International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2012 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Improved Decision tree algorithm for data streams with Concept-drift adaptation

K.Ruth Ramya, R.S.S.Vishnu Priya, P.Panini Sai, N.Chandrasekhar

Abstract— Decision tree construction is a well studied problem in data mining. Recently, there has been much interest in mining streaming data. Algorithms like VFDT and CVFDT exist for the construction of a decision tree but, as the new examples are added, a new model has to be generated. In this paper, we have given an algorithm for construction of a decision tree that uses discriminant analysis, to choose the cut point for splitting tests thereby optimizing the time complexity to O(n) from O(nlogn). Also various adaptive learning strategies like contextual, dynamic ensemble, forgetting and detector approaches have been analyzed and handling of concept-drift occurred due to gradual change in data-set is discussed using naïve Bayes classifier at each inner node.

Index Terms— Adaptive learning strategies, Bayes Classifier, Concept-drift, Data Streams, Decision trees, Discriminant analysis,VFDT.

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ata streams are problems where the training examples used to construct decision models come over time, usu- ally one at time. In usual real-world applications the data
flows continuously at high-speed. Recently, a new model of data processing focused by the database community is the data streams, in which data arrives in the form of continuous streams [3, 4, 5, 7, 8]. The key issue in mining on streaming data is that only one pass is allowed over the entire data. Moreover, there is a real-time constraint, i.e. the processing time is limited by the rate of arrival of instances in the data stream, and the memory available to store any summary in- formation may be bounded.
In complex systems and for large time periods, we should ex- pect changes in the distribution of the examples. Natural ap- proaches for these incremental tasks are adaptive learning strategies, that is, incremental learning algorithms that take into account concept drift. In this paper we present a frame- work of an algorithm that generates a tree for data streams and various adaptive learning strategies to detect concept- drift. The main contributions are based on the reduction in the time complexity of proposed algorithm by the use of discrimi- nant analysis - to choose the cut point for splitting function, the use of bayes classifier at each node - to detect concept drift and thereby controlling the online error rate.


K.Ruth Ramya is currently working as Associate Professor in Dept. of

CSE , KLCE(Autonomous), Vaddeswaram(AP), India,


R.S.S.Vishnu Priya is currently pursuing bachelors degree program in

computer science and engineering in KLCE(Autonomous), Vaddeswa-

ram(AP), India,E-mail:

P.Panini Sai is currently pursuing bachelors degree program in computer

science and engineering in KLCE(Autonomous), Vaddeswaram(AP), In- dia,

N.Chandrasekhar is currently pursuing bachelors degree program in

computer science and engineering in KLCE(Autonomous), Vaddeswa-

ram(AP), India,E-mail:


In the literature of machine learning, several methods have been presented to deal with time changing concepts. The re- lated work has been analyzed from two dimensions. One is the concept-drift and the other, improving the splitting crite- rion function of the tree algorithm.

A concept-drift occurs due to various types of changes seen

in distribution of data. Identification of patterns is possible in systematic drift whereas, no patterns can be identified in the case of seemingly unsystematic drift, for a given the available data. Thus an adaptive strategy needs current, labeled data.

For the data that comes from a process having several re- curring states, systematic drift refers to a situation in which the current state can be inferred by the available data. Gradual drift refers to slow, continuous change over time. In contrast, sudden or abrupt drift means that substantial drift occurs without prior notice. Sudden drift might well be systematic.

Depending on the type of drift, various adaptive learning strategies can be applied. For example, Incremental learning strategies can be applied, if drift is gradual or when current, labeled data is available. However when there is no availabili- ty of current, labeled training data, adaptive strategies are still possible. Such strategies, require the assumption of a specific underlying drift model.

Domingos and Hulten have addressed the problem of deci- sion tree construction on streaming data [8]. Their algorithm guarantees a probabilistic bound on the accuracy of the deci- sion tree that is constructed. In this paper, we revisit the prob- lem of decision tree construction on streaming data using dis- criminant analysis. Thus, data mining algorithm developed for streaming data also serve as a useful basis for creating approx- imate, but scalable, implementations for very large datasets.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2012 2

ISSN 2229-5518


In this section, we focus on the problem of decision tree con- struction on streaming data. We give a framework of the algo- rithm below, which will be served as the basis for next sec- tions.

This algorithm uses two queues, PQ and AQ. AQ stands for active queue and denotes the set of currently working decision tree nodes on expanding. PQ is the set of decision tree nodes that have not yet been split, but are not being processed cur- rently. This distinction is made because additional memory is required for actively processing each node. Based on the availability of free memory, the set AQ is constructed from the set PQ by including as many nodes as possible. The algorithm is initiated by putting the root of the decision tree in the set.
The input to the algorithm is a stream of data instances, de- noted by D. A data instance t from this stream is successively obtained and the current decision tree node (denoted by node) to which this data instance belongs to is determined. If node belongs to the set AQ, then t is added to the set of samples available to process node. We then check if node satisfies the stop condition. If so, node is removed from AQ. Otherwise, we check if we now have sufficient information to split node. If so, the node is split, removed from AQ, and its two child nodes are added to the set. When both PQ and AQ are empty the algorithm terminates.
This algorithm is exposed to number of issues in decision tree construction on streaming data. One of the issue is, com- putationally how efficiently we examine all possible splitting conditions associated with a node . The following section gives the details of how this issue is handled.



The algorithm starts with the construction of a single leaf. When a splitting test is installed at a leaf, the leaf becomes a decision node, and two descendant leaves are generated. The splitting test has two possible outcomes: i) True, associated with one branch and ii) False, associated with the other branch. The splitting tests are generated over a numerical attribute and are of the form attributei < valuej. For all numeri- cal attributes, the most promising valuej is chosen. We use a modified version of the analytical method presented in [4] for split point selection. The only sufficient statistics required here, are the mean and variance per class of each numerical attribute. This is the major advantage over other exhaustive methods used in C4.5 [12] and in VFDTc [2], because all the necessary statistics are computed on the fly. It is the desirable property for huge data streams because it guarantees constant time processing of each example.
The analytical method uses a modified form of quadratic dis- criminant analysis to include different variances on the two classes and the distribution of the values of an attribute fol- lows a normal distribution for both classes. Let ,

(x¯, ) = 1/(σ√2 ) exp (−( − x¯)^2/(2 ^2 ))

be the normal density function, where and σ2 are the sample
mean and variance of the class. From the sample set of exam-
ples at the node, the class mean and variance for the normal
density function are estimated. The quadratic discriminant splits the X-axis into three intervals (-∞,r1), (r1,r2), (r1, ∞) ,where
r1 and r2 are the possible roots of the equation, p(-)φ{ (- , σ - )}
= p(+)φ{(+ , σ+)}, where p(i) denotes the expected probability
that an example belongs to class i. As we prefer for a binary
split, we choose the root closer to the sample means of both
classes. Let r be that root. The splitting test candidate for each
numeric attribute ‘i’ will be of the form Att i ≤ r i . To choose the best splitting test from the candidate list we use a heuristic
method. We use the information gain to choose, from all the splitting point candidates, the best splitting test. The splitting test with the maximum information gain is chosen. This me- thod only requires the mean and standard deviation for each class per attribute. Both quantities are easily and incrementally maintained.
For the generated tree, to detect concept drift, at each inner node maintain a naive-Bayes classifier [1] trained with the ex- amples that traverse the node. The next section will illustrate the process of detecting the concept drift.


In the real world concepts are often not stable but change with time. The underlying data distribution may change as well. The model built on old data will be necessarily updated. This problem is known as concept drift. The change in the dis- tribution or the concept-drift may be – Sudden, Gradual or Recurring.

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2012 3

ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 1. Some of the types of drifts occurred due to change in the distribution of data.

A. Adaptive learning strategies

There are various strategies for handling the concept-drift.
Some of them include Detector approach - detect the change
and cut the old data , Forgetting approach - forget old data
and retrain at a fixed rate, Contextual approach - build many
models, switch models according to the observed incoming
data and Dynamic ensemble approach - build many models and dynamically combine them. The following table lists the types of drifts handled by various approaches.


Adaptive Learning





Sudden Drift



Sudden Drift


Dynamic ensemble

Gradual Drift



Recurring Drift

B. Handling Concept-Drift due to gradual change in data distribu- tion

The basic idea of the drift detection method is to control the
online error-rate where in the sequence of examples of the
data stream there is a change from one context to another. If the distribution of the examples that traverse a node is statio- nary, the error rate of naive-Bayes decreases. If there is a change on the distribution of the examples the naïve-Bayes
error will increase [5]. When the system detects an increase of
the naive-Bayes error in a given node, an indication of a change in the distribution of the examples, this suggests that the splitting-test that has been installed at this node is no longer appropriate and the entire sub tree rooted at that node is pruned.
When a new training example becomes available, it will cross the corresponding binary decision trees from the root node till a leaf. At each node, the naive Bayes installed at that node classify the example. The Binomial distribution gives the general form of the probability for the random variable that represents the number of errors in a sample of n examples. We use the following estimator for the true error of the classifica- tion function pi = (errori / i), where i is the number of exam- ples and errori is the number of examples misclassified, both measured in the actual context. The estimate of error has a variance. The standard deviation for a Binomial is given by
s_i = √(p_i ∗ (1 − p_i))/i ,where i is the number of examples
observed within the present context. For sufficient large values
of the example size, the Binomial distribution is closely ap-
proximated by a Normal distribution with the same mean and
variance. Considering that the probability distribution is un-
changed when the context is static, then the (1-λ)/2 confidence
interval for p with n > 30 examples is approximately p ± α * si.
The parameter λ depends on the confidence level.
The drift detection method manages two registers during the training of the learning algorithm, pmin and smin. Every time a new example i is processed those values are updated when pi + si is lower or equal than pmin + smin .We use a warn-
ing level to define the optimal size of the context window. The context window will contain the old examples that are on the new context and a minimal number of examples on the old context. Suppose that in the sequence of examples that tra- verse a node, there is an example i with correspondent pi and si. The warning level is reached if pi + si ≥ pmin + 1.5*smin. The drift level is reached if pi + si ≥ pmin + 3*smin.
With this method of learning and forgetting we ensure a way to continuously keep a model better adapted to the present context. The method uses the information already available to the learning algorithm and does not require addi- tional computational resources.


This paper presents an incremental learning algorithm appro- priate for processing high-speed numerical data streams with the capability to adapt to concept drift. The analytical method used is restricted to two-class problems. In future it can be extended to solve problems with more than 2 classes. In [2] the authors presented an extension to VFDT ,that which deals with continuous attributes uses a Btree to store continuous attribute-values has complexity O(nlog(n)). The complexity of the discriminant analysis method used here is O(n) and thus the efficiency of this algorithm is improved. Also, a brief summary of various adaptive learning strategies were dis- cussed.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2012 4

ISSN 2229-5518


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