International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2983

ISSN 2229-5518

Comparative Analysis of Software Complexity of

Searching Algorithms Using Code Based Metrics

Olabiyisi S.O1, Omidiora E. O2 and Sotonwa K. A3

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Ladoke Akintola

University of Technology P. M.B. 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.




Abstract:Software complexity metrics are used to quantify a variety of software properties. Complexity measures can be used to predict critical information about testability, reliability and maintainability of the software systems from automatic analysis of the source code. In this paper different software complexity metrics were applied to searching algorithms, our intention is to compare software complexity of linear and binary search algorithms, evaluate, rank competitive object oriented applications (Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java languages) of these two algorithms using code based complexity metrics such as (line of codes, McCabe cylomatic complexity metrics and Halstead complexity metrics) and measured the sample programs using length (in lines) of the program, line of code (LOC) without comments, LOC with comments, McCabe method, the program difficulty using Halstead method. The result revealed that McCabe method has negligible values of complexity for Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java languages for linear search and similar measuring values for binary search and also from statistical analysis of ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) the result showed that for both linear and binary search techniques, the four (4) languages do not differ significantly, therefore it is concluded that any of the four (4) programming languages is good to code linear and binary search algorithms.

Index Terms Software metrics, Searching Algorithms, Code Based Metrics, Length in line of the program, LOC with Comments, LOC without

Comments, McCabe method and Halstead method.


The first problem encountered when attempting to understand program complexity is to define what it means for a program to be complex. Basili defines complexity as a measure of the resources expended by a system while interacting with a piece of software to perform a given task. If the interacting system is a computer, then complexity can be defined by the execution time and storage required to perform the computation. If the interacting system is a programmer complexity is defined by the difficulty of performing tasks such as coding, debugging, testing, or modifying the software. The term software complexity is often applied to the interaction between a program and a programmer working on some
programming tasks [1].
Software complexity is defined as “the degree to which a system or component has a design or implementation that is difficult to understand and verify [2] i.e. complexity of a code is directly dependent on the understandability. All the factors that make a program difficult to understand are responsible for its complexity. Software complexity also is an estimate of the amount of effort needed to develop, understand or maintain the code and the more complex the code is the higher the effort and time needed to develop or maintain this code [3]. Results based on real life projects have shown that there is a correlation between the complexity of a system and the number of faults Munson and [4] and [5].

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2984

ISSN 2229-5518

According to Webster’s New Dictionary of
Synonyms [6]: “Something is complex when it is made up of so many different interrelated or interacting parts of elements that it requires deep study or expert knowledge to deal with it”. As stated above, complexity has to do with the amount of resources that is required to perform some activities. The more resources that must be spent to achieve something, the more complex of the entity with respect to this task and the amount of resources used is not a sufficient characteristic for classifying a task as complex which means that complexity and length are different characteristics of the task and the resources needed to accomplish a task is a function of the size of the task and its unit complexity. Of course complexity may increase as a function of the size of the task but this increase should normally be less than increase in size. Since complexity is an attribute with many meanings therefore, complexity also correlates strongly with the length of a program.
Toularkis distinguished between two classes of complexity measures namely, dynamic complexity measure and static complexity measure. Dynamic complexity measure measures the amount of resources consumed during computation and static complexity measure measures the size (e. g program length) or structural complexity (e.g. level of nesting do loop) of an algorithm description [7].


2.1 Complexity Concepts
For information system, especially for software, the word complexity was first used for what is called
computational or time complexity. As an example the
task of searching a sorted list of length ‘n’ for a single item has complexity O(log n) meaning that any logarithm giving a solution to the task will in the worst case need the order log n pair wise comparisons to solve the task for large ‘n’. The task to sort such a list has computational complexity O(nlogn) and is thus a more complex task. These complexities characterize the class of problems to be solved and give the least possible growth in computation times as a function of the growth in problem size. In addition to this each method designed to solve problems belonging to some class has its own complexity which of course cannot be less than the complexity of the corresponding problem class.
Complexity has also been used to characterize software. According to [8] complexity “relates to data set relationship, data structures, data flow and the algorithm being implemented” and “measures the degree of decision making logic within the system. Beizer states that ‘using only our intuitive notion of software complexity, we expect that more complex software will cost more to build and test and will have more latent bugs’ [9]. Software complexity is defined as the degree of difficulty in analysis, testing, design and implementation of software. Not attempting to attach a single number to software complexity [8]. In [9], Jones discussion on measuring programming complexity identifies ‘two logically distinct tasks:
(i) Measuring complexity of the problem, i.e. the functions and data to be programmed;
(ii) Measuring the complexity of the solution of the problem, i.e. the software itself.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2985

ISSN 2229-5518

Complexity is a metaphysical property and thus
not directly measurable that is, it required the linkage behaviour of the product characteristics that are measurable [10]. Banker, Datar and Zweig [11] states that ‘software complexity refers to the extent to which a system is difficult to comprehend, modify and test, not to the complexity of the task which the system is meant to perform; two systems equivalent in functionality can differ greatly in their software complexity’. They noticed that most complexity metrics proposed to confound to the complexity of a program with its length. They also propose to measure length-independent complexity metrics by measuring
‘density of decision making’ and ‘density of
branching’ within a program. In a high correlation of cyclomatic complexity with lines of codes given as reason for proposing a transformed metric ‘complexity density’ is defined as the ratio of cyclomatic complexity to thousand lines of code [12].
Zuse [6] agreed with Ramamoorthy and Shepperd that the term software complexity is still not well defined. Here the term complexity measure is a misnomer. It deals with the psychological complexity of programs. The overall complexity of software is a function of many factors. In literature we can find many types of measures, for example process measures, product measures, resource measures, static measures, descriptive measure, black-box measures, quality measures, code measures, design measures, inter-intra-modular measures, data flow measures, information flow measures and specification measures. The complexity of a module or a program system is influenced by the factors of cohesion,
coupling, decomposition and intra-modular
complexity. It can be said that the measurement of
complexity is synonymous with determining the degree of difficulty in analyzing, maintaining, testing, designing and modifying software.
The term complexity is commonly used to capture the totality of all internal attributes of software. When people talk of the need to control complexity what they really meant is the need to measure and control a number of internal (structural) product attributes. Fenton stated that ‘there appears to be three distinct (orthogonal and fundamental) attributes of the software such as length, functionality and complexity of the underlying problem which the software is solving’ [13].
2.2 Lines of Code (LOC)
The line of codes (LOC) is generally considered as the count of the lines in the source code of the software. Usually, (LOC) only considers the executable sentence. LOC is independent of what program language used. The LOC evaluates the complexity of the software via the physical length. LOC is based upon two rules:
i. the relationship between the count of code lines and the bug density,
ii. the independence between the bug density and the program language.
Also sometimes, the LOC is estimated by the other factors [14]. The original purpose of its development was to estimate man-hours for a project [15]. Some types of LOC are as follows:

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2986

ISSN 2229-5518

i. Lines of Code (LOC): It is obvious from its
name that it counts the number of lines which are uncommented in source code. Some developers write code statement and comment on a same physical line. In such cases this metric can be further defined easily.
ii. Kilo Lines of Code (KLOC): it is LOC divided by 1000.
iii. Effective Lines of Code (ELOC): It only counts the lines that are not commented, blank, standalone braces or parenthesis. In a way this metric presents the actual work performed.
iv. Logical Lines of Code (LLOC): This metric shows the count of logical statements in a program, it only counts the statements which end at semi-colon. This definition of metric is only applicable for languages like C or Java, but for languages like Haskell this metric won't work
v. Multiple Line of codes (MLOC): It contains several separate instructions, multiple line of code like million lines of code.
2.3 Halstead Complexity Metric
Halstead introduced the concept of software science and use scientific methods to analyze the characteristics and structure of the software. The idea resulted in the introduction of the Halstead complexity metric (HCM). The HCM is calculated on the count of the operators and operands16]. The operators are symbols used in the expressions to
specify the manipulations to be performed. The
operands are the basic logic unit to be operated. The HCM measures the logic volume of the software. Firstly, the HCM compute the following parameters:
μ1= the number of unique operators μ2= the number of unique operands N1 = the total occurrences of operators N2= the total occurrences of operands P = the program
From these statements, some indicators can be
The length N of P: N = N1+ N2 (2.1) The vocabulary μ of P: μ = μ1+ μ2 (2.2) The volume V of P: V =N * log2 (μ) (2.3) The level L of P: L = (2 ÷ μ1) * (μ2 ÷ N2) (2.4) The program difficulty D of P: D =
(μ1 ÷ 2) * (N2 ÷ μ2) (2.5)
The effort E to generate P is calculated as:
E = D * V (2.6) Error Estimate: B= V/X* (2.7) Programming Time: T= E/18 (2.8) Number of Delivered Bugs: B = E (2/3) / 3000
The V* is the software’s ideal volume.
This formula is commonly used: V*= (μ1N2 ÷ 2μ2) (N1+N2) log2 (μ1+ μ2)
To estimate the V* the X* means the programmer’s ability. Halstead sets X* for a fixed value of 3000.
2.4 McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Metric

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2987

ISSN 2229-5518

Based upon the topological structure of the
software, Thomas J. McCabe introduced a software complexity metric named McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Metric. As described by McCabe, the primary purpose of the measure is to identify software modules that will be difficult to test or maintain [17]. The nodes correspond to the code lines of the software, and a directed edge connects two nodes if the second node might be executed immediately after the first one. If the conditional evaluation expression is composite, the expression is broken down
MC = V (G) = e –n + 2p
V(G) is the cyclomatic complexity
e is the number of edges of the graph
n is the number of nodes of the graph and p is the number of connected components.


The metrics were applied on searching algorithms codes written Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java languages. Eight (8) different types of searching algorithms codes were considered. These programs were different in their architecture.

3.1 Evaluation of Software Complexity of

Searching Algorithms

To find the complexity of variations of different implementation languages. The following approaches were applied:
i. Length in line of the program: counts every
line of the program including comments, standalone brace, blank lines and parenthesis.
ii. LOC without comments: counts line of codes that do not contain comments
iii. LOC with comments: counts line of codes that contain comments.
iv. McCabe method: using cyclomatic complexity method MC = V(G) = e – n + 2p
v. Program difficulty: using Halstead method D
of P is D = (μ1 ÷2) * (N2 ÷ μ2)
The evaluation of code based metrics for linear search algorithms and binary search algorithm were given in Tables 1 and 2. It was discovered that visual basic has the lowest value of complexity for all the variations of different implementation except for LOC with comment and McCabe method that has highest values for both linear and binary search algorithms.This is due to the language that lacks a keyword to directly implement one of the steps and the implementation of the step leads to an increase in the number of steps require to implement the algorithm.
Table 1: Comparison of the Metrics for Linear
Search Algorithms

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2988

ISSN 2229-5518

Table 2: Comparison of the Metrics for Binary Search
Table 3: Analysis of Variance for Linear Search
Table 4: Analysis of Variance Binary Search

3.2 Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis was carried using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) which is a rigorous statistical tool used in making inferential decisions in experimental design studies to ensure the equivalence of comparative groups even when number per group differed across the group. Therefore statistical analysis carried out using ANOVA at 0.01 levels significant for values obtained for linear search and binary search techniques.
Tables 3 and 4 show the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table for linear search and binary search and it is discovered that F0.01, 3, 12 = 5.95 > Fcalculated, since the Ftable exceeds the Fcalculatedfor both linear and binary search we accept the null hypothesis Ho, therefore is significant relationship between the metrics and the programming languages for linear and binary search techniques.


4.1 Complexity of Different Implementation of

Linear Search

As shown in Figure 1 there are considerable differences among the implementation complexities of the different languages. The Figure shows the comparison between the object oriented languages of Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java languages by using linear search as a case study for comparison. The Figure reveals that the length (in lines) of the program of Visual Basic, C# and C++ languages are less than that of Java language in this case Visual Basic, C# and
C++ have less complexity than Java, the LOC without

IJSER © 2013

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2989

ISSN 2229-5518

comments of Visual Basic, C++ and Java are less than
that of C# therefore Visual Basic, C++ and Java have less complexity than C# and the LOC with comments of C#, C++ and Java are less than that of Visual Basic then C#, C++ and Java have less complexity than Visual Basic.
The McCabe method of Java language is less than
that of Visual Basic, C# and C++ therefore Java language has less complexity than Visual Basic, C# and C++ because if the implementations are based on the same number of steps and decision points and that is why they have the same value for cyclomatic complexity, the program difficulty using Halstead method for Visual Basic, C# and Java are less than that of C++, therefore Visual Basic, C# and Java have less complexity than C++.


Length of LOC without LOC with McCabe Program

Programs Comments Comments ComplexityDifficulty

4.2 Complexity of Different Implementation of

Binary Search

As shown in Figure 4.2 there are considerable differences among the implementation complexities of the different languages. The Figure shows the comparison between the object oriented languages of Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java by using binary search as a case study for comparison. The Figure reveals that the length (in lines) of the program of Visual Basic, C# and C++ languages are less than Java language in this case Visual Basic, C# and C++ have less complexity than Java, the LOC without comments of Visual Basic, C# and Java are less than that of C++ therefore Visual Basic, C# and Java have less complexity than C++ and LOC with comments of Visual Basic and C++ are less than that of C# and Java, then Visual Basic and C++ have less complexity than C# and Java.
The McCabe method of Java is less than that of Visual Basic, C# and C++ because if the implementations are based on the same number of steps or decision points their cyclomatic complexity will be the same that is why Visual Basic, C and C++ have the same McCabe method and that of Java has less complexity, the program difficulty of Visual Basic, C# and Java are less than that of C++, in this case Visual Basic, C# and Java have less complexity than C++.

Visual Basic C# C++ Java
Fig 1: Complexity Comparison between the Object Oriented
Languages VB, C#, C++ and Java for Linear Search Algorithm

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2990

ISSN 2229-5518

differences between the values for McCabe complexity
are negligible while that of Halstead method show remarkable differences with C++ language is having the highest value and Visual Basic language having the lowest value.

80 40
50 20

Visual Basic C# C++ Java

Length of LOC without LOC with McCabe Program

Program Comments Comments Complexity Difficulty

Visual Basic C# C++ Java
Fig 2: Complexity Comparison between the Object Oriented LanguageVB, C#, C++ and Java for the Binary Search Algorithm
4.3 Comparison between McCabe Method and

Halstead Methods for Linear Search

Figures 3 and 4 are showing the differences between McCabe and Halstead measurement for linear search and binary search for the (4) four languages. In Figure 3 it is discovered that the

McCabe Method Halstead Method
Fig 3: Comparison of McCabe Method and Halstead
Method for Linear Search
4.4 Comparison between McCabe Method and

Halstead Methods for Binary Search

Also in Figure 4, it is discovered that the differences between the values for McCabe complexity are negligible while that of Halstead method show remarkable differences with C++ language is having the highest value and Visual Basic language having the lowest value.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2991

ISSN 2229-5518

the program length of Visual Basic, C# and C++ are
less than that of Java, in this case it can be predicted that Visual Basic, C# and C++ have less complexity
than Java and the complexity are negligible.

50 60
40 40
30 20

Visual Basic C# C++ Java
McCabe Method Program Length
Visual Basic C# C++ Java

McCabe Method Halstead Method
Fig 4: Comparison of McCabe Method and Halstead
Method for Binary Search
4.5 Comparison between Program Length and McCabe

Methods for Linear Search

Figures 5 and 6 are showing the differences between program length and McCabe measurement for linear and binary search for the (4) four object
oriented languages. In Figure 4.5 it is discovered that
Fig 5: Comparison of Program Length and McCabe
Method for Linear Search
4.6 Comparison between Program Length and

McCabe Methods for Binary Search

Also Figure 6 shows that the program length of Visual Basic, C# and C++ are less than Java, therefore languages with less number of keywords expected to be more complex and needs more access time compared with the language that has more keywords which is demonstrated among the four languages in Figure 4.6 therefore this can be used as a second pre indicator for programs complexity.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2992

ISSN 2229-5518

four (4) programming languages is good to code linear
search and binary search algorithms.


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Visual Basic C# C++ Java

McCabe Method Program Length
Fig 6: Comparison of Program Length and McCabe
Method for Binary Search


It was found that McCabe method has negligible values of complexity for Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java for linear search, the value of Java language was nine (9) and similar measuring value for Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java for binary search, the value of Java language was eleven (11). The measured complexity with McCabe method is higher for Visual Basic, C# and C++ in binary search. Further result from statistical analysis of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that for both linear and binary search techniques the four (4) languages do not differ significantly. Therefore, it is concluded that any of the
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 2993

ISSN 2229-5518

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