International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 216

ISSN 2229-5518

Stability analysis of prey-predator model with alternative food sources and transition two

diseases in the same population

Rasha Majeed Yaseen

Department of Mechatronics, Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, University of Baghdad / Iraq.

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Abstract- In this paper, the effect of alternative food sources and transitive two different types of diseases in the ecological models, specifically a prey-predator model, is proposed and studied. Both of the diseases transition in the same population, specifically in the predators. The first one of which the SIS-epidemics is transmitted. The second one of which the SI-epidemics is transmitted. The model is characterized by a four of autonomous nonlinear differential equations with nonnegative parameters. All the model's equilibriums are determined and the dynamic behaviors of the model near them are investigated. Finally, contains the numerical simulation investigation at each equilibrium points

Keywords- prey-predator model, SI epidemics disease, SIS epidemics disease, Lyapunov function, boundedness, stability analysis.


Diseases in a prey-predator system have received significant interest in resent years. It is well known that, in nature species does not exist alone. In fact, any given habitat may contain dozens or hundreds of species, some times thousands. Since

dP = P(a bP) − cP−


d− = (ecP θ )


any species has at least the potential to interact with any other

P(T )


(T )

represent the densities of prey and
species in its habitat, the possibility of spread of the disease in
a community rapidly becomes astronomical as the number of
infected species in the habitat increases. Therefore, it is more
predator species at time T respectively. Clearly the above model is a simple Lotka-Volterra prey-predator model with logistic growth rate for prey. The positive parameters
of biological significance to study the effect of disease on the
dynamical behavior of interacting species

a , b , c , e

and θ represent intrinsic growth rate, intra-specific
many researchers, especially in the last two decades, have proposed and studied different prey-predator models in the presence of disease in one of the species see for example [1-13] and the references there in. In most previous studies, the only means of transmission of disease is the direct contact
competition, attack rate, conversion rate and natural death
rate respectively [16].
We impose the following assumptions:
2.1 In the presence of first disease, SIS disease, the predator
population consists of two subclasses, namely, the susceptible
between individuals. However, many diseases are transmitted
predator S(T )
and the infected predator by this disease I1 (T ) .
in the species not only through contact, but also directly from environment.
2.2 In the presence of second disease, SI disease, the predator
population consists of two subclasses, namely, the susceptible
Elisa Elena et al [14] proposed prey-predator model two
predator S(T )
and the infected predator by this disease I 2 (T ) .
diseases affect the prey. Predators are allowed to have other food sources. Fabio Roman et al [15] proposed prey-predator model containing two disease strains in the predator population.
On contrast to all of the above studies, in this paper a
Therefore at any time T we have (T ) = S(T ) + I1 (T ) + I 2 (T ) .
2.3 The susceptible predator has an alternative food sources supplied by a constant rate β > 0 .
2.4 Both of the diseases, SIS and SI, transmitted among the predator individuals only, but not the prey individuals, by
prey-predator model involving SIS and SI infectious diseases
in predator species is proposed and analyzed. It is assumed that the predator population has external source of food. It is
contact with an infected predator at infection rate α1 > 0

α 2 > 0 respectively.

assumed that both of the diseases spread within predator
2.5 Only the first disease disappears and the infected predator
population by contact between susceptible individuals and
becomes susceptible predator again at a recover rate

w > 0 .

infected individuals. Further, in this model, linear type of functional response as well as linear incidence rate for describing the transition both of disease are used.


The basic prey-predator model is
Finally both of the diseases, SIS and SI, induces the mortality
within the infected predator individuals at a constant rate

δ1 > 0 and δ 2 > 0 .

2.6 The infected predator, by SIS disease, feed on the prey species according to Lotka-Volterra functional response with attack rate constant τ 1 > 0 . Also, the infected predator by SI disease feed on the prey species by functional response with attack rate constant τ 2 > 0 .

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 217

ISSN 2229-5518

These assumptions can be mathematically realized into the following four differential equations

dP = P[(a bP) − cS cτ I cτ I ]

dT 1 1 2 2

Now, by using Gronwall lemma [17], it obtains that:

0 < Μ(t ) ≤ Μ(0)e−φ t + π (1 − e−φ t )



= S(ecP α1I1 α2 I2 θ + β ) + wI1

which yields lim sup Μ(t )

t →∞ φ

that is independent of the initial




= I1(ecτ 1P + α1S θ δ 1 − w)
conditions. ■


The system (3) has at most eleven biologically feasible


equilibrium points, namely E
= (p
, s , y
, y ), k = 0,1,2, ... ,10 .
= I2 (ecτ 2 P + α2S θ δ 2 )

k k k 1k 2 k


In order to simplifying the proposed model (2), the following
The existence conditions for each of these equilibrium points are discussed in the following:
dimensionless variables are used:
3.1 The vanishing equilibrium point
E = (0 , 0 , 0, 0)

t = aT , p = c P,


s = c S,


c y1 =


I1 ,


y2 = I 2



3.2 The axial equilibrium point on the s -axis

E = (0, s , 0 , 0)
Thus we obtain the following dimensionless form of the model


where s1 is any positive number, exists if and only if


h4 = 0 .

dp = p[(1 − h p) − s τ y

τ y ]

3.3 The axial equilibrium point on the p -axis

dt 1


1 1 2 2

E2 = (p2 , 0 ,0, 0) where p2 = 1h1 , always exists.
3.4 The first disease and prey free equilibrium point

= s(ep h2 y1 h3 y2 + h4 ) + h5 y1


E3 = (0 , s3 , 0 , y2 3 ) where:


= y1(eτ 1p + h2 s h5 h6 )

h 7 h 4

dt s3 = and y2 3 = (4)


h 3 h 3

= y2 (eτ 2 p + h3s h7 )


exists uniquely in the interior of the first quadrant of

s y2 − plane under the following necessary and sufficient

b h1 =


> 0, h2 =


> 0, h3 =
> 0, h4 =

β θ

∈ ℜ,

h 4 > 0 .


h = w > 0, h

c c

= θ + δ1 > 0, h


= θ + δ 2 > 0
3.5 The second disease and prey free equilibrium point
E4 = (0 , s4 , y14 , 0) where:

5 c 6 a 7 a

represent the dimensionless parameters of the model (2). The

h 5 + h 6

s =

and y

h 4 (h 5 + h 6 )



initial condition for model (3) may be taken as any point in 2

h 2 h 6

the region ℜ4 . Obviously, the interaction functions in the right hand side of system (3) are continuously differentiable
exists uniquely in the interior of the first quadrant of

s y1 − plane under the following necessary and sufficient

functions on ℜ4 , hence they are Lipschitizian. Therefore the

h 4 > 0 .

solution of system (3) exists and is unique. Further, all the
3.6 The first disease and susceptible predator free equilibrium
solutions of system (3) with non-negative initial condition are

point E = (p

, 0 , 0 , y2 5

) where:

uniformly bounded as shown in the following theorem.

h 7 e τ 2

h 1 h 7

THEOREM (1): All the solutions of system (3), which initiate

p5 =

e τ

and y2 5 =

e τ 2

in ℜ4

2 2

are uniformly bounded if the sufficient condition

+ exists uniquely in the interior of the first quadrant of

h4 < 0 holds.

p y2

− plane under the following necessary and sufficient

PROOF: From the first equation of system (3) we obtain that;


e τ 2

> h 1 h 7 .

dp p(1 − h p)

3.7 The disease free equilibrium point E = (p
, s , 0 , 0) where:

dt 1

6 6 6

Clearly by solving the above differential inequality we get
h 4

p6 =

and s6

= 1 − h 1p 6


lim sup p(t ) ≤ 1

t →∞ h1

1 1 1


exists uniquely in the interior of the first quadrant of

ps − plane under the following necessary and sufficient

Define the function

Μ(t ) = p(t ) +

s(t ) +


y1 (t ) +


y2 (t )



h 4 < 0


1 > h 1 p 6 .

then take its time derivative along the solution of system (3),
3.8 The second disease free equilibrium point

E = (p

, s , y
, 0) where:

dΜ ≤ p φ s φ y

φ y
where φ = min{h , h , h }

7 7 7 17

dt e

e 1 e 2

4 6 7

h 5 + h 6 eτ 1p7

s =

and y

(h + h eτ p )(ep + h )

= 5 6 1 7 7 4
π φ Μ

π = (1 + φ ) 1




IJSER © 2014

17 (h

eτ 1p 7 )

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 218

ISSN 2229-5518

while p7
represents a positive root of the following second

β11 = 1 − 2h 1p s τ 1y1 τ 2 y2 ,

β12 = −p ,

β13 = −τ 1p ,

order polynomial equation



= −τ 2 p ,

β2 1

= es , β2 2
= ep h

2 y1

h 3 y2

+ h 4 ,


+ A2 p + A3 = 0

β = −h s + h , β
= −h s , β

= eτ y , β

= h y ,

2 3 2 5 2 4 3

31 1 1 3 2 2 1

A1 = e τ 1 h 1 h 2 > 0 ;

β3 3 = eτ 1p + h 2 s h 5 h 6 ,

β3 4 = 0 ,

β4 1 = eτ 2 y2 ,

A = − (h h

h + eτ h eτ (h + τ h


β4 2 = h 3 y2 ,

β4 3 = 0 ,

β4 4 = eτ 2 p + h 3s h 7

2 1

A3 = h 2 h 6

2 6



+ h 6



1 6 1 4

+ τ 1 h );
In what follows, the system’s equilibria are

[k ]

Ek and we denote

Therefore, straight forward computation shows that E7
by J k

Ek i =


βi j

j =

the Jacobian and its entries evaluated at

k =

uniquely in the interior of the first octant of

ps y 1 − plane if

, 1,... ,4 ,
1,... ,4 ,
0,1,2,... ,10
and only if the following conditions are hold.


e p > −h

, h > max{eτ p

, τ h }
The equilibria E0
is saddle point, since its eigenvalues are

7 4

h h < (h

6 1 7 1 4

+ h )(h + τ h )

1 > 0 , h 4 , − (h 5 + h 6 )< 0 and −h 7 < 0 .

2 6 5

6 6 1 4

3.9 The first disease free equilibrium point

E = (p

, s8
, 0 , y2 8 )

THEOREM (2): The non-hyperbolic equilibrium point locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4 if and only if:

E1 is

p8 =

h 3h 7 τ 2 h 4


s8 =

h 7 eτ 2 p8

and y = e p8 + h 4 (9)

1 − h1 p < s1

< min
s ,

h 7 h 6 s 

, 

h 1h 3 h 3 h 3

 h 3

h 2 s h 5 

exists uniquely in the interior of the first octant of ps y2 − plane
under the following necessary and sufficient conditions

PROOF: Consider the function

 

h 7 V [1] = p +

1  s s s ln s

y1 + y2

h 4 > 0 , p8 <



h 3 > h 7 + τ 2 h 4 .

e 1

s1 e e

3.10 The prey free equilibrium point E = (0 , s
, y19
, y2 9

) where:


V [1] :

4 → ℜ

V [1] (E ) = 0


s = h 5+ h 6 = h 7

and y

(h + h )(h h y )

= 5 6 4 3 2 9

y is

V [1] (E) ≠ 0

E E1
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite

9 h h

19 h h

2 9 function in ℜ4

. Also, the derivative of V [1] with respect to the

2 3 2 6


time t is given as follows.
any positive number,

E9 exists uniquely in the interior of the


first octant of

s y1 y2 − plane under the following necessary

dV = p(1 − h p s )+ y1 h s h5 s h

and sufficient conditions

h (h

5+ h

)= h

2 h 7 ,

h 4 > 0


dt 1

h 4

1 e 2 1 s 1 6


h 4 > h 3 y 2 9 .

3.11 The coexistence equilibrium point

E = (p

, s , y
, y )
+ (s s1 ) +


(h s h )



10 10 10


2 10

Since E1 exists if and only if h 4 = 0 , in addition condition (10),


h 2 h 7

h (h

5+ h 6

τ (h

5+ h

)τ h

guarantee that

dV < 0

on subregion of
4 , then

V [1]

is a

p10 =

e(τ h

2 τ 1h 3

; s10 =

(τ h


2 τ 1h 3


Lyapunov function on that subregion which satisfy condition


y = 1 [1 − h p
s τ y ]
(10). since

dV < 0

on subregion of ℜ4

E is a locally



1 10 10

1 110

dt + 1


[e(τ h

2 + τ 1h


+ τ 2 h

4 h

)+ h h

(h h

h (h

5+ h


asymptotically stable but not globally. ■

y110 =

e(τ h

6 τ 1h

)(τ h

2 τ 1h 3

THEOREM (3): The equilibrium point


E2 is locally

Therefore, straight forward computation shows that E10 exists
asymptotically stable in ℜ+ if and only if:
uniquely in the Int. ℜ4
if and only if the following conditions
<  − h5 + h6

h 7


are hold.



h4 ,


, 

τ 2


 h (h

5+ h

6 , h


τ 2 h 4

< h 7

< τ 2 h 6

; τ 2 h

2 > τ 1h 3


PROOF: The Jacobian matrix of the system (3) at E2

is given
 h 2
 τ 1
 1 − 2h p p
τ p
τ p

1 > h 1p10 + s10 + τ 1y110

The Jacobian matrix of system (3) is
J = (βi j ) ∈ ℜ4 x 4 , with

J2 = 

1 2 2 1 2

0 ep2 + h 4 h 5

− −

2 2

0 

 0 0

eτ 1p2 h 5 h 6

0 

eτ 2 p2 7

So, the characteristic equation of J 2 can be written by

(1 − 2h p

µ )(ep + h
µ )(eτ p h h µ )×


(eτ p


2 h

p 2

7 µy 2


)= 0

s 1 2 5 6 y1

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 219

ISSN 2229-5518

from which, we obtain that:

dV [ 4]

= p(1 − h p s
τ y

)+ h 4 (s s ) + h6 (y y )

µp = 1 − 2h1p2 < 0

, µs = ep2 + h 4 , µy1 = eτ 1p2 h 5 h 6

dt 1

4 1 14 e

4 e 1 14

µy2 = eτ 2 p2 h 7


3 4 h 7

)+ s 4 y1 (h s h

)+ y14 (h

h s)

µp , µs , µy1


µy 2 denote to the eigenvalues in the

e es e

[ 4 ]

p − direction,

s − direction,

y1 − direction and

y2 − direction,


dV < 0

on subregion of ℜ4
under the sufficient
respectively. So, it is easy to verify that, all the eigenvalues have negative real parts if and only if the condition (11) holds.


condition (13), then


V [ 4 ]

is a Lyapunov function on that
Therefore, the equilibrium point E2
is locally asymptotically
subregion of ℜ+
which satisfies condition (13). Therefore E4
stable in
4 . Furthermore, it is a globally asymptotically
is a locally asymptotically stable but not globally. ■
stable too. ■

THEOREM (6): the non-hyperbolic equilibrium point

THEOREM (4): the non-hyperbolic equilibrium point

E5 = (p5 , 0 , 0 , y2 5 )

is locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4 if and
E = (0 , s , 0 , y

) is locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4

if and
only if:


only if:

3 2 3

(h + τ 2 h 4 )

h 5h 7


h 6

h 3 y2 5 < h 4 , p < p5 < min

eτ 1

(h y h )

, 



1 − h1p <


, s < (h h
h h )

h 2 h 7 > h 3 h 6



1 − h p < τ y

3 2 7 3 6

1 2 2 5

PROOF: Consider the function

PROOF: Consider the function

  
  p s y 1  y

V [ 3] = p + 1  s s

s ln s  + y1 + =1  y y
y ln y2

[ 5]



e 3

s3 e

2 3 2 3

y2 3

V =  p p5 p5 ln

 + +

5 e

+ y2 y2 5 y2 5 ln

2 5


V [ 3]

: ℜ+ → ℜ

V [ 3]

(E3 ) = 0


V [ 5]

: ℜ+ → ℜ

V [ 5]

(E5 ) = 0


V [ 3] (E) ≠ 0

E E3
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite

V [ 5] (E) ≠ 0

E E5
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite
function in ℜ4 . Also, the derivative of V [ 3] with respect to the
function in 4

[ 5]


time t is given as follows.

[ 3]

+ . Also, the derivative of V with respect to the
time t is given as follows.

[ 5]


h 7 τ 2 h 4

y1 h 2 h 7

h5h 7

dV = p(1 − h p τ y

h 4

s + p

h 3 y2 5

 
 + y τ h


= p 1


h 1p


−  +


e h


− 

h s

dt 1

2 2 5

5 1 1 5

[ 3]

3 3   3 3

+ h 1 p5 (p p5 )


dV < 0


on subregion of 4
under the sufficient

dV [ 5]

< 0
on subregion of 4
under the sufficient
condition (12), then

V [ 3]

is a Lyapunov function on that dt
subregion of ℜ4
which satisfies condition (12). Therefore E3
condition (14), then

V [ 5]

is a Lyapunov function on that
is a locally asymptotically stable but not globally. ■
subregion of ℜ4
which satisfies condition (14). Therefore E5

THEOREM (5): the second disease and prey free equilibrium

is a locally asymptotically stable but not globally. ■
point E = (0 , s , y
, 0) is locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4 if

THEOREM (7): the disease free equilibrium point


and only if:

4 14

E6 = (p6 , s6 , 0 , 0) is locally asymptotically stable in ℜ+
only if:
if and

h 2 h 6

(1 − h p)< (h

+ h 6


+ τ 1h 4

) , y

< y14 ,

h 7

s 4 <

h 3

p < p s <

 h 7 


h 5

and s <


h 6

y1 < s < s 4 ,


6 , 6

minτ 1

1 , 

h 3  h 2

h 4 PROOF: Consider the function

PROOF: Consider the function

V [6 ]

=  p p6


p ln  +

1  s s

s y y

s ln  + 1 + 2
   
p6 e

s6 e e

V [ 4 ] = p + 1  s s

s ln

s  + =1  y y

y ln y1  + 1 y

[6 ] 4

[6 ]

4 4

ps4  

14 2


V : ℜ+ → ℜ

V (E6 ) = 0


V [ 4 ]

: ℜ4 → ℜ

V [ 4 ]

(E4 ) = 0


V [6] (E) ≠ 0

E E6
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite

V [ 4] (E) ≠ 0

E E4
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite
function in ℜ4 . Also, the derivative of V [6 ] with respect to the
time t is given as follows.
function in ℜ4 . Also, the derivative of V [ 4 ] with respect to the
time t is given as follows.

dV [6]

= (p p )(1 − h p)+ p (s

τ y

)+ s 6 y1

(h s h )

dt 6


1 6 6


1 16 e s

+ 2 (h s

h )−  y
+ p s
+ 2s p
+ τ p y

e 3 6 e 6

6 2 6 2

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 220

ISSN 2229-5518


dV [6 ]

< 0
on subregion of 4
under the sufficient

dV [8 ]

< 0
on subregion of 4
under the sufficient


condition (15), then

V [6 ]

is a Lyapunov function on that


condition (17), then

V [8 ]

is a Lyapunov function on that
subregion of ℜ4
which satisfies condition (15). Therefore E6
subregion of ℜ4
which satisfies condition (17). Therefore E8
is a locally asymptotically stable but not globally. ■
is a locally asymptotically stable but not globally. ■

THEOREM (10): the equilibrium point

E = (0 , s , y
, y ) is

THEOREM (8): the equilibrium point

E = (p

, s , y
, 0) is
locally asymptotically stable in 4

9 9 19 2 8

7 7 7 17

+ if and only if:
locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4 if and only if:
1 − h p < s
+ τ y
+ τ y
, y >

h 4 h 5

eτ 2 p7 + h 3s7 < h 7 , s < (h

+ h )y

h 5 s7 y1

+ (h y

h )s

and p < p7

1 9 1 19

2 2 9

2 9 h (h

+ h 6 )

5 6 17

2 1 4 7

h 6 h 7 y 2 9

PROOF: Consider the function


h (h

h 3 y 2 9

) < s < s9
   

V [7 ] =  p p

p ln  +  s s
s ln s

PROOF: Consider the function

7 7

p7  

7 7


s   y

  9

ln  +  y1

ln 1

+ =1  y y y ln
1 17 17

y1  + y2

y17 e

e s9 e

 


+ =1  y y


y ln

V [7 ]

: ℜ+ → ℜ

V [7 ]

(E7 ) = 0

2 2 9

2 9 y

2 9

V [7 ] (E) ≠ 0

E E7
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite

V [9 ]

: ℜ4 → ℜ

V [9 ]

(E9 ) = 0

function in ℜ4 . Also, the derivative of V [7 ] with respect to the

[9] ( ) 4


time t is given as follows.

V E ≠ 0

E E9
, E ∈ ℜ+
. Hence it is positive definite

dV [7 ]



7 1 7

h 2 y


 − p s 7 + τ 1 y17

function in ℜ4 . Also, the derivative of V [9 ] with respect to the
time t is given as follows.


=h  

e e

h 3 h 7

dV [9 ]

= p(1 − h p s τ y τ y )+

1  h5s

(h y h )+ h y

+ y τ p

6  + y

τ p + s −  dt

e h6

1 1 7 e

2 2 7 7

 

h y ( ) (h

+ h ) (

( ))

+  (h 5 + h 6 )

+ (h y h )s


s 7 y1

+ 5 1

s s 9 +

h4 h5 h3 y2 9 h5 + h6

2 6


[7 ]

7 5

e es


es eh h

E9 exists if and only if

h 4 > h 3 y2 9 , in addition


dV < 0


on subregion of 4
under the sufficient
condition(18) guarantee that

dV [9 ]

< 0


on subregion of
4 ,
condition (16), then

V [7 ]

is a Lyapunov function on that

V [9 ]

is a Lyapunov function on that subregion which
subregion of ℜ4
which satisfies condition (16). Therefore E7
satisfies condition (18). Therefore

E9 is a locally

is a locally asymptotically stable but not globally. ■
asymptotically stable but not globally. ■

THEOREM (9): the equilibrium point

E = (p

, s , 0 , y

) is

THEOREM (11): The coexistence equilibrium point

E is

8 8 8 2 8 10

locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4 if and only if:
locally asymptotically stable in ℜ4 if and only if:

eτ p

+ h s < h

, es p (h

+ τ h

)< h (h

eτ p ) and p < p

h h h

1 8 2 8 6

8 7 2 4

5 7 2 8

max τ ,

τ ,  < p < p 10 , s + τ 1 y 1 + τ 2 y2 < 1 − h 1 p ,

PROOF: Consider the function

e 1

e e 2


  

   1
 s y

2 10

 h 5

V =  p p8 p8 ln  +

s s8 s8 ln  +

y2 < miny2 10 ,

s < mins 10 , 
p8 e
 

s8 e

 s 10 

s y

 h 2 
+ =1  y y


y ln


110 < y < y
2 2 8

2 8 y

2 8

s 10

1 110


V [8 ]

: ℜ+ → ℜ

V [8 ]

(E8 ) = 0


PROOF: Consider the function

V [8 ] (E) ≠ 0

E E8
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite

V [10] =  s


 

p10 ln  


s10 ln 
function in ℜ4 . Also, the derivative of V [8 ] with respect to the 

p10 e

 


time t is given as follows.
+ =1  y y
y ln

y1  + =1  y y
y ln



1 110


  2

2 10

2 10

dV = (p p )(1 − h p)p(s

+ τ y
)+ y τ p

+ h2 s

h6 e

y110 e

y2 10

dt 8 1

8 2 2 8

1 1 8

e 8 e

+ (s(h y

h s

)h s y )

7 2 8 4 8

5 8 1

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 221

ISSN 2229-5518


V [10 ]

: ℜ+ → ℜ

V [10 ]


) = 0

the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the equilibrium

V [10 ] (E) ≠ 0

E E10
, E ∈ ℜ4 . Hence it is positive definite
point E2 = ( 0.02 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) as show as in Fig.(2).
function in
4 . Also, the derivative of

V [10]

with respect to
the time t is given as follows.



= p10


p)[(1 − h p)+ s + τ y
+ τ 2

y ]+ (ep + h

)(s s )

+ (eτ p h


y2 10

)+ (eτ p h


y110 )

+ 1 (s

y s y

)(h s h ) + h (s

y s y )

s 10 1

110 2

5 3 10 2

2 10



exists if and only if

[10 ]

h 4 > h 3 y2 9 , in addition

condition(19) guarantee that

dV < 0


on subregion of
4 ,

Fig.(2): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

which shows E2 is a globally asymptotically stable point.


V [10] is a Lyapunov function on that subregion which

satisfies condition (19). Therefore


is a locally
Now to show the stable of first disease and prey free
asymptotically stable but not globally. ■


equilibrium point E3
parameters values:
used the following set of hypothetical
We give some numerical analysis in support our theoretical
findings. The system (3) is solved numerically, for different sets of parameters, using predictor-corrector method with six

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.8 , h 3 = 0.1 , h 4 = 0.2 , h 5 = 0.2 ,

h 6 = 0.08 , h 7 = 0.03 , e = 0.8 , τ 1 = 0.3 , τ 2 = 0.9
order Runge-Kutta method, and then the time series for the trajectories of system (3) are draw. Now before we go farther with numerical analysis, We will use the solid line (ـــــــ) for p ,
In Fig.(3), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the equilibrium point E3 = ( 0 , 0.295 , 0 , 2.018 ) .
dash line (ــــ
ـــ) for s , dot line (….) for

y1 , dash-dot line (ـــ .
ـــ) for y2 and the initial point ( 0.75 , 0.75 , 0.75 , 0.75 ) . in the all
of the following figures.
Now to show the stable of axial equilibrium point on the s -

E1 used the following set of hypothetical parameters


h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.01 , h 3 = 0.01 , h 4 = 0 , h 5 = 0.08 ,

h 6 = 0.1 , h 7 = 0.5 , e = 0.4 , τ 1 = 0.3 , τ 2 = 0.1
In Fig.(1), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the

Fig.(3): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

equilibrium point E1
= (0 ,1.059 , 0 , 0 ) .

which shows E3 is a locally asymptotically stable point.

Now to show the stable of second disease and prey free
equilibrium point E4
parameters values:
used the following set of hypothetical

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.8 , h 3 = 0.1 , h 4 = 0.2 , h 5 = 0.2 ,

h 6 = 0.08 , h 7 = 0.2 , e = 0.8 , τ 1 = 0.8 , τ 2 = 0.9
In Fig.(4), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the
stable equilibrium point E4
= (0 , 0.35 , 0.875 , 0)

Fig.(1): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

which shows E1 is a locally asymptotically stable point.

Now to show the stable of axial equilibrium point on the p -
axis equilibrium point E2
used the following set of
hypothetical parameters values:

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.01 , h 3 = 0.01 , h 4 = −0.04 , h 5 = 0.08 ,

h 6 = 0.1 , h 7 = 0.5 , e = 0.4 , τ 1 = 0.3 , τ 2 = 0.1
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 222

ISSN 2229-5518

Now to show the stable of first disease and susceptible
predator free equilibrium point E5
hypothetical parameters values:
used the following set of

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.8 , h 3 = 0.1 , h 4 = −0.01 , h 5 = 0.2 ,

h 6 = 0.08 , h 7 = 0.01 , e = 0.8 , τ 1 = 0.8 , τ 2 = 0.9
In Fig.(5), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the
Now to show the stable of first disease free equilibrium point

stable equilibrium point E5
= ( 0.014 , 0 , 0 , 0.385 )

E8 used the following set of hypothetical parameters values:

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.5 , h 3 = 0.3 , h 4 = 0.1 , h 5 = 0.1 ,

h 6 = 0.2 , h 7 = 0.1 , e = 0.1 , τ 1 = 0.1 , τ 2 = 0.2
As shown as in Fig.(8),the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the equilibrium point
E = ( 0.013 , 0.332 ,0 , 0.342 ) .

Fig.(5): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

which shows

E5 is a locally asymptotically stable point.

Now to show the stable of disease free equilibrium point E6
used the following set of hypothetical parameters values:

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.1 , h 3 = 0.2 , h 4 = −0.001 , h 5 = 0.08 ,

h 6 = 0.1 , h 7 = 0.5 , e = 0.4 , τ 1 = 0.3 , τ 2 = 0.1

Fig.(8): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

In Fig.(6), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the

which shows

E8 is a locally asymptotically stable point.

stable equilibrium point E6
= (0.01, 0.505 , 0 , 0)
Now to show the stable of prey free equilibrium point used the following set of hypothetical parameters values:

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.01 , h 3 = 0.05 , h 4 = 0.45 , h 5 = 0.06 ,

h 6 = 0.03 , h 7 = 0.45 , e = 0.4 , τ 1 = 0.3 , τ 2 = 0.3



As shown as in Fig.(9), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the equilibrium point
E = ( 0 , 8.98, 0.555 , 0.16 ) .

Fig.(6): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

which shows E6 is a locally asymptotically stable point.

Now to show the stable of second disease free equilibrium
point E7
used the following set of hypothetical parameters

h 1 = 50 , h 2 = 0.8 , h 3 = 0.01 , h 4 = −0.0001 , h 5 = 0.2 ,

h 6 = 0.08 , h 7 = 0.5 , e = 0.5 , τ 1 = 0.4 , τ 2 = 0.8
As shown as in Fig.(7), the system (3) approaches asymptotically to the stable equilibrium
point E7
= ( 0.013 , 0.344 , 0.046 , 0 ) .

IJSER © 2014 http://www.ijser.

Fig.(9): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

which shows E9 is a locally asymptotically stable point.

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 223

ISSN 2229-5518

Sixth, we have prey-predator model with SIS -disease in predator, investigated the condition (16) for which the
equilibrium point

E7 is stable, and numerically show that

Finally, to understand of dynamical behavior at the
E = ( 0.013 , 0.344 , 0.046 , 0 ) is locally asymptotically stable
coexistence equilibrium point


the following set of
but not globally.
hypothetical parameter values is chosen:

h 1 = 48 , h 2 = 0.88 , h 3 = 0.1 , h 4 = −0.00019 , h 5 = 0.2 ,

Seventh, we have prey-predator model with SI -disease in predator, investigated the condition (17) for which the
h 6 = 0.08 , h 7 = 0.037 , e = 0.7 , τ 1 = 0.5 , τ 2 = 0.9
equilibrium point

E8 is stable, and numerically show that

As shown as in Fig.(10), the system(3) approaches asymptotically to the stable equilibrium
E8 = ( 0.013 , 0.332 ,0 , 0.342 ) is locally asymptotically stable
but not globally.
point E10
= (0.013 , 0.309 , 0.018 , 0.077 ) .
Eighth, we have epidemic model spread two diseases the population, and investigated in the theorem (10) the

equilibrium point

E9 is stable, and numerically show that

E = ( 0 , 8.98, 0.555 , 0.16 )
is locally asymptotically stable
but not globally.
Finally, we investigated the condition (19) for which the
coexistence equilibrium point


is stable, more than,
numerically prove that


= (0.013 , 0.309 , 0.018 , 0.077 ) is

Fig.(10): time series of the trajectories of the system (3)

which shows E10 is a locally asymptotically stable point.


The stability of model has been studied with linear functional response and numerical response. We propose only one model contain more than one model as following:
First, we investigated that the vanishing equilibrium point
locally asymptotically stable but not globally. In general, use the Lyapunov function to find the stability of the system (3) at each most of its equilibrium points.


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