The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Modified Method of Document Text Extraction from Document Images Using Haar DWT

Navjot Kaur

AbstractThis paper extends the technique used for Document Text Extraction from Images using 2-D Haar Wavelet. The discrete wavelet transform is a very useful tool for signal analysis and image processing, especially in multi-resolution representation. It can decompose signal into different components in the frequency domain. Two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2-D DWT) decomposes an input image into four sub-bands, one average component (LL) and three detail components (LH, HL, HH). The multi- resolution of 2-D DW T has been employed to detect edges of an original image. We select an appropriate threshold value and preliminarily remove the non-text edges in the detail component sub-bands. Then we use the logical AND operator to further removes the non-text regions. Another idea of removing the large size area in the image is merged with this idea to eliminate the non-text region from Document Images.

KeywordsAverage component, Detail components, Document text, DW T, Multi-resolution of 2-D DW T, Non-Text Edges, Sub-band images, Text extraction, 2-D Haar Wavelet

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arge amounts of information are embedded in im-
recognized and processed. Texts in images contain
raw input to document analysis.
Some examples of Document Images are as shown in the fig-
ages which are often required to be automatically

useful information which can be useful to fully understand images. Text recognition from document images receives a growing attention because of potential applications in content based indexing, archiving documents.
The term document in no longer confined to scanned pages
and any camera based image can be subject to operations like text information extraction (TIE) for applications such as opti- cal character recognition (OCR), image/video indexing, mobile reading system for visually challenged persons etc.
Data capture of documents by optical scanning or by digi- tal video yields a file of picture elements, or pixels, that is the


Navjot Kaur has completedmasters degree program in computer engineer- ing from Punjabi University,Patiala(Punjab),India. E-mail: jyo-

fig 1. Document Image example 1

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT 2

ISSN 2229-5518

Y=0.299 0.587 0.114 Y R G (1)
Image Y is then processed with discrete wavelet transform and the whole extraction algorithm afterward. If the input image itself is stored in the DWT compressed form, DWT operation
can be omitted in the proposed algorithm.

fig 2. Document Image example 2

Text extraction is a critical and essential step as it sets up the quality of the final recognition result. It aims at segmenting text from background, meaning isolated text pixels from those of background. A text extraction system usually assumes that text is the major input contributor, but it also has to be robust against variations in the detected text's bounding box size. A very efficient text extraction method could enable the use of commercial OCR without any other modifications.


To extract text from Document images using 2-D Haar Wavelet and by eliminating large size areas in the image. In case we have larger area components in the image, we can get better result.


The edges detection is accomplished by using 2-D Haar DWT and some of the non-text edges are removed using threshold- ing. Afterward, we connect the isolated candidate text edges in each detail component sub-band of the binary image. Al- though the color component may differ in a text region, the information about colors does not help extracting texts from images. If the input image is a gray-level image, the image is processed directly starting at discrete wavelet transform. If the input image is colored, its RGB components are combined to give an intensity image Y as follows:
To remove the large size area in the image, the outline of the suggested idea (MATLAB code) is as follows:
[CC NOB] = bwlabel(final, 8); S = regionprops(CC, 'Area'); Binary=final;
Stats = regionprops(CC, 'Area', 'pixelidxlist');
Cleaned = binary; For p=1:length(stats) Ara(p)=stats(p).Area; End Area=sort(ara,'descend'); MIN_AREA=area(2)+10;
For region = 1 : length(stats)
If stats(region).Area > MIN_AREA Cleaned(stats(region).pixelidxlist) = 0; End
Cl=imresize(cleaned,[512 512]); B=[0 1 0; 1 1 1;0 1 0]; K=imdilate(IM2,B);
J = immultiply(cl,k); B=[1 1 1; 1 1 1;1 1 1]; K=imdilate(J,B);
J = immultiply(IM2,k);
Final = bwareaopen(final,20);

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT 3

ISSN 2229-5518

- bwlabel(final,8) returns matrix CC, of the same size as final, containing labels for the connected objects in fi- nal having 8-connected objects.

- regionprops measures a set of properties for each connected component (object) in CC, which is a struc- ture returned by bwconncomp.

- length(stats) finds number of elememts along the largest dimension of an array.

- B is the dilation operator.

- Imdilate(IM2, B) dilates the gray-scale, binary, or packed binary image IM2.

- Immultiply(cl, k) multiplies each element in array cl by the corresponding element in array k.

- bwareaopen(final, 20) removes from a binary image

all CCs that have fewer than 20 pixels, providing another binary image.

Results & Discussion

The experimentation of the proposed algorithm was carried out on a data set consisting of different document images. Currently the data set consists of 10 images (All images are given in the Appendix A).
We tried the implemented technique on a set of test images
and get the results as follows:

fig3. Original image

fig4. Resultant image obtained after applying AND opera- tion on the dilated horizontal, vertical and diagonal sub- band images

We will check the performance of the implemented technique using the following Statistical measures of the performance.
1) Sensitivity/ Recall rate: Sensitivity relates to the test's ability to identify positive results.

2) Specificity: Specificity relates to the ability of the test to identify negative results.

3) Precision: Precision is defined as the proportion of the true positives against all the positive results (both true positives and false positives)

4) F-measure: The F-measure can be used as a single measure of performance of the test. The F-measure is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT 4

ISSN 2229-5518

5) Accuracy: The accuracy is the proportion of true re- sults (both true positives and true negatives).

True positive: wrong is correctly diagnosed as wrong False positive: right incorrectly identified as wrong True negative: right is correctly identified as right

False negative: wrong incorrectly identified as right


Measures are obtained in case of the test images (given in the
Appendix-A). The average of those measures is as follows.

Table1. Various measures obtained in case of 10 test images

(All images are given in Appendix A)

Taking all test images into consideration (All images are given
in Appendix-A),
Average Recall Rate = 54.87% Average Specificity= 78.80%
Average Precision Rate= 53.327% Average Accuracy= 70.886%

Average F-measure=54.090%


For the procedure to be effective, a priori knowledge about the structure of the page is necessary. This technique is there- fore particularly useful when the layout is constrained, such as is often the case when considering pages from scientific jour- nals.


We have implemented an effective document text extraction method based on the fact that in text regions, horizontal edges, vertical edges and diagonal edges are mingled together while they are distributed separately in non-text regions. Larger areas are detected to ease the method and try removing the non-text regions which are left even after the above process- ings.
Bottom-up technique merge evidence at increasing scales to
form, e.g., words from characters, lines from words. Actually the processing of document image segmentation and classifi- cation comes under an OCR pre-processor step. The text blocks that are detected by this technique are used as an input to the OCR system.


Despite the many efforts spent on the subject, there is still much room for improvement in document segmentation tech-
niques, which is the key factor to improve the overall perfor-

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT 5

ISSN 2229-5518

mance of an automatic reading/processing system.


List of Test images




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ISSN 2229-5518

List of Resultant images



fig15. Result of fig.5

fig16. Result of fig.6

fig17. Result of fig.7

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ISSN 2229-5518

fig18. Result of fig.8

fig19. Result of fig.9

fig20. Result of fig.10
fig21. Result of fig.11

fig 22. Result of fig.12

fig23. Result of fig.13

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT 8

ISSN 2229-5518

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First of all, I would like to express my deep sense of respect and gratitude towards my guide Dr. Rajesh Kumar Bawa, Pro- fessor, Department of Computer Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, who has been the guiding force behind this work. I am greatly indebted to him for his constant guidance, useful sug- gestion and sustained encouragement throughout the work.
I also wish to acknowledge valuable interaction i’ve had with my other teachers of the department. Thanks are also due to all of my lab mates, from whom I learned a lot.
Finally, my parents... I am endlessly grateful to my parents, for giving me the opportunity to open my eyes in one of the most beautiful planets I have ever known. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the almighty who kept me motivated to do some purposeful work.


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