The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Influence of Home Pressure on the

Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents

Jyothula Luciana Sandhya Rani

AbstractHome is where the heart is a common adage. It is probably true that the heart is molded the home. At present, owing to the liberalization, privatization and globalization, education has become a gold mine for those who have made it the most profitable business and a golden goose for parents, for, courses have become career -oriented that are seen in apartment schools and colleges. Parents, because of limited children, are developing high aspirations of their children, ignoring their abilities. They are dictating g oals to become doctor or engineer of their wards. Home pressure is always been found to play a significant role in all types of Psychosomatic disorders. The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of Home Pressure on the psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents and to find out the difference between the rural and urban students with respect to psychosomatic disorders. A representative sample of 1714, IX standard pupils selected from Srikakulam, Visakhapasam, Guntur, Prakasam District. In tact class rooms of IX standard will be randoml y selected from the randomly chosen schools. A check list on psychosomatic disorders was prepared by investigator. The ‘F‘ test was applied for analyzing the data. There is a significant influence of Pressure at home on the psychosomatic disorders of IX standard pup ils. Highly home pressured pupils have significantly more respiratory, gastr o-intestinal, endocrine disorders, emotional and behavioral problems. The high home pressured rural pupils had significantly more of respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders, emotional problem, cardio vascular disorders and behavioral problems. Both moderate and low home pressured pupils had significantly less disorders than highly pressured pupils. There is a significant difference among the high, moderate and low home pressured rural pupils in their Psycho Somati c Disorders. The highly pressured urban pupils had significantly more Cardiovascular, gastro intestinal, emotional, behavioral problems and endocrine disorders.

Index TermsAdolescents, Behavior problems,, Cardiovascular disorders, Emotional problems, Home Pressure, Psychosomatic disorders,


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Home is where the heart is a common adage. It is probably true that the heart is moulded the home. At present, owing to the liberalization, privatization and globalization, education has become a gold mine for those who have made it the most prof- itable business and a golden goose for parents, for, courses have become career-oriented that are seen in apartment schools and colleges.
Every second, parent is quietly bothered about her/his child‘s studies, examinations, their friends, career choice, and emotional development. There is an increased emphasis by parents on self discipline, character building, academic per- formance, and Vocational preparations of the adolescents. As a result, they are quite tense.
Parents, because of limited children, are developing high aspirations of their children, ignoring their abilities. They are dictating goals to become doctor or engineer of their wards.
Gradually the joint family system is being replaced by the nuclear family system and parents have no time to spend with their children. Due to this, children are unable to Share their emotions with family members. Besides, some parents have unrealistic expectations from their children, regardless of the child‘s interest or abilities, which is likely to result in disap- pointment, sometimes cultural factors also lead to frustration.
Asian students reported higher levels of parental expec- tation and lower levels of parental satisfaction in the area of academic achievement than American counterparts. However, Japanese subjects reported less stress, depressed mood, ag- gression, academic stress, and fewer somatic complaints than American subjects. Chinese subjects reported less stress, academic anxiety, and aggressive feelings than American stu- dents, but they reported higher occurrence of depressed mood
and Somatic complaints Higher academic achievement as measured by a test of mathematics was generally not asso- ciated with Psychological maladjustment, except in the case of American students where high achieves exhibited more fre- quent feelings of stress than did low achievers. (Crystal et at
The probable reasons for high academic stress among adolescents belonging to joint families might be due to sharing of opportunities, facilities and attention of parents among large number of family members which add to stress and strain of adolescents especially in the field of academics (Mani 1980; saharam 1993; sudha katyal and promila vasudeva 1998. Santhana Karthi Keyan, V and Swaminathan V.D. 1999)
The home environment is a pervasive and highly influen- tial socialization agent for children (Parke Ee Buoriel, 1998), parenting has been documented to predict childrens beha- vioural and emotional problems (Langua, Wolehick, Sande- rand West, 2000) Dunnetal. 1998, Agid et al. 1999, Luoma et al 1999 and Tulisola 1999 studied effects of family structure on child hood, adolescents and adult psychological functioning and health. O connor et al 1991 and Kessler et al. 1997 in- ferred that disruption of family life causes acute stress to all family members


Now a days, Parent‘s one of the biggest sources of pride is when their children are successful academically. Receiving the highest grades possible, doing extra work to expand know-

IJSER © 2012

The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 2

ISSN 2229-5518

ledge and being ahead of the class are all examples of what many parents wish to see from their children. With this push to always try harder, many children grow up to become success- ful in their careers, striving for the best and trying to achieve more. Unfortunately, for many other children, these expecta- tions placed on them by their parents cause an incredible amount of stress. Instead of thriving under the pressure to continually better oneself, quite a few children crack, expe- riencing numerous symptoms of depression, anxiety, as well as countless illnesses that keep them out of school while they recover. In addition, countless children as young as the age of
9 years of age begin to contemplate suicide, believing that if they do not achieve a set standard academically; their parents will not want them anymore.
When parents define their child in terms of how they per- form academically, the children who do not meet their par- ents often unrealistic expectations begin to internalize the


The present study is ―Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents‖, this in- volves a large sample. Survey method is the appropriate me- thod and the study will be conducted by using survey method.


1. The scope of the present study is limited to influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among high school children.
2. The sample is limited to 1714 high school pupils.
3. The present study is limited only to the high schools situated in Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Guntur, Pra- kasam District located in Andhra Pradesh India.


A stratified quota random sampling will be used to select
negative messages sent by their parents. They think they are the sample. A representative sample of 1714 IX standard
not worthy, not lovable, not important and that they are inhe- pupils selected from Srikakulam, Visakhapasam, Guntur, Praka-
rently flawed.
sam District. In tact class rooms of IX standard will be randomly
This study focuses on the influence of Home Pressure on selected from the randomly chosen schools. the Psychosomatic disorders among adolescents. From the
most of the reviews it is clear that much work is not done in the field of Secondary School Education in Srikakulam, Visak-
haptnam, Guntur, Prakasam Districts. It seems the health is very important for academic achievement. This study helps to find out the influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders of high school students.
At this juncture the researcher likes to ask the following ques-
1. What is the influence of Home Pressure on the Psy- chosomatic disorders among adolescents.
2. Is there any difference between rural and urban stu-
dents with respect to Psychosomatic disorders.


1. To find out the influence of Home Pressure on the
Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents‖.
2. To find out the difference between the rural and urban students with respect to Psychosomatic disorders.


A check list on Behavioral problems was prepared by in- vestigator.


For collecting data, visited the schools prior to the adminis- tration of the test. After getting the permission of the Head Masters of the respective schools with the cooperation and help of the concerned Teachers..The test were administered according to the prior schedule.


1. To analyze the influence of the variables ‗F‘ values
(ANOVA) will be calculated.





1. There would be a significant influence of Home Pres- sure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adoles- cents‖.
2. There would be significant difference between rural



S. Pressure

Sum of



and urban student with respect to PsychosomaNtoic disa-t Home N Mean

of Va-


df Squares



IJSER © 2012

The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 3

ISSN 2229-5518

*Significant at 0.05 level

** Significant at 0.01 level

-1.1 shows that the mean difference between high erate home pressured pupils are 4.58,* which is sig- t 0.05 level. 2. The mean difference between high
and low home pressured pupils are 9.84**, which is significant
at 0.01 level. The mean difference between moderate and low home pressured pupils are 5.26**, which is significant at 0.01 level.

Graph No.1

Pressure at Home and Psychosomatic Disorders



Table –2

Home Pressure and Different Categories of Psychosomatic

Disorders among pupils





No. Categories



N Mean

Sum of Me



1 disorders


2 Cardiovascular

High Moderate Low



3 Gastro Intestinal disorders
The table-1 shows that the mean score of high home
pressured pupils is 47.85; moderate is 43.27 and dloiswoirsde3r8s.01.

The ―F‖ value 15.02 is found to be significant. On the whole

significant difference is found among pupils of highS,kminoderate and low categories of pressure at home in th 5 Psdyiscohrodseorms at-
ic disorders Therefore, it can be inferred that there is a signifi- cant influence of Pressure at home on the PsychoEsondmoactricinedis-
orders of IX standard pupils

TABLE – 1.1

7 Musculo
Skeletal disorders





High 210 10.01 Between Groups 489.30 2 244




9 Emotional
Moderate 996 9.44 Within Groups 32699.69 1711 19

Pressure at


Pressure at




PrSotbdle. ms


Low 508 8.44 Total 33188.99 1713
High 210 13.61 Between Groups 1814.24 2 907
High Moderate 4.58* 10
Moderate 996 12.08 Within Groups 91593.31 1711 53
Low 508 10.36 Total 93407.55 1713
High Low 9.84** 1.94

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 4

ISSN 2229-5518


The table-2 explains the influence of the home pres- sure on psychosomatic disorders. It is examined and the re- sults are presented. It is noted that highly home pressured pupils are significantly more irone to respiratory, gastro intes-


**Significant at 0.01 level
*Significant at 0.05 level
tinal, endocrine disorders, emotional and behavioural prob- lems significant at 0.01 level and cardio vascular disorders at
0.05 level. Highly home pressured pupils seems to be asso- ciated with more emotional and behavioural problems. No sig- nificant difference is found between, high, moderate and low pressured pupils with respect to their genitor-urinary, skin, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. Highly home pressured pupils have significantly more respiratory, gastro- intestinal, endocrine disorders, emotional and behavioural problems

Table –2.1

The table shows the scheffe’s Post Hoc Test the multiple comparison of mean scored with respect to Home pres- sure of pupils

S. Mean


The table-2.1 shows that High and moderate home pressured pupils significantly differ at 0.05 level in their respi- ratory disorders and behavioural problems. High and mod- erate home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their Cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal, genito-urinary, skin, endo- crine, musculoskeletal, neurological disorders and emotional problems. High and low home pressured pupils significantly differ at 0.01 level in their respiratory Cardiovascular , Gastro- intestinal disorders, emotional and behavioural problems and significantly differ at 0.05 level in their endocrine disorders. High and low home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their genito-urinary skin, musculo skeletal and neurological disorders. Moderate and low home pressured pupils signifi- cantly differ at 0.01 level in their Cardiovascular , Gastro- intestinal disorders, emotional and behavioural problems. Moderate and low home pressured pupils do not differ signifi- cantly in their respiratory, genito-urinary, skin, endocrine, Mus- cSutdlo.-skeletal and neurological disorders.

Table –3

1 Respiratory disorders
High Moderate 0.59* 0.19
High Low 0.90** 0.21
Moderate Low 0.31 0.14
High Moderate 0.31 0.17

Home Pressure on Different Categories of Psycho- somatic Disorders among rural pupils

2 Cardio Vascular disorders
High Low 0.86** 0IN.1T9ERPRETATION
Moderate Low 0.55** 0.12
High Moderate 0.63 0.29
The table-3 shows that the high home pressured rural
3 Gastro Intestinal disorders
5 Skin disorders
6 Endocrine disorders
High Low 1.82** pupils had significantly more of respiratory, gastrointestinal Moderate Low 1.19** disorders and emotional problems at 0.01 level and cardio vascular disorders and behavioural problems at 0.05 level.
High Moderate 0.15 0.11
Both moderate and low home pressured pupils had significant-
Moderate Low 0.05 0d.if0fe8rence is found between high, moderate and low pressured High Moderate 0.09 0ru.0ra7l pupils with respect to their genitor-urinary, skin, endo- High Low 0.08 0cr.0in7e, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. The analy- Moderate Low 0.00 0si.s05indicates that there is a significant difference among the High Moderate 0.26 0h.ig1h5, moderate and low home pressured rural pupils in their
High Low 0.50* 0d.if1fe6rent categories of Psycho Somatic Disorders.
Moderate Low 0.25 0.11
7 Musculo-skeletal disorders
High Moderate 0.25 0.21
High Low 0.40 0.23

Table –3.1

Moderate Low 0.15 0T.1h5e table shows the scheffe’s Post Hoc Test the multiple
High Moderate 0.18 0 comparison of mean scored with respect to Home pres-
8 Neurological disorders
High Low 0.35 0.17
Moderate Low 0.17 0.11

sure of rural pupils


9 Emotional Problems
High Moderate 0.57S.
High Low 1.57N**o.










10 Behavioural Problems
Moderate Low 1.00** 0.24
High Moderate 1.54*1 Re0s.5p6iratory disorders
High Low 3.25** 0.60
Moderate Low 1.71** 0.40

IJSER © 2012
High Moderate 0.66* 0.26
High Low 0.95** 0.29
Moderate Low 0.29 0.20

The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 5

ISSN 2229-5518

2 Cardiovascular disorders
High Moderate 0.06 0.23
High Low 0.54 0.26

Disorders among urban pupils

Moderate LoSw.



N Mean Groups Sum of

df M

High ModNeor.ate 0.37 0.39at home

Squares Sq

3 Gastro Intestinal disorders
High Low
High 93 4.29 Between Groups 34.90 2 17
1 R Moderate Low
High Moderate
Moderate 392 3.70 Within Groups 4524.09 760 5.
Low 278 3.59 Total 4558.99 762
4 Genito - urinary disorders
High Low
Cardi0o.v0a0scular 0.16
High 93 2.61 Between Groups 87.88 2 43
2 Moderate 392 1.90 Within Groups 3395.87 760 4.
5 Skin disorders
High Lo3w
Gastro0.I0n2testinal 0.09Moderate
High Moderate 0.18 0.22
High 93 1.18 Between Groups 2.09 2 1.
6 Endocrine disorders
High Lo4w
Genit0o.3- 8urinary 0.25Moderate 392 1.09 Within Groups 1457.50 760 1.
Moderate Low
Low 278 1.02 Total 1459.59 762
High Moderate 0.20 0.29
High 93 0.76 Between Groups 3.92 2 1.
7 Musculo-skeletal disorders
High Lo5w
0.14 isorde
0.32Moderate 392 0.54 Within Groups 592.50 760 0.
Moderate Low 0.06 0.22
High Moderate 0.18 0.22
Low 278 0.57 Total 596.42 762
High 93 1.91 Between Groups 22.32 2 11
8 Neurological disorders
High Lo6w
dis0o.3rd7ers 0.25Moderate 392 1.51 Within Groups 2322.43 760 3.
Moderate Low 0.20 0.17
Low 278 1.35 Total 2344.75 762
High Moderate
High 93 4.06 13
9 Emotional Problems
High Lo7w
Skele1ta.l6d9i*s*orders0.49Moderate 392 3.74 7.
Low 278 3.47
High 93 2.11 2.
8 N l M
Moderate Low 1.59* 0.57
9 Emotional
High 93 9.62 Between Groups 226.49 2 113

**Significant at 0.01 level

*Significant at 0.05 level


10 Behavioural
**Significant at 0.01 level
The table 3.1 shows the High and moderate home pressured rural pupils significantly differ at 0.05 level in their respiratory disorders. High and moderate home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their Cardiovascular , gastro-


*Significant at 0.05 level
intestinal, genito-urinary, skin, endocrine, Musculo-skeletal, neurological disorders, emotional and behavioural problems. High and low home pressured pupils significantly different at
0.01 level in their respiratory, gastro-intestinal disorders and emotional problems and significantly differ at 0.05 level in their behavioural problems. High and low home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their Cardiovascular, genito-urinary, skin, endocrine, Musculo-skeletal, and neurological disorders. Moderate and low home pressured pupils significantly differ at
0.01 level in their Gastro-intestinal disorders and significantly different at 0.05 level in their Cardiovascular disorders, emo- tional and behavioural problems. Moderate and low home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their respiratory, genitor urinary, skin, enodocrine, musculoskeletal and neuro- logical disorders.

Table –4

Home Pressure on Different Categories of Psychosomatic

Table 4 shows that, cardio vascular, Gastro intestinal,
endocrine disorders, emotional and behavioural problems are more among high home pressured pupils. The highly pres- sured urban pupils had significantly more Cardiovascular , gastro intestinal, emotional and behavioural problems at 0.01 level and endocrine disorders at 0.05level. No significant dif- ference is found between high, moderate and low pressured urban pupils with respect to their respiratory, genito-urinary, skin, musculo skeletal, neurological disorders.
The analysis indicates that there is a significant differ- ence among high, moderate and low home pressured urban pupils in their different categories of Psycho Somatic Disord- ers. The highly pressured urban pupils had more disorders than moderate and low home pressured pupils.

Table –4.1

The table shows the scheffe’s Post Hoc Test the multiple

IJSER © 2012

The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 6

ISSN 2229-5518

comparison of mean scored with respect to Home pres- sure of urban pupils

problems. Moderate and low home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their respiratory, Cardiovascular , genito- urinary, skin, endocrine, musculoskeletal, neurological disord-
and behavioural problems.


**Significant at 0.01 level
*Significant at 0.05 level


1. There is a significant influence of Pressure at home on the psychosomatic disorders of students.
2. Highly home pressured pupils have significantly more respiratory, gastro-intestinal, endocrine disorders, emotional and behavioral problems.
3. The high home pressured rural pupils had significantly
more of respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders, emo- tional problem, cardio vascular disorders and beha- vioral problems.
4. Both moderate and low home pressured pupils had significantly less disorders than highly pressured pu- pils.
5. There is a significant difference among the high, moderate and low home pressured rural pupils in their Psycho Somatic Disorders.
6. The highly pressured urban pupils had significantly more Cardiovascular, gastro intestinal, emotional, be- havioral problems and endocrine disorders.
7. There is a significant difference among high, mod- erate and low home pressured urban pupils in their different categories of Psycho Somatic Disorders.
8. The highly pressured urban pupils had more disorders than moderate and low home pressured pupils.


1. Parents should set a good example before their child- ren in all activities, which of course is the best thing they can do for children.
2. Family communication is both a pillar and an index of
family health that surfaces in the storm and stress of adolescence.
3. A secure attachment with parents would provide the
child with a sense of security, comfort and predictabili-
The above table 4.1 shows that high and moderate home
pressured pupils significantly differ at 0.05 level in their cardio
vascular disorders and behavioural problems. High and mod- erate home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their respiratory, gastro-intestinal, genito-urinary, skin, endocrine, Musculo-skeletal, neurological disorders and emotional prob- lems. High and low home pressured pupils significantly differ at 0.01 level in their Cardiovascular , gastrointestinal disord- ers and behavioural problems and significantly differ at 0.05 level in their endocrine disorders and emotional problems. High and low home pressured pupils do not differ significantly in their respiratory, genito-urinary, skin, Musculo-skeletal and neurological disorders. Moderate and low home pressured pupils significantly differ at 0.01 level in their Gastro-intestinal disorders and significantly differ at 0.05 level in their emotional
4. Spend more time with the children.
5. It is very important that you give them your uncondi- tional love, guidance and cooperation.
6. The parents shall take into consideration the limita-
tions of intelligence, stamina and other factors of their children before setting them a goal.
7. The parents shall prepare their children mentally to
live independently before sending them school.
8. The parents shall teach their children prior to send them to school about adaptability, self reliance, self discipline, value of hard work, stress bearing tech-
niques and to bear with anxiety and frustration.

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about Influence of Home Pressure on the Psychosomatic disorders among Adolescents 7

ISSN 2229-5518

9. Focus your attention on the positive aspects of the children‘s behavior to build healthy self esteem in them.


1. Minimize your needs. Lead a simple and con- tended life.
2. Expectations about others, to be reduced. Per- suade them to understand and live comfortably with you. Empathize with them.
3. Negative thinking is to be changed to positive thinking.
4. Accept reality. Adapt yourself to it.
5. Express your feelings to someone you like Opti- mistic and reconcile to present position.
6. Follow some stress managing techniques.
7. Meditation and breathing exercises have been proven to be very effective in controlling stress.
8. Pupils must be made to realize that they have to make their life worth living, enjoyable and com- fortable by their hard work.
9. Positive thinking will eliminate worry and enhance performance
10. Loneliness to be avoided. Get support of others.
11. Hobbies to divert your attention, to relax, music, reading, creative activities, sports, yoga and me- ditation.
12. Be active, enjoy the work you do.
13. Keep yourself busy. Think objectively and unemo- tionally about problems.
14. Please look into your assets and achievements.
They may be small but feel proud.


Parents because of limited children, one develop- ing high aspirations of their children, ignoring their abili- ties. Parents taking so many disciplinary actions on their children. Some parents have Unrealistic expectations from their children, which is likely to result in disappointment lead to frustration, stress, emotional disturbances and somatic complaints. Kafiluddin, S., (1980), Saritha Saini (2005). Home pressure is one of the causes to develop- ing Inferiority complexes. Inferiority complexes are also
the result of their frustrated feelings and their frustrating
feelings lead to psychosomatic disorders. Home pressure is always been found to play a significant role in all types of Psychosomatic disorders. Health is the.most important aspects of one‘s life in developing harmony and peace. The Psychosomatic disorders Peoples who have good
health can only make this world a heaven. There is a great
need to help in developing proper health in the children. This is the reason this study to find out the health levels of
pupils. So that this acts as a pointer to reveal the faced by the pupils. This would further facilitate the researchers, counselors and parents to understand the child better and to provide appropriate intervention techniques for psycho- somatic disorders.


I have a great pleasure in expressing my sincere thanks and gratitude to Prof. MVR.Raju. I owe my only brother Mr.Jyothula Joseph Udaya Bhanu. He is my true critic and supporter and encouraged me throughout my work. I owe im- mensely to my husband Bommala Vijaya Kumar and my sons Ujjwal and Manas for their patience, emotional support and encouragement throughout my study.


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Dr.Luciana Sandhya Rani.Jyothula, Research Scholar,
Department of Psychology & Parapsychology, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
PH: +91-9866027906

IJSER © 2012