Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 1

ISS N 2229-5518

Thermal Performance Evolution of 2-D CFD Model of Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower

Alok singh, S P S Rajput

Abs tract :- A 2-D computational f luid dynamics simulation of heat and mass transf er inside a natural draf t w et cooling has been conducted to investigate the thermal perf ormance of tow er under the range of design parameter. The simulation of multi phase steady state f low inside a natural draf t cooling tow er has been f ound in various positions inside cooling tow er along the diameter. Air temperature varies f luently above and b elow the f ill because maximu m heat transf er take place in f ill zone as compare to spray zone and rain zone. At outlet air temperature changes around 3- 5%. Random change of pressure occurs below the f ill, near w all its value almost zero. Enthalpy and entropy having descending values tow ards w all from axis.

Inde x Terms :- Wet cooling tow er, thermal perf ormance, cf d .

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Cooling tow ers ar e heat r ej ection devices used to transfer waste heat to the atmospher e. Cooling tower s ar e an integr al part of many industr ial process. They ar e often

used in power generation plants to cool the condenser feed- water . In cooling tower the ambient air is used to cool
warm water coming fr om the condenser . Ther e ar e many cooling tow er designs or configurations. In dr y cooling tow ers the water is passed thr ough finned tubes forming a
heat exchanger so only sensible heat is transfer ed to the air . In w et cooling tow ers the water is sprayed dir ectly into the air so evaporation occur s and both latent heat and sensible heat ar e exchanged. Cooling tow ers can further be
categor ised into forced or natural draft tower s. For ced units
tend to be r elatively small str uctur es w her e the air flow is driven by fan.
Alok singh, Assista nt Professor, Depa rtment of Mechanical Engineering, Ma ulana Azad Na tiona l Institute Of Technology, Bhopa l (MP) India , E- ma il:- er_a

Dr.S.P.S. Ra jput, Associa te Professor, Depa rtment of Mecha nica l

Engineering, Maula na Azad Na tional Institute Of Technology, Bhopa l (MP)

India, E-ma il:- spsra jput@gma
In a natur al dr aft cooling tower the air flow is generated by natur al convection only.
The draft is established by the density differ ence betw een the warm air inside the tow er and the cool dense ambient air outside the tow er . In a w et cooling tower , the water vapour inside the tow er contributes to the buoyancy and tow er draft. A further classification is betw een counter-flow and cr oss-flow cooling tow ers. In cr oss-flow configuration, the air flows at some angle to water flow wher eas in counter-flow the air flows in the opposite dir ection to water flow .


This study is concer ned with natural draft w et cooling tow ers (NDW CT) in counter-flow configuration. These structur es ar e most commonly found in power generation plants.
In a NDW CT in counter flow configuration. Ther e ar e thr ee heat and mass transfer zones,
1. spray zone
2. fill zone
3. r ain zone

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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 2

ISS N 2229-5518

Figure 1. Natural draf t w et cooling tow er 1. Drif t eliminator 2. Nozzle 3. Fill 4. Water basin

The water is intr oduced into the tow er thr ough spray nozzles appr oximately 8-12m above the basin. The pr imary function of the spray zone is simply to distr ibute the water evenly acr oss the tower . The water passes thr ough a small spray zone as small fast moving dr oplets befor e enter ing the fill. Ther e ar e a range of fill types. Generally they tend to be either a splash bar fill type or film fill type. The splash bar type acts to br eak up water flow into smaller dr oplets with splash bars or other means. A film fill is a mor e modern design which forces the water to flow in film over closely packed par allel plates. This significantly incr eases the sur face ar ea for heat and mass transfer .

3 MODELING OF COOLING T OWER Computation Fluid Dynamic Modeling: In or der to analysis differ ent conception of cooling tow er behavior in wind first the computational fluid dynamic modeling of cooling tower is developed. The CFD (Anysis) code” FLUENT 12” is used for modeling. This package has been employed in this

study to develop a tw o dimensional steady state simulation
of NDW CT.

4 G EOM ETRY In the first step geometry is created in 2 D using reference data providing different parts of cooling tower considering impor tant details. The str uctur e of whole

model imagined in advance, because the possibilities in the subsequent steps depended on the composition of differ ent geometr ical shapes .Assumptions w er e made to take into account the main featur es of r eal constr uction.

2-D symmetry model is developed, fix the fill corr esponding to r eal arrangement.

Inlet and outlet space is cr eated at bottom and top of the tow er

Cooling tower shell is consider ed as a wall

with zer o thickness and its pr ofile is for med by curve by thr ee point including thr oat.

Assuming symmetrical thermal and flow field

in the model, only one half of the cooling

tow er is modeled with a symmetry boundary condition.

Fill depth 1 m

Tow er basin diameter 98 m

Fill base diameter 94 m

Tow er top diameter 68 m

Spr ay zone height 12 m

Water flow rate 15000 kg/s

Water inlet temperatur e 318 K

Ambient air temperatur e 298 K

Ambient air humidity 55 %

Ambient pr essur e 101 kPa

Inlet turbulence intensity 1 %

Design parameter s f or ref erence tow er

5 M ESH After geometry mesh is generated. Dur ing mesh generation much attention to be paid with mesh quality r equir ement r ecommendation in FLUENT . In or der to have an appr opr iate r esolution of the flow field inside the cooling tower the computational domain is discretised into a large number of finite volume cells.

Differ ent parts is meshed with differ ent element sizing .

Fill zone must be fine meshed.

By using mapped face meshing mesh the model with appropr iate element sizing.

After mesh generation cr eate name of differ ent parts of cooling tow er .

The inner and outer sur face of the wall inside the model have identical shapes but ar e disconnected, so the mesh sizes on the two sides of the walls can be differ ent.


IJSER © 2012 http ://

Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 3

ISS N 2229-5518

In cell zone sur face body is consider ed as fluid. The operating pr essur e is 101325 Pa in upstr eam from the center line of the cooling tow er . The gr avitational acceler ation is 9.81 m/s2 . Operating temper atur e is 288.16 K and oper ating density is 1.22 kg/m 3 enter ed.


Velocity inlet boundary condition is used to define the inlet velocity and other pr operties of air . Velocity magnitude of air takes normal to the boundary of inlet. Turbulence is taken as intensity and length scale. Thermal condition and species in mole fr action is defined.
Pr essur e out let is defined at out let of air . Other zone also
define likewise.


The governing equations for incompr essible steady fluid flow can be wr itten
in general form as:
∇ · (ρuφ – Ƭφ ∇φ ) = Sφ
wher e ρ is the air density (kg/m3), u is the fluid velocity
(m/s), φ is the flow variable (u, v,w , k, ε, T, ω) and Ƭφ is the diffusion coefficient for φ and Sφ the source term. These equations can be expanded into the individual momentum and transpor t equations w hich, together w ith the continuity equation give the Navier -Stokes Equations. These equations can be solved numerically enabling fluid flow to be
simulated forming the basis for CFD.
For all flows, FLUENT solves conservation equation for
mass and momentum. For flows involving heat transfer and compr essibility an additional equation ener gy conser vation is solved. For flows involving species mixin ,a species conser vation equation is solved.
The continuity equation for conservation of mass in
Cartesian coor dinates for tr ansient flow can be given as,
∂ρ / ∂t + ∇· (ρv) = Sm
wher e Sm is the mass sour ce term. The steady equation is
obtained by simply neglecting the transient ter ms, ∂/ ∂t ,
fr om the left hand side.
The equation for conser vation of momentum can be written
∂/ ∂t (ρu i) + ∂/ ∂xj (ρu iuj) = − ∂p/ ∂xi + ∂/ ∂xj
[ μ ( ∂u i / ∂xj + ∂uj / ∂xi)] + S
wher e S is now a source term for momentum. The sour ce term for buoyancy
can be written as,
Sb = (ρ − ρref ) g
The transport equation for a scalar φ can be written as:
∂/∂t(ρφ ) +∂/ ∂xj(ρφuj) = ∂/ ∂xj Ƭ (∂φ/∂xj)] + Sφ
Navier-Stokes equations r epr esent all the scales of fluid motion. Many flows in engineering ar e
highly turbulent and so r esolving all the scales explicitly using dir ect numer ical simulation is too computationally intensive, r equir ing very fine discr etisation of the above equations. Turbulence models ar e employed to r educe the computational wor k load by intr oducing simplifying assumptions and r epr esenting some of the scales of motion with additional equations.
The transport equations for the turbulence kinetic ener gy, k, and the rate
of dissipation, ε, ar e given as
∂/ ∂ t(ρk) + ∂/ ∂xi (ρ kui ) =∂/∂xj *(αk μeff) ∂k/ ∂xj ]
+ Gk + Gb − ρ ε + S k
∂/ ∂t (ρε) + ∂/ ∂xi (ρεu i) = ∂/ ∂xj *(α ε μeff)∂ ε/ ∂xj]
+ C.ε/k (G k + CGb ) − Cρ ε2/ k -Rε+Sε


The air enter ing in to cooling tow er suddenly changes temper atur e due to contact of hot water coming out fr om nozzle. Highest temperatur e zone is near the axis of cooling tower . As the air flows up the temper atur e goes

IJSER © 2012 http ://

Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 4

ISS N 2229-5518

dow n. Near wall of cooling tow er the air temperatur e is comparatively low.

At inlet the pr essur e of air is maximum and gradually decr eases as the air flows up. Above the spray zone and

ar ound the axis up to some extent the pr essur e having very less some, time it is negative also. Some distance fr om wall the value of pr essur e is like constant thr ough- out the wall. Below the fill it is always higher than above the fill. Dynamic pr essur e is having higher value near the wall and lesser near the axis thor ough-out the cooling tow er height. Static pr essur e decr eases up to fill and than decr eases up to air outlet. Value of pr essur e coefficient is high at inlet and low at outlet.
To find out the var ious pr oper ites of cooling tower ther e must be some line horizontzl w ith r efr ence to axis and

gr ound level.





Hor izontal line

coor dinate

(Diameter of cooling tow er )

Line name





(X1 , Y1 )

(X2 , Y2 )

Line name


2 m/s

(0, 6 ) (49, 6 )

Y=6 , at

rain zone


2 m/s

(0, 13) (46, 13)



spray zone


2 m/s

(0, 65) (36, 65)

Y=65, at


Thr ee line dr awn hor izontally at rain zone, above spr ay zone and at middle of the cooling tow er to find out the various thermal pr oper ties of cooling tower .

IJSER © 2012 http ://

Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 3, Marc h -2012 5

ISS N 2229-5518

Nomenclature Cp specific heat (j /kg K) g gravitational acceler ation (m/s 2 ) G mass flow rate per unit ar ea (kg/s/m2 ) k turbulence kinetic ener gy (m2 /s2 ) R univer sal gas constant (N.m/kmol.K)
S sour ce term U, v velocity component (m/s)

Greek letters ε

turbulence kinetic ener gy dissipation rate
(m2 /s3 ) Ƭ diffusion coefficient (kg/ms) μ viscosity (kg/ms) ρ air density (kg/m3 ) α kinetic ener gy coefficient



The simulation of multi phase steady state flow inside a natur al dr aft cooling tower has been conducted using CFD code “FLUENT 12”. Thermal parameter has been find out in various positions inside cooling tow er along the diameter . Air temper atur e var ies fluently above and below the fill because maximum heat transfer take place in fill zone as compar e to spray zone and rain zone. At outl et air temperatur e changes ar ound 5% near axis, wher e at its change near the w all is only 3%. Random change of
pr essur e occur s below the fill, near w all its value almost
zer o. Enthalpy and entr opy having descending values
towar ds wall fr om axis.
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