International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1844

ISSN 2229-5518

K-Means Clustering - Review of Various Methods

for Initial Selection of Centroids

Ms.Beena P, Mr. Sunil Kumar P V, Mr. Balachandran K P

Abstract— Organising data into sensible groups is the most fundamental way of understanding and learning. Clustering helps to organise data based on natural grouping without any category labels to identify the clusters.One of the most popular and simplest partitional clustering algorithms is the K -Means published in 1955. K -Means algorithm is computationally expensive and insists the selection of number of clusters initially. The final clusters depend entirely on the initial selection of centroids. Several modifications have been proposed for the K -Means clustering method. Some such proposals are summarised and reviewed with experimental results.

Index Terms— Algorithms, Cluster analysis, K-means algorithm, Initial centroid, Enhanced, Heuristic, Variation coefficient, Voronoi diagram, Purity.

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DVANCES in scientific data collection methods have resulted in the large scale accumulation of scientific data at various data sources. The amount of infor-

mation available is becoming enormous and tremendous day by day. It is practically difficult to analyze and interpret the data using conventional methods. Effective and efficient data analysis methods are necessary to extract useful information. Cluster analysis is one of the major data mining methods which helps in identifying the natural groupings and in- teresting patterns from huge data banks.

Data clustering is a process of identifying the natural grouping that exist in a given data-set, such that the patterns in the same cluster are more similar and the patterns in different clusters are less similar. Clustering is a main task of explorative data mining, and a common technique for statistical data analysis used in many fields, including machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, in- formation retrieval, and bioinformatics.
viz. Hierarchical and partitioned. Hierarchical clustering algorithms find the clusters in agglomerative (bottom-up) mode or in divisive (top-down) mode recursively where as partitional clustering algorithms find all the clusters simula- neously as a partition of the data set. Apart from this, the clustering methods can also be categorized into density- based methods, grid-based methods, model-based meth- ods, etc.


The most popular, the simplest, efficient partitional clustering method is the K -Means clustering. The given set of data is grouped into K number of disjoint clusters, where the value of K is fixed in advance. The algorithm consists of two separate phases : the first phase defines K initial cen- troids, one for each cluster. The next phase associates each point of the given data set to the nearest centroid. General- ly Euclidean distance is used as the measure to determine the distance between data points and the centroids. Euclidean distance between two data points X (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) and Y (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) is given by (1)
Clustering algorithms are broadly divided into two groups,

( x1 y1 )

+ ( x2 y2 )

+ ......( xn yn )



Mrs. Beena P currently pursuing masters degree program in Computer Science engineering in University of Calicut E-mail : pbeen-

When all the points are included in some clusters, the first step is completed and an early grouping is done. Now the centroids are recalculated and clustering is done with these new centroids. This is repeated till the centroids do not change. This is the convergence criterion for the K -Means. The pseudo code for the K -Means clustering is outlined be- low[2].
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1845

ISSN 2229-5518

Algorithm : K-Means Clustering

Input :
D = d1 , d2 , …..,dn / set of n data items. K // Number of desired clusters.
Output :
A set of K clusters. Steps:
1. Arbitrarily choose K data items from D as initial centroids;
2. Repeat
Assign each item di to the cluster which has the closest centroid;
Calculate the new mean for each cluster;
3. Until convergence criterion is met.
Though the algorithm is effective in producing clusters for many practical applications, there are some draw backs. The computational complexity of the original K -Means algorithm is very high, especially for large data sets. The complexity is O(nK l) where n is the number of data points, K the num- ber of clusters and l the number of iterations. Also it differ- ent types of clusters based on the selection of initial centroids. Accuracy of the final clusters heavily depends on the initial centroids selected.


Anil K. Jain discussed major challenges and key issues in clustering [1]. He provided a brief overview of clustering and summarized well known clustering methods. He also discussed the major challenges and key issues in designing clustering algorithms, and pointed out some of the emerg- ing and useful research directions, including semi- supervised clustering, ensemble clustering, simultaneous feature selection during data clustering, and large scale data clustering.
Researchers are always been conducted to improve the ac- curacy and efficiency of the K -means algorithm. Some of these innovative approaches to K-Means clustering are discussed in this survey. Though the time complexity is not improved, these proposals could fix the initial cen- troids and the inconsistency in clustering got reduced. In all these proposals the adjacency between the points are measured by the Euclidean distance between them.

3.1 Efficient Enhanced K-Means

Fahim et al. [3] proposed an Efficient Enhanced K - Means
algorithm which refines the second phase of the K -Means suitable for data set with large number of clusters. Fahim’s approach makes use of a distance function based on a heuristic to reduce the number of distance calculations. For each data point the distance to the nearest cluster is preserved as an attribute. At the next iteration, the distance to the present nearest cluster is calculated. If this distance is less than or equal to the distance attribute associated with the data point, the point stays in its cluster and is not necessary to compute its distances to the other cluster centers. This saves the time required to compute distances to K − 1 cluster centers. Thus the complexity is reduced. As the initial centroids are determined randomly, there is no guarantee for the accuracy of the final clusters.

3.2 Enhanced K -Means

Abdul Nazeer et al. [4], [5] proposed an algorithm addressing the problem with the initial centroid as well as the time com- plexity. The two phases of the original K -Means were modi- fied. The second phase is a variant of the method proposed in [3]. In the first phase the distance between each data pair is calculated and the closest data points are grouped to form the clusters. A threshold value is fixed for the number of elements in the cluster. The threshold is 0.75 * (n/K), where n is the size of the data set. The mean of these clusters form the initial centroids.
These initial centroids are the input to the second phase, for assigning data point to the appropriate clusters. The second phase is a variation of the method proposed in [3].

3.3 K -Means with Heuristic to fix the initial centroids

K. A. Abdul Nazeer et al. [6] Modified his work in [4] by a heuristic method for finding better initial centroids. He used the second phase of the original K-Means without any modifi- cation. The initial centroids of the data points are determined using a heuristic approach. The data points are sorted in as- cending order and divided into K number of sets. Mean values of each of these sets are then taken as the initial centroids of the clusters. If the data set is multidimensional each data point may contain multiple attributes. Then the sorting is based on the attribute with maximum range, where range is the difference between the maximum and the minimum values of the attribute. The phase I complexity is reduced to O (n log n).

3.4 Heuristic K -Means

K. A. Abdul Nazeer et al. [7] modified his work in [6] by modi- fying the second phase. He used the second phase of [3] which is a variant of the method proposed in [3]. The complexity is the same as that of the method in [6].

3.5 Weighted Ranking K -Means

R.Sumathi et al. [8] suggested a weighted ranking algo- rithm. Weights fixed by the experts are assigned to the at- tributes of data points. The work is an extension of [4] and produced meaningful clusters. An alternate view of the at- tributes is presented here. For finding the initial centroid, this
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1846

ISSN 2229-5518

algorithm calculates the sum of Euclidian distance from origin to weighted attributes (Wi Xi) as in equation (2)
that a point q is a vertex of Vor(S) iff CirS(q) contains three or more points of S on its boundary. There can be a maxi- mum of 2n − 5 Voronoi vertices in a Voronoi diagram of n



j =1


= Wi X i

i =1

points. The initial centers are selected from those points which lie on the boundary of higher radius Voronoi circles. Consistent initial centroids are fixed with the computational
complexity as that of the original K -Means.
Where W is the weight and X is the attribute. The complexi
ty is same as that of Enhanced K -Means [4].

3.6 Variation and Correlation Coefficient K -Means

Murat Erisoglu et al. [9] proposed a new method for find- ing the initial centroids which are well separated. It selects the two attributes that best describe the change in the data set with the help of variation coefficients and correlation coeffi- cients according to two axes. The second phase of the original K -means is used for the clustering. The method produced an improved and consistent cluster structures.
This method initially selects the attribute having the max- imum absolute value of the variation coefficient. Variation coefficient is determined by the ratio of standard deviation and the mean of each attribute. The attribute with minimum correlation coefficient is taken as the second axis. The mean of the of data points is selected as the centre of the dataset according to the selected two axes. The data point which is farthest from the mean is fixed as the first centroid C1. The data point which is farthest from the first centroid C1 is fixed as the second centroid C2 . Euclidean distance is taken as the distance measure. To fix the remaining centroids the sum of the distances of each data point from each of the centroids fixed so far is calculated. The largest value of this distance determines the centroid. To reduce the complexity the dis- tance of the data point from the newly fixed centroid is added to the previously accumulated sum. This accumula- tion scheme helps to determine centroids that are spread out.

3.7 Voronoi K -Means

The method suggested by Damodar Reddy et al. [10] selects initial centroids with the help of voronoi diagram construct- ed with the data set. The initial centroids are those points that lie on the boundary of higher radius voronoi circles. The centroids thus generated are the input to the second phase of K-Means. The second phase is same as that of the original K- Means.
Given a set of n points S = p1 , p2 , . . . , pn in a m- dimen-


The following methods were implemented and tested. Im- plementations were done in Java.
• K-Means[2].
• Enhanced K-Means with initial centroids by heuristic [6].
• Heuristic K-Means [7].

• K-means with initial cen tr oid s by variation and correlation coefficients [9].

The data sets available in the UCI data repository were used for testing. The data sets available in the UCI data repository were used for testing. Iris is Iris plants database. Spambase is a spam e-mail database. BCW is the breast cancer Wisconsin (original) data set. Details of the data sets used are summa- rized in Table 1.




No. of


No. of


No. of














Purity[14] of the clusters Cj is used as the measure for test- ing. It’s a measure of correctly classified data points. Purity of a cluster is defined by equation (3).
sional Euclidean space, the Voronoi diagram of S is defined as the subdivision of the space into n cells such that each

Purity(C ) = 1 max C


class = i


point belongs to only one cell. If d(a, b) denote the distance


class =i

denotes the number of items of class i as-
between the points a and b in the Voronoi diagram Vor(S)
of S then the definition implies that a point u lies in the cell corresponding to the point pi iff d(u, pi ) < d(u, pj ) for each
signed to cluster j. Overall cluster purity is given by equa- tion(4)
pj ϵ S and j = i. For a Voronoi vertex v, the largest empty circle of v with respect to S is defined as the largest circle

k C j

Purity(C j ) =

Purity(C j )


with v as its center that contains no point of S in its interior denoted by CirS(v). The Voronoi vertices have the property

j =1 D

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2013 1847

ISSN 2229-5518

The results vary with data sets and are tabulated in table 2. For the original K -Means results of three executions are av- eraged and tabulated.









K –Means[2]




K-Means with Heuristic[6]




Heuristic K -Means[7]




Variation and Correlation

Coeft K-Means[9]





These algorithms eliminated the inconsistency with initial centroid selection and produced better result. The follow- ing problems still persist with these variations also.
• K the number of clusters should be fixed beforehand.
• The computational complexity is very high.

Mode of selection of initial centroids determines the clus- ter purity.

Researches in the field of improving the performance of K - Means could not develop a widely accepted version. A mod- ification can be tried out to improve the accuracy and com- plexity of the K -Means incorporating standard deviation and skewness.


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