Speech Recognition with Hidden Markov Model: A Review [ ]

The concept of Recognition one phase of Speech Recognition Process using Hidden Markov Model has been discussed in this paper. Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and Recognition three steps and Hidden Markov Model (used in recognition phase) are used to complete Automatic Speech Recognition System. Today’s life human is able to interact with computer hardware and related machines in their own language. Research followers are trying to develop a perfect ASR system because we have all these advancements in ASR and research in digital signal processing but computer machines are unable to match the performance of their human utterances in terms of accuracy of matching and speed of response. In case of speech recognition the research followers are mainly using three different approaches namely Acoustic phonetic approach, Knowledge based approach and Pattern recognition approach. This paper’s study is based on pattern recognition approach and the third phase of speech recognition process ‘Recognition’ and Hidden Markov Model is studied in detail.