International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 183

ISSN 2229-5518

Niching Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering for Multi-mode Resource-constrained Project Scheduling Problems

Omar S. Soliman and Elshimaa Elgendi

Abstract—: This paper proposes a novel niching estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) based on fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering for solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP). FCM clustering is employed to partition the population into niches to avoid premature convergence of the EDA. Then, the niche capacity is determined by Boltzmann scheme according to the adaptive clearing radius and niche fitness. Besides, a restart up policy is employed based on a new diversity measure. A random walk local search is applied based on delete-then-insert operator (DIRW ) to achieve a trade-off between exploration and exploitation abilities. The proposed algorithm is tested and evaluated using benchmark test problems of the project scheduling problem library PSPLIB, and compared with the standard EDA algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and outperform the standard EDA.

Index Terms— Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problems, niching estimation of distribution algorithm, Fuzzy c- means clustering, Boltzmann niching clearing scheme, Local search, Random walk

—————————— ——————————


he multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) is a generalized version of the single- mode resource constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). In a multi-mode resource-constrained project, each activity can be performed in one out of a set of modes, with a mode specific duration and nonrenewable and renewable resource requirements. There are three different types of resources; renewable, nonrenewable and doubly constrained ones [1]. Renewable resources are limited on a per-period- basis, e.g. machines and manpower. Nonrenewable resources, the availability for the entire project is limited, e.g. money if the budget of the project is limited. Doubly constrained resources are limited both on a per-period-basis and on a total- project-basis, e.g. money if not only the budget of the project but also the per-period-cash-flow is limited. However, the
doubly constrained resources need not be taken into account explicitly since they can be incorporated by properly enlarging the sets of the other two types of resources.


Omar S, Soliman is currently an Associate Professor, Faculty of

Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt.


Elshimaa Elgendi is currently PhD Candidate , Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt.

Finding a feasible solution of the MRCPSP is NP-complete if there is more than one non-renewable resource [2].
advantage in the solution of such problems. Optimization of multiple objectives requires that the relative importance of each objective be specified in advance which requires a prior knowledge of the possible solutions.
Therefore, evolutionary computation has gained increasing attention during the past decades for solving problems belonging to this class.
There have been several bio-inspired approaches to this problem among which a two-phase genetic local search algorithm proposed by Tseng and Chen [3] where the first phase aimed at searching globally for promising areas while the second phase aimed at searching in the promising areas more thoroughly, an efficient hybrid GA to solve the MRCPSP, in which a unique mode assignment procedure was developed and a new fitness function proposed by Lova et al. [4] and a bi-population GA to solve preemptive and non- preemptive MRCPSP that made use of two separate populations and extended the serial schedule generation scheme by introducing a mode improvement procedure proposed by Van Peteghem and Vanhoucke [5].
In addition, Van Peteghem and Vanhoucke [6] proposed an artificial immune system (AIS) to solve the MRCPSP with mode assignment list generation was translated to a multi- choice multi-dimensional knapsack problem. Wauters et al. [7] proposed a multi-agent learning approach, where an agent was placed each activity node to decide the order to visit its successors and the mode to execute the activity. Damak et al. [8] proposed a differential evolution (DE) approach to solve the MRCPSP. Elloumi and Fortemps [9] proposed a hybrid

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 184

ISSN 2229-5518

rank-based evolutionary algorithm that transformed the MRCPSP to a bi-objective problem to cope with the potential violation of the nonrenewable resource constraints. Ranjbar et al. [10] proposed a hybrid scatter search to solve the discrete time/ resource trade-off problem and the MRCPSP. Wang and Fang [11] showed the effectiveness of using shuffled frog- leaping algorithm (SFLA) for solving the MRCPSP with the criterion to minimize the makespan. But SFLA needs a very careful choice of its parameter in order to be effective. Recently, Wang and Fang [12] designed an estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) for solving the MRCPSP by using an encoding scheme based on the activity-mode list and a decoding scheme based on the multi-mode serial SGS. Estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) is a kind of stochastic population-based optimization algorithm based on statistical learning Larrañaga and Lozano [13]. But in practice it is found that, EDA still suffer from a drawback common to other evolutionary algorithms. The fast losing of diversity in the population can lead to an early convergence of the algorithm. to cope with this drawback a new hybrid fuzzy clustering based niching EDA is proposed for solving nonpreemptive MRCPSP minimizing the project makespan based on adopted fourfold: a) a restart up policy based on a proposed diversity measure is applied in the early stages of the algorithm to enhance the exploration ability of the algorithm, b) a niche clearing strategy based on Boltzmann mechanism is applied after clustering the entire population considering each cluster as a niche, c) a new local search heuristic (DIRW) based on delete-then-insert operator and random walk is applied to enhance the exploitation ability of the algorithm and d) a list of best so far found solutions is maintained to retain the convergence of the algorithm.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows; Section 2
is devoted to the description of the MRCPSP. Section 3 deals with the proposed fuzzy clustering based niching EDA steps for MRCPSP and its features. In Sections 4 and 5, experimental results and conclusions and further work directions are given respectively.


In MRCPSP, the target is to study how to allocate renewable/nonrenewable resource and schedule activities to minimize the whole project makespan. In MRCPSP, a project
requires for its processing 𝑟𝜌 units of renewable resource k,
= 1, ⋯ 𝑅, and consumes 𝑟𝑗𝑚𝑙 units of non-renewable resource

l, 𝑙 = 1, ⋯ , 𝑁. We assume that all activities and resources are

available at the beginning of the process. The objective of the
MRCPSP is to find an assignment of modes to activities as well as precedence and resource-feasible starting times for all activities, such that the makespan of the project is minimized. The mathematical formulation of the MRCPSP found in Talbot [14].


3.1 Proposed algorithm mechanism

In this section, the mechanism of the proposed algorithm hybrid fuzzy clustering-based niching EDA to solve the MRCPSP is described. The proposed algorithm uses activity- mode list (AML) decoding scheme described in section 3.2 below. After applying a preprocessing reduction procedure developed by Sprecher et al. [1] in project data to efficiently reduce the search space, the probability matrix is initialized using uniform distribution. Then the proposed algorithm starts generating an initial population of P individuals by sampling the probability matrix using permutation-based probability generating mechanism (PGM) developed by Wang and Fang [12]. As the MRCPSP is NP-complete, a set of infeasible solutions are introduced into the search space of MRCPSP solutions, these solutions only violate the nonrenewable
resource constraints. A penalty function (𝑣𝐸 (𝑀𝐿)) to be
minimized enforces the satisfaction of the nonrenewable
resource constraints. All individuals are decoded by the multi- mode serial schedule generation scheme (MSSGS). A rank- based fitness function for the generated individuals is computed by considering both makespan and penalty as two criteria to be minimized. The population is clustered using fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) heuristic; each cluster (niche) is evaluated by its best solution found. According to the proposed niching clearing strategy of Boltzmann scheme, best_P individuals are selected from niches obtained. In the early stages of the proposed algorithm, diversity is promoted in the population set by computing a diversity measure. And if its value is less than predetermined threshold, a restart up policy is applied. In the restart up policy, the list of best individuals over the previous generations (list_best) are kept to maintain the convergence of the algorithm and the

remaining individuals (i.e., P list _ best ) are generated

consists in 𝐽 activities, with a dummy start node 0 and a
dummy end node 𝐽 + 1. The precedence relations between
randomly using the initial probability matrices, P


(0) and
activities are defined by a directed acyclic graph G. No activity may be started before all its predecessors are finished. Graph G is numerically numbered, i.e. an activity has always a higher number than all its predecessors. A is the set of all
activities pairs (𝐴𝑖 , 𝐴𝑗 ) such that 𝐴𝑖 directly precedes 𝐴𝑗 . Each activity j, 𝑗 = 1, ⋯ , 𝐽 has to be executed in one of Mj modes.
Preemption is not allowed. Once a mode chosen for an
activity, it may not be changed. The duration of activity j
executed in mode m is 𝑑𝑗𝑚 . We assume that there are R
renewable and N non-renewable resources. The number of
available units of renewable resource k, 𝑘 = 1, ⋯ 𝑅 is 𝑅𝜌 and
the number of available units of non-renewable resource l,
𝑙 = 1, ⋯ , 𝑁, is 𝑅𝑣 . Each activity j executed in mode m
P mod (0). Then the Multi-mode double-justification (MDJ) is
applied to only to the selected best_P individuals to improve
the makespan value. After that, a newly developed random walk based local search method (DIRW) is applied to the best individuals to exploit the neighborhood of the selected individuals [15]. Then, the probability matrixes Pact (t) and P mod (t) are updated based on the selected best_P individuals, for generating offspring population. This procedure is repeated until the stopping criterion is reached. Straight forwardly, the pseudo code of the proposed algorithm is described in Algorithm 1.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 185

ISSN 2229-5518

3.2 Solution representation

In the proposed algorithm, The encoding scheme chosen for individuals is an activity-mode list (AML), which consists of two vectors: (1) a precedence feasible activity list (AL)
(vE (ML)) for each generated schedule. A penalty measure is the aggregation measure vE (ML) considers only the positive
value of nonrenewable resource excess over the availability.
That is, vE (ML) is given by (1):
{Aπ ,..., Aπ ,..., Aπ } ; (2) a mode assignment list (ML)

r v

R v

1 i J

N jm j l l

{mπ ,..., mπ ,..., mπ

} to assign every activity a mode. The 𝑚𝜋𝑖

ν (ML) = max

, j =1


1 i J

E 0 v

in the ML indicates the mode of the 𝐴𝜋𝑖 in the AL. The EDA
does not operate on a schedule but on the AML representation

l =1




of a schedule.

Algorithm 1: Proposed Niching EDA algorithm based FCM for solving MRCPSP
1. Set t = 0;
It is noticeable that the penalty vE (ML) = 0 if the AML is
nonrenewable resources feasible.
For infeasible solution, its penalty value vE (ML) is calculated
as in equation (1) and its makespan value as a sum of all
activities durations associated with the latest mode list as in
2. Initialize the probability matrixes Pact (0) and Pmod (0);
3. Generate the new population with P individuals by
sampling the probability matrix using a permutation-


Makespan(AML) = d

j =1

Aπ j mπ j

based probability generating mechanism (PGM);
4. While stopping criterion is not met do
4.1. Compute the Makespan(AML) and penalty 𝑣𝐸 (𝑀𝐿)
for each individual using MSSGS;
For feasible solution, surly the penalty vE (ML) equals to 0 and
the makespan equals to the finish time of the end activity of
the entire project as in (3).
4.2. Compute current population diversity measure div;

Makespan( AML) = FT


4.3. If(𝑑𝑖𝑣 ≥ 𝛿)
i. Compute the rank-based fitness assignment for
Where FTπJ
is the scheduled finish time of the end activity in
each individual on basis of two criteria makespan and penalty;
ii. Apply FCM clustering by the proposed
similarity metric;
iii. Select best_P individuals based on the proposed niching clearing strategy of Boltzmann scheme;
Elseif(t ≤ third of maximum number of iteration)
i. Reinitialize the probability matrixes Pact (t) and
P mod (t);
ii. Generate 𝑃 − 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡_𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 individuals by
sampling the probability matrix using PGM;
iii. The new population will be the generated
(𝑃 − 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 ) ∪ 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡_𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 individuals of the
previous generations;
iv. t=t+1;Go to step 4; Else
i. Select best_P individuals based on ranking selection;
4.4. Update the list_best individuals;
4.5. Apply MDJ to the selected best_P individuals;
4.6. Apply Local search (DIRW) to the selected best_P
4.7. Update the probability matrixes Pact (t) and Pmod (t);
4.8. t=t+1; Go to step 3;
5. Return the best found solution.

3.3 Multi-mode serial schedule generation scheme

After population individuals are generated, the serial schedule generation scheme (SGS) is used to evaluate the solution vector, i.e., the solution vector of the MRCPSP is translated into a schedule [9]. The multi-mode serial schedule generation scheme (MSSGS) for the MRCPSP adopted by Wang and Fang [12] is employed to calculate two objective functions, the makespan (Makespan(AML)) and the penalty function
the produced schedule.

3.4 Fitness function

To compute the fitness value, the rank-based fitness assignment method for multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGAs) conceived by Fonseca and Fleming [16] is adopted. Each individual is assigned a rank value depending on its position within the population, and considering the criteria to be optimized. At a given population t, an individual i is dominated by Nt individuals in the considered population. Its rank R will be Ri,t=1+Nt and its fitness value would be computed by the following formula:

f ( AML ) = 1

i ,t

Note that non-dominated individual would have a rank equal to one. Therefore, the fitness value will be, in its turn, equal to one. Other individuals would have greater rank and would then be assigned a fitness value less than one. Also, for a given individual, this metric may varies through populations because of the population distribution changes. Also, small rank of a given individual means small number of solutions dominating that individual.

3.5 Population diversity measure

Invariably, the population diversity diminishes as the EDA evolves over generations. This results in search stagnation. To overcome this problem and also to reduce the computational effort to be used in clustering a homogenous population, a new diversity measure of the current population is developed. This measure of population diversity is based on averaging the Euclidean distance between individuals from their centroid. The diversity measure from the individuals of the current

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 186

ISSN 2229-5518

population is computed in the following way:

c; The FCM clustering algorithm works as follows:

Step1: compute the centroid

v = (v1 , v2 )

of the current
Step1: Assign randomly to each point membership degrees for the c clusters so that the membership degrees for
population where v1

v2 are the average values of the c

penalty and makespan over the whole population respectively.
Step2: calculate the diversity measure div is calculated as follows:
each data point in all the c clusters satisfy uij = 1,

j =1

i = 1,2,, P

Step2: Compute the centroid of each cluster using (5).

P v


) − v  

Step3: Compute the membership degree for each data point

E k 1  

v  

in each cluster using (4).
Step4: If a convergence criterion is not met, go to 2).

div =

1  k =1 1  

The performance index of a FCM is defined by:

2P P

Makespan( AML ) − v

  k

2   c P τ

  

k =1 v2  

Hence, div gives a diversity measure with a value between zero and one. Clearly, a large div value indicates that the population is highly diverse. A value close to one indicates a very diverse population where each activity is set at different positions and no similar blocks of activities exist among the individuals. On the other hand, a value close to zero means that the population is homogenous, i.e., all individuals are very similar or identical

3.6 Fuzzy c-means clustering

idx = ∑ ∑ (uij ) ij

j =1 i=1

The clustering goal is to find an iterative fuzzy partitioning that minimizes the performance index idx .

3.7 Selection of the niche capacity

To implement the selection procedure of the hybrid fuzzy clustering based niching EDA, after the individuals are grouped into many clusters (niches) by FCM when diversity
of the population is greater than 𝛿. Then, the capacity wi is
defined as the maximum number of winners that will be
selected from cluster i [18]. wi is calculated as follows:
In order to avoid premature convergence, the proposed
𝑤𝑖 = 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡_𝑃 �𝛾𝑡



𝑡 2

𝑒 �𝑇�−1

+ (1 − 𝛾𝑡 )⁄𝑛𝑖 �, 𝛾𝑡 = � �
algorithm is enhanced by the use of an adaptive grid, relying

𝑗𝑡 1 𝑓𝑗


on fuzzy c-means clustering. FCM is a kind of soft clustering
method and primarily cluster data set which allows one piece of data to belong to two or more clusters. FCM works by partitioning data sets into c fuzzy groups by using membership degrees of cases which are computed for clusters and finds a cluster center in each group such that the cost function of dissimilarity measure is minimized [17]. This paper briefly introduces fuzzy clustering methodology and the related membership function construction. In this context, c can be chosen as the worst rank value (the largest).
Each data point 𝑋𝑖 = (𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛(𝐴𝑀𝐿𝑖 ), 𝑣𝐸 (𝑀𝐿𝑖 )) has a
degree of membership uj(Xi ) in the cluster number j, given by:
where best_P is the number of selected individual in each
iteration, t is the number of generated schedules, 𝛾𝑡 is the
Boltzmann weight after generating t schedules, T the
maximum number of generated schedules, 𝑛𝑖 is number of individuals of cluster i in the current iteration and 𝑓𝑖 is the
maximum fitness value of i-th niche in the current population.
The Boltzmann scheme can provide a good balance between the diversity preservation and algorithm efficiency. This selection procedure guarantees to select the dominant individuals from each cluster so the convergence of the algorithm is maintained. Also, selection of some dominated individuals enhances the exploration ability of the algorithm.



uij = c


3.8 Local search




τ −


k =1

where ∆𝑖𝑗 represents the distance between the data point Xi
and cj, cj is the cluster j centroid and 𝜏 corresponds to the
fuzzyfication parameter which determine the degree of
fuzziness (weighting exponent) in the clusters, it would be set to 2 in this paper.
The j-th cluster centroid, cj, is determined by computing the mean of all the points in that cluster weighted by their degree of belonging to or membership of the data points in that cluster;


(uij ) X i

After the best_P individuals are selected from the population,
multi-mode double-justification (MDJ) is applied to the best_P individuals to improve their makespan values. MDJ iteratively employs the MSSGS forward and backward scheduling until no further improvement in the makespan of project can be found. More details of MDJ could be found in Wang and Fang [12].
To enhance the exploitation ability, a new local search
heuristic (DIRW) based on the delete-then insert operator and random walk developed by Soliman and Elgendi [15] is applied. Delete-then-insert operator is applied on each activity on the AL which deletes the activity from its current position and then inserts it in a random eligible position. Accepting this

c = i =1

(uij )



move is based on acceptance rate RW. DIRW enhance the
exploitation ability by exploring the neighborhood of the individual Algorithm 2.
Given a value of the parameter 𝜏=2 and the number of clusters

IJSER © 2014

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 187

ISSN 2229-5518

Algorithm 2: The delete-then-insert random walk Local search (DIRW).

Procedure DIRW Local Search (AML)

Table 1, the number of instances for which at least one feasible solution exists is presented. Each instance of J10-20 and J30 contains three modes (i.e., M j = 3, j = 1,2,..., J ;


M 0 = 1;

M J +1

= 1), two renewable and two nonrenewable
//activity at first position is the start activity which has no
while(j<J-1) do
resources. The duration of activity j in mode m j
to 10.
varies from 1
Generate uniformly distributed random number 𝑞,
𝑞 ∈ [0,1]
if(𝑞 < RW)
Pos = position of Aj in 𝐴𝐿
if (ν E (ML') = 0 )

4.2. Configuration of the algorithm

In this section, the numerical configuration of the proposed algorithm is reported through a numerical investigation.

= min

(𝑑 );

𝑚 𝑗𝑚




Following Hartmann [2], the performances of the algorithm
have been investigated on the set J20 since it is the hardest standard set for MRCPSP and 5000 generated schedules as a stopping condition. The proposed hybrid fuzzy clustering

= min

( r v );

l =1

based niching EDA contains five key parameters: the population size of each generation (P), the number of selected
Delete Aj from position pos in A𝐿;
Maxpos=max(𝜋𝑘 |(𝐴𝐿′ 𝜋 , 𝐴𝑗 ) ∈ 𝐴)+1;
individuals to update the probability matrix (best_P), the
learning speed (𝛼), diversity measure threshold ( δ ) and local
Minpos= min(𝜋𝑘 |(𝐴𝑗 , 𝐴𝐿


) ∈ 𝐴)-1;
search acceptance rate (RW).
Insert Aj in a random location between Maxpos and
Minpos on 𝐴𝐿;
𝐴𝐿 = 𝐴𝐿;
The average relative deviation (ARD) value is the following average deviation value for N instances.
𝑀𝐿 = 𝑀𝐿;


1 N (Makespan Optimum )

i i


N i =1


In the procedure of DIRW, the nonrenewable resource consumption for infeasible representation may be reduced by assigning the mode with minimum cumulative nonrenewable resources consumption to the currently modified activity, and enhance the nonrenewable resource utilization for feasible representations by assigning the mode with minimum duration to the currently modified activity.


4.1. Test problems

In this section, the results of a computational experiment concerning the implementations of the hybrid fuzzy clustering based niching EDA for solving MRCPSP is presented. The experiments have been performed on an Intel(R) Celeron(R)- based DELL with 2.19 GHz clock-pulse and 1 Gb RAM. The proposed algorithm has been coded and compiled in MATLAB R2007b. the program has run on standard MRCPSP test instances available in the project scheduling problem library PSPLIB developed by Kolisch and Sprecher [19]. Optimal solutions for J10-20 instances sets are available, whereas no optimal solutions were found for J30 instances; hence, heuristic lower bounds are provided for the latter. In
where Makespani is the makespan of the ith feasible
instance obtained by the proposed algorithm; Optimumi is the
optimal makespan of ith feasible instance.
Extensive testing revealed that the best configuration results consist in the following issues: the fuzzy clustering improvement procedure deserves to be applied; the best
algorithmic parameters are a P = 100, best_P = 10, 𝛼 = 0.1.
The best δ and RW values are 0.5 and 0.7, respectively, at
which a balance between exploitation and exploration abilities occurred.
In fact, a high value of δ implies that the restart up policy is
frequently applied, and this enhances the exploration ability of the algorithm and hence prevent from falling in local minimum and also finding a near optimum solution faster. But very high value of δ implies the decrease of convergence of the proposed algorithm.

4.3. Comparisons with standard EDA

To compare the proposed algorithm with the standard EDA algorithm developed by Wang and Fang [12], both algorithms have been coded and compiled in MATLAB R2007b. So, results displayed in Table 2 using 60 s CPU time as a stopping criterion. From Table 2, it can be seen that the proposed algorithm not only has a higher optimal and feasible rates than classical EDA but also has lower average deviation with less computation resource for all problem sets.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014 188

ISSN 2229-5518

selected from each cluster based on a cluster niche clearing scheme based on Boltzmann mechanism. By adopting a restart

up policy and fuzzy c-means clustering method, the exploration ability is enhanced in a way it could be tracked effectively to keep finding optimum or near-optimum solution. By applying the DIRW local search and multi-mode double justification improvement; the exploitation could be enhanced as well. Simulation results based on the PSPLIB benchmarks and comparisons with some existing algorithms demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The further work is to apply the proposed algorithm to other scheduling problems since it looks like promising.

Note: The bold values denote the best results among the results obtained by all the algorithms.

Next, the variants leading to the best configurations of the hybrid fuzzy clustering based niching EDA with DIRW local search on the different set instances with 5000 computed schedules stopping criteria with other algorithms based is compared on the PSPLIB to further show the effectiveness of the proposed work. The compared algorithm includes the classical EDA developed by Wang and Fang [12]. The Pseudo-code and the parameters of these algorithms can be found from the reference. Note that all the compared algorithms adopt activity list and mode list as their encoding type. The results are displayed in table 3 below.
As reported in table 3, the hybrid fuzzy clustering based niching EDA outperforms the EDA [12] over all data sets. EDA [12] needs effort to find and track the most promising area at the beginning of the search procedure. The proposed algorithm shows more exploration ability due to applying the restart up policy and FCM embedded to the algorithm.

Table 3: Comparison with EDA [12] (5000 computed schedules) (%)







Proposed algorithm







EDA [12]







Note: The bold values denote the best results among the results obtained by all the algorithms.

According to the above experimental results and comparison between the proposed algorithm and the slandered EDA algorithms, as reported in tables 2&3 ; the proposed algorithm is effective in solving the MRCPSP.


This paper introduced a hybrid niching EDA based on fuzzy clustering for solving the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. A critical problem when dealing with EDA is the premature convergence. To avoid premature convergence, FCM clustering is used to divide the population into clusters (niches). Then, the set of best solutions is


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