What are the four major dimensions of the culture studied by Geert Hosted? What is the cultural profile of the United States and Mexico? [ ]

A small power distance culture has a tendency to keep up moral obligation a self-governance. A determinant of an overall population's motivation presentation: a manly culture underscores status got from pay rates and position; a femininity culture underlines on human relations and individual fulfillment. United States has high Individualism (IDV) situating that shows overall population with high individualistic perspective and decently flexibility of expression. The United States has Dimension of Masculinity (MAS) with a situating of 62. The men govern a basic piece of the expansive range group and constrain arrangement. Power Distance is the measurement with the most lessened (40) situating for the United States. Instability Avoidance (UAI) Dimension for the US with a situating of 46 which has feeble situating. Mexico's most hoisted Hofstede Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) (82), speaking to the wide range low resistance for frailty. As a result of high Uncertainty Avoidance trademark, the expansive range open doesn't rapidly perceive change and is amazingly hazardous removed. Mexico has a low Individualism (IDV) situating (30). The expansive range open develops tried and true connections where everybody assumes liability for persons from their group. This mirrors the general public encounters a more elevated amount of sexual orientation division.