functional and non-functional (QoS) when user selects services. There are number of different service provider and we have to effectively select the optimal one from web service candidates. In our approach the requests send by the user are scheduled on the basis of priority scheduling. Then by combining the advantages of network coordinate based approach, collaborative filtering and WSP approach, the response time between user and web services can be accurately predicted. Proposed approach provides selection of services on the basis of user priority.
Location Management Strategies in Mobile Networks[Full-Text ] Vivek Kumar, Narayan ChaturvediGlobal system for mobile communication (GSM) is globally accepted standard for digital cellular communication. GSM user uses a GSM based phone which is mobile. To identify the exact location of GSM user is a complex problem as user frequently moves between the cells. Location management deals with how to keep track of an active mobile station within cellular network. There are two basic operations involved with location management location update and paging. Through operation we find the location of mobile station. This paper analyze the location management techniques for GSM
STUDY OF LEARNING ABILITY OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES IN COMPARISON TO HUMAN[Full-Text ] Sushil Singh Rauthan, Devendra Prasad, Ravi DhaundiyalThis is the study of the learning ability of the intelligent machines from the surroundings in contrast to human?s learning ability which is far superior from them(machines). This study includes the study of machines in form of programs (for some), where it is inferred that a machine is not as adaptable to the change as human being, as an instance I?d like to take “crossword puzzler & solver-I” and myself (author). Where it was found that the „adaptability for the change in surroundings? of human being is far more better than the machine. When the puzzler(2) coined “RAPIER?S COUSIN”, and the answer is to be fit in the space of four letters, the solver(2) came up with the answer “EPEE”, same by human. Then puzzler(2) came up with “CEREMONIAL SWORD” ,and the answer is to be fit in the space of five letters, the solve(2) came up with no answer, but the human is.
Secure Mobile Communication via Location Management[Full-Text ] Awanee Pandey, Vishal KumarMobility management is a technique which provides various methods to update location information in response to terminal mobility. Various models are available in mobile communication some are like Okumura and Hata model, Walfisch Ikegami model, 2-ray model, over roof models for location identification. We are using the two ray model for location management. Our work proposes a solution for efficient calling scenario which will not only provide a method to locate a caller that is a solution to locate a caller in callee's mobile unit at user level. Additionally, it leads in optimizing the network usage there by reducing network congestion. Security and privacy issues may arise as the location of the user is revealed. To overcome this situation, we suggest an additional level of verification to activate the application at the service provider’s end.
Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks through Needham-Schroeder protocol[Full-Text ] REENA MALIK, NISHA MALIKNow a day’s wireless sensor network is in demand. Through wireless sensor network we can build a single device which have feature like communication, sensing and computation. As deployment of sensor networks increase, security issue becomes the main factor that need more concern. There are many issues in the data communication when dealing with sensor network. This paper uses needham-schroeder protocol for different clusters and plus one needham-schroeder protocol between different cluster head and sink node to save energy and time of communication of sensor node.
QSWSP: QoS Based Scheduled Web Service Positioning[Full-Text ] Reena MalikNisha MalikThere has been a huge increase in the scale of distributed network service with the rising demand of service-oriented Architecture (SOA), more and more alternative web services offered by different service providers becomes available over the internet to provide equivalent or similar-function for service user. It is estimated that there would be large number of web services developed, deployed in the internet in next several years. Earlier approaches proposed that two major properties should be taken into consideration that are functional and non-functional (QoS) when user selects services. There are number of different service provider and we have to effectively select the optimal one from web service candidates. In our approach the requests send by the user are scheduled on the basis of Earliest Deadline First. Then by combining the advantages of network coordinate based approach, simple regression, clustering approach and WSP approach, the response time between user and web services can be accurately predicted.
Effects of Different Topologies on Network Lifetime in WSN[Full-Text ] Akanksha Agrawal, Manju, Vikas Raina, Ranjana Thalore, M. K. JhaWireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an application of Wireless ad-hoc networks used in everyday lives. The energy efficiency of network is the major challenge facing WSN. This paper investigates the network lifetime of WSN and different network parameters like throughput, packets dropped, delay and jitter on different network topologies. Two WSN networks comprising of 20 nodes and 100 nodes with a PAN coordinator in 100 x 100 square meters terrain size has been implemented in QualNet 6.1 simulator. The result indicates that when the number of nodes is increased, Gradient time synchronized protocol topology gives the best network lifetime. Throughput is also highest for the GTSP topology. But the number of packets dropped is high and so as end to end delay.
Effects of Drifts on Synchronized and Unsynchronized Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Varttika Gautam, Manju, Ranjana Thalore, Vikas Raina, M. K. JhaTime synchronization is important for a variety of applications in wireless sensor networks including scheduling communication resources, coordinating sensor wake/sleep cycles, and aligning signals for distributed transmission/reception. However, for data consistency and coordination, accurate time synchronization is required between the nodes of WSN field. In this paper, we compare performance of the synchronized and unsynchronized duration of simulation of network using different parameters such as network lifetime, packet dropped, delay and jitter. To validate our design and analysis, we implement the proposed scheme in QualNet 6.1 simulator having 1000 nodes deployed in a 100m X 100m terrain area. Experimental results shows reduces network lifetime and increases delay and packet dropped in unsynchronized drift network when compared with synchronized drift network.
Enhancement of lifetime using relay nodes in wireless sensor networks[Full-Text ] Kavita Kumari, Manju, Ranjana Thalore, Vikas Raina, M. K. JhaA major challenge in the wireless sensor network (WSN) is to increase the network lifetime. The area around the sink is known as bottleneck zone. To to enhance the network lifetime, relay nodes may be used to forward the received data. This work decreases the traffic load in bottleneck zone which improves the network lifetime. In this paper transmission power of relay nodes is also varied accordingly. A WSN network comprising of 500 nodes with one PAN coordinator in 100 x100 square meters terrain size has been implemented in QualNet 6.1 simulator. Result shows improved network lifetime and throughtput with reduced average ene-to-end delay, average jitter and packet dropped.
Robotics: Survey of its Various Possible Applications[Full-Text ] Chirag, Raj Gaurav MishraRobot is a mechanical system which performs automated actual tasks, either according in order to direct human supervision, a pre-defined program, or maybe a set of general guidelines using artificial intelligence tactics. In this article, firstly a brief introduction on robotics and its applications are discussed. This article is an outcome of the study oriented project and consist the basic information of Roboics and its possible applications in all fields of our modern world. The article consist a brief detail regarding the laws of robotics, their types and basic information about their origin and invention.
Design of LNA at 2.45 GHz for “Health Monitoring System”[Full-Text ] Cerin Ninan Kunnatharayil, Akshay MannIn this paper, the design of a two stage Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) for the frequency 2.45 GHz is used for Health Monitoring System. The NE3510M04 IC is transistor used in the LNA which is a Hetero Junction Field Effect Transistor (HJ-FET) for L-S band developed by California Eastern Laboratories (CEL) on Roger’s RO 4003C substrate. This paper gives a brief idea of the design step and simulation. Based on the simulation in Advanced Design Simulation (ADS) software a gain of 24.141 dB with an input and output return loss of -25.993 dB and -29.889 dB respectively at 2.45 GHz is attained. The result With these parameters the two stage LNA is apt for the first stage of the receiver in Health Monitoring System.
Assertion Based Verification of AMBA-AHB Using Synopsys VCS®[Full-Text ] Akshay Mann, Ashwani KumarThe success of assertion based functional verification depends on the debugging environment associated with it. It helps user to get information about the environment in a refined manner. It also helps in realizing visualization support which tracks the behavioral aspects of the design under verification. This paper presents the design and verification of widely used AdvancedHigh-performanceBus(AHB)protocoloftheAdvancedMicroprocessorBusArchitecture(AMBA) using Assertion Based Functional Verification approach.This paper contributes as follows: (1) Designing of AMBA AHB protocol using System Verilog language in Synopsys VCS® tool. (2) Implementing assertion for different components of the design. (3) Functional verification of the overall design using all the assertions and analyzing the obtained coverage report. Hence, with this systematic description of the work done, we are able to automatically and completely synthesize and functionally verify an important and widely used industrial protocol.
Assertion Based Functional Verification of MBIST Controller Using Coverage Analysis[Full-Text ] Ashwini Kumar, Akshay MannFor the functional validation of hardware designs, simulation with coverage analysis is still the primary means at RTL description of design. Here coverage analysis shows the way towards the optimal use of resource, validation or verification completeness and untested areas of HDL design. The complete coverage analysis of Memory Built in Self-Test (MBIST) controller using several code and functional coverage metrics is presented. Coverage metrics are used to keep the focus at assertions written to verify the functionality of MBIST controller. Use of assertions and coverage metrics gets rid-off massive test patterns to validate the MBIST controller design more strongly. This paper also presents the implementation of March algorithm based MBIST controller using System Verilog. With the help of assertions written in System Verilog and their coverage analysis, the test cases are reduced from 88 test cases to 25 test cases to achieve the approximately same functional coverage i.e. 97 % is also discussed in the paper.
Application Sharing In Ad Hoc Network (ASIAN)[Full-Text ] Naveen Kumar,Ravi Kumar,Manoj Kumar Gangwar,Vivek KumarEstablishing peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing for mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) requires the construction of a search algorithm for transmitting queries and search results as well as the development of a transfer protocol for downloading files matching a query. In this paper, we present a special-purpose system for searching and file transfer tailored to both the characteristics of MANET and the requirements of peer-to-peer file sharing. Our approach is based on an application layer overlay network. As innovative feature, overlay routes are set up on demand by the search algorithm, closely matching network topology and transparently aggregating redundant transfer paths on a per-file basis. The transfer protocol guarantees low transmission overhead and a high fraction of successful downloads by utilizing overlay routes. In a detailed ns-2 simulation study, we show that both the search algorithm and the transfer protocol outperform off-the-shelf approaches based on a P2P file sharing system for the wireline Internet, TCP and a MANET routing protocol. Advances in portable computing and wireless technologies are opening up exciting possibilities for the future of wireless mobile networking. A mobile ad hoc network consists of mobile platforms which are free to move arbitrarily. Since the nodes are mobile, internode connectivity may change frequently. There is an increasing demand for applications like multiplayer online gaming, where players residing at different locations participate in the same gaming session through their handheld portable devices. Such applications are characterized by a close degree of collaboration, typical of ad hoc network scenarios.
M- Governance, A solution for health analysis and prevention measures against diseases in rural India[Full-Text ] Abhilasha Singh Rathor, Jyoti Choudhary, Neeraj Rathore, Kumar NilayM-Governance (Mobile-Governance) is a solution come to me by a survey of monitoring the health and disease prevention measures of the mass living in rural India. I’m taking an instance of a senior citizen who doesn’t got his telephone bill due to postal mishap and on the verge of terminating his connection of landline, he informed this to BSNL(The facelift of DoT-Department of Telecommunication ), and after that to his surprise he got billing information on his registered mobile number. To his ease of not getting his telephone bill on time, the citizen can rely on his gadget. From this instance I’m sure that this (M-governance) tool can be a boon to the rural society of India, which comprises of 70% of population, if apply effectively. This survey emphasizes on using smart devices intelligently, not mere creating intelligent devices for smart people.
Wireless Circuitry Based CPU (WCBCPU)[Full-Text ] Govind Prasad Arya, Devendra Prasad, Sushil Singh RauthanThis is the study of the CPU that is having very different kind of circuitry from the traditional ones i.e. of wired. This one has the circuitry that is of wireless one, which in simple words based on interconnectivity of the components of a CPU viz. ALU, CU and registers set, can communicate with each other wirelessly. As we know that according to the Morgan’s Law that “the size of the CPU gets decreasing and its transistors gets increasing exponentially”. In such a scenario it (CPU) becomes more complex and also important to think about a circuitry that interconnects these components wirelessly so that more powerful CPU comes into existence.
Detection of Faults in AC to AC Converter Fed Induction Motor Driver[Full-Text ] Vivek Sharma, Gaurav MendirattaThis paper presents simulation results of the harmonics analysis of motor current signatures under different fault condition of CSI (Current Source Inverter) fed induction motor drive. In this work, simulation studies are performed for two different post fault conditions i.e. open circuiting of one of the six IGBTs(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) gate, blowing off one IGBT .Under these fault conditions, time domain and frequency domain analyses are performed. The simulation results are presented.
CLOUD: A New Way to e-learning[Full-Text ] Vishal Kohli, Shilpi Saxena, Sharad SaxenaThe web is huge, diverse, and dynamic and widely distributed global information service center. We are familiar with the terms like e-commerce, e-governance, e-market, e-finance, e-learning e-banking etc. The rapid internet growth has made both business community and customers to face a new situation. Due to intense competition in every field, e-learning plays a very important role towards the remote areas to provide the education to all. Several options for education are available, to choose from several alternatives, for providing the education to the students. Cloud plays an important role through which education is to be provided to everyone anywhere. This paper presents the important concepts of cloud computing utilized in e-learning.