International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2045

ISSN 2229-5518

Evolution of Search Engine Optimization and

Investigating the Effect of Panda Update into it.

Manish Maheshwari, Roohi Ali

Abstract— while looking at the journey of The Evolution of SEO. From the early 1990’s search consultant to revenue based strategies now, website owners realizes that having highly visible sites in the search engines brought valuable business results. In the past couple of years alone, the idea of gaining higher rank, which brought higher visibility, would drive increased traffic. These connections, tied with search engine technology, dawned to the industry of SEO. As SEO started to become a lucrative business, SEO strategies have changed immeasurably over the past decade. And search personalization, constant changes to the Google algorithm, the rise of social media and the demise of Yahoo have been major game changers. According to MozCon, “SEO” conference held in every July by company MoZ (SEOMoz) states that “The concept of SEO is radically changing, as is the industry as a whole. Thus, Search Engine Optimization no longer exists. In its place is Search Experience Optimization which encompasses a much vaster array of talents”. Well it means traditional SEO is dead, as Panda update 28.4 is coming next, Google’s going to take over the world again as throughout the evolution lifecycle of SEO.

Index Terms— Content market, horizontal search, link analysis ,on-the-page factors, off-the-page factors, Online PR strategies, PRISM, , Panda Update,Penguine Update, Social Media, vertical search.

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he Evolution of search engines is of constant change. As evident from history, before we can understand where it’s


going, we must undersItand wJhere it’s beenS. SEO used to ER
be simple; it was all about HTML code. But search engines have grown, and SEO has grown with it. Today, search engine algorithms are a complex cocktail of ranking signals: domain authority, links, local signals, social signals, site quality and more. As a result of which the number of online users are in- creased widespreadly.
It is well known that search engine gains widespread popu- larity and it is evident from the statistics and figures that showcase the increased number of internet users as now the world`s online working is suffering from web mania. Accord- ing to the Internet world Stats, Internet users estimated for June 30, 2012 the figure given below elaborates the number of Internet users by 2012 and the ratio is increasing by far.
Therefore in the very first section this paper takes a look at some of the major events that have shaped the SEO industry over the past decade according to the Danny Sullivan of Moz- Con [7]. What the question arises today is that, is the evolution of search, trademark Google? And the answer will obviously No, they don't own search. But apparently the answer is Yes, as we see the domination of Google throughout the process of evolution of search right from the Search 2.0 to till date.
This paper takes a look at how search engines have evolved over the past decades and how SEOs had fight to rank their websites in those greatly desired top positions. It also investi- gates the broad future of search as well as discussing the par- adigm shift that Google is pioneering by forcing us to rethink what search in the digital sphere actually means.[12]
So where is search going? How will the rise of mobile push the nature of search to evolve even further? [3].


2.1 Search 1.0

There was a time when Google was neither the policy maker nor in the scene of searching canvas, which brings us to Search
1.0. Alta Vista, Lycos, and WebCrawler, OpenText, and Magel- lan these were search engines that existed before Google, went out onto the web and crawled up all the pages, about a dozen pages that existed at the time, and then do searches and try to find how to rank them all up determined by just the words that were out on the page. So if you wanted to rank well, you would put something (game, sitename) on your page 100 times in a row. Then if somebody else wanted to outrank you, they'd put on their page 150 times in a row that thing, because a search engine think relevancy is all about the number of words of the page, and a little bit about the location of those words. The words at the top of the page would count for a little bit more than if they were further on down below. Bot- tom line is this was pretty easy to spam. They needed to come up with a better signal.

2.2 Search 2.0

They weren't making a lot of money off of search so they really didn't pay attention to it. But Google come up with this idea, and that brought us into Search 2.0. It started looking at things that we refer to as off-the-page ranking factors, as all of the on-the-page stuff was in the complete control of the pub- lisher. There was a time, when Infoseek was used, where a web page can be submitted, and it was instantly added to the index, and well ranked. It can be instantly changed and put it back out again and move up that way. So off-the-page is go and get some recommendations from beyond the publisher and decide what other people think about these web pages, because maybe that's less spam able and would give us better

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2046

ISSN 2229-5518

quality search results.
By the way, Yahoo is not used here, because it’s about
crawler-based search engines (use automation to go out and
find web pages). Yahoo for the longest time - was a directory
or a human-based search engine where they listed stuff i.e.
went to a website, wrote up a review, and added it. During
Search 2.0, Google started using link analysis. Direct Hit an off-the-page stuff was also came into exsistence.

2.3 Search 3.0

We have Search 3.0 eras begun, even though we were using links mentioned in search 2.0 and we were getting better qual- ity results, it fetches so much information in that the signals alone weren't enough. Therefore another way is needed to get more relevancies, and the way the search engines started do- ing it. Instead of having to search through 100 billion pages, let search through a smaller collection of pages of just focused content. That’s called vertical search.
Now in horizontal search, to do a search for things like news, sports, entertainment, shopping, and just throw it all into one big search box. It goes out there, and it tries to come back with all the pages from across the web that it thinks is relevant to whatever you searched for.
That's important to specify about PRISM. It's a spy or an
the assessment and their complexities of figuring out which is a good link, a bad link, a link that will not be followed, a link that must be followed, and so on, and need to work on mak- ing all this social stuff better into the future. Whole Search 1 through 4 is discussed above now what is coming after that?

2.5 Search 4.0

Next that will be expected to happen is, Search 5.0 where there's no page at all. There were on-the-page factors, off-the- page factors, which are really off this page but on some other page, this stuff isn’t even care that it's a page. There was a blog post, and one can’t remember the title of it. But in "Google conversational search," one can find it.
In the conversational search, if you have Chrome and you click on the microphone, you can talk to Google now on your desktop, just like using a phone. You can ask and Google will come along and it will show you results and it will talk back to you. It gives you a little box for him, and it appears and there is a little description they pull from Wikipedia. But you should Google it and use that voice search thing.
To do all of that it has to understand that when you searched, it wasn't just these letters on a web page. It had to understand that it may be a person, that is an entity( person, place, or thing), a noun, but an entity, that there is a thing out
there that it can link up to and know about. That is much dif-


eavesdropping program or a data mining program, depending
on who want to use, running by The US government used to
filter light, and so if it is doing a search and trying to get in-
formation about filtering light, probably don't want to turn to
a news search engine because right now the news stuff is full
of the PRISM stuff, it won't get all of the other stuff that is not
necessarily related.

2.4 Search 4.0

Search 4.0 is a kind of a return to what Yahoo , one of the biggest things that has happened with search engines is that in a very short period, it was completely changed how to sought out information. For thousands of years, in order to know something, asking to a human being is the common way. Even in a library and we would ask a librarian .Therefore the trend is turned to human beings or things that were writ- ten by human beings.
Search 4.0 is started looking searching in a more intercon- nected way using the history that's present there. While searching looking and knowing about your location was the latest feature this reign search engine exhibits.
Another important and most widely accepted feature that search 4.0 introduces was, really exciting the use of social and the idea of links, using them like votes. In order to vote in this kind of system, do like it on Facebook, plus it on Google+, make a recommendation on Yelp, use any one of the number of social systems that effectively enable people to vote much more easily. These social signals are very, very important in the future as to how the search engines will determine what the best pages that are out there are.
Unfortunately, the whole link system is overcrowded with
ferent than Search 1.0 where, when searching, was really just
looking for letters on a page.



While traditional SEO practices are still prevalent today, the needs of Digital world such as the use of mobile, smart phones and social media influences widespread the working culture of online world have given rise to a new era of SEO that is much more focused on the overall user experience, and less on the search engine itself. However the table given below in the next section would give a periodical glance of Year ly SEO evolution.
Some of the older SEO techniques focused on site architec- ture, inorganic links, competitor audits, on-page keyword sculpting and programming. Effective SEO today should focus on diverse keyword portfolios, compelling Meta data, site load speed, and user interface and user experience.
While now moving towards the new approaches the goal is shifted towards “instead of optimizing for search engines, SEOs must now optimize for people”. And the following ap- proaches came into existence [10]
• Content marketing is the keystone of today’s SEO.
Publishing the right content in the right place at the
right time makes for relevant marketing helps to at-
tract visitors. It’s this type of content Google and the
other search engines want to feature in their search
engine results pages.
• Social media provides a platform for brands to drive
brand awareness and community engagement. The

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2047

ISSN 2229-5518

social sharing helps the search engines determine a brand’s relevance.
• Online PR strategies help brands naturally earn links, online media coverage, media relationships, guest ar- ticles and syndication. An effective digital PR cam- paign can help brands earn their marketplace’s undi- vided attention – and the search engines will notice, too.
Searching via Google (or Bing or Yahoo, etc.) has, in the past, meant typing in a question or a topic and getting a list of articles that attempt to answer your specified question. You’d find your answer and then get out of the search engine.
But now the rise of mobile is on boom. According to eMar- keter’s [9] over 95% of US millennial will own a mobile phone by the end of 2013, and of that 95%, three quarters will have Smartphone[9].Google know that digital is becoming more and more mobile.




The concept of hypertext and a memory extension actually came to existence in July, when Vannevar Bush's proposed the idea of a virtually limitless, fast, reliable, extensible, associative memory storage and retrieval system capable of making and following links between documents on microfiche and named the photo-

November: Initial WorldWideWeb pro- gram development continues on the NeXT (TBL). This was a "what you see is what you get" (wysiwyg) browser/editor with direct inline creation of links. The first web server was, later called, and the first web page WW/TheProject.html Unfortunately

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2048

ISSN 2229-5518

Ju- ly19
Lycos was the next major search devel-
Came from the project Architext, which 94
was started by in February, 1993 by six
Stanford undergrad students with the
idea of using statistical analysis of word
relationships to make searching more effi-
Web Directories: VLib
opment, having been design at Carnegie Mellon University around July of 1994. In October 1994, Lycos ranked first on Netscape's list of search engines by find- ing the most hits on the word ‘surf.’

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2049

ISSN 2229-5518

originally launched by Bill Gross under the name GoTo in 1998. His idea was to arbitrage traffic streams and sells them with a level of accountability.


Sighting into the past it is evident that SEO is having one of the dynamic ecosystems as far as evolution is concerned, and the share is largely due to Google’s regular search algorithm updates.
The past, present and future of SEO industry are revolving around Google. Every now and then Google has to change its strategies as to updates its search algorithm because to combat poor quality content and minimize the use and effectiveness of keywords. And due to its widespread influence SEOs have no choice but to evolve and adapt, or risk failure to deliver. And, this trend will likely to be continued.
According to the forward-thinking article by Guillaume
Bouchard on Search Engine Watch, he says:
“I want to suggest that Google is straying from being solely a place to search – they're evolving into an area you can ex- plore.”

It means Google is forcing us to think about what the term “search” fully encompasses.The Google events that have in- fluenced the SEO industry over the past decade are summa- rized as under [10]. As the pioneer and the most controversial influencing king of the online searching world is now 10 years old and that is no other than the great Google. It`s time to re- view how SEO for Google evolved over the years. The table given below shows the same [6]:




Google Events


Larry Page and Sergey Brin meet at Stanford.


Larry and Sergey begin collaborating on a search engine called BackRub

1997: is registered as a domain on Sep- tember 15.

April 1998:

Larry launches a monthly "Google Friends




the Google launched its first doodle



Google sets up workspace in a garage on San- ta Margarita Ave., Calif.



Google listed as the search engine of choice in the Top 100 Web Sites 1998.

June 1999:

Our first press release announces a $25 mil- lion round from Sequoia Capital.

April 2000:

MentalPlex: Google's ability to read your mind as you visualize, launched.

May 2000:

First 10 language versions, doodle series of are released .



Google also launched their popular Google


IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2050

ISSN 2229-5518


IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2051

ISSN 2229-5518

May 2013:

Imagery of the Earth , Photos, Hangouts.

June 2013:

Funded by Google, NL investigates the energy impact of cloud computing.

July 2013:

Updated Google Maps app for Smartphone and tablets.

Sep 2013:

Android passes 1 billion device activations.

Google's corporate history background, starting from when Larry met Sergey at Stanford in 1995.By January of 1996, they had begun collaboration on a search engine called BackRub, named for its unique ability to analyze the "back links" pointing to a giv-
2012 In 2012 Google announced the Penguin update aimed at making search spam- ming harder. In 2012 they also rolled out tighter anchor text filters, an algorithm to penalize ad heavy sites, and launched a ranking factor based on how many valid requests there are against a site. This has caused many SEO professionals to chase after servicing large corporate clients, as talent tends to follow the money.
en website. Larry took on the task of creating a new kind of serv- er environment that used low-end PCs instead of big expensive machines. A year later, their unique approach to link analysis was earning BackRub a growing reputation. BackRub ranked pages using citation notation, a concept which is popular in academic circles. On the web, links act as citations. In the PageRank algo- rithm links count as votes. Your ability to rank and the strength of your ability to vote for others depends upon your authority: how many people link to you and how trustworthy those links are.



6.1 Over all Google Updates till now

As Google announced war against artificial link building,
and pagerank, SEOs started looking at things they could do on
site to increase the ranking power of their key pages. The key
was that if your website has a certain amount of pagerank to
pass around your site, then you could creatively use the no-
follow attribute to control the flow of pagerank around your
site. Certainly you wouldn’t want to be passing pagerank to
pages like your privacy policy, returns etc. That was until
Google changed the algorithm in 2009, so that the total pag-
erank was divided between all links, regardless of whether they had the no follow tag or not.
The techniques of link exchanging and some of the black hat methods of SEO, such as link farms etc,was already pre-


Each year, Google changes its search algorithm so many times. While most of these changes are minor, every few months Google rolls out a “major” algorithmic update that affects search results in significant ways. For search marketers, knowing the dates of these Google updates can help explain changes in rankings and organic website traffic. Here, we’ve listed the major algorithmic changes or updates that made the biggest impacts on SEO Industry.



vailed in building backlinks of article marketing. Unfortunate-
ly, this started to be abused and low quality articles were be-
ing introduced in mass for the sole purpose of gaining links.
The search results were also filling up with duplicate versions
of the same article, which were constipating results. Therefore,
the first step Google took to counter this was around 2004,
when they started to filter out duplicate content. Effectively,
only the original source of the content would rank (or some- times the one with the highest pagerank). This was a logical step as in Google’s eyes as once it had provided access to the information there was no requirement to list the same content
Collateral damage was caused to a great deal of ecommerce sites at the time of these updates. As original content was now required to rank a page, the horrible practice of article spin- ning become commonplace. The first Panda update was intro- duced and Spun articles started to litter the web and once again Google’s results were compromised.
For the last couple of years two of the Google algorithm updates have struck fear into the hearts of webmasters the world over and the way it effect the web contents and strate- gies are important.
• Panda (2011) – mainly effects low quality sites with thin content, scraped text etc. Site wide penalties were introduced, instead of just the page being penalized.
• Penguin (2012) –mainly effects spam SEO tactics and unnatural linking.
These updates have been the topic of great debate in the SEO community.As they filtered out lots of spam sites and scrapers, but many reputable sites which had not recognized the im- portance of unique content were also affected. Rankings were

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2052

ISSN 2229-5518

decimated with webmasters reporting drops of up to 90% in search engine traffic.
The Penguin update flipped traditional ideas of link building on their head. Until that point the general idea would be to use your keywords as anchor text wherever possible, however, after Penguin this is seen as unnatural linking and will probably trigger a penalty. Diversity in anchor text is now seen as key with keywords making up a small percentage of links and more focus on branded terms (the name of the site) and generic text
‘click here’, ‘this site’ etc, which until this point had been avoid- ed by SEOs and thought of as wasted opportunities. This is a good thing and goes back to the citation model of linking.
Google with these update provided a better feel to search and the SEO breath fresh as the spam’s, scraps, and duplicate contents are restricted to an extent. It provides an opportunity to SEO to direct the path of search in the real sense of Searching and these updates outstands Google as the pioneer of SEO in- dustry.

6.2 The Panda Updates

While the Panda Updates were initially targeting “content farms”, or sites which specifically generated large numbers of pages to target user search queries, the criteria used to ding

Fig. 1. Lifecycle of different Google`s Panda updates that take place with the description of their purpose.


them could easily wreck many other types as well. Poorly con-
structed sites where users are confused about where to find
what they were searching-for, or sites which make a bad im-
pression by being too crammed full of ads, tricky links, or un-
sophisticated layouts might also fall under the treads of Panda.


Google announced its first ever penalty targeting content deemed "thin" or "not good enough" on Feb. 24, 2011. Known as the "Panda update," it has caused some publishers to seriously think about how to produce better material. Therefore, Panda is a filter that lets Google sift out content deemed to lack substan- tial elements. Panda called an "update" because the filter runs periodically. Each time it runs, all the content Google knows about is resifted. Improve content escapes the filter. Poor con- tent gets caught again. Panda is just 1 of more than 200 different factors Google uses to rank pages. The Timeline of Panda up- date is shown below:
Panda Update 1.0(Feb.24, 2011) -------------- Panda Update 2.0(Apr 11, 2011) -----------------> Panda Update 2.1(May 10, 2011) --------------------> Panda Update 2.2(June 16, 2011) ----------------------->
Panda Update 2.3(July 23, 2011) --------------------------> Panda Update 2.4(Aug 12, 2011) ---------------------------> Panda Update 2.5(Sep 28, 2011) -------------------------------> Panda Update 3.0(Oct 19, 2011) ---------------------------------> Panda Update 3.1(Nov 18, 2011) ---------------------------------> Panda Update 3.2(Jan 18, 2012).
The Lifecycle of Panda update and its impact have been graphically plotted below:
Search engine optimization based purely upon clever tech-
nical tricks really appears to be on the wane with the Panda
Updates. SEO may really decline in favor of much more sus-
tainable long term attention to User Experience and Usability
factors. Unfortunately, it is not seem that lot of websites or
companies take advantage of Panda Update.
SEO is becoming much harder to plan and high quality busi- nesses and blogs are rising to the top with spammers on their way down. This trend should continue as Google finally seems to be winning the war on spam and updates to the Panda and Penguin algorithms rolling out regularly which filter out more and lower quality sites. Sites which happened to contain affili- ate content which might otherwise get good ratings. Having additional content on the pages, particularly “value-added” content such as maps or user ratings or price comparisons could make a difference. In order to game a successful site the key factors must be:
• High Quality Content With Regular Updates
• Strong Branding And Identity
• Social Networking (and proof)
• Positioning Yourself As An Expert In Your Field
• Fulfilling A Genuine Need Of Your Visitors
• Building Relationships With Other Websites
• High Quality Links From Trusted Resources (quality
over quantity)
• Video Marketing
• Good Site Structure, Hierarchy And Internal Linking
So, that’s a brief summary of the evolution of SEO with the effective update which led down the beam of stronger Search and search engines and brings us right up to the present day. The war on spam continues, because the trend does appear to

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 2053

ISSN 2229-5518

have turned back

6.3 Future strategies of Google

As stated above in the Paper the Mobile era is already begun and the pioneer of online digital world realized it much earlier as Google gets this switch to mobile, and they’re capitalizing on it. Evident from the report of eMarketer [9] that Google earned more than half of the $8.8 billion spent globally on mobile advertise- ments in 2012. And it is predicted that Google will increase their mobile advertisement sales by another 92% in 2013 and is ex- pected to be half of the total mobile advertisements sold world- wide. [9]
As we can see by their mobile ad sales its future strategies tar- geting widely spreading mobile user community, but their app development is also telling about the way they envision search developing – or are at least hoping to see it develop. Actually they are doing it as a matter of fact everything is in their power to continue to own “search” in the digital world. As a result of this the latest update of Google is Google Now is set to start becoming the search engine that thinks for you. It synchs with your existing Google accounts and begins to track your preferences. It uses your personal data to begin making suggestions for you and gives you content before you even ask for it. After a while, you
won’t need to search for anything – Google will simply tell you
The new universe of Google is all set with its gravity of strategies, updates and dominating policies so that not only other competing companies but also the elements, issues, eth- ics, governance, and everything in this search ecosystem will revolve, rotates in this cosmos only.
In fact it is quite considerable to ask, is there really any real search going on? Is Google really on its corporate mission “Google’s mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful?” It is a serious ques- tion of discussion about the path Google's forging us to choose, but does it look too promising for the consumers and searching world? And also to think about what this proactive, suggestive “search” means for the consumer. It becomes a question of control – who has it and who doesn’t.


[1] Aaron Wall's (2011),” History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today ”, thread on Search Engine History, Retrieved from

[2] Adam Bunn (2011). “The History of SEO”. The Greenlightsearch 31 Jan

2011 Retrieved from history-of-seo-1993-2010/

[3] Alyssa Adkins (2013),” Search Party: Google and the Evolution of

SEO”, posted on June 17, 2013 SocialmediaToday, Retrieved


what you think you want to know, based on your past searches, interactions, etc.
Some might say that following Panda, Caffeine and Penguin updates, the Author Rank will be the next penalty for websites having nothing interesting to share. Therefore Authors should keep on writing quality content, specialize in a certain field and demonstrate value in order to become an authority themselves in this area. And the companies have two options: either outsource the posting responsibilities or encourage their own employees to develop such skills [6] .


Coupled with the Google algorithm updates in the past few years, it is clear that Google governs the past of search with its strategies and updates it forced to forbid the duplicity of con- tents and to improve the quality of Search. As a matter of fact it all comes under the delegacy of Google marketing monopo- ly to become the ultimate pioneer of search and the trends is going to spans in the future too .As , it`s all new Google Now is giving us a glimpse into what search is going to look like in the near future.


[4] Brett Tabke (2011),” brief history of SEO” thread on Webmaster World, Retrieved from

[5] Chris Silver Smith,” Mind Your P’s & Q’s In Quality to Avoid Google’s

Panda Updates”, September 21, 2011, retrieved

[6] Dan Popas (2011),” The Evolution of SEO in the Age of Google”, thread on AdvancewebRanking Engine History, Retrieved from

[7] Danny Sullivan(2013), "The Evolution of Search: The Moz Blog" to white- board Friday, June 28th, 2013,video transcription, retrieved

[8] David McSweeney(2013).The Evolution of Search Engines and SEO”.

PhotonQ-Homer’s Evolution Theory Retrieved from

[9] “Digital-First Millennial Put a Premium on Value, Engagement” Jun 6, 2013

Read more at Millennials-Put-Premium-on-Value- Engagement/1009946# Eo- CIAS51sVKvYD1o.99).

[10] Eric Murphy (2013),” A decade of Evolution in the SeO Ecosystem”, posted

on August 19,2013,Infographic,inShare11, Retrieved from –of-evolution-in-the -seo- ecosystem-infographics/

[11] Google (2013),” Our history in Depth” thread on Google's milestones cor- porate information page, Retrieved from

[12] Guillaume Bouchard (2002). Leading the IT team: Ultimate Oxymoron or ultimate challenge? Search Engine Watch, March/April 2002. Retrieved from

[13] Rand Fishkin's (2009),” brief history of SEO” thread on Webmaster World April 9th, 2009 - Posted to Search Engine Trends, Retrieved from


Manish Maheshwari is currently working as Professor in Computer Applica- tions Department of Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University, Bhopal (M.P) India.

Roohi Ali is currently pursuing Ph.D in Computer Applications from Depart-

ment of Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University, Bhopal (M.P) India, PH-

09755198556. E-mail:

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