ICETRE 2013-International Conference on Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy
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Important Bio-fuel Crops: Advantages and Disadvantages[Full-Text ] Sagar T. Sankpal, Pratap V. NaikwadeBiofuels production, driven by the potential to contribute to energy security, climate change mitigation and rural development, has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Now days increased interest in promoting bioenergy, including biofuels, as a renewable energy source growing concerns about the economic, environmental and social sustainabil-ity of biofuels, as well as about their ability to actually meet the energy security expecta-tions. At present biofuels become an extremely important form of bioenergy.
Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Solar Collector Supported De-salination System Coupled With Multi-effect Humidification[Full-Text ] M.K.Manglam, A.GangulyWater is one of the most abundant resources on the earth surface. About two third of earth’s surface is covered with water, but unfortunately most of them are saline and unfit for human consumption. So there is an acute shortage of fresh potable water in many coun-tries of the world including India. Contaminated water also leads to many enteric diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, etc. Thus, inadequate availability of fresh water poses a major chal-lenge towards sustainable development of a country like India. For this reason purification of saline water becomes extremely important. In this paper, a thermal model of a solar col-lector supported desalination system coupled with multi effect humidification has been presented. The model is based on the various heat and mass transfer equations. A computer program based on C language has been developed for the thermal model. The program takes ambient temperature and intensity of solar radiation as inputs and predicts the mass flow rate of the fresh water obtained through desalination from the given system. The per-formance of such a system has been analysed for the climatic conditions of Gangetic Ben-gal for a representative day in summer season. The study reveals that the proposed system can yield substantial amount of fresh water through distillation using the solar energy.
Opportunities and Challenges for High Tem-perature Fuel Cells Power Generation in India[Full-Text ] S. K. Dhakad, Dr. S.C.Soni, Dr. Pankaj AgarwalThe global climate change due to combustion of fossil fuel in power plant is responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emission all over the word. The main focus to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide gas, the high temperature fuel cell (Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell) can be use an alternative source of power generation. Fuel cells have been called as the “microchip of the hydrogen age,” this clean ren ewable energy source is seen as alternative to fossil fuel used in running world’s economy (Gaurav Vasu). This Paper addresses the long-term potential of high-temperature fuel cell systems. The high temperature of the cell can be used to extract hydrogen from other more readily available fuels, such as natural gas and coal synthesis gas, g a s i f i c a t i o n p r o c e s s using the method of fuel reform-ing technique. Currently, CHP based on high-temperature fuel cell systems is not financially competitive compared with conventional systems. How ever this could change if, for example, the lifetime of fuel cell stacks increased and the capital costs reduced. Lower local emissions and reliable and quiet operating performance could also be an advantage (Powell, 2004).The rural areas where electricity supply is currently unavailable and difficult because of infrastructure problems (T SR Prasada Rao).These areas would typically use locally avail-able opportunity fuels such as biomass. The stationary power generation using fuel cells particularly if technologies using molten car-bonate and solid-oxide fuel cells become cost effective and commercially available. A significant problem with the Indian power industry is T&D losses of the order of 20-25% of total electricity generated, as compared to less than 2% in the U.S (P Lako). India with over a billion people, many of whom lack access to reliable power, represents a huge prospective market for fuel cells (Fuel Cell Today).
Super-Capacitive Properties of Nanocrystalline Copper Ferrite Thin Films Deposited by Envi-ronment Friendly Electrodeposition Method[Full-Text ] M. R. Kale and N. P. TendolkarCopper ferrite thin films synthesized at room temperature. Atomic Absorption Spectros-copy (AAS) was used to study stoichiometry as CuFe2. Alkaline bath and small heat treatment converts this CuFe2 into CuFe2O4. Tetragonal type of crystal structure of cop-per ferrite thin films was confirmed from XRD. SEM and AFM images confirm smooth and well adhered morphology. Magnetic properties show comparable results as that of bulk material We have tested CuFe2O4 as an electrode for Super capacitor. This shows good value of specific and interfacial capacitance.
Issues on Wind Electric Distribution System andDifferent Mitigation Methods A Perspective View[Full-Text ] Radhamani V. Pillay, Vanitha V, Anisha Asmy N.RWind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity in India and around the world since it is economical, clean and abundant. There are two major types of wind gen-erators, which are commonly used in wind farms. The first one is the squirrel cage induc-tion generator while the second is doubly fed induction generator. In this, squirrel cage induction generator is widely used due to its low cost, low maintenance rate and possible utilization under wind gusting conditions. But wind farms with induction generators while generating real power, consume reactive power. Due to grid faults, the over speed of the induction generator resulted from transient currents drawn by the induction generator from the electrical power system can exceed the stability limit resulting in collapse of the system and islanding operation. Thus operators worldwide have developed new grid codes to integrate this form of generation. One important aspect of the problem is the low-voltage ride-through capability of wind generators. This paper gives a complete re-view of the power quality issues when using wind electric generators and different meth-ods that are being used to mitigate these problems till date.
Solar Power Generation by Using P.V. Cell[Full-Text ] Mr. Ajay Kumar Damral Dr. Mohan Khedkar Prof. S.D. NaikThis paper describes the solar power generation by using P.V. Cell which includes the mentioned parameters solar spectrum at the earth surface, solar irradiation under different air mass conditions, solar constants, various parameters of solar modules, open ckt. Vol-tages, short ckt. current, fill factors, maximum power, efficiency, series resistance, shunt resistance, factor affecting electricity generated by a solar cell standard test condition, block diagram of efficient solar power system. Parameters to be consider for efficient solar power generation like air temperature, wind direction, wind speed, direct radiation, diffuse radiations, and global radiation.
Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Core-Shell TiO2/SnO2 Nanostructures under UV Illumination[Full-Text ] Priyanka Basyach, Pawan Chetri, Amarjyo ChoudhuryHere we report on preparation of core-shell TiO2/SnO2 via a simple two-step method where the core TiO2 is first synthesized using a usual sol-gel procedure followed by addi-tion of SnO2 solution of three different concentrations (0.2 M, 0.4 M and 0.6 M) to avail the coating layer. Both core and the corresponding three core-shells are characterized with various spectroscopic tools such as UV-Vis-DRS spectra, PL spectra . Also the structural and morphological properties are studied via XRD,TEM and EDX spectra. Then the photocatalytic performance of the core as well as the core-shell nanostructures are investi-gated under UV light illumination to degrade Phenol and it is found that the core-shell TiO2/SnO2 nanostructures exhibit better photocatalytic activity than the core TiO2 nanos-tructures.
Renewable Resources in Zero Energy Buildings with Economical and Environmental As-pects: A Case Study in Odisha[Full-Text ] ArchanaPatnaik, Md Asif Akbari, Dr. P.C SahaA net zero energy building can be defined as a building which generates as much energy through renewable sources as much as it con-sumes from the Grid. To achieve this purpose, Renewable Energy Sources like Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Biogas Energy and Geo thermal energy have to be harnessed properly so that the energy borrowed from the Grid can be replenished by these sources. In this paper, an attempt has been made to compare the economic and environmental aspects of energy generated from these resources in Od-isha and to tell us which of the above mentioned non-renewable energy resource is the best suited based on the parameters of economic and environmental feasibility. As Odisha is developing at a good rate, it becomes absolutely essential to look for renewable energy resources which will serve as the backbone for ZEB. Our study shows us that Solar, Bio-gas and Wind energy will be the major contributor of renewable energy for ZEB’s owing to their widespread availability.
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Methanol and Di-Methyl Ether as Spark Ignition Engine Fuel: A Review[Full-Text ] Pratibhu Roy, Ranendra Roy, Bijan Kumar MandalThis paper presents a brief review on the use of methanol and di-methyl ether (DME) in spark ignition engine, their performance and emission characteristics based on the reports of different researchers available in the literature. Methanol can be produced from avail-able fossil raw materials and also from biomass. A very few literature is available on the study of DME as a supplementary fuel to gasoline. Therefore the authors have made an attempt to compile those findings in this paper for further progress. Also the usability of methanol as a supplementary fuel have been complied and represented in graphical man-ner. DME is primarily produced by converting natural gas, organic waste or biomass to synthetic gas in a two-step synthesis process. The review shows that engine power, brake specific fuel con-sumption, brake thermal efficiency increases or decreases depending upon the operating conditions of the engine and methanol per-centage in the methanol-gasoline blends. Similar trend is observed with di-methyl ether. The emissions of CO, CO2 and NOx decrease, but the emissions of hydrocarbon, formaldehyde and unburned methanol increase with methanol addition to gasoline. In case of di-methyl ether addition, CO, CO2 and NOx emissions increase, but hydrocarbon emission decreases. It can be said that methanol and DME addition to gasoline is an effective way for improving the economic and emissions performance of the SI engine.
Numerical Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesels as Compression Ignition Engine Fuels[Full-Text ] Gaurav Paul, Ambarish Datta, Bijan Kumar MandalIn this paper, the effects on the performance and emission characteristics of a conventional compression ignition engine has been simu-lated using pure diesel (B0), pure methyl soyate (SB100) and methyl ester of rapeseed oil (RB100) as fuels by a commercially available software Diesel-RK. The performance characteristics like brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake torque and brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and emission characteristics like NOx, CO2, particulate matter (PM) and smoke emissions were evaluated for all the three fuels so that a valid comparison can be made between the three. The performance charac-teristics show that BSFC increases and brake thermal efficiency decrease with the use of biodiesel, the difference being more for methyl soyate. It was observed that pure diesel has maximum efficiency of 28.9% whereas pure methyl soyate and rapeseed oil methyl ester have the maximum efficiency of 27.2% and 28.7% respectively. In respect of emission characteristics, NOx emission is found to increase with load as well as use of biodiesel in this study. The maximum value of NOx emission with diesel is 1991 ppm, whereas with both the biofuels it is much higher than diesel, 2922 ppm and 2616 ppm for SB100 and RB100 ester respectively. For smoke and PM, emissions decreased with the use of bio-diesels, the decrease being more for RB100. However for CO2, emissions for B0 was found to be intermediate between SB100 and RB100, highest being for SB100. Thus, it could be concluded that use of biodiesel decreases performance to some extent and im-proves emissions. However, when compared between methyl soyate and rapeseed bio-diesel, it could be said that rapeseed is superior to methyl soyate due to the better perform-ance and lower emissions of RB100 compared to SB100. The reason may be the higher heating value and cetane number of RB100 compared to SB100.
Characterization of the Properties of Different Woody Biomass Species & Estimation of Their Power Generation Potentials[Full-Text ] A.P. Samal, S.K. Patel, M. KumarIn view of energy and environmental problems associated with the use of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and gas) in power generation, an increasing attention is being paid world-over by the scientists and technocrats for the utilization of renewable energy sources in power generation, metallurgical industries etc. There are various type of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, biomass energy etc. out of these renewable en-ergy sources, biomass is more economically viable for almost all the continents in the world. Biomass is a carbonaceous material and provides both the thermal energy and re-duction for oxides, where as other renewable energy sources can meet our thermal need only. Amongst all the solid fuel like coal etc. biomass is the purest fuel consisting of very lesser amount of ash materials. The power generation potential data for renewable energy sources in India clearly indicates that the biomass has potential to generate more than 17000 MW of electricity per year in India. However, the country is locking in exploitation of biomass in power generation. Till date, India has been capable to generate only 2000 MW (approx.) of electricity per year in spite of declaration of several incentives by the govt. of India. Hence, there is an argent need to increase the utilization of biomass in power generation. The present project work is a positive step towards energy and envi-ronmental problems facing the world. The presently selected forestry biomass species has no any commercial use and are underutilized. An attempt has been made in this study to assess the proximate and energy content of different components of Neem (Azadirachta indica), Banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis), Pippal (Ficus religiosa),Mahua (Madhuca longifolia) biomass species ( all woody).
Study on Cultivation of Biofuel Crop Jatropha Curcas Linn[Full-Text ] Pratap Naikwade and Sagar SankpalJatropha curcas Linn. is highly promoted biofuel crop which contains high amount of oil in its seeds which can be converted to biodiesel. Present paper confers details about survey carried out of farmers cultivating Jatropha. The objective was to study problems related to Jatropha cultivation, to identify and describe the socio-economic characteristics of farmers growing Jatropha plant. A total of 200 farmers across four districts were interviewed using a set of structured and unstructured questions (questionnaire). Major problem about Jatro-pha cultivation was availability of market for selling seeds. Among farmers less accept-ability of Jatropha as biofuel crop was due to the delay in notifying, publicizing and ex-plaining the government bio-diesel policy.
Systematic Appraisal of Offshore Wind turbine support structures[Full-Text ] Manjeet, Subhojit Hazra, Ashish Kumar, Aprajita, Dr. P SahaIn present scenario, there is dearth of energy and energy resources. Wind energy has long been recognized as a potential source of re-newable energy. Wind acts as a source of en-ergy from which energy can be generated with the help of wind turbines, which converts wind energy to electric energy. To meet the growing demand of renewable energy, an in-creasing number of wind turbines are being planned to be installed offshore. Because the power output of offshore wind turbines (OWT) is comparatively higher than onshore tur-bines due to the better wind speed because open sea presents a lower category of rough-ness to the free stream wind. Therefore, we install wind turbines, at the considerable dis-tance from the shore of the sea where the wind turbine is more effective. But, the installa-tion of these OWT structures requires larger support structure which poses great challenge to the offshore engineers because of high hydro-dynamic force, wave pressure, wind load and buoyant force which leads to the overturning of the structure. This paper presents the systematic appraisal of the selection of the most preferable, among the different configura-tions support structures like mono pile, tripod and jacket for offshore wind turbines. And from this encyclopaedic study of load assessment and economic assessment it is observed that suction bucket is the best available option. Although, mono pile is the most economi-cal option and less harmful to the environment, the tripod suffers less from wave-resonance than mono pile.
Solar Energy With Nano Technology[Full-Text ] Chandra Shekar Besta, V John Venkanna, K Anil Kumar, V Ramesh Kumar, GP ReddyThe world is facing the threat of depleting fossil fuel (petroleum) resources. This could case a major setback to the world. Researches show that the fossil fuels will get depleted completely in about 15-20 years. The world needs an alternative source of fuels that could keep the world running on its wheels. Alternatives in the form of solar energy, wind en-ergy, bio-fuels, hydrogen fuels etc.. have been found, but they need more study and ex-perimentation before they could be launched commercially. The energy that reaches earth from sunlight in one hour is more than that used by all human activities in one year. The dream of generating electricity from sunlight in large scale at low cost may not be that far from reality in this century. Rapidly emerging solar energy technology using low cost dye sensitized photovoltaic cells on plastics would be a real boost for the third world countries. This paper discusses the conversion of sunlight into electricity by using nanotechnology. Though the conventional silicon solar cells are efficient in converting solar energy into electricity until now, the non conventional solar cells based on molecular photosensitiza-tion by colored materials in wide band gap semiconductors is a fast growing field of basic scientific and industrial research. Present state-of-the-art cells using molecular dyes shows energy conversion efficiencies of 10-11%. Generating electricity from sunlight by highly efficient sensitization of titanium dioxide (TiO2) is new revolutionary technology, that using nanotechnology to develop a better solar cell is to convert as much sunlight to elec-tricity as possible. TiO2 is the best suited semiconductor for chemisorbing the dyes for efficient light harvesting and energy conversion. This approach of generating electricity from sunlight has many advantages over silicon solar cell technology. This paper consists of process that formation of nano-crystalline TiO2 based solar cell.
Performance Investigations of a Cross-Flow Induced Draft Cooling Tower Employed in a Water Cooled Condenser of 900 TR A/C Plant[Full-Text ] B.Kiran Naik and P.MuthukumarWater cooled condensers are generally used in large scale air-conditioning plant for con-verting the refrigerant from gaseous phase to liquid phase typically by removing the latent heat of refrigerant by using water as a coolant. Then, the sensible heat gained by the cool-ing water is rejected (evaporative cooling) in the cooling tower of either natural or me-chanical draft. While rejecting the heat from the water in cooling tower, considerable amount of water in the form of droplets (drift) and evaporation is carried away along with the circulated air. In the present paper, the performances of a standard cross flow induced draft cooling tower employed in the water cooled condenser of a A/C plant in terms of water loss, range, approach and cooling tower efficiency have been investigated. Extensive experimental studies have been carried out in three cooling towers employed in 900 TR refrigeration capacity A/C plant over a period of 4 months. Daily variation of average wa-ter loss and cooling tower performance parameters have been plotted for some selected days. It was observed that an average 3,564 lit/hr of water has been evaporated from 3 cooling towers. The estimated average water loss per TR per hr was about 3.3 litres in the ambient temperature range between 280C DBT - 350C DBT (26 0C WBT - 32 0C WBT). The water loss at peak hours (1 - 2 pm) was about 3.71 lit/hr-TR corresponding to 320C DBT and 30 0C WBT. The efficiency of cooling towers varied between 25 % and 45%.
Performance Analysis of Latent Heat Storage Systems[Full-Text ] Hakeem Niyas and P.MuthukumarStorage of heat in the form of latent heat using phase change materials (PCMs) is an effec-tive way of storing the thermal energy. Phase change materials have been used in many applications such as thermal energy storage in solar thermal power plants, thermal condi-tioning of buildings, thermal comfort in vehicles, cooling of electrical equipments, etc. In the present paper, numerical experiments have been carried out to analyse the performance of latent heat storage systems using phase change material. Effective heat capacity method is employed to account the latent heat of the PCM. Boussinesq approximation has been included in the model to incorporate the buoyancy effect of the molten layer of the PCM. For proper modelling of velocities in the mushy region, Darcy law’s source term has been added. In the current study, Paraffin RT 50 has been selected as the PCM and water has been selected as the heat transfer fluid (HTF). Melting time of PCM packed in three differ-ent cylindrical configurations viz. pipe model, cylinder model and shell-and-tube model is compared. The mathematical model is validated with the data available in the literature. The thermal characteristics of the models have been analysed using isothermal contour plots and temperature time curves. The phase change in the shell-and-tube model was dominated by the effect of convective heat transfer. Numerical results shown that for the same mass of PCM and surface area of heat transfer, shell-and-tube model takes the mini-mum time for melting the PCM.
Combustion Behavior of Bioethanol Fumigated DI Diesel Engine[Full-Text ] Dulari Hansdah, Navin Kumar, Abyarth Kumar Behera and S.MuruganIn this study, bioethanol produced from madhuca indica flower is used as an alternative fuel for compression ignition (CI) engines. Four different flow rates of bioethanol viz. 0.24, 0.48, 0.96 and 1.22 kg/h is fumigated with the help of a vaporiser which comprises an electric heater and an electronically controlled injector. The test engine used in this in-vestigation is a single cylinder, four stroke, air cooled, direct injection (DI) diesel engine with a rated power of 4.4 kW at 1500 rpm. The combustion parameters of the diesel engine run on bioethanol fumigation were evaluated, analysed, compared with diesel operation and presented in this paper.
Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM1) for Prediction of Biogas Production[Full-Text ] P. Satpathy, S. Steinigeweg, F. Uhlenhut, E. SiefertAnaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM1), developed by the International Water Association (IWA) in 2002 is the first and most advanced model applicable for predicting biogas pro-duction and the dynamic processes involved. The model includes parameters after the dis-integration to define substrates in terms of carbohydrates (XCh), proteins (XPr), lipids (XLi) and inert (XI) fractions. Chemical Weender- van Soest analysis was performed to characterize substrates and batch experiments were performed using ANKOM Wireless gas sensor devices. The biogas production using chicken manure was monitored on hourly basis and further simulations were performed using the kinetic constants derived from the experimental results. The simulation program SIMBA was used for the calculations. The results obtained showed a comparison with experimental data, both in terms of the calcu-lated amount of gas and in terms of the gas composition and was in very good agreement with the corresponding measured values. Use of ADM was thus determined to be reliable and beneficial in predicting the biogas production and the system dynamics.
Development and Performance Testing of a Photovoltaic Powered Forced Convection Solar Dryer in NEH Region of India[Full-Text ] Mahendra S. SevedaA photovoltaic powered forced convection solar dryer has been developed and tested its performance for drying chilli under the conditions of NEH region of India. The system consists of a flat plate solar collector cum drying chamber, exhaust fan and solar photo-voltaic module. Experimental investigations were carried out to evaluate the performance of the system by drying chilli. The dryer was capable of holding about 6 kg of chillies per batch. Average air temperature attained in the solar dryer was about 40oC higher than the ambient temperature. Drying of chili in a photovoltaic powered forced convection solar dryer reduces the moisture content from around 80.2% (w.b.) to the final moisture content about 10.00% (w. b.) in 32 h.
Effects of Varying Injection Timing on Perfor-mance and Emission Characteristics of Dual Fuel Engine Fueled with Biogas[Full-Text ] DebabrataBarik, SudhirSah, S.MuruganIn this study, the influence of injection timing on the performance and exhaust emissions of a naturally aspirated, single cylinder, diesel engine running on dual fuel mode has been experimentally investigated. Diesel was used as a pilot fuel and biogas was inducted at an optimum flow rate of 0.9 kg/h along with the air in suction. The tests were conducted at four different injection timings 23o, 24.5o, 26o and 27.5° CA bTDC. The experimental results showed that, the BSEC (brake specific energy consumption) in the dual fuel opera-tion was found to be higher than that of diesel operation at full load. A reduction in the NO and smoke emissions were observed, whereas the HC and CO emissions were increased with advanced injection timing. The performance and the emission parameters of the en-gine running with bi-ogas in the dual fuel operation at different injection timings were evaluated, compared with diesel operation and presented in this paper.
Biomass, Bagasse Cogeneration and Bio-diesel: Crucial Sources for Sustainable De-velopment of India[Full-Text ] Prof. Sirdeshmukh Neelesh PThe total installed capacity of electricity generation in India is 225 GW and at present we are facing 25-35GW shortage. Still 400 million people living without light. Load shading is our daily problem throughout the nation including metro cities. Considering our growth and population in coming 12 years this electricity demand will reach 2.5 times the current established capacity. At the moment 2/3 of installed capacity is from thermal sector. Day by day per capita CO2 emission is rising. Global warming and pollution are getting higher. This paper highlights the potential of biomass, bagasse cogeneration and biodiesel in our country. Moving towards electricity from surplus biomass and bagasse and use of biodiesel will certainly reduce burden of our economy. It will also solve the problem of climate up to some extent. It also helps to improve per capita income of farmers and overall rural economy.
Modeling, simulation and performance analysis of porous disc receiver for solar parabolic trough collector[Full-Text ] Baskar P, Edison G, Ravi Kumar T.S., Ravishankar SathyamurthyThis paper presents and discusses the enhancement of heat transfer through a porous disc receiver for parabolic trough concentrator. To evaluate the performance of the receiver, a three dimensional numerical model of the porous disc line receiver has been developed for parabolic trough collector. The influence of important parameters like the concentration of solar radiation and thermic fluid properties on overall heat collection rate has been analysed. The analysis of this model is carried out based on renormalization-group (RNG) k-e turbulent model associated with standard wall function by using Therminol-VP1 as working fluid. The performance of the receiver is investigated under various heat flux conditions. The heat transfer analysis of the receiver is carried out for the different orientation of the porous disc for different heat flux conditions and the results compared with that of the receiver without porous disc. It is observed that the receiver showed better heat transfer characteristics than that of the receiver without porous disc. The percentage increase in Nusselt number for the receiver is about 70% at Reynolds number of 31,845 as compared to tubular receiver. The experiment has revealed that the use of porous medium in tubular receiver enhances the system performance significantly.
Design Prototype OpticalSystem for Solar Concentrator-fiber OpticTechnology[Full-Text ] Badri Narayan Mohapatra, Rashmita Kumari Mohapatra, M. Ravi Kumar, Satya Narayan TripathyThis research investigates the collection of concentrating solar energy and its transmission through optical fibres for use in high temperature applications such as resource utilization , solar power generation and solar surgery. A prototype collector, known as the Fibre Optic Concentrating Utilization System (FOCUS), has been developed and is capable of delivering high energy fluxes to a remote target.
Modeling and Analysis of Three Phase Variable Load Connected Photo-voltaic System[Full-Text ] Sankalp Verma, Shweta Dave and R. N. PatelThis paper presents the mathematical modeling of three phase Photovoltaic system con-nected with variable load using MATLAB/Simulink environment. The system consists of a PV Array, Boost converter, three phase inverter and its control to maintain three phase variable load. The 40 kW PV system is studied with a variable inductive load of 30 kW. The paper gives analysis of each component of system. The constant and boosted DC voltage is obtained with the help of boost converter from PV Array. The three phase IGBT inverter PWM control scheme is proposed here to normalize the voltage imbalance during variable load. The PI controller is used to attain maximum active power from inverter and to maintain the reactive power requirements.
Performance and emission characteristics of a four stroke single cylinder diesel engine fueled with waste cooking oil and diesel blend[Full-Text ] S. K. Nayak, A.K. Rout, B. P Pattanaik, S. Das, M. K. ParidaThis paper emphasize on the production of methyl ester from waste cooking oil and application of this on four stroke single cylinder diesel engine to investigate its performance and emission characteristics. Keeping in mind about the current global energy crisis, global warming and adverse effect on human health due to the emission hazards emitted from the petro diesel vehicles. Therefore global interest is generated to find out a substitute to the current pilot fuel. Biodiesel has attracted interest in recent times due to its oxidation char-acteristics and environmental benefits. Biodiesel obtained from straight vegetable oil through a process known as base catalyze transesteri-fication process. In this process the reversible reaction between the triglyceride of vegetable oil and methanol in presence of base catalyst (KOH) to produce glycerol and methyl ester. The methyl ester produced in this process is then blended with biodiesel in various proportions before use in a diesel engine. The experimental investigation on the engine performance shows that the Brake power, Brake thermal efficiency and exhaust gas temperature gradually increases with increase in loads. Similarly the emission analysis with the above test fuels shows that Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide and Hydro carbons increase with increases in load for all test fuels includ-ing the pilot fuel and Oxides of nitrogen emission increases with load and is highest for pure biodiesel. From the above experimental re-sults we may conclude that waste cooking methyl ester can successfully be used in a diesel engine without much engine modifications and degrading the engine performance and emissions.
Design and Analysis of SPV-Diesel Hybrid System for Rural Electrification in Odisha[Full-Text ] A. K. Rout and M. K. ParidaEnergy is a crucial input in the economic, social and industrial development of the country. Areas such as hilly regions, forest, tribal and islands which are in remote due to their varied geographic and demographic locations, generally have low load potential, low load factor and inaccessibility to national grid thereby making them unable to connect to the grid due to the involvement of heavy capital investment and therefore are also not expected to have power in the long run. In order to energize such areas the renewable energy sources have been found to be most reliable, economic, eco-friendly and quickly installable as compared to conventional energy sources. Fossil fuels have powered the tremendous industrial and economic development of the developed countries. The oil crisis of 1973 served the warn-ing that fossil fuels were neither inexhaustible nor any cheaper. Renewable energy sources like Solar, Wind, Biomass, SHP, Tidal etc. are the main sources of renewable/green power which can be used to electrify such areas in most appropriate and economic way. Out of these sources, SPV is considered reliable, pollution free and convenient power generation system. In this paper, the study has been car-ried out to design a SPV-Diesel hybrid system for providing sustained power to a typical remote area in our country. On the basis of ener-gy resources data & load pattern of the area, it was found that the system design will consist of 70 % of SPV & 30% of DG generation with peak power of 160 kW. Accordingly, the system has been designed & unit cost of energy is calculated including cost of energy of all SPV & all DG power. It was also found that the DG-set is not suitable to electrify the selected remote area in comparison to SPV stand-alone system even if the unit cost of energy of former is very less.
Thermal Modeling and Experimental Study of a Hybrid Solar Photovoltaic and Earth Air Heat Exchanger System as an Alternative Energy Source for Greenhouse[Full-Text ] M.K.Ghosal, N. Sahoo, D.Behera and Chaudhury Debabrata DashSolar photovoltaic (SPV) is one of the technologies, which utilizes the nature’s gift (solar energy) in the form of electrical as well as thermal energy. Heating of greenhouse is one of the most energy consuming activities during winter periods. Lack of required heating of surround-ing environment inside greenhouse creates the adverse effects on the yield, cultivation time, quality and quantity of the products. The pho-tovoltaic system combined with buried pipe system is a feasible method not only to provide thermal energy obtained from the earth at a cer-tain depth to the greenhouse but also to supply electrical energy for the blower used in the buried pipe system resulting in the indirect way of increasing the over all thermal and electrical efficiency of photovoltaic system. Hence considering the importance of buried pipe system (also called Earth air heat exchanger system; EAHE) as a simple, inexpensive and alternative source of energy, the system has been inte-grated with photovoltaic system in OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India during the whole winter period in the year 2010 with a view to study its thermal performance for heating of the greenhouse through a model, developed, for the composite climate of India. The application of solar energy through photovoltaic system and earth air heat exchanger (EAHE) has been studied with the help of a simplified mathematical model for heating of a greenhouse. In a hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) system, air is taken as the medium for transport of thermal ener-gy. The temperatures of air inside the greenhouse have been compared from the photovoltaic thermal system without air collector, with air collector (during sun shine hours) and with EAHE (during off sun shine hours) along with the overall efficiency (thermal and electrical) of PV/T system. Numerical computations have been carried out for a typical winter day of composite climate of India. The heating potential of the system is evaluated in terms of coefficient of performance (COP) and thermal load levelling (TLL). The results showed that the required temperature for air inside the greenhouse could be maintained during the winter period and overall efficiency could also be increased if the system is operated with PV/T device (with air collector) during day time and EAHE in night time. The electrical efficiency of a hybrid photo-voltaic thermal system with air collector was found to be higher due to low operating temperature. There occurred 7 8 0C rise of tempera-tures for greenhouse air during winter period particularly in night time due to the incorporation of EAHE as compared to without EAHE. Also there occurred 6-7 0C decrease of air temperature during day time by use of PV/T system integrated with greenhouse.
A Survey of PV Based Solid State Transformer for Storage and Distribution Applications[Full-Text ] R.Thamaraiselvi, P.Ramesh, J.Baskaran, C.Sharmeela and G.KumaresanMulti-port dc-dc isolated converter has emerged recently as very important in the case of PV based storage and distribution application. A new front end converter is introduced for efficient PV generation and Common solid state transformer to improve the converter op-erating speed. Half bridge non-isolated dc-dc converter introduced for battery storage and Controller is implemented based on BESS (battery en-ergy storage system) for high power grid distribution proposed in secondary of transformer. Front end converter (FEC) plays a major role and its switching operation is performed by MPPT based pulse genera-tions.Theoverall converter performance is verified through MATLAB (Simulink).
Water-in-Diesel Emulsion An Eco-Friendly Fuel for Stationary Diesel Engines[Full-Text ] R. K. Swain, Sunita PandaThe primary object of the present investigation is to evaluate the performance characteristics of a small-utility stationary diesel engine adopting water in diesel emulsion for carrying out the ex-periments, the emulsion was used in a four stroke single cylinder direct injection diesel engine and was obtained with the aid of a mechanical mixer. A large reduction of NOX concentration was obtained by using differ-ent concentration of water in fuel emulsion. Furthermore improve-ment of fuel economy and reduction of exhaust smoke were obtained.
Effects of Brown Gas Performance and Emission in a SI Engine[Full-Text ] D.V.N.Lakshmi, T.R.Mishra & R.Das, S.S.MohapatraThe world is facing declining liquid fuel reserves at a time when energy demand is exploding. As the supply decreases and costs rise, In order to achieve a secure and stable energy supply that does not cause environmental damage, renewable energy sources must be ex-plored and promis-ing technologies should be developed. Considering various gaseous fuels, Brown? s gas pro-duced by the electroly-sis process of water has high potential for cost effective and emission as-pects. It is identified as the one of the best partial alternate gas-eous fuel to be enriched with in-take air in a spark ignition engine or compression ignition engine. The present investigation in-volves the usage of Brown? s gas in SI engines. The experiment was carried out in a 100 cc sin-gle cylinder air cooled engine at 1500 rpm for various loads. The performance characteristics such as Brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption and emission characteristics like Carbon monoxide (CO), and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) are studied. The results are compared with petrol engine and found that the Brown? s gas enriched operation gives better results com-pared to conventional engine operation.
Biodiesel Production from Simarouba glauca Oil using CaO and KOH Catalysts: A Compara-tive Study[Full-Text ] Mishra S. R., Chaterjee S., Mohanty M. K., Senapati M. R, Panigrahi NBiodiesel was prepared from the crude oil of Simarouba glauca by transesterification with methanol in the presence of KOH as catalyst. A maximum conversion was achieved using a 1:6 molar ratio of oil to methanol at 650C i.e. 92% (oil to methyl ester). Otherwise addition of 8% Solid base catalyst CaO using 1:6 molar ratio of oil to methanol at 650C was also used as cata-lyst for this transesterification and conversion exceeds 95%. Important fuel properties of methyl esters of Simarouba oil (Biodiesel) was compared with ASTM and DIN EN 14214. The viscosity was found to be 4.68 Cst at 400C and the flashpoint was 1650C.
Agricultural Crop Residues: Unutilized Bio-mass Having Huge Energy Creation Potential[Full-Text ] Prakash K. Sarangi and Hara Prasad SahooThere is huge accumulation of agro-industrial waste-materials generated by the milling, brewing and various agriculture and food based industries which in total amount to about 500 million tons per year in India. Most of these by-products contain three major structural polymers such as cel-lulose, hemicellulose and lignin. These are also the main source of feed for animals. A high pro-portion of waste material is carbohydrate and phenolic in nature. The vast accumulation of this kind of biomass not only results in the deterioration of the environment, but also a huge amount of potentially important materials are lost. Owing to the above facts, Biological degradation, for both economic and ecological reasons, has become an increasingly popular alternative for the treatment of crop residues producing different value-added biofuels via biotechnological proc-esses involving microorganisms. Biological degradation, now-a-days, has become an increas-ingly popular alternative for the treatment of agricultural, industrial, organic as well as toxic wastes. Cellulose and hemicellulose being the major constituents, these materials can be referred to as valuable resources for a number of reasons, mainly due to the fact that they can be bio-converted easily into valuable products. These wastes can be processed to yield a number of valuable added products, such as biofuels like biohydrogen, bioethanol and biobutanol along with a variety of chemicals. Various treatment methods such as physical, chemical, biological are employed for the production of these value-added compounds.
Biodiesel Production from Different Non-edible oils containing High Free Fatty Acid[Full-Text ] M.K. Mohanty& S. MishraDemand of fuels is increasing gradually. It is likely to increase the import dependence for oil in India which is about 70 per cent. It is also well known that the petroleum resources are limited which are non-renewable in na-ture. Hence we must start to think about the alternatives as we are likely to run out of the petroleum resources in few decades or so. Production of energy from renewable sources should be given importance as they are bio-degradable and non-toxic.India being a tropi-cal country, a large variety of fruit yielding trees grows in forest and non-agricultural lands. The edible ones among these fruit and seeds are already being used for animal and human consumption. A significant part of these trees yield non-edible fruit and seeds whose oils are having high free fatty acid ranging from 3 to 16. The non-traditional seeds available in India are Karanja, Polanga, Simarouba, Mahua and Jatropha,Kusum etc. Here an attempt has been made to utilize non-edible oils from Karnja, Jatropha, Sima-rouba, Mahua&Polanga for biodiesel produc-tion. The current paper also presents the dif-ferent properties of biodiesel like specific gravity, viscosity, acid value, flash point etc. The study reveals that the properties of bio-diesels are as per standards and can be used as a substitution to diesel because its proper-ties are nearly equal to diesel.
CI engine performance and emission analysis using Karanja Oil Methyl Ester with Exhaust Gas Recirculation[Full-Text ] B. Pattanayak, S. K. Acharya, S. S. MohapatraBiodiesels are alkyl esters of different vegetable oils. Many researchers have concluded that use of biodiesel as alternate fuel in CI engine reduces CO, HC and smoke emissions but increases NOx emission due to higher oxygen content of biodiesel as compared to diesel. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) is a suitable technique to reduce NOx emission from the engine. In this paper experimental analysis on effect of EGR with Karanja Oil Methyl Ester (KOME) is represented. The experiment showed that B20 of KOME with 10% EGR is the best fuel taking into account the performance parameters brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and emission parameters CO and HC, whereas NOx emission increases to a great extent.
Optimization of PV Power with Diesel Generator by varying Tilt Angle and Azimuth[Full-Text ] Shanker Warathe, R N PatelThe Homer software is used to simulate and optimize the best result for installed solar photo voltaic power generating system of 100kw, 240V DC in Bhilai Durg (latitude °N 21.217 and longitude °E 83.433). In this paper the optimization of PV power generating system with diesel generated power will be find out with the help of Homer software which is design for it by varying the tilt angle/slope, azimuth and an incidence angle. The irradiance will vary with slope angle, azimuth, and an incidence angle so the output of PV model highly influence by the variable. The objective of this work is found out the optimization of PV system.