International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 1

ISSN 2229-5518

The Role of In-Service Training to Improve Hu- man Resource Management and Organizational Performance

Fatemeh Rezaei1*, Naser Akhlaghi2

1Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.

2Department of Petroleum Engineering, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.

AbstractOrganizations for their survival difficult to skilled personnel and innovative ideas are needed and managers should always be receptive to their creative professionals and ideas. This is absolutely correct with the training, all employees can be enhanced and sustained.

Organizations should use the latest achievements in the field of educational technology and teaching aids and teach the use and application of this equipments to their man power. How to attract and retain skilled labor and efficient use of power and expertise of its people and devise ways of improv- ing academic levels, including their practical and professional issues that according to them, have the manpower to make effective use of manpower

planning will make it possible.

Increase the educational level of population diversity, expertise, breadth and complexity of organizations, technology and rapidly changing expectations of people of other variables that contribute to efficient management of human resources for the program is important. However, human resource devel-

opment is one of the principles of sustainable development. Companies that work in today's world of modern style of its main assets are their employ- ees. Achieving sustainable development depends on human resources development and the importance of each factor depends on the proper and con- tinuous training is conducted.

In this article the role of in-service training in human resources management was investigated and different aspects of this type of training was presented. The results of other research are shown that in-service training has beneficial effect on organizational development and improvement.

Index Terms— In-Service Training, Human Resource Management, Staff Training, Organizational Performance, Organizational



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DUCATION as the most effective ways to leverage and in fact one of the guiding principles and reasonable efforts of staff in the organization that In order to mobilize man-
power and improving the effectiveness and efficiency is al- ways important. Employees at every organizational level and by including a simple job to administrators need to learn and gain knowledge and new skills. Additionally, when employ- ees change jobs, he needs also to learn new job skills and knowledge required in order to be effective member to organ- ization `s successful.
With the rapid progress of science and technology and com-
pete with global close, today is the diversity of what the sys-
tem is stable. This variety requires more manpower and spe-
cialized training in performing these changes are successful.
Organizations for their survival difficult to skilled personnel and innovative ideas are needed and managers should always be receptive to their creative professionals and ideas. This is absolutely correct with the training, all employees can be en- hanced and sustained.
Today's successful global organizations to get more ideas, re- search facilities, financial and spiritual, are widely available to their employees. In fact this is an effective force for develop- ment, not only can be the optimal use of existing facilities, but if conditions allow, with innovation and creativity can bring the organization into the ne plus growth and productivity. Organizational changes in the role of human resources is sig-
nificant and the appropriate human roles with organizational goals requires learning the necessary skills and expertise to create areas of entrepreneurship. Management emphasis on training and periodic point to people, especially if it needs to be selected from lower levels and from there to the middle and upper levels of the universality, can be effective on the im- provement of organization potential.
Organizations should use the latest achievements in the field
of educational technology and teaching aids and teach the use
and application of this equipments to their man power. How to attract and retain skilled labor and efficient use of power and expertise of its people and devise ways of improving aca- demic levels, including their practical and professional issues that according to them, have the manpower to make effective use of manpower planning will make it possible. Knowledge and expectations change with development and expansion of urban employers, and consequently the need for managers to understand the needs of the labor force and its impact on or- ganizational performance and implement its goals realized. And the importance of education is increasing every day. Increase the educational level of population diversity, exper- tise, breadth and complexity of organizations, technology and rapidly changing expectations of people of other variables that contribute to efficient management of human resources for the program is important. However, human resource develop- ment is one of the principles of sustainable development.

*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 2

ISSN 2229-5518

Companies that work in today's world of modern style of its main assets are their employees. Achieving sustainable devel- opment depends on human resources development and the importance of each factor depends on the proper and continu- ous training is conducted. Providing the necessary training, staffing the organization's main asset and with more and bet- ter skills and capabilities to increase efficiency and improve people's financial assets and achieve greater productivity. In fact, training and productivity improvement is the most im- portant tasks of human resource management.


It is about human resource management tasks. Management that encompasses all management decisions that directly af- fected the organization employees and collection of techniques and methods that are based on these experiences and achievements and its main tasks are as follows:
1) Analysis and design jobs
2) Manpower planning
3) Finding and hiring employees
4) Education, Improvement, and Efficiency
5) Performance evaluation
6) Equitable salary system
7) Working relationship and its healthy
8) Departure of individual from the organization
In-service training is the forth component of human resource management duties.
In-service training:
Set of training needs assessment and planning activities in
order to improve and enhance the knowledge, skills, attitudes
and behavior for members of the organization to do better
organizational duties.
Definition of Education:
Experience-based learning in order to create sustainable
changes in a person to be able to do better work and more Im-
prove the abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes of their
social behavior and this type of training requires careful plan-
ning and forecasting needs to identify and eliminate those that
are required.
training requires use of predicted programs that the existing
competence of staff is strengthen and caused to get the new
knowledge, skills, and abilities in people and in a manner that
will facilitate improved job performance. Nowadays dimen-
sions of training programs in addition to employment or in- service training, the dimensions of service quality improve- ment and production, data processing, participate in team decisions and computers are also emphasized. Because staff have adequate and effective performance in productivity and enable the organization must be proficient in this aspect also. Training programs according to the type of each organization and its services with other organizations is different. Any of this training is updated and improved compatibility with the environment will be better and more efficient organization and staff roles also will be. Skilled personnel and professionals seeking continuing education in the future this will be re- solved and these factors will ensure the growth and survival of life of organization.
However, to achieve sustainable productivity, creativity and innovative workforce, high quality services, having an effi-
cient, effective, committed and caring human resources are the major tasks and objectives of human resource management that the only way is providing proper, continuous and up-to- date training of manpower.
World Bank report in 1998 following table shows that man-
power has a decisive role in maintaining and increasing na- tional wealth and countries can be achieved the most global earnings with minimal knowledge of natural industries by the base of human resources.

Table 1: World Bank in 1998

Row Groups Percent of total Share of Human Physical Wealth Natural wealth global wealth Resources




63 countries export- 4.6 %36 %20 %46

ing raw materials




100 developing 15.9 %56 %16 %28





29 high-income 79.6 %67 %16 %17

industrialized coun- tries

*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 3

ISSN 2229-5518

Today there are believed to work better practices, better quali- ty in exchange for universal responsibility, planning work in partnership with staff, management team's participation, and innovative teams Authority, requires to advanced in-service training more than before.

Any employee hired after work, meet his basic needs and the need for progress, growth and excellence will and managers of
any organization that has responsibility for maintaining and upgrading their troops to have their needs considered. Ac- cording to table 2 after a while everyone needs to grow, per- fection and excellence, and called for a specific position in the organization.

Table 2: Hierarchy of needs


agreement / con- tract

Be official And

entitlement to in- surance benefits

Participate in group

activities and goals

Participation in

decision making and gain a higher position

Earn a special place

in the organization

Basic needs

Safety and Security




According to these needs in the above table has been designed based on Maslow's needs if the manager can run applications, the manager can be 80 percent ability and energy to serve its employees and the efficiency of its use.
The reasons of need for in-service training:
1. Education is a factor for the occurrence of hidden talents
and efforts to train and develop skilled and committed
forces for future of organization
2. Uniqueness of each job location (every job has its own tasks and situations that require specific training)
3. Changing jobs and moving into the enterprise (job rota- tion)
4. Government regulations and mandatory training courses
in order to promote mobility of people and job security
5. Progress of science, technology, and need to compete in
the global markets
6. Need training to develop and prepare more efficient and
fruitful forces for business success and profitability
7. People need day to day use of technology for greater suc-
cess in competition
Goals of in-service training programs:
1. Training in order to meet the organization's policies and
2. Training to improve human relations
3. Training to solve problems and develop specific skills in
4. Training to improve management and governance prac-
5. Education to coordinate staff with changes, scientific and technological global advances, and economic, social, polit- ical and cultural developments of society
6. Learning to coordinate and adapt to new needs of society and demands of people
7. Training to enhance cognitive skills, human and technical
8. Training in order to obtain the correct attitude and will-
ingness to make changes in all aspects of the organization
9. Provide training to new labor, for new people to replace those retiring
10. In order to coordinate and implement training among agencies at all levels of organization
11. In order to provide enhanced training areas, job rotation,
promotion of staff
12. Provide training to develop talents and potential staffing
13. Training to enhance the quality and quantity of products
and services and maximum use of minimum resources
14. Effectiveness and efficiency of manpower with training in
order to create motivation and job satisfaction among
15. Training to prevent staff turnover and reduce rate in the
16. Training in order to character development, increased
confidence of people, development of values and ethics of
human resources to achieve the desired values
17. Training to help organizations manage and adapt their
forces to implement the organization's needs
18. Training in order to solve specific problems created in the

*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 4

ISSN 2229-5518

19. Learning how to communicate effectively with others to improve and increase communication between the parties and best practices
20. Training in order to improve the speed and accuracy of affairs
Types of staff training:

Pre-service training (what people learn at study period)

Start training service (what is providing to familiar and

attention of the newly recruited)

In-service training (what worked in the real scene and the

work done on job tasks are taught)

Training after serving (for retirees to adapt them self with

the pension conditions and find new jobs)
The last case mostly runs in advanced, industrialized, and
called the First World countries and has no place in the Third
The largest steps to implement (implementation process) a in-
service training program in a system:
1) Analysis and understanding of the status quo and ulti- mately determine the exact needs of employees (identifi- cation and assessment)
2) Identify and develop training plans to suit the real needs of employees and based on the latest technology
3) The needs assessment and validation of content and edu- cational materials based on standards set
4) Educational programs to all the people who need these
programs are organized
5) Assessment of all aspects of program implementation and
to find weaknesses and shortcomings
6) evaluation and performance measurement of employee after training courses
7) Develop new programs with attention to weaknesses identified and eliminate them according to new needs of staff
8) This process is a continuous and with Such programs can guarantee the continuous dynamics of organization

Training methods can be used in organizations:
1) Education through the master apprentice (Field-specific
practical and technical)
2) The audiovisual method (with the help of audio and vid- eo tools)
3) Distance Education (private to countries with wide geo- graphic area)
4) Formation a panel of the remote (Using the telephone, and satellite. . .)
5) Simulated Training (private costly and risky jobs)
6) Training through computers, software, and in the large-
scale Internet
7) Training by the division of people in working groups
8) Training through job rotation (specific to incorporated
9) Case trainings
10) Training through group discussion and debate, particular-
ly impractical Affairs
And whatever can provide the progress of science and knowledge to human.
Important factors in improving the effectiveness and greater efficiency of training courses on Improve and productivity of the organization:
1) Motivated and willing participants in the courses
2) The feedback from courses
3) Reinforcement
4) Repetition and practice of learning

*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 5

ISSN 2229-5518

5) Being associated the content of training materials with job and description the job duties
6) Be meaningful of the educational concepts
7) Environmental considerations
8) Using the latest equipment and educational assistance
9) Determine the behavioral objectives for courses
10) Attention to the assessment and evaluation at all stages of
But the improvement of organization:
This could mean that the attitudes, values and beliefs of staff
change, so that staff can understand and implement technolo- gy changes and usually in the form of restructuring or re- organization plan should be done. Today, the globalization (globalization: that all companies in all countries tend to pro- duce and supply their products in foreign markets and com- pete with other global companies are successful) of companies and organizations willing, helpful, skilled, expertise, and commitment manpower will be caused to excellence and suc- cess in the competition and because large companies to give such people special privileges. In such companies, today after the recruitment and hiring, the next step is justified and train- ing of them. In fact, managers with justify personnel's atti- tudes and norms, values and behavior patterns as well as the expected and also benefits of the staff, administrative policies, daily duties, the company's overall operations and set rules inject to new people at the system.
Alvin Toffler in his book, the third shock, believes that life in the twenty-first century as the modern era of superior theory, the adsorbent will be pleasant that current human can stand in front of the enhancements and changes may be necessary and with the courage to appear in front of them. This is possible when human beings to repair for match himself with future people of century and each day add to their knowledge, skills, insights and dynamism to have been successful near them and have in place in their organizations.
Declared improvement:
Improvement process of organization through changes in atti- tudes, beliefs, people`s values, structure and organization of activities that mainly focuses on modifying human behavior in organizations.
In fact, organizational improvement an emerging field that aims to improve the effectiveness of organization and its
members by planning and it is necessary for exerting changes. Chester Barnard and Chris Rjrys insist that a truly effective organization is that the organization itself and its people have the opportunity to grow and flourish and all this is the real meaning of improving (health promotion and effectiveness of organization).
Another definition for improvement is long-term efforts to
enhance the ability of an organization in the face of change,
reform and modernization of methods of solving problems
through the effective management of organizational culture.
The upgraded features of organization:
1) Implementation the planned changes
2) Collaboration for doing changes
3) Emphasis on ways to improve performance and quality
4) Humanism and attention to employee needs
5) Be systemic and changes in all aspects of the system
6) Scientific and based on science and calculated planning
7) Respect for employees and clients and customers
8) Create confidence and trust in employees to enhance their
9) Equal rights and benefits for all people (the classification
of occupations in true mean)
10) Inform employees during the operations and all business
11) Participation and team decision making
12) Appropriate educational atmosphere in order to boom
prone people
13) Attention to assessment of staff competence and create
consistency in the organization
In fact, the improvements will include the following three
A. Manpower improvement
B. Improving the organizational structure C. Improving an organization's technology Improving the organizational structure:
Mainly concentrated in the executive agencies to work in Iran
(based on hierarchy, lack of participation, inappropriate and
obscure decisions, etc. are employed.) that these systems and structures that must change and to form a team and be partic- ipatory to make cooperation and commitment of everyone. Improving an organization's technology:
The word technology means what makes the work easier and
faster. Given the importance of information in the topic of managers decision-making and role of speed, accuracy and quality in international competitions, instead of any discus- sion on the optimal use of the latest technology does not re- main and everyone is clear on the role and importance of it. So it is better all branches and trends of the organization`s im- provement (manpower improvement, Improving the organi- zational structure, Improving the organization`s technology) parallel to each other (discussion the system improvement) and all three are driven in parallel.
Dealing with dynamic environments, some researchers have
so far that they believe that the only solution for survival and productivity, Every organization has to become a learning system. learning was posed in the book of the fifth discipline by Peter Senj and his mean is designing the five subscales sys- tems that they help organization to change its thinking and mental structure foundation and following the mental frame- work to form a dynamic system and become active. Five sub- scales systems are personal mastery, to achieve a shared vi- sion, systemic thinking, thinking patterns, and group learning.

*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 6

ISSN 2229-5518

Given the importance of said and also current age needs and necessities, organizations need to be learning organizations to be dynamic and continuous improvement and update.
Peter Senj believes that based on the learning organization, the organization has always sought to learn up-to-date knowledge to continue implement and maintain its survival. In these or- ganizations, leadership is in new, teamwork and partnership form and the prosperity and progress of all members of the organization is open.
In fact, this type of organization more successful in creating
and acquiring knowledge and also change the behavior to re-
flect comments and new knowledge to contains the necessary skills and finally the dynamic and continuous of this process provides improvement of the organization.
Research shows that with consideration the rate of science progress and special techniques in technical and operational
tasks, The new information is valid only up to 16 months thereafter and the useful life of information is really low. Be- cause the use of new scientific knowledge should be provided by necessary training and each person after 16 months must see new and additional training for having productivity.
In some research organizations in the First World countries, scientific validity of the certificate is only 3 to 5 years and if owners of certificates do not path the new directions of re- search, their scientific value will be reduced. In 1990, three quarters of the jobs have required specialized and periodic training and improving human resources has for more than two-thirds increase production in these countries. Research shows that in Iran with proper and accurate continuous train- ing, empowerment of individuals will increase to 89 percent.

Generally, in a systematic process the role of education is:
At present, intensive international competition means that
companies need to change quickly. To start new works,
change the organizational chart or change the attitudes and values of employees is necessary. Also, organizations need to change their strategies and at every change, the most difficult work is removing re- sistance durin changing providers way. This resistance is mostly due to people are afraid of something vague and un- known and to routines before accustomed. Kurt Evin says, organizational behavior is the product of two forces: One of them is trying to preserve the status quo and the other tries to be changed and this requires training that the people of organ- ization learn The change is beneficial to themselves. In fact, the performance status of individual is better after the training process will be down, But this development is responsive for a long time because useful life of Contents is short and personal information should be updated. The training should be an
ongoing and dynamic to provide improvement and productiv- ity of organization. Each individual before hiring, serving his training and classical education and after employment in any organization, according to the type of organization work, spends employment and practical training, Justification, and familiarity with other laws of organization. And then enter the production cycle and after that according to work status and his success in labor, goods, produced services, and get com- munity feedback, need assessment begins for the next training. In addition the management of any systems according to na tional and global being associated with national and global network need for new information and techniques and the system will accom- modate with the updated development. And this is part of the training that staff need to a system be dynamic and successful in the global arena and this process goes on continuously. In this area creative and dynamic individuals will known and their talent and power will serve to the system and this pro- cess will be faster way of the future organizations.
in the future, base of hiring the people will be expertise and

*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 1, January-2013 7

ISSN 2229-5518

training and also these people with getting their benefits from the system will contribute to the dynamism of system. How- ever, future is the time of governing of the person is possessed of special knowledge and expertise and also expertise literally be ruling. Future managers will be benefitted from the global specialty education in their careers and service training cours- es will be an integral part of the organization working hours in the future.
We should note that in all the above features, the human role in improving the organization is evident. For example, a change agent is the same man, the man can do problem solv-
ing, learning is the goal of man, group processes are done with the participation of man, information feedback and return re- fer to the human and use of it achieved with human. Grouping is done by humans and human combined. And finally, two features of focus on organization and systemic working consti- tutes the most important organizational factors are considered and meaning of all these cases in organization is Improve- ment, attract and retain human resources.


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*Address correspondence to Fatemeh Rezaei, Department of Elementary Education, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Omidiyeh, Iran.


Phone: +98-652-3223434

IJSER © 2013