Effect of harvest date on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia’s herba alba essential oil (Immouzar Marmoucha region, Morocco) [ ]

Within the framework of Moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants valuation, we studied the influence of harvest date on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Artemisia herba alba essential oil (Immouzar Marmoucha region, Morocco). The average essential oil yields of this species collected in different date to the month of March, June, September and December are respectively 0.20±0.0004 %, 1.19±0.076 %, 0.60±0.0043 and 0.74±0.001 %. A chromatographic and spectrometric analysis revealed three majority compounds: ß-thujone, artemisia’s alcohol and a-phyllandrène for March collection and nordavanone, artemisia's alcohol for that of June. On the other hand, the collections of September and December are characterized by artemisia's alcohol as main constituent followed by 6-camphènone, cis-hydrate acetate of sabinène and of ß-thujone. The effect of harvest date on antimicrobial essential oil activity was also highlighted.