International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Processing of Images Based on Segmentation

Models for Extracting Textured Component

V M Viswanatha, Nagaraj B Patil, Dr. Sanjay Pande M B

AbstractThe method for segmentation of color regions in images with textures in adjacent regions being different can be arranged in two steps namely color quantization and segmentation spatially. First, colors in the image are quantized to few representative classes that can be used to differentiate regions in the image. The image pixels are then replaced by labels assigned to each class of colors. This will form a class-map of the image. A mathematical criteria of aggregation and mean value is calculated. Applying the criterion to selected sized windows in the class-map results in the highlighted boundaries. Here high and low values correspond to possible boundaries and interiors of color texture regions. A region growing method is then used to segment the image.

Key Words- Texture segmentation, clustering, spital segmentation, slicing, texture composition, boundry value image, median-cut.

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egmentation is the low-level operation concerned with partitioning images by determining disjoint and ho- mogeneous regions or, equivalently, by finding edges or boundaries. Regions of an image segmentation should be uniform and homogeneous with respect to some charac- teristics such as gray tone or texture Region interiors should be simple and without many small holes. Adjacent regions of segmentation should have significantly differ- ent values with respect to the characteristic on which they are uniform. Boundaries of each segment should be sim-
ple, not ragged, and must be spatially accurate”.
Thus, in a large number of applications in image processing and computer vision, segmentation plays a fundamental role as the first step before applying the higher-level operations such as recognition, semantic in-


V M Viswanatha is currently pursuing Ph.D from Singhania U niversity, Rajastan. At present he is working as a Asst. Professor , E&CE Dept. at SLN College of Engg. Raichur E-mail:

Nagaraj B Patil is currently pursuing. Ph.Dfrom Singhania University

Rajastan. At present he is working as Asst. Prof. and HOD Dept. of CSE, Govt. Engg. College Raichur. E-mail:

Dr. Sanjaya Pandey , At present is working as a Prof. and HOD Dept. of

CSE at VVIT, Mysore. E-mail:
terpretation, and representation.
Earlier segmentation techniques were proposed mainly for gray-level images on which rather comprehen- sive survey can be found. The reason is that, although color information permits a more complete representation of images and a more reliable segmentation of them, processing color images requires computation times con- siderably larger than those needed for gray-level images. With an increasing speed and decreasing costs of compu- tation; relatively inexpensive color camera the limitations are ruled out. Accordingly, there has been a remarkable growth of algorithms for segmentation of color images. Most of times, these are kind of “dimensional exten- sions” of techniques devised for gray-level images; thus exploit the well-established background laid down in that field. In other cases, they are ad hoc techniques tailored on the particular nature of color information and on the physics of the interaction of light with colored materials. More recently, Yining Deng and B. S. Manjunath [1][2] uses the basic idea of separate the segmentation process into color quantization and spatial segmentation. The quantization is performed in the color space without con-
sidering the spatial distributions of the colors. S Belongie,

IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 2

ISSN 2229-5518 [3], in their paper present a new image representa- tion, which provides a transformation from the raw pixel data to a small set of image regions that are coherent in color and texture space. A new method of color image segmentation is proposed in [4] based on K-means algo- rithm. Both the hue and the intensity components are ful- ly utilized.


Color Quantization is a form of image compres- sion that reduces the number of colors used in an image while maintaining, as much as possible, the appearance of the original. The optimal goal in the color quantization process is to produce an image that cannot be distin- guished from the original. This level of quantization in fact may never be achieved. Thus, a color quantization algorithm attempts to approximate the optimal solution.
The process of color quantization is often bro- ken into four phases .
1) Sample image to determine color distribution.
2) Select colormap based on the distribution
3) Compute quantization mapping from 24-bit colors to representative colors
4) Redraw the image, quantizing each pixel.
Choosing the colormap is the most challenging task. Once this is done, computing the mapping table from colors to pixel values is straightforward.
In general, algorithms for color quantization can be broken into two categories: Uniform and Non- Uniform. In Uniform quantization the color space is bro- ken into equal sized regions where the number of regions NR is less than or equal to Colors K. Uniform quantiza- tion, though computationally much faster, leaves much
room for improvement. In Non-Uniform quantization the
manner in which the color space is divided is dependent on the distribution of colors in the image. By adapting a colormap to the color gamut of the original image, it is assured of using every color in the colormap, and thereby reproducing the original image more closely.
The most popular algorithm for color quantization, invented by Paul Heckbert in 1980, is the median cut algorithm. Many variations on this scheme are in use. Before this time, most color quantization was done using the popularity algorithm, which essentially constructs a histogram of equal-sized ranges and assigns colors to the ranges containing the most points. A more modern popular method is clustering using Octree,

3. Segmentation

The division of an image into meaningful struc- tures, image segmentation, is often an essential step in im- age analysis. A great variety of segmentation methods have been proposed in the past decades. They can be ca- tegorized into

Threshold based segmentation: Histogram thresholding and slicing techniques are used to segment the image. Edge based segmentation: Here, detected edges in an image are assumed to represent object boundaries, and

used to identify these objects.

Region based segmentation: Here the process starts in the middle of an object and then grows outwards until it meets the object boundaries.

Clustering techniques: Clustering methods attempt to

group together patterns that are similar in some sense.
Perfect image segmentation cannot usually be achieved because of oversegmentation or undersegmentation. In oversegmentation pixels belonging to the same object
are classified as belonging to different segments.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 3

ISSN 2229-5518

In the latter case, pixels belonging to different objects are classified as belonging to the same object.

4. Design

Natural pictures are rich in color and texture. Texture segmentation algorithms require the estimation of texture model parameters which is difficult. The goal of this work is to segment images into homogeneous color- texture regions. The approach tests for the homogeneity of a given color-texture pattern, which is computationally more feasible than model parameter estimation. In order to identify homogeneity, the following assumptions are made:
Each image contains homogeneous color-texture re- gions.
The information in each image region can be represented by a set of few quantized colors.
The colors between two neighboring regions are dis- tinguishable

4.1 The Process of Segmentation

The segmentation is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, colors in the image are quantized to several representative classes to differentiate regions in the im- age. Then the image pixel values are replaced by their corresponding labels to form a image class-map that can be viewed as a special kind of texture composition. In the second stage, spatial segmentation is performed directly class-map. A few good existing quantization algorithms are used in this work.
The focus of this work is on spatial segmentation and can be summarized as:
• For image segmentation a parameter is calculated. This involves minimizing a cost associated with the partition-
ing of the image based on pixel labels.
• Segmentation is achieved using an algorithm. The nota- tion of Boundary-images, correspond to measurements of local homogeneities at different scales, which can indicate potential boundary locations.
• A spatial segmentation algorithm that grows regions from seed areas of the Boundary-images to achieve the final segmentation. Figure. 4.1 shows a schematic of the algorithm for color image segmentation.

Color Image


Class-map of Color Image

Spatial Segmentation

Boundary calculation of Image


Region Growing

Segmentation Results

4.2 The Parameter Calculation as a criterion for


It is difficult to handle a 24-bit color images with thousands of colors. Image are coarsely quantized with- out significantly degrading the color quality. Then, the quantized colors are assigned labels. A color class is the set of image pixels quantized to the same color. The image
pixel colors are replaced by their corresponding color

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 4

ISSN 2229-5518

class labels and this image is called a class-map. Usually, each image region contains pixels from a small subset of the color classes and each class is distributed in a few im- age regions.
The class-map image is viewed as a special kind of texture composition. The value of each point in the class-map is the image pixel position, a 2-D vector (x, y). Each point belongs to a color class.
Let Z be the set of all N data points in a class- map. Let , z= (x,y), z Z , and m be the mean,
m = 1/N I z
z Z
Suppose Z is classified into C classes, Zi, i =1,…C. Let mi
be the mean of the Ni data points of class Zi, mi = 1/Ni I z
z Zi

ST = I || z-m || 2

z Z

SW = I Si = I I || z-mi || 2

i = 1 i =1 z Zi

SW is the total variance of points belonging to the same class.

J = ( ST SW) I SW

For the case of an image consisting of several homo- geneous color regions, the color classes are more sepa- rated from each other and the value of J is large. An ex- ample of such a class-map is class-map 1 in Figure.4.2 and the corresponding J value is 1.7. Figure. 4.2 shows anoth- er example of a three class distribution for which J is 0.8, indicating a more homogeneous distribution than class-
map 1. For class-map 2, a good segmentation would be two regions. One region contains class ‘1’ and the other one contains classes ‘2’ and ‘0’.
Now J is recalculated over each segmented re-
gion instead of the entire class-map and define the aver- age Javg by

Javg = 1/N I MkJk

where Jk represents J calculated over region k, Mk is the number of points in region k, N is the total number of points in the class-map, and the summation is over all the regions in the class-map. Javg is the parameter used for segmentation. For a fixed number of regions, a better segmentation tends to have a lower value of Javg . If the segmentation is good, each segmented region contains a
few uniformly distributed color class labels and the re- sulting J value for that region is small. Therefore, the overall Javg is also small. Notice that the minimum value

Javg can take is 0. For the case of class-map 1, the partition-

ing shown is optimal(Javg =0).
Figure.4.2 shows the manual segmentation results of class-maps.
Since the global minimization of Javg for the entire
image is not practical , J, if applied to a local area of the class-map, indicates whether that area is in the region interiors or near region boundaries
J=1.72 J=0.855

J1 = 0, J2 = 0, J0 = 0 J1 = 0, J{2,0o} = 0.011

Javg = 0 Javg = 0.05

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 5

ISSN 2229-5518

The module ColorQuantizer implements a GUI
that takes the number of colors the image should be quan-

Figure 4.2: Segmented class-maps and their corresponding

J values.

Now an image is constructed whose pixel values correspond to these J values calculated over small win- dows centered at the pixels. These are refered as Boun-

dary-values Images and the corresponding pixel values as

local J values. The higher the local J value is, the more likely that the corresponding pixel is near a region boun- dary. The Boundary-image contains intensities that actual- ly represent the region interiors and region boundaries, respectively. Windows of small size are useful in localiz- ing the intensity/color edges, while large windows are
useful for detecting texture boundaries. Often, multiple scales are needed to segment an image. In this implemen- tation, the basic window at the smallest scale is a 9 x 9 window. The smallest scale is denoted as scale 1. The window size is doubled each time to obtain the next larg- er scale.
The characteristics of the Boundary-images allow
us to use a region-growing method to segment the image. Initially the entire image is considered as one region. The segmentation of the image starts at a coarse initial scale. It then repeats the same process on the newly segmented regions at the next finer scale. Region growing consists of determining the seed points and growing from those seed locations. Region growing is followed by a region merg- ing operation to give the final segmented image.

5. Implementation

The implementation of segmentation is carried out using JDK 1.5. and JAI 1.3 (Java Advanced Imaging
1.3) on windows platform.
tized into along with the algorithm to choose from be- tween Median-Cut, NeuQuant, Oct-Tree.
The module Segmentor gets arguments regarding the initial window size and maximum number of iterations. Here the segmentation parameter is calculated and boun- dary image is created. It scans the color vector in boun- dary image and calculates initial segmented image. Then for the number of iterations mentioned it segments im- ages repeatedly by converging the values. The accuracy of segmentation depends on the number of iterations the image is segmented.
The module for Region Growing implements a simple region growing algorithm. It runs a classic stack- based region rowing algorithm. It finds a pixel that is not labeled, labels it and stores its coordinates on a stack. While there are pixels on the stack, it gets a pixel from the stack (the pixel being considered), Checks its neighboring pixels to see if they are unlabeled and close to the consi- dered pixel, if are, label them and store them on the stack Repeats this process until there are no more pixels on the image.

Figure 5.1: Snapshot of Selected Image and Segmented Image


IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 6

ISSN 2229-5518

The color image is quantized and then is seg- mented with a focus on spatial segmentation. The thre- shold values are calculated that is used for the segmenta- tion at various scales. At each step the segments are iden- tified through the boundaries and valleys that are identi- fied with the threshold values that are low near the boundary.The accuracy of segmentation depends on the algorithm used for quantization and the number of itera- tions.
Figure 5.3: Snapshot of Selected Image and Segmented
Image (Mediun Cut,8)
Figure 5.2: Snapshot of Selected Image and Segmented
Image (NeuQuant,16)

In Figures 5.1 thru 5.3 ,we can see the border dis- played on the original image, border displayed on the segmented image, original image and segmented image , shown in top left to bottom right in that order
It is observed that changing of the parameters also changes the result. The number of colors for quanti- zation chosen and the number of iterations changes the number of regions in the segmented image.

6. Conclusion

Once the segmentation is over the image is displayed with appropriate borders to differentiate between the segments. The images having different colors in the adja- cent regions are the best candidates for the segmentation using the proposed method.
However, it has does not handle pictures where smooth transition takes place between adjacent regions and there is no clear visual boundary. For instance, the color of a sunset sky can vary from red to orange to dark in a very smooth transition.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April-2011 7

ISSN 2229-5518

image segmentation”, International Conference on

7. Future Work

The algorithm can be modified to find out the number of colors adaptively for quantization instead of taking it as a parameter.
The algorithm can be extended to handle images with smooth transitions between adjacent regions. The method can be extended to segment the color-texture regions in video data.


The authors like to thank Singhania Universaity, Rajas- than and VVIT Institute of Technology, Mysore.


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