International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 28

ISSN 2229-5518

Effect of slip condition on couple stress fluid flow through porous medium with stenosis

Gurju Awgichew, G. Radhakrishnamacharya

Abstract- Steady incompressible couple stress fluid flow in a two dimensional uniform channel with stenosis has been investigated. Further, it is as- sumed that the channel is filled with porous material and the stenosis to be mild. The flow equations have been analytically solved using the slip condi- tion and expressions for the resistance to flow and wall shear stress have been derived. The effects of various parameters on these flow variables have been studied. It is found that the resistance to flow as well as the wall shear stress increase with the height of stenosis .The effect of other parameters on

resistance to flow and the wall shear stress have been considered.

Index Terms: Resistance to flow, couple stress fluid, porous medium, slip condition


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he atherosclerosis or stenosis is a well-known arterial dis- ease. It involves deposits of fatty substances in the internal lining of an artery. The development of an obstruction in the artery can lead to serious circulatory disorders. In this situa- tion the flow behaviour is quite different from that in a normal artery. The investigations of blood flow through arteries are of considerable importance in many cardiovascular diseases. Hence, the mathematical modeling of this type of flow can be very useful. The actual reason for formation of stenosis is not known but many researchers have studied its effect on the flow characteristics. Mates et al. [1] provided a detailed under- standing of fluid mechanical behaviour of an isolated stenotic lesion in the coronary circulation. Many authors (Young [2], Zendehbudi and Moayeri [3], Radhakrishnamacharya and Srinavasa Rao [4]) studied the flow characteristics by assum- ing blood as Newtonian fluid. But blood shows a non- Newtonian behaviour at low shear rates in tubes of smaller diameters (Whitmore [5], Forrestor and Young [6], Shukla et
al.[7] and Misra and Shit [8]).
The non-Newtonian behaviour of blood is mainly due to the suspension of red blood cells in the plasma. When neutrally buoyant corpuscles are contained in a fluid and there exists a velocity gradient due to shearing stress, corpuscles have rota- tory motion. Furthermore, it is observed that corpuscles have spin angular momentum, in addition to orbital angular mo- mentum. As a result, the symmetry of stress tensor is lost in the fluid motion that is subjected to spin angular momentum. The fluid that has neutrally buoyant corpuscles, when ob- served macroscopically, exhibits non-Newtonian behaviour, and its constitutive equation is expressed by Stokes [9]. This represents the simplest generalization of the classical viscous


Corresponding Author:- G.Radhakrishnamacharya, Profesor of Mathe matics,National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India. E-mail:

Gurju Awgichew, Research Scholar in anonymous Institute and Depart-

fluid theory that sustains couple stresses and the body cou- ples. The important feature of these fluids is that the stress tensor is not symmetric and their accurate flow behaviour cannot be predicted by the classical Newtonian theory. The main effect of couple stresses will be to introduce a size de- pendent effect that is not present in the classical viscous theo- ries. The importance of consideration of couple stress effects in studies of physiological and some other fluids was indicated by Cowin [10]. Studies on the couple stress fluid behaviour are very useful, because such studies bear the potential to better explain the behaviour of rheologically complex fluids, such as liquid crystals, polymeric suspensions that have long-chain molecules, lubrication as well as human/sub-human blood (Stokes [9]). Sankad and Radhakrishnamacharya [11] and Srinivasacharya and Srikanth [12] studied the flow of a couple stress fluid with different conditions.
Flows through porous medium occur in filtration of fluids and seepage of water in river beds. Movement of under- ground water and oils are important examples of flows through porous medium. An oil reservoir mostly contains sed- imentary formation such as limestone and sandstone in which oil is entrapped. Modeling of flow problems through porous media has been of great practical significance primarily be- cause of its potential applications in engineering, technology and industry. Porous materials are used in various engineer- ing devices such as catalytic converters and fuel cells due to their advantages in dispersion and chemical reaction by their large contact areas. The flow of non-Newtonian fluids through a porous medium under different conditions was studied by Tong and Hu [13]. Flows through porous media may be rele- vant in many physiological situations such as the flow of blood in the microvessels of the lungs, which may be treated as a channel bounded by two thin porous layers ( Misra and Ghosh [14]).
In the present study, the effect of slip boundary condition

ment, E-mail:

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 29

ISSN 2229-5518

on an incompressible couple stress fluid flow through a two dimensional uniform channel with local stenosis and filled

u + ∂v = 0

with porous material, is considered. Assuming that the steno- sis is mild, closed-form solution has been obtained and ex- pressions for resistance to flow and shear stress at the wall have been derived. The effects of various relevant parameters on these flow variables have been studied.


− ∂p




+ µ

y 2



y 4

µ u = 0

κ 0




− ∂ p = 0


We consider steady, incompressible couple stress fluid flow
where u and v are the velocity components along the x
through a two dimensional uniform channel with local steno-
and y directions respectively, p is the pressure, κ 0
is the
sis. It is assumed that the channel is filled with porous materi-
al. Cartesian coordinate system is chosen so that the x-axis
coincides with the center line of the channel and the y-axis
normal to it. The stenosis is supposed to be mild and develops
in a symmetric manner. The boundary of the channel is taken
as (Shukla et al. [7] )
permeability constant of the medium, µ is the coefficient vis- cosity of classical fluid dynamics, η is the couple stress fluid
The boundary conditions are given by




d Da u u = 0

α1 y

at y = ±η


η ( x) = d0 − 2 1 + Cos L

( x d1 − ) 


; d1 x d1 + L0


  0


; otherwise

2 u

= 0

y 2

at y = ±η

where d 0 is the mean half width of the non-stenotic region of the channel, L is the length of the channel, L0 is the length of stenosis and δ is the maximum height of stenosis.(Fig.1.)
Here (5) is the Saffman’s slip boundary condition (Bahtt and Sacheti [16]) and (6) indicates the vanishing of couple stress. Further, Da is the permeability parameter (or Darcy number)
and α1 is the slip parameter.
Taking the restriction for mild stenosis (Young [2]) and solv- ing (2)-(4) under the boundary conditions (5) and (6), the ve- locity is given as

u( y) = − κ 0 p [R* cosh(m* y) − R* cosh(m* y) + 1]


µ x 2 1 1 2

m* =


1 +

1 − 4η ′ 

µ  4η ′ 

1 2η ′ 

, m* =


1 −

2η ′ 

1 − 

µ κ 0

Fig.(1) Geometry of the channel with local stenosis

R* = (m 1 )

cosh(m*η )

(m * ) 2

R * = 2

cosh(m*η )

1 b* b* , 2

b * b*

1 2 1 2

The equations governing the motion of an incompressible

couple stress fluid flow for the present problem, by neglecting

 

body forces and body couples, are given as (Alemayehu and

b* = (m* ) 2 cosh(m*η ) cosh(m*η ) + d 0


m* sinh(m*η )

Radhakrishnamacharya [15] )

1 1 1 2 2

 1 

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 30

ISSN 2229-5518


b* = (m* ) 2 cosh(m*η ) cosh(m*η ) + 0


m* sinh(m*η )

= * 2 =

2 cosh(


) + Da

sinh( )

2 2 2 1


1 1

1 

b1 b1 d 0 m1

m1 H

m2 H m2


m2 H


The flux Q of the fluid is given by

b = b* d 2

= m2

cosh(m2 H )cosh(m1 H ) +


m1 sinh(m1 H )



Q = 2 ∫ udy


From eq.(10) we obtain

 

 

p = =Q 1 

− 2 κ


sinh(m*η )

sinh(m*η ) 

x 2 

sinh(m1 H )

sinh(m2 H )


= 0 R* 1 R* 2 +η




+ H

µ x  2 * 1 * 

 1 2 



Introducing the following dimensionless quantities
Integrating eq.(11) with respect to x , we get pressure differ- ence p along the total length of a channel as

* δ

* x d *


1 L *


0 ,

δ = , x d0

= L , 1 = L ,

0 = L

 

 

p =Q 1 1 

H = η

, p* =

p , Q* = Q


∆ = 2 ∫ 


sinh(m1 H ) − R

sinh(m2 H )


+ H


d0  =µUL


m1 m2


 0 

The resistance to flow, denoted by λ , is defined by
in eq.(1) and eq.(9) , we get ( after dropping asterisks)

λ = ∆p



Q = −2 R2


sinh(m1 H )



sinh(m2 H )


+ H



Using eq. (12) in eq. (13), we get

 

 

=1 1 1 


m(= d0 m


= d0 (µ /η ′) 2 ) is a couple stress parameter,

λ = 2 ∫ 


sinh(m1 H )



sinh(m2 H )



+ H



Da = 0

, m = m* d =

m 2  

1 + 1 − 

The pressure drop in the case of no stenosis (H=1), denoted

d 0 1 1 0 2 

m 2  4 

m 2 Da ,

by pn , is obtained from eq. (12) as

m = m* d =

1 −

2 

− 

m 2 Da ,

 

 

p =Q 1 1 

R = m 1


cosh(m1 H )


, R = m 2 cosh(m2 H )

n =


∫ 


sinh(m1 )



sinh(m2 )



+ 1 


b1 b2

b1 b2

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 31

ISSN 2229-5518

The shear stress at the wall in the absence of stenosis (H=1),

denoted by (τw ) n , can be obtained from eq. (21) as

2 2

R = m 1

cosh(m1 ) ,

m 2 cosh(m2 ) ,

( ) = =Q R22 m1 sinh(m1 ) − R11 m2 sinh(m2 ) 

b11 b22

R22 =

b11 b22

τ w n

2 


sinh(m1 )


sinh(m2 ) + 1 


2 Da



b11 = m1

cosh(m1 ) cosh(m2 ) + α

m2 sinh(m2 ) ,

The normalized shear stress at the wall,τ w,, , is given by


τ = τ w

2 Da

w (τ

w )n


b22 = m2

cosh(m2 ) cosh(m1 ) +


m1 sinh(m1 ) .


The resistance to flow and the wall shear stress are the two important characteristics in the study of blood flow through a
The resistance to flow in the absence of stenosis, λn , is defined
stenosed artery. The expressions for resistance to the flow and wall shear stress, given by eq.(18) and eq.(23) respectively

λ = ∆pn n Q

Using eq. (15) in eq. (16), we obtain


have been numerically evaluated using MATHEMATICA software for different values of relevant parameters and pre- sented graphically.
Figures (2)-(5) show the effects of various parameters on the resistance to flow in a uniform channel with mild stenosis . It can be observed that the resistance to flow increases with the height of stenosis (Figures 2-5). This result agrees with the

λ =1 1 1


previous results obtained by Young [2], Shukla et al. [7], Cha-

n = ∫

2 0


sinh(m1 ) −



sinh(m2 )


+ 1 

turani and Samy [17]. Further, it can be noticed that the re- sistance to flow increases with the slip parameter and the length of stenosis (Figures (2) and (3)) and with Darcy number (Figure 4) but decreases with couple stress parameter (Figure

The normalized resistance to the flow, λ , is given by
Figures (6)-(8) show the effects of various parameters on the wall shear stress. The wall shear stress increases with the

λ = λ


height of stenosis (Figures 6-8). This result agrees with previ- ous results obtained by Young [2], Lee and Fung [18], Shukla
The shear stress acting on the wall of the channel is given by
et al. [7]. Moreover, the wall shear stress increases with slip
parameter (Figure 6) but decrease with Darcy number (Figure

τ = −µ u

w y



7) and the couple stress parameter (Figure 8). However, the decrease of the couple stress parameter is not very significant (Figure 8).
Introducing the dimensionless quantity

τ * =

τ w


 


and using eq.(15) in eq.(19), we get(after dropping asterisks)

 

 

= =Q R2 m1 sinh(m1 H ) − R1 m2 sinh(m2 H

τ w 2 


sinh(m1 H )



sinh(m2 H )


+ H


IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 32

ISSN 2229-5518

Figure(2) Effect α1 on λ

(d1 = 0.4, L0 = 0.2, Da = 0.003, m = 0.2)

Figure(5) Effect of m on

λ (d1 = 0.4, L0 = 0.2, Da = 0.003,α1 = 0.02)

Figure(6)Effect of

Figure(3). Effect α1 on λ

(d1 = 0.4, L0 = 0.3, Da = 0.003, m = 0.2)

α1 on τ w


= 0.4, L0

= 0.2, x = 0.5, m = 0.2, Da = 0.003)

Figure(4)Effect of Da

on λ (d1 = 0.4, L0 = 0.2,α1 = 0.02, m = 0.2)

Da on τ w

Figure 7. Effect of

(d1 = 0.4, L0 = 0.2, x = 0.5, m = 0.2, α1 = 0.02)

Figure(8) Effect of

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 9, September-2013 33

ISSN 2229-5518

m on τ w

(d1 = 0.4, L0 = 0.2, x = 0.5, α1 = 0.02, Da = 0.003)

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