Isolation and Identification of Blastocystis hominis isolated from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients using Phenotypic and Genotypic Methods [ ]

The current study was tried to detect the role of Blastocystis hominis in the pathogenicity of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with their’s coexistence by using the phenotypic methods by microscopic and culture and genotypic methods by PCR. The present study was conducted on 127 patients (62 males and 65 females) attended to Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital in Al-Muthanna Province from the begging of November 2014 to the end May 2015. The patients were diagnosed clinically by physician whom suffering from IBS; Patients were interviewed directly by using anonymous questionnaire form which age, gender, type of water and residence area.Inaddition to that acontrol group of 40 apparently healthy individuals (18 males and 22 females) whom were without any history of disease included in this study. Fecal specimen were collected in suitable , clean , dry container , all sample was divided into three parts, the first for microscopic examination and second for culture and final part were quickly frozen for detection B. hominis using PCR. Microscopic examination by wet mount used saline and iodine and trichrome stain then demonstrated the B. hominis and culture method on Jones media for Blastocystis hominis and Detection of virulence gene is Cysteine protease (CP gene) of B. hominis by Polymerase Chain Reaction (RCR) where detect the virulence gene. Out of 127 samples, 43 (33.86%) were found positive for B. hominis by microscopy, 56 (44.09%) by culture and 58 (45.67%) using PCR. The parasite B. hominis represent one of the main causes of IBS.