International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Sp-Separation Axioms

Alias B. Khalaf, Hardi A. Shareef

AbstractIn this paper Sp-open sets are used to define some new types of separation axioms in topological spaces. The implications of these separation axioms among themselves with some other separation axioms are obtained. Also their basic properties and characterizations are investigated.

Index TermsSp-open sets, pre separation axioms, semi-separation axioms.

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he notion of semi-open sets which was introduced by Lev- ine in 1963 [5] is one of the well-known notion of general-
ized open sets. Several types of generalized open sets were introduced such as preopen sets [7] which was introduced by Mashhour et al in 1982. The notion of Sp-open sets [9] intro- duced by Shareef in 2007. In [6] Maheshwari and Prasad have defined the concept of semi-Ti, (i=0, 1, 2) spaces also in [3] Kar and Bhattacharyya defined new weak types of separation axi- oms via preopen sets called pre-Ti spaces for i=0, 1, 2 and in [4] Khalaf introduced strongly semi-separation axioms by us- ing special types of semi open sets.
In this paper we define new types of separation axioms called Sp-Ti spaces which are stronger than semi-Ti spaces and weak- er than strongly semi-Ti spaces (i=0,1,2).


Throughout this paper and will always denote topological spaces and will denote a function from a space into a space . If is a subset of , then the closure and interior of in are denoted by cl() and int() respectively. while Spcl() and Spint() denote the Sp-closure and Sp-interior of in re- spectively.
Definitions 2.1: A subset A of a space X is called:
1. semi-open [5], if cl(int()),
2. preopen [7], if int(cl()).
3. regular closed [11], if = cl(int()).
4. -semi-open [8], if for each , there exists a semi-open set such that cl().
5. Sp-open [9], if is semi-open and for each , there exists
a preclosed set such that .


Author name: is currently one of the staff members of Department of

Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Duhok, Iraq

. E-mail:

Co-Author name is currently pursuing Ph.D. degree program in Mathe-

matics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Sulaimani, Iraq.

The complement of a semi-open, preopen and Sp-open set is called semi-closed, preclosed and Sp-closed set respectively.
The family of all semi-open, preopen and Sp-open sets in a space is denoted by SO(), PO() and SpO() respectively, while SC(), PC() and SpC() denote the family of semi- closed, preclosed and Sp-closed sets in a space respectively.
Definition 2.2: A space is said to be:

1) Semi-T0 [6], (resp., pre-T0 [3], strongly semi-T0 [4] and

T0 [11]) space if for each two distinct points and
in , there exists a semi-open (resp., preopen, - semi-open and open) set containing one of them but does not contain the other.

2) Semi-T1 [6], (resp., pre-T1 [3], strongly semi-T1 [4] and

T1 [11]) space if for each two distinct points and in , there exist semi-open (resp., preopen, -semi- open and open) sets and containing and re- spectively, such that and

3) semi-T2 [6] (resp., pre-T2 [3], strongly semi-T2 [4] and

T2 [11]) space if for each two distinct points and in , there exist two disjoint semi-open (resp., preo- pen, -semi-open and open) sets and containing and respectively.
Definition 2.3: [2] A function is said to be s- continuous or (strongly semi-continuous) if the inverse image of each semi-open set in is an open set in .
The following definitions and results are from [9].
Definition 2.4: Let be a space and let , then a subset of is said to be Sp-neighborhood of if there exists Sp-open set in such that .
Lemma 2.5: If a space is preT1-space, then SO() = SpO().

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012 2

ISSN 2229-5518

Lemma 2.6: Every -semi-open set of is Sp-open set.
Theorem 2.7: Let be a space and . If , then
Lemma 2.8: The set is Sp-open in the space if and only if
for each , there exists an Sp-open set such that
Lemma 2.9: For any subset of a space , Spcl ()= SpD (), where SpD() stands for the set of all Sp-limit points of in .
Theorem 2.10: Let be a regular closed subset of . If is an
Sp-open subset of , then is Sp-open in .

Theorem 2.11: Let f: be a homeomorphism. If SpO(), then f ( )SpO( ).
Theorem 2.12: A function f: is Sp-continuous if and only if for every open subset of , () is Sp-open in .

Theorem 2.13: Let f: be continuous and open function, then ( )SpO( ) for any SpO( ).
Theorem 2.14: [5] Let and be two spaces and be the product space. If SO() and SO(), then SO().
Theorem 2.15: [1] For any spaces and , if and , then ( .


Definition 3.1: A space is said to be:

1) Sp-To space if for each pair of distinct points in , there exists an Sp-open set in containing one of them and not the other.
2) Sp-T1 space if for each pair of distinct points and in

, there exists two Sp-open sets and in con- taining and respectively such that and
3) Sp-T2 space if for each pair of distinct points and in , there exists two disjoint Sp-open sets and in such that and .
Remark 3.2: From the above definition and Definition 2.2, it is clear that every Sp-Ti space is semi-Ti , for i=0, 1, 2. But the con- verse is not true in general as it is shown by the following ex- amples:
Example 3.3: Let and . Then SO() = and SpO() = . This implies that is semi-T0 space but not Sp-T0 .
Example 3.4: Let and. Then

SO )=

and SpO ) =

. Hence, the space

is semi-

T1 but not Sp-T1 also

is semi-T2 but not Sp-T2.

Remark 3.5: It is clear that every Sp-T2 space is Sp-T1 space and every Sp-T1 space if Sp-T0 space but the converse is not true in general as it is shown in the following examples.
Example 3.6: Let and . Hence
SO(), and PC()


SpO() . Then is Sp-T0, but not Sp-T1 .
Example 3.7: Let be any infinite set equipped with the co- finite topology. Then is T1-space, so by Lemma 2.5, SO(= SpO() and every infinite subset of is semi-open set. Hence is both semi-T1 and Sp-T1. But it is obvious that is not Sp-T2 space.
Lemma 3.8: Every strongly semi-Ti space is Sp-Ti space, for i=0,
1, 2.
Proof: Let be strongly semi-T0 space and let such that . Then there exists a -semi-open set containing one of them but not the other and since by Lemma 2.6, is Sp-open set containing one of them but not the other. This im- plies that is Sp-T0.
Similarly we can prove for i=1 and 2.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012 3

ISSN 2229-5518

The convers of Lemma 3.8 is not true in general as it is
shown in the example below:
Example 3.9: Let and , then SO() = , SO() = and SpO() = . Therefor, is Sp-T0 but not strong- ly semi-T0 space.
Proposition 3.10: If a space is Sp-T1 , then it is pre-T1 .
Proof: Let be an Sp-T1 space and let such that , so there exist two Sp-open sets and such that , and , . This implies that by Definition 2.1, there exist two preclosed sets such that and . Hence, and are preopen sets such that , and , . Therefore, by Definition 2.2, is pre-T1 .
The converse of Proposition 3.8 is not true in general as it is seen in the example below:
Examples 3.11: Let and
. Then
PO() =

and SpO() = . It can be checked that is pre-T1 but not Sp-T1.
The property of a space being Sp-T0 space is not hereditary property as it is shown in the following example :
Example 3.12: Let and ,
then is Sp-T0 space and let and , then
SpO()=. The subspace is not Sp-T0 subspace.
Proposition 3.13: The property of a space being Sp-Ti (for i=0,1,2) is a topological property.
Proof: Let be a homeomorphism and let be Sp-T0.
Suppose that such that . Since is onto so, there exist such that and and . Since is Sp-T0, so there exists an Sp-open set of containing one of the points and not the other. Since is homeomorphism, so by Theorem 2.11, is also Sp-open in and containing one of the points and not the other. Thus is also Sp-T0 space.
The proof for the space being Sp-T1 and Sp-T2 is similar.
Theorem 3.14: A space is Sp-T0 if and only if the Sp-closure of distinct points are distinct.
Proof: Let be Sp-T0 and such that . Since
and is Sp-T0 , so there exists an Sp-open set contains one of them, say , and not the other. Then is Sp-closed set in contains but not , but Spcl() and since implies that Spcl(), so Spcl() Spcl().

Conversely: To show that is Sp-T0 space, let such that . So by hypothesis, Spcl() Spcl(), then there exist at least one point of which belongs to one of them, say Spcl() and does not belongs to Spcl(). If Spcl(), then Spcl() . This implies that, by Theorem 2.7, Spcl()Spcl() which is a contradiction to the fact that Spcl() but Spcl(), so Spcl(). Hence, \Spcl() and \Spcl() is Sp-open set containing but not . Thus, is Sp-T0 space.
Theorem 3.15: A space is Sp-T1 space if and only if every sin- gleton subset of is Sp-closed .
Proof: Let be Sp-T1 space and . Let implies
that and since is Sp-T1 space so there exist two Sp-open sets and such that and , . This implies that , so by Lemma 2.8, is an Sp- open set . Hence, is Sp-closed .
Conversely: Let such that implies that are two Sp-closed sets in . Then and are two Sp- open sets and contains but not also contains but not this implies that is Sp-T1 space.
Theorem 3.16: For any space the following statements are equivalent:
1. is Sp-T1 space.
2. Each subset of is the intersection of all Sp-open sets containing it.
3. The intersection of all Sp-open sets containing the point
is the set .
Proof: (1) (2). Let be Sp-T1 and . Then for each , there exists a set such that and by Theorem
3.15, the set is Sp-open for every. This implies that
so the intersection of all Sp-open sets containing is itself.
(2)(3). Let , then so by (2), the intersection of
all Sp-open sets containing is itself. Hence the intersec- tion of all Sp-open sets containing is .
(3) (1). Let such that implies that by (3), the
intersection of all Sp-open sets containing and are and respectively, then for each there exists an Sp-open set

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012 4

ISSN 2229-5518

such that and . Similarly for there exists
an Sp-open set such that and this implies that is Sp-T1 space.
Theorem 3.17: A space is Sp-T1 if and only if SpD() for each .
Proof: Let be Sp-T1 space and . If possible suppose that

SpD() implies that there exists SpD() and and since is Sp-T1, so there exists an Sp-open set in such that and implies that , then SpD() which is a contradiction. Thus SpD() for
each .
Conversely: Let SpD() for each , then by Lemma
2.9, Spcl()= which is Sp-closed set in . This implies that each singleton set in is Sp-closed. Thus by Theorem 3.15, is an Sp-T1 space.
Lemma 3.18: If every finite subset of a space is Sp-closed , then is Sp-T1 space.
Proof: Let such that . Then by hypothesis,
and are Sp-closed sets which implies that and are Sp-open sets such that and . Hence is Sp-T1 space.
Theorem 3.19: If is Sp-T0 space, then Spint(Spcl())Spint(Spcl()) for each pair of distinct points and in .
Proof: Let be Sp-T0 and such that . Then there
exist an Sp-open set containing one of the point, say , and not the other implies that and , then and is Sp-closed . Now Spint() Spint(Spcl()) this implies that Spint(Spcl()), then Spint(Spcl()). But Spint(Spcl()), then Spcl()Spint(Spcl()) this implies that Spint(Spcl())Spcl()Spint(Spcl()). Therefore, Spint(Spcl())Spint(Spcl()) .
Theorem 3.20: If for each , there exists a regular closed set containing such that is Sp-T0 subspace of , then the space is Sp-T0.
Proof: Let be two distinct points in , then by hypothesis
there exists regular closed sets and such that , and , are Sp-T0 subspaces. Now if then the proof is complete but if and since is Sp-T0 subspace, so there exists an Sp-open set in such that and
and since is regular closed set so by Theorem 2.10, is an
Sp-open set in containing . Thus is Sp-T0 .
Similar to Theorem 3.20, we can prove the following result. Theorem 3.21: If for each , there exists a regular closed set containing such that is Sp-T1 subspace of , then the space is Sp-T1.

Theorem 3.22: For a space the following statements are equivalent:
1. is Sp-T2 space.

2. If , then for each there exists an Sp- neighborhood of such that Spcl().
3. For each , Spcl( ): is Sp-neighborhood of
Proof: (1) (2). Let be an Sp-T2 space and let , then for each there exist two disjoint Sp-open sets and such that and . This implies that , so by Definition 2.4, is an Sp-neighborhood of which is Sp- closed set in and implies that Spcl( ).
(2) (1). Let such that , then by hypothesis,
there exists an Sp-neighborhood of such that Spcl() implies that Spcl() and Spcl(). But Spcl() is Sp-open set also since is Sp-neighborhood of , then there exists an Sp-open set of such that this implies that Spcl()). Hence is Sp-T2 .
(2) (3). Let . If Spcl(): is Sp-neighborhood of
, then there exists Spcl(): is Sp-neighborhood of such that so by (2), there exists an Sp- neighborhood of such that Spcl() which is contradic- tion to the fact that Spcl(): is Sp-neighborhood of . Thus Spcl(): is Sp-neighborhood of
(3) (2). Let so by hypothesis, we have Spcl(): is
Sp-neighborhood of . Now if , then Spcl(): is Sp-neighborhood of and hence there exists an Sp-neighborhood of such that Spcl().
Lemma 3.23: Let be a regular closed subset of the space, then any Sp-neighborhood of the point in is an Sp- neighborhood of in .
Proof: Let be any Sp-neighborhood of this implies that
by Definition 2.4, there exists an Sp-open set in such that
. Since is regular closed set in , so by Theorem
2.10, is an Sp-open set in which implies that is an Sp- neighborhood of in .

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012 5

ISSN 2229-5518

Lemma 3.24: Let Y be a regular closed subspace of the space X

and A Y, then Spcl(A) Spcly(A).
Sp-open sets and . This implies that is
Sp-T2 space.

Proof: Let

x Spcly(A) implies that there exists an Sp-open
Theorem 3.28: For a space the following statements are
set U in Y containing x such that U A = . Since Y
is regular closed set in X then by Theorem 2.10, U is Sp-open
1. is Sp-T2 space.

2. The intersection of all Sp-clopen sets of each point in
set in X implies that
x Spcl(A), so Spcl(A) Spcly(A).
is singleton.

3. For a finite number of distinct points ( ),

Theorem 3.25: If for each point of a space there exists a

regular closed subset containing and is Sp-T2 subspace of

, then is Sp-T2 space.
Proof: Let , then by hypothesis, there exists a regular


there exists an Sp-open set such that

( ) are pairwise disjoint.
closed set containing and is Sp-T2 subspace. Hence, by Theorem 3.22, we have SpclA(): is Sp-neighborhood of in and since is regular closed set in , so by Lemma
3.24, Spcl() SpclA() and by Lemma 3.23, is Sp- neighborhood of in , so Spcl(): is Sp-neighborhood of in . Therefore by Theorem 3.22, is Sp-T2 .
Theorem 3.26: A space is Sp-T2 if and only if for each pair of distinct points , there exists an Sp-clopen set contain- ing one of them but not the other.
Proof: Let be Sp-T2 space and such that implies
that there exists two disjoint Sp-open sets and such that and . Now since and is Sp-open set implies that and is Sp-closed set, since is Sp-T2 space so for each there exists an Sp-open set such that , then by Lemma 2.8, is Sp-open set. Thus is Sp-clopen set.
Conversely: Let for each pair of distinct points , there exists an Sp-clopen set containing but not implies that is also Sp-open set and , since so
is Sp-T2 space.

(1) (2). Let be Sp-T2 space and . To show is Sp-
clopen and . If is Sp-clopen and where . Then since is Sp-T2 space so there exists two disjoint Sp-open sets and such that and , implies that so by Lemma 2.8, is Sp-open set and also it is Sp-closed set this implies that is Sp-clopen containing but not which is a contradiction. Thus the intersection of all Sp-clopen sets containing is .

(2) (3). Let be a finite number of distinct

points of , then by (2), is Sp-clopen set and for . Since , for and , so there exists an Sp-clopen set such that and for , () implies that , where is also Sp-clopen set and . Therefore is Sp-open set containing , that is for each there exist pair- wise disjoint Sp-open sets for ().

(3) (1). Obvious

Lemma 3.29: Let and be two spaces and be a product space. If SpO() and SpO(), then SpO().
Proof: Let S O() and S O() implies that

p p

Theorem 3.27: A space is Sp-T2 space if for any pair of dis- tinct points , there exists an Sp-continuous function of into a T2-space such that
Proof: Let and be any two distinct points in . Then by
hypothesis there exists an Sp-continuous function from into a T2-space such that . But and since is T2-space so there exists two dis- joint open sets and such that and implies that and and since is Sp- continuous function, so by Theorem 2.12, are
SO() and SO(), then by Theorem 2.14, SO(). And now let , then and , but SpO() and SpO() so there exists pre- closed sets PC() and PC() such that and implies that and is preclosed set in the product space because by Theorem 2.15, ()() = (). Thus SpO().
Theorem 3.30: Let be any finite family of

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October-2012 6

ISSN 2229-5518

spaces. If is an Sp-T2 space for each , then the
product space is Sp-T2 .
Proof: Let and be any two distinct points in , then for some . Suppose that and since is Sp-T2 space for each , so there exist two disjoint Sp-open sets and in such that and . Then by Lemma 3.29, and are Sp-open sets in such that , and = . Hence
borhood of each of it’s points, so is open set. Thus is
closed set in .
Corollary 3.33: If and are s-continuous (or strongly semi- continuous) functions on a space into an Sp-T2 space and the set of all points in such that is dense in ,

is closed in , that is = cl( ) and from the hypothesis is dense implies that cl( ) =. Therefore, for all . Hence .

is Sp-T2 .
Theorem 3.31: Let be an open continuous function. If is an Sp-T2 space, then the set is an Sp-closed set in the product space .
Proof: Let . It is enough to show
is an Sp-open set, so let , then . But and is Sp-T2 space, so there exist two disjoint Sp-open sets and such that and implies that and and since is open and continuous function, so by Theorem 2.13, and are disjoint Sp-open sets in , then by Lemma 3.29, is an Sp-open set in . Hence, and therefore by Lemma 2.8, is an Sp-open set in . This implies that is an Sp-closed set in .
Theorem 3.32: If and are s-continuous (or strongly semi- continuous) functions on a space into an Sp-T2 space , then the set of all point in such that is closed set in

Proof: Let . It is enough to show that is an open set in . So let , then and , but is Sp-T2 space, hence, there exist two dis- joint Sp-open sets and in such that and . Since and are s-continuous functions and , are semi-open sets, so by Definition 2.3, we obtain that and are open sets containing . This implies that and is open set also. Now let then we must show that . If possible, suppose that there exists one point but , then . Therefore, and since , then and . This implies that and , but so which is
contradiction. Thus implies that is a neigh-


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