International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 942

ISSN 2229-5518

Towards the use of New Forensic Approach as a

Panacea in Investigation of Cybercrime


AbstractTodays’ cybercrime has spark doubt on whether data across network infrastructure are secure. Crime such as denial of service, spoofing, ID theft, DDOS, Sniffing, hacking, are used to compromise critical network infrastructure. These growing menaces have posed lots of damages to cyber- space thereby causing valuable data and financial losses to both users and companies. The emerging perpetrations of these crimes have no doubt un- veiled the security implementation on network infrastructure as mere illusion. Today, end users can no longer ascertain that cybercrime can be eradicat- ed, viewing at the kind of damages it causes in our time. Inevitably, we need to understand how these crimes are being facilitated to ensure proper de- sign of counter mechanisms that will help in the apprehension of perpetrator(s). Tracing perpetrator(s) becomes an ever growing challenges’ for cyber investigators, as perpetrator(s) can immediately cover their track when they facilitate an illicit act. A miscreant can take just 30 minutes to facilitate a crime online that can cause forensic investigator(s) 34 hours to discover traces and retrieve evidence that the perpetrated act has occurred. This show how lacking forensic investigators are in terms of response and proper forensic approach towards investigation. On the basis of this research, we ex- plore the limelight of cyber forensic as an emerging field in unveiling cybercrime activities. We further proposed a new forensic approach that will serve as a panacea towards investigation of cybercrime. The model unveils how perpetrator(s) in the cause of their illicit act can be apprehended by team of cyber investigators.

Index Terms— Cybercrime; Cyber security; Cyber forensic; Existing model; New forensic model

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HE giant strive of internet as a means of communica- tion and information dissemination facility is a wel- come development to any developing country and the
world at large. According to [4], “internet has become a wide-
ly medium for companies, schools, and governments to share data.” Advent of this giant achievement has no doubt made communication more robust thereby improving the state of human existence. Internet offers limitless opportunities in re- cording and proving access to information what are at times personal and form part of our unique identity [14]. Internet has pioneered business to soar and at today, life can be mean- ingless without the existence to this great treasure.
Corporations today can easily establish their own cyber- space, maintained it and coordinate businesses around the globe. The ever unlimited achievement of this giant strive has so far made internet connectivity to soar. In fact, research shows that, by 2020 there will be one trillion computers that will be connected to internet. Fig.1 is global internet connectiv- ity trend from 2002-20011 by ITU world telecommunication ICT indicators. These shows how rapidly internet is becoming.

Fig.1. Global internet connectivity 2000-2011 [12]

In spite all this benefits, there exists a global thread (cy- bercrime) that exposes this treasure into becoming an illusion. Internet has now become a domain where lots of crimes are facilitated. These crimes have causes setback to most especial

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 943

ISSN 2229-5518

ly, the financial institutes (Banks) causing loss of billions if not trillions yearly as a result of unauthorized invasion of custom- ers account by miscreants. Crimes such as denial of service, spoofing, ID theft, DDOS, Sniffing, password attacks, hacking, have become a thread to global infrastructure.
Perpetrators of cybercrime now have the propensity to
hide under cyber space and commit or facilitate illegal act without immediate response from law enforcement agency. These growing threads have no doubt become illicit and seri- ous countermeasures are needed to fight these menace. How- ever, in our research, we tend to use the preceding theory on the overview of cybercrime as highlighted in section 2, to de- velop a new forensic approach that will serve as a panacea towards investigation of cybercrime.


In view of the ever growing achievement of cyberspace (Internet) and also a disadvantage of being a vehicle for mali- cious attacks as highlighted in section 1, it is very important to have a clear understanding of cybercrime as viewed by several authors and used the preceding theory to develop a new fo- rensic method that will help in apprehending perpetrator(s) of cybercrime. Per [6] defined cybercrime as: “…. a subset of crime that is committed by use of computer technology, either alone or in conjunction with real-world act and actors.” Inter- net has no doubt become a vehicle for committing cybercrime activities with computer as a driving tool that facilitates the perpetrated act. [11] in their book on “mastering network fo- rensic and investigation” highlighted the steps taken by at- tackers in committing cybercrime where they state: “……attackers generally perform a recon of their intended target to determine the structure of the network, locate poten- tial vulnerabilities, and develop idea on which machine are most vulnerable to the attack… they will then exploits a vul- nerable system and gain a foothold within the network from which they can perform further recon, lunch further attacks, set up rogue sniffers, and perform other steps to increase their influence within the network.” Attackers are said to cover their track when they propagated such illicit act. [14], elabo- rated on the definition of cybercrime as’
“……..offences that are committed against individuals or

groups of individuals with criminal motive to inten-

tionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indi- rectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as internet (chat rooms, social networking sites, e-mail, notice boards and groups) and mobile smart phones internet applications.” (p.186)

However, a computer system with network connections is a clear domain in propagating cybercrime. We cite researcher [5], citing [6], in which he state:
“…… accurately assesses that “persons…have a pro-

pensity to commit crime in cyberspace, which, other- wise they would not commit in physical space,” as well as the fact that, “identity flexibility, dissociative anonymity, and lack of deterrence factor in the cyber- space provides the offenders the choice to commit cy- bercrime.” (p.741)

Using the preceding theory, it shows that, cybercrimes are
easily committed on cyberspace than committing such act in
physical space. Looking at the emerging threads of these crimes, a hacker can invade a system and violate the security policy of the system without anyone knowing when and where such invasion takes place. Fig.2 below shows the struc- ture of organized criminal groups that are engaged in cyber- crime.

Fig.2. Structures of organized criminal groups engaged in cybercrime [12].

Looking at how cyber criminals are structured based on their mode of operations; it draws our attention to say that, we need to understand how cybercrime does occur so as to miti- gate reoccurrence. Knowing how it occurs can also provide a step wise approach towards further investigation. In other to understand the basic approach towards investigating cyber- crime, according to [15], “…..we need to understand the tech- niques and behaviors of these crimes so that we can build a

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 944

ISSN 2229-5518

defence mechanism that will counter their operations.” [4], in their paper on ‘Hacking: An analysis of current methodology’ stated that:
“……….it is important to understand how hackers attack a

system so that they can be stopped. In doing that, the methods used by hackers must be well under- stood.” (p.1)

These show that, for security experts to design a system that will counter cybercrime, they need to understand the crime itself and the way it do occur. These will lead to design of more robust counter mechanism that will elicit such occur- rences in later time. To have knowledge about this infiltrated act of cybercrime, on the basis of this research, in section 4, we explore the limelight of cyber forensic as an emerging field of research to unveil cyber-crime activities.


To further unveil the current approach needed in the investi- gation of cybercrime, it is very important to elaborate on the importance of cyber security and the need to explore in such field, so as to avert the escalation of compromising critical in- frastructure by group of perpetrators. We cite [8] in their book titled ‘Under cyber attack’ saying:
“.............for as much progress as organizations have made, many organizations still have a long way to go. As the rate and complexity of cyber attacks continue to increase, organizations need to act quickly to avoid leaving themselves exposed to a costly and brand- damaging security incident that shakes the confidence of consumers and shareholders.” (p.8)
This shows how significant cyber security is in ensuring that our records are kept secured. Cyber security is a phenom- enon that plays an important role in the ongoing development of information technology, as well as internet services through enhancing security and protecting critical information that are essential to each nation’s security and economic well-being [13].
The escalating violation of cyberspace has no doubt boost
the existence of Information security experts in thinking be- yond the box, henceforth, strategizing counter mechanism to resist any form of threads that may be detrimental to the secu- rity implementation on network Infrastructure. Even though, there is no universal solution to prevent being infiltrated, im- plementing security on cyber is a crucial need in fighting per- petration from perpetrators. Fig.3 is a pie chart illustrating the most significant cybercrime threats derived from cyber securi- ty questionnaire from law enforcement agency in the United States. Each percentage is map out based on the view of the most significant threats to less significant in occurrence.
Fig.3 Most significant cybercrime threats [12].
A network that did not undergo a routing test to ascertain it fitness in terms of security, may likely fall victim of hacking or invasion by unauthorized user(s). Per [9], highlighted the im- portance of security routing check where he pointed out that,

“..…….threat landscape has progressed from unsophisti- cated “script kiddies” to hackers to insiders to today’s state sponsored attacks, where enterprises are attacked because of who they are, what they do and the value of their intellectual property (IP).” (p.1)

Firewall, antivirus, intrusion detection and intrusion pre- vention system (IDS &IPS) being among the security gadget in combating the menace of cybercrime has its own limitation, as information security expert have to create awareness about security breach and increases security in terms of the data stored on server. But there still remain an unresolved ques- tion; why security is being breached? We try finding some of these reasons as highlighted by [8] where they attributed some of the challenges to:

3.1 Lack of commitment from the Board

Most organizations that controls cyberspace lack executive support to establish a clear charter for the information security function and a long-term strategy for its growth. This has im- mensely affected the cyberspace to suffer infiltration of cyber- crime, putting the organizations’ data at broad risk (p.10).

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 945

ISSN 2229-5518

3.2 Lack of Investment on cybersecurity

Looking at the cost effectiveness of implementing cyber secu- rity, most cyberspace owner needs to be willing to invest in cybersecurity. This is because; implementing security is a money consuming factor that needs better coordination so as to ensure business continuity (p.10).

3.3 Lack of continuous improvement

Organizations must establish a framework for continuously monitoring performance and improving their information se- curity programs in the areas of people, process and technology (p.10).

3.4 Lack of proper physical security.

Organizations should ensure that all their information security technology is physically secure, especially with consideration for access to Wi-Fi. A security operation Centre (SOC) can en- able information security functions to respond faster, work more collaboratively and share knowledge more effectively. (p.10)
When security is being breached, information security ex- perts in their part, only have understanding that certain crime has occurred but have little or no knowledge on how to trace evidence. Understanding types of crime and the way it occurs will help in mounting security tools to help fight crime. The concept of cyber forensic must be over emphasized to enable information security expert have a clear understanding on the kind of gadget they needed to develop that will meet the pre- sent challenges of security breach. Section 4, provides a clear knowledge about cyber forensic and the need to explore, so as to use the knowledge gain to create a counter mechanism that will fight cybercrime.


This section describes the importance of cyber forensic and sets out the relevance of the design of our new forensic model that will serve as a panacea towards investigation of cyber- crime. Cyber forensic is an area of scientific research that deals with investigation of criminal activities caused by criminal element that are at all cost, wanted to see the advent of inter- net becoming an illusion [1]. To embrace the existence of cyber forensic as an emerging field, first, we must admit that, there exists cybercrimes. We must also admit that, security expert alone cannot be entrusted in strategizing ways to eradicate cybercrime without cyber forensic experts. This is because; knowing types of cybercrimes (by security experts) and it ef- fect on network infrastructure cannot provide remedy to the emerging challenges. Rather, understanding how it occurs (by cyber forensic) and the trace of evidence will help in strategiz-
ing the kind of countermeasures to put in place to prevent future reoccurrence. Perfectly erasing all traces is of course not always easy no matter how sophisticated an attacker is [10]. Therefore, since cyber forensic is an emerging field of research, it can be entrusted in curtailing the existence of cy- bercrimes. Cyber forensic will help to curtail the menace of criminal activities cause by criminal elements that intend to see cyberspace as an illusion. Cyber forensic investigations are often done as a post-event response to a serious information security or criminal incident. The examination is conducted in a systematic, formalized and legal manner to ensure the ad- missibility of the evidence and subject to considerable scrutiny of both the integrity of the evidence and that of the investiga- tion process [3]. We cite researchers [1], citing Sin (2008), in which they state:

“Sin (2008) highlighted in his proceedings on new digi-

tal forensic investigation model that, ‘Cyber forensic is

the use of scientifically derived and proven methods to- wards the Preservation, Collection, Validation, Identifi- cation, Analysis, Interpretation and presentation of dig- ital Evidence derived from digital sources for the pur- pose of facilitating or furthering the reconstruction of events found to be criminal or helping to anticipate the unauthorized actions shown to be disruptive to planned operations.” (p. 53).

However, most organizations foremost objective is not to
secure evidence. But most often to find the offender, lo-
cate the intruder, and more importantly secure the infra- structure by minimizing, or if possible, get rid of vulnera- bilities. In ensuring that, we need to explore through fo- rensic readiness. Per [4] state that,

“Cyber forensic readiness is the organizations’ potential

to maximize the use of digital evidence to aid in an investigation, with the intent of: Reducing the time taken to respond to an incident, Maximizing the ability to collect credible and meaningful evidence, Minimizing the length/cost of a cyber-incident in- vestigation, Reducing the incident recovery time, Preventing further losses.”(p.7)

Cyber forensic readiness claims that the time and cost re- quired for an incident response during a digital forensic investigation should decrease while at the same time maintaining the level of credibility of the digital evidence being collected [4]. Therefore, in section 5, we proposed a new forensic model as a new approach toward the inves- tigation of cybercrime.


This sections lead to our design of new forensic model by evaluating already existed model adapted in the investi- gation of cybercrime and improving on it limitations to-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 946

ISSN 2229-5518

wards ensuring quick response to incidence and trace of the perpetrators.



Presenta- tion & Destroy

Interpreta- tion


Identifica- tion



& Store

Transporta- tion

Preserva- tion

Fig.4. Existing model for cyber forensic investigation [7].
Fig.4 shows the sequence of the previous existing model of cyber forensic investigation as most often adapted by US fed- eral bureau of investigation and association of chief police officer (ACPO). Some of the limitations of this model are that, investigations are carried out when a crime is reported to have occurred to law enforcement agency, this lack prompt re- sponse to incidence and also, time consuming to be able to link evidence to the perpetrator(s).


The propose model is based on prompt response to cyber incidences. It will help find offender(s), locate the intruder(s), and most importantly secure the infrastructure through quick response. To then link the apprehended offender(s) with the committed act, the existing model in section 5.1, is then adapted for further search. Most importantly, the new model is derived from already existing model in section 5.1 by im- proving on its drawback. Below is the structure of the new forensic model for cybercrime investigation.

Fig.5. Newly proposed model for cyber forensic investigation in- apprehending perpetrator(s).


The design model in fig.5, is our new forensic model that will help in apprehending perpetrator(s) when they are facili- tating critical cybercrime (DDOS, hacking, ID theft, password sniffing, online fraud, session high jacking) that affect network infrastructure. The proposed model is interpreted on cyber space located at the same geographical location. Further re- search will look at how we can replicate its concept on cyber- space operating in different geographical locations. In Section
5, figure 5, we experimented how three subscribers originated
from an internet service provider (ISP).
Each subscriber extends his access to different network
domain with a network administrator (NA) that monitors the
activities of his network. Each network administrator has a separate communication link that extends communications to other administrator later terminated at the alarm clock through the incident detector (ID). The incident detector (ID) is monitored under the supervision of a forensic investiga-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 947

ISSN 2229-5518

tor(s). There is a smooth communication between the forensic investigators and the network administrator over any estab- lished network access. We also note the use of wireless net- works by these subscribers. Administrator must ensure secu- rity to only allowed authorized users to connect to her net- work. If an intruder bypasses the security implementation of a network to guarantee access to his or her computer system, each network access by any computer system, from either sub- scriber(s), is generated by a secret code through the incident detector (ID) that will serve as a tag in monitoring the system performance. Every cyber activities from the three subscribers are being monitored by the incident detector (ID).
When a user is performing a suspicious act on the net- work, the incident detector (ID) will detect the subscriber’s network tracing the computer system performing such act and alert the alarm clock, which triggered and sent information about the location of the incident; the type of computer; in- formation about the system; and the operating system in used through a separate communication link to the network admin- istrator and at the same time, alert the cyber investigators. The network administrator(s) then responds to the alarm that trig- gered on his system for prompt response to apprehend the perpetrator(s). A message via a secured link is sent to the cyber investigator(s) by the network administrator about the apprehension of the perpetrators and requires their quick re- sponse to begin carrying out the steps highlighted on the exist- ing model in fig. 4, subsection 5.1. The greatest challenge that may arise from this type of model to work in apprehending perpetrators is the consistencies of network administrator(s) in monitoring their system at all times. This is the only hurdle that can posed thread to this model.
In ensuring that this model becomes achievable, juris-
diction must also play a vital role to ensure legal search war- rant (license) is issue to forensic investigators to search and apprehend offenders at all times. The reason is that, depend- ing on a countries jurisdiction, if an offender is being appre- hended and further search for evidence is carried out by fo- rensic investigators, without being granted license by the court to do that, on taking the perpetrator(s) to court, the jury may turn down the evidence by not being admissible. This is be- cause, the court expect that, a case of intrusion must first be reported and later issue a search warrant that may guarantee further search for evidence. Not following the proper proce- dure may turn down evidence in court not to be admissible. This is another drawback to cyber investigations. To make this model works successfully, every country must give a full search warrant to forensic investigators to facilitate search for evidence at all times, not necessary a case of intrusion have to be reported to court and wait for search warrant, before em- barking on investigations. These processes causes delay and leads to perpetrator(s) escape even when evidence is being traced. We note that, our new model is meant to apprehend offenders that are committing illicit act online.
Conclusively, the model ensures that, the cyber investiga- tors have full access to all subscribers network by mounting up their forensic gadget at strategic position so as to monitor the countries cyberspace. It is expected that for such method to succeed, a country must agree to enact the use of cyber foren- sic, by investing so much on forensic equipment to ensure con- trol traffic movement so as to detect any suspicious act.


Since cyberspace has become an ever demanding treasure of our time, there remain many security issues to con- front ensuring that it can be secure. Crimes such as denial of service, spoofing, ID theft, DDOS, Sniffing, hacking, have geared towards compromising critical network infrastructure. The growing menace has posed lots of damages to cyberspace thereby causing valuable data and financial losses to both us- ers and companies. This research elaborated the concept of cybercrime and relates the need on cyber forensic as an emerg- ing field for investigation.
The research was able to highlight the importance of
new forensic model to serve as a panacea towards the investi- gation of cybercrime. In the new model, we demonstrated the need of forensic investigators in apprehending perpetrator(s) on a network domain through deployment of incident detec- tors, alarm clock to a subscriber network to monitor and alert any suspicious activities. In our analysis, we further elaborat- ed the needs to adapt on the existing model for further foren- sic search after apprehension of the perpetrator(s).
Our research later elaborated on the needs for jurisdic- tion to cooperate with forensic investigators in issuing a search warrant that may enable flexibility in their search for evidence. We later highlighted the need to replicate this new model across different geographical location to be in used by forensic investigators.


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