International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 10, Oct-2011 1

ISSN 2229-5518

On subgroups of a finite p-groups

A. D. Akinola

Abstract: In this paper we proved som e theorems on norm al subgroups, on-normal subgroup, minimal nonmetacyclic and m axim al class of a p-group G.

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Let G be a finite p-group. Most authors have worked on p-groups among which we will mention few. Y. Berkovich [6] have worked on subgroups and epimorphic images of finite p- groups. Y. Berkovich [4] worked on finite p groups with few minimal nonabelian subgroups. Y.Berkovich [5] worked on subgroups of finite p-groups. Y. Berkovich [1] also woraked on abelian subgroup of a p-group G. Z. Janko [2,3] worked on element of order at most 4 in finite 2-groups and On finite nonabelian 2 groups all of whose minimal nonabelian subgroups are of exponent 4.In this paper we give an answer to some of the questions post by Y.Berkovich in [1].


2.1 Definition
metacyclic group. Dihedral groups and generalized quaternion groups are examples of metacyclic groups.
2.5. Definition
A group G is said to be minimal nonmetacyclic if G is not metacyclic but all of its proper subgroups are metacyclic.
2.6. Definition
The length of lower central series of G, that
is the greatest integer c for which c (G) > {1}
is called the class of G. The class of a p-group is a measure of the extent to which the group is non abelian. Abelian group are of class 1 and
conversely group of class 1 are abelian.
2.7. 2.7 Definition
If a group G has order
pm where p is a prime
number and m is a positive integer, then we say
The group of order p m
and class m-1 for
that G is a p-group.
2.2. Definition
Let H be a subgroup G and let a 2 G, the normalizer of H in G is denoted by N(H) defined by N(H)  {a  G : aHa -1  H} . It follows that the normalizer of a subgroup H is the whole
group G if and only if H is normal in G.
2.3. Definition

If x G, the centralizer of x in G, denoted by

some m 3, a p-group is said to be of maximal class where (G : (G)) = p2 ;
i 1 (G) : (G)) = p (i = 3; 4; :::;m).
3.1. Theorem
Suppose a p-group G,p > 2 contains an abelian self centralizer subgroup A of

CG(x) is the set of all a G that commute with

p3 and |NG(A) : A| = p. Then the

x . i.e CG(x) = {a G : axa 1 = xg .It is immediate that CG(x) is a subgroup of G. Also x CG(x).

2.4. Definition
A group G which contains a cyclic normal subgroup A such that G/A is also cyclic is a
number of such subgroup in G is congruent to 1(modp).


For H G, let q3 ( H ) denote the number of self centralizer subgroup of order p3

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 10, Oct-2011 2

ISSN 2229-5518

contained in H. We have that

p 2  1(mod p)

K2 is not a subgroup of D with

K K1

Let denote the set of all maximal subgroups of
not a subgroup of K 2 . It follows

G.It is known that | | 1(mod p)

enumeration principle [7]
. By hall’s

| K K

|1 p

| K K 2

| . Since

K K , K K

are different

q3 (G)  q3 (H )(mod p)

Suppose that the

1 1 2

H 

theorem has proved fall proper subgroup of G.
maximal subgroups of K 2 . We conclude
Take H
. By induction hypothesis

K  ( K K )(K

K )  KK D

2 1 1 2 1

q3 ( H )  0 or q3 (G)  1(mod p)

. If
contrary to the choice of K2 .Therefore

q3 (G)  1(mod p)

for all H . Then by
such K 2
does not exist.

(1) q3 (H )  | | 1(mod p) .Proving

the theorem.
Therefore suppose we may assume that some maximal subgroup of G, say H has no abelian
Therefore the number of maximal normal abelian self-centralizer subgroup of order p3 in G is congruent to 1 modulo p .
self centralizer subgroup of order

p3 . Suppose

3.2. Theorem
Let A be a subgroup of a p-group G such
that H contains a subgroup L of order p 4

CA (G) . is metacyclic . If

exponent p.Let A be a maximal abelian self
centralizer subgroup of L.Since A < L and

C ( A)  A , it follows that |A| = p3 ,contrary to the what was proved in the previous

|A| =p, then G has normal subgroup of order

p p 1 .and exponent p.


We may assume that A < Z(G). By [8]
paragraph.Therefore H has no subgroup of order

CG ( A)  NG

( A) . since |A|=p. Suppose

p 4 .

that D is a normal subgroup of G of

Suppose | NG ( A) : A | p

this implies that A
exponent p. We may assume that

| D | p p 1 . and | AD | p2 .Then

is a normal subgroup of G. Also

assume that NG ( A)  G


then A is maximal in

CA (D)  {1} .It follows that

H ACD ( A)  CG ( A) that H is

Let q'3 (H )

be the number of normal abelian
metacyclic. We have CAD

(H )  H ..

self centralizer subgroup of order p3 .

in G. Since q3 (G)  q'3 (G)(mod p) . it suffices to prove that q'3 (G)  1(mod p) .

Therefore we may assume that G contains a normal abelian self centralizer subgroup K1 of
Therefore by [1] AD
is of maximal class. This is a contradiction since D is not of maximal class. Therefore

| D | p p 1 . Hence the result.

3.3 Theorem

p3 ., K K . Set D KK . By fittings

Suppose that p-group G, p = 2 contains an

1 1

lemma, the nilpotency class of D is at most two.
abelian normal subgroup of order

p p 1 .

Therefore by [1] exp (D) = p. Considering
Then the number of nonabelian, non normal


and taking into account that H has no
subgroup of order

p p 1 Is congruent to

subgroups of order p4

conclude that | D | p4

and exponent p, we
. By lemma 3 [1]


Let H G .. Let q3 ( H ) denote the

qe (D)  1(mod p) . Hence the number of

number of nonabelian normal subgroup of
abelian normal self centralizer subgroup of order
p3 . in D is congruent to 1 modulo p.
p p 1 . contained in H. We have to
Assume that G contains a normal abelian self


prove that q3 ( H )  0mod p). Let

denote the set of all maximal subgroups of
centralizer subgroup K2
of order

p such that

G. It is known that | | 1(mod p) .

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 10, Oct-2011 3

ISSN 2229-5518

Take H . By induction hypothesis
maximal non normal subgroup of N such


q3 ( H )  0mod p). By [6] H contains one

that exp(A) <

p .Then | | 0(mod p) .

abelian normal subgroup of order

Therefore q3 (G)  0mod p)


p p 1 . proving the


Assume that N is a non normal subgroup of

G. Also let A be a maximal subgroup of N

.Let be the set of all maximal non normal

Let q'3 (H )

be the number of nonabelian, non
subgroup of N. We have to prove that
normal subgroup of order
p p 1 in G. We may

| | 0(mod p) . By sylow’s theorem, the

assume that G contains one abelian normal
number of subgroup of a group is congruent
to 1(modp).
subgroup of order subgroup of order

p p 1 . By [1] the number of

p p 1 is congruent to 1(modp).
By [6] N contains one maximal normal subgroup which implies that the number of maximal non normal subgroup of N is

Therefore q'3 (G)  0(mod p) . since by [1] G

contains one abelian normal subgroup of order

p p 1 .

3.4. Theorem
congruent to 0(modp) . i.e

| | 0(mod p) .

3.7. Theorem
Let A B G . where B is a nonabelian subgroup of a non abelian p-group
Let G be a p-group and suppose N is non normal
subgroup of a p-group G. If A is a maximal non

G, exp(B) p m . and

pm  2 , p = 2;m > 2.

normal subgroup of N then CN ( A)  Z (G) .

Let be the set of all non abelian
subgroup T of G such that A < T,


| T : A | p 2

and exp(T )  p m . Then

Assume that C CN ( A)  Z (G) .Then

C N CG ( A) .Let B be non normal subgroup of N such that B/A

| | 0(mod p) .


Let G be a 2- group of order

2m .Let G be

is a N/A non normal subgroup of exponent p in

C/A.Then B is not normal in G and B > A contrary

to the choice of A that A is maximal non normal subgroup of N. Therefore CN ( A)  Z (G) . Hence the result.
3.5. Theorem
member of subgroups of G of order

2n n m .such that T is non abelian.

Let be the set of all nonabelian subgroup

T of G.

Let A be member of subgroup of G such that

| T : A | p 2 . By sylow’s theorem, the number of subgroup of a group G is

congruent to 1(modp).
Suppose that p-group G contained a subgroup M

If | T : A | p2

then | A | p n  2

of maximal class such that


By [6], for every value of n; n < m, G contains

CG (M )  M and

| M | p

where p = 2,
one abelian subgroup T ''
of order p n
then G is of maximal class.



| T ' ': A | p2 . Therefore the number


| M | p3 , C

maximal class.

(M )  Z (M )  p since M is of

of T such that A < T and | T : A | p is
congruent to 0(modp). Hence the result.

Also CG (M )  Z (M )  Z (G)  p

Therefore by [4] G is of maximal class since Z(G)
= p which complete the proof .
3.6. Theorem
Let A < N < G, where N is a non normal subgroup of G and A is a maximal subgroup of N,

exp( N )  pn , p n  2 . Let be the set of all

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ISSN 2229-5518

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A. D. Akinola, Mathematics Department, College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,Ogun State, Nigeria.