International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 1

ISSN 2229-5518

Building Bilingual Corpus based on Hybrid Approach for Myanmar-English Machine Translation

Khin Thandar Nwet

AbstractWord alignment in bilingual corpora has been an active research topic in the Machine Translation research groups. In this paper, we describe an alignment system that aligns English-Myanmar texts at word level in parallel sentences. Essential for building parallel corpora is the alignment of translated segments with source segments. Since word alignment research on Myanmar and English languages is still in its infancy, it is not a trivial task for Myanmar-English text. A parallel corpus is a collection of texts in two languages, one of which is the translation equivalent of the other.Thus, the main purpose of this system is to construct word-aligned parallel corpus to be able in Myanmar-English machine translation. The proposed approach is combination of corpus based approach and dictionary lookup approach. The corpus based approach is based on the first three IBM models and Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. For the dictionary lookup approach, the proposed system uses the bilingual Myanmar-English Dictionary.

Index TermsEM Algorithm, IBM Models, Machine Translation, Word-aligned Parallel Corpus, Natural Language Processing

—————————— ——————————


ROCESSING Myanmar texts is difficult in its compu- tation because sentences in Myanmar texts are represented as strings of Myanmar characters with-
out spaces to indicate word boundaries. This cause prob- lem for Machine Translation, Information Retrieval, Text Summarization and many other Natural Language Processing. Bilingual word alignment is the first step of most current approaches to Statistical Machine Translation or SMT [2]. One simple and very old but still quite useful approach for language modeling is n-gram modeling. Separate language models are built for the source language (SL) and the target language (TL). For this stage, monolingual corpora of the SL and the TL are required. The second stage is called translation modeling and it includes the step of finding the word align- ments induced over a sentence aligned bilingual (parallel) corpus. This paper deals with the step of word alignment.
Corpora and other lexical resources are not yet widely available in Myanmar. Research in language technologies has therefore not progressed much. In this paper we de- scribe our efforts in building an English-Myanmar aligned parallel corpus. A parallel corpus is a collection of texts in two languages, one of which is the translation equivalent of the other.
Although parallel corpora are very useful resources for many natural languages processing applications such as building machine translation systems, multilingual


Khin Thandar Nwet is currently pursuing Ph.D degree program in

University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar, PH-0973176035

I got M.C.Sc from University of Computer Studies, Mandalay in 1997. I

am also an assistant lecturer. My research interest is Natural language

processing. Email:


dictionaries and word sense disambiguation, they are not yet available for many languages of the world. Myan- mar language is no exception. Building a parallel corpus manually is a very tedious and time-consuming task. A good way to develop such a corpus is to start from available resources containing the translations from the source language to the target language. A parallel corpus becomes very useful when the texts in the two languages are aligned. This system used the IBM models to align the texts at word level.
Many words in natural languages have multiple meanings. It is important to identify the correct sense of a word before we take up translation, query-based information retrieval, information extraction, question answering, etc. Recently, parallel corpora are being employed for detecting the correct sense of a word. Ng [7] proposed that if two languages are not closely related, different senses in the source language are likely to be translated differently in the target language. Parallel corpus based techniques for word sense dis- ambiguation therefore work better when the two lan- guages are dissimilar.
The remainder of the paper is formed as follows. Sec- tion 2 describes some related work. Alignment Model is presented in section 3. Section 4, discuss about Proposed Alignment Model. In section 5, we describe Overview of System. In section 6, we present experimental results. Fi- nally, section 7 presents conclusion and future work.


A vast amount of research has been conducted in the alignment of parallel texts with various methodologies. G. Chinnappa and Anil Kumar Singh [6] proposed a java

IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 2

ISSN 2229-5518

implementation of an extended word alignment algo- rithm based on the IBM models. They have been able to improve the performance by introducing a similarity measure (Dice coefficient), using a list of cognates and morph analyzer. Li and Chengqing Zong [11] addressed the word alignment between sentences with different valid word orders, which changes the order of the word sequences (called word reordering) of the output hypotheses to make the word order more exactly match the alignment reference.
K-vec algorithm [13] makes use of the word position and frequency feature to find word correspondences using Eucli-
dean distance. Ittycheriah and Roukos [8] proposed a maximum entropy word aligner for Arabic-English machine translation. Martin et al. [9] have discussed word alignment for languages with scarce resources. Bing Xiang, Yonggang Deng and Bowen Zhou [1] proposed Diversify and Combine: Improving Word Alignment for Machine Translation on Low-Resource Languages. This approach on an English-to-Pashto translation task by combining the alignments obtained from syntactic reor- dering, stemming, and partial words. Jamie Brunning, Adria de Gispert and William Byrne proposed Context- Dependent Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation [10]. This models lead to an improvement in alignment quality, and an increase in translation quality when the alignments are used in Arabic-English and Chi- nese-English translation.
Most current SMT systems [14] use a generative model
for word alignment such as the one implemented in
the freely available tool GIZA++ [16]. GIZA++ is an
implementation of the IBM alignment models [15]. These
models treat word alignment as a hidden process, and
maximize the probability of the observed (e, f) sentence
pairs using the Expectation Maximization (EM) algo-
rithm, where e and f are the source and the target sen-
tences. In [4] all the conducted experiments prove that
the augmented approach, on multiple corpuses, per-
forms better when compared to the use of GIZA++ and
NATools individually for the task of English-Hindi word alignment. D.Wu, (1994) [3] has developed Chinese and English parallel corpora in the Department of Computer
Science and University of Science and Technology in Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong. Here two methods are ap- plied which are important once. Firstly, the gale’s me-
tween the lengths of two sentences in parallel text. They used a multi-feature approach with dictionary lookup as a primary technique and other methods such as local word grouping, transliteration similarity (edit-distance) and a nearest aligned neighbors approach to deal with many-to-many word alignment. Their experiments are based on the EMILLE (Enabling Minority Language En- gineering) corpus. They obtained 99.09% accuracy for many-to-many sentence alignment and 77% precision and
67.79% recall for many-to-many word alignment.


Essential for building parallel corpora is the alignment of tanslated segments with source segments. Alignment is a central issue in the construction and exploitation of parallel corpora. One of the central modeling problems in statistical machine translation (SMT) is alignment be- tween parallel texts. The duty of alignment methodology is to identify translation equivalence between sentences, words and phrases within sentences. In most literature, alignment methods are categorized as either association approaches or estimation approaches (also called heuris- tic models and statistical models). Association approaches use string similarity measures, word order heuristics, or co-occurrence measures (e.g. mutual information scores).
The central distinction between statistical and heuris-
tic approaches is that statistical approaches are based on
well-founded probabilistic models while heuristic ones
are not. Estimation approaches use probabilities esti-
mated from parallel corpora, inspired from statistical ma-
chine translation, where the computation of word align-
ments is part of the computation of the translation model.

3.1 IBM Alignment Models 1 through 3

In their systematic review of statistical alignment models (Och and Ney ,2003[5]), Och and Ney describe the essence of statistical alignment as trying to model the probabilistic relationship between the source language string m, and target language string e, and the alignment a between positions in m and e. The mathematical notations com- monly used for statistical alignment models follow.
thods is used to Chinese and English which shows that
length-based methods give satisfactory result even be-
tween unrelated languages which is a surprising result. Next, it shows the effect of adding lexical cues to a length
–based methods. According to these results, using lexical information increases accuracy of alignment from 86% to
A hybrid approach to align sentences and words in
English-Hindi parallel corpora[12] presented an align-
ment system that aligns English-Hindi texts at the sen-
tence and word level in parallel corpora. They described a
Myanmar and English sentences m and e, contain a
number or tokens, J and I (Equation 1). Tokens in sen-
tences m and e can be aligned, correspond to one another.
The set of possible alignments is denoted A, and each
alignment from j to i (Myanmar to English) is denoted by

aj which holds the index of the corresponding token i in the English sentence(see equation 2).

A  {( j, i) : j  1,...,J ; i  1,...,I}

simple sentence length approach to sentence alignment and a hybrid, multi-feature approach to perform word alignment. They use regression techniques in order to

j i a j

i a j

learn parameters which characterize the relationship be-
The basic alignment model using the above described

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 3

ISSN 2229-5518

notation can be seen in Equation 3.

Pr(eI | m J )

predict whether expressions in different languages have equivalent meanings. For example:

1 1

Pr(eI , a I | m J )




| m J


)  Pr(eI

, a I

| m J )


Translation (one to one alignment)

1 1 1 1




J|e J), the align-

The second problem: is to align positions in the source lan-

From the basic translation model Pr(m1 1
ment is included into equation to express the likelihood of a certain alignment mapping one token in sentence f to a
token in sentence e, Pr(m J,a J|e J). If all alignments are

1 1 1

considered, the total likelihood should be equal to the
basic translation model probability.
The above described model is the IBM Model 1. In this model, word positions are not considered.

Model 2

One problem of Model 1 is that it does not have any way of differentiating between alignments that align words on the opposite ends of the sentences, from alignments which are closer. Model 2 add this distinction. Given source and target lengths(l,M), probability that ith target word is connected to jth source word. the distortion prob- ability is given as D(i | j, l , m).The best alignment can be calculated as follow:
guage (SL) sentence with positions in the target language
(TL) sentence.

Solution: This problem is addressed by the distortion

model. It takes care of the differences in word orders of
the two languages. A novel metric to measure word order
similarity (or difference) between any pair of languages

based on word alignments. For example:

Distortion (word order) and NULL Insertion (spurious words)

The third problem: is to find out how many TL words are generated by one SL word. Note that an SL word may sometimes generate no TL word, or a TL word may be generated by no SL word (NULL insertion).

Solution: The fertility model is supposed to account for

a m [i, j, l, M ]  arg max

d (i | j, M , l) *t(e | m )

this. For example:

j1 i

Model 3

i j (4)

Languages such as Swedish and German make use of compound words. Myanmar language also makes use of compound words. Languages such as English do not. This difference makes translating between such languag- es impossible for certain words, the previous models 1 and 2 would not be capable of mapping one Myanmar, Swedish or German word into two English words. Model
3 however introduces fertility based alignment, which
considers such one to many translations probable. We
uniformly assign the reverse distortion probabilities for
model-3. Given source and target lengths(l,M), probabili-
ty that ith target word is connected to jth source word. The
best alignment can be calculated as follow:

F( |m ) = probability that m is aligned with target words.

a m [i, j, l, M ]  arg max(D | j, l, M )  T (e | m ) 

Fertility (one to many alignment)


The proposed system is combination of corpus based ap- proach and dictionary lookup approach. Alignment step uses corpus based approach as first and dictionary loo- kup approach. If the corpus has not enough data, the sys- tem uses dictionary lookup approach. The following sec- tions explain each approach.

4.1 Corpus based Approach

The corpus based approach is based on the first three IBM
models and Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm.

j 1

i i j

Drev ( j | i, l, m)  F (i | m j )

The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is used to iteratively estimate alignment model probabilities accord- ing to the likelihood of the model on a parallel corpus. In

3.2 Problem Statements and Solutions

In approaches based on IBM models, the problem of word alignment is divided into several different problems.

The first problem: is to find the most likely translations

of an SL word, irrespective of positions.

Solution: This part is taken care of by the translation

model. This model describes the mathematical relation-
ship between two or more languages. The main thing is to
the Expectation step, alignment probabilities are com- puted from the model parameters and in the Maximiza- tion step, parameter values are re-estimated based on the alignment probabilities and the corpus. The iterative process is started by initializing parameter values with uniform probabilities for IBM Model 1. The EM algorithm is only guaranteed to find a local maximum which makes the result depend on the starting point of the estimation

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 4

ISSN 2229-5518

process. This system is implemented EM algorithm and deals with problem statements. The iterative EM algo- rithm corresponding to the translation problem can be described as:
Step-1: Collect all word types from the source and target corpora. For each source word m collect all target words e that co-occurs at least once with m.
Step-2: Initialize the translation parameter uniformly
(uniform probability distribution), i.e., any target word
probably can be the translation of a source word e. In this
step, there are two main tasks for aligning the source and
target sentences. The detail algorithm of each task is
shown Figure 1 and Figure 2. The first task is pre-

processing and the second task is the usage of the first three IBM models.

Pre-processing Phase Accept Source Sentence; Accept Target Sentence;

Remove Stop Word in Source Words (S) eg:

For each Source Sentence S do

Separate into words;

Store Source Words Indexes; End For

For each Target Sentence T do

Separate into words;

Store Target Words Indexes; End For

Figure 1. Algorithm for Pre-processing

in Corpus

Else English Word with Null insertion

End If

End For

Calculate Probability T End For

Figure 2. The First Three IBM Models Based Algorithm

Myanmar Word

English Word











Figure 3. Example of Ambiguity Words

4.2 Dictionary Lookup Approach

We have used dictionary (bilingual Myanmar-English dictionary) which consists of 10,000 word to word transla- tions. The dictionary lookup approach for alignment is as below:

Step-1: Collect all word types from the source and target corpora.

For each source word m collect all target words e that co occurs at least once with m.

Step-2: Any target word (e) probably can be the translation of a source word (m) and the lengths of the source and target sentences are s and t, respectively.

Initialize the expected translation count Tc and Total to 0

Step-3: Iteratively refine the translation probabilities.

For i=1 to s do

Source Words with N-grams Method

Select Target Words FROM Bilingual corpus

WHERE Source Similar mi

total+=T(mi) in corpus

For j=1 to t do

If ej Found in Corpus

Tc(ej|mi)+= T(ej|mi)

Store Source Word Index and Target

Word Index

Align Source Word and Target Word and

Store in Corpus

Else if

Use the English Pattern (combine English words with N-grams method)

If T (mi) with Target Word found in Corpus

Tc(ej|mi)+= T(ej|mi)

Find a Root of Myanmar

word and English POS Search in Dictionary

NO Found?


Return English Root Word(s) from Dictionary

NO Match



Align Myanmar word with English

Makes as unaligned

Bigram English word

Store Source Word Index and Target Word Index

Align Source Word and Target Word and Store

Figure 4. Dictionary Lookup Algorithm

IJSER © 2011

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 5

ISSN 2229-5518

/[0]he[PP] /[1]sat[VBD]

/[0]She[PP] /[1]ran[VBD]

႕/ They PP /[1]came[VBD]

/[1]boy[NN] /[2]ran[VBD]



/[0]He[PP] /[2]quickly[RB]


/[0]I[PP] /[2]slowly[RB]


/[0]He[PP] /[4]mat[NN]

/[3]a[DT] /


/ e PP /[4]tree[NN]

/[2]under[IN] /[1]play[VBP]

/[0]He[PP] /

/ /[4]she[PP]

/[5]is thin[VBZ]

/[0]He[PP] /[1]worked hard[VBD]

/[0]he[PP] /[1]failed[VBD]

/[0]he[PP] /[3]examination[NN]



/[0]He[PP] / h e /[2]in[IN]


Figure 6. Proposed Alignment System

Input two sentences are

They go to pagoda.

After Segmentation

_ _ _ _

They go to pagoda.

Figure 5. Bilingual Corpus Format


This system consists of the following steps:
Step 1: Accept pair of Myanmar and English sentences
Step 2: English is well-developed, and there are many
freely available resources for that language. English sen- tence is passed to Parser and it will produced Part-of-
speech tagged output and root word output.
Step 3: Segment the words in Myanmar sentence using
Maximun matching algorithm[17], and remove the stop
words. In this step, Myanmar sentence is morphological
rich. After that, using Tri-Grams method, analysis the


After Stemming

[0] [1] [2]

[0]They[PP] [1]go[VB] [2]to[TO] [3]pagoda[NN].

Afer Align

[0] /[0]They[PP]

[1] / [3]pagoda[NN].

[2] /[2]to[TO]

[3] / [1]go[VB]

Figure 7. Example Alignment Procedure
noun and verb affixes (morphological analysis). Each sen- tence is calculated backward.
Step 4: The output from Step 2 and Step 3 are aligned based on the first three IBM models and EM algorithm using parallel corpus. The result from this step is the aligned words. The high probability words are taken to insert to Parallel Corpus.


This system used the Myanmar-English corpus (1000 sentence pairs) and 250 sentence pairs for testing. The sentences were at least 4 words long. We report the per- formance of our alignment Models in terms of precision and recall defined as:
Step 5. After Step 4, the remaining unaligned words are aligned using Myanmar-English bilingual dictionary. The lookup approach uses Myanmar root word and English
Recall= Wcorrect
POS in the dictionary to get the English word. Parallel
corpus is used as training data set and also the output of the system.

Precision= x100% WStotal

F-measure = x100%

Input Myanmar Sentence

Input English Sentence

IJSER © 2011


International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 9, September-2011 6

ISSN 2229-5518

Where, Wcorrect is the number of correctly aligned words, WDTotal is the number of words and WSTotal is the number of aligned words by the system. According to the experimental results, it shows in Table 1. By using com- bination of Corpus based approach and dictionary lookup approach, the precision increased.


S1 is Corpus Based Approach
S2 is Dictionary Lookup Approach
S3 is Corpus Based Approach + Dictionary Lookup Ap- proach
Table 1. Results for Experinment





Precision (%)




Recall (%)




F-measure (%)





We have shown that building Myanmar-English parallel corpus can be improved by a combination of corpus based approach and dictionary lookup approach. Myan- mar languages are morphologically rich. Thus, in future, the proposed model will be better result by using a list of cognates and morphological analysis. This system can be extended as phrase alignment model. We will work on many to many word alignments and have to test the algo- rithm for large bilingual corpora.


I wish to offer my deep gratitude to my supervisor Pro- fessor Dr. Ni Lar Thein, Rector of the University of Computer Studies, Yangon and my co-supervisor Asso- ciate Prof. Dr. Khin Mar Soe, Computer Software Department, University of Computer Studies, Yangon for giving their valuable advice, helpful comments and precious time to my research.


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Khin Thandar Nwet is current- ly pursuing Ph.D degree pro- gram in University of Com- puter Studies, Yangon, Myanmar, PH-0973176035.

I got M.C.Sc from University of

Computer Studies, Mandalay in

1997. I am also an assistant lec- turer. My research interest is Natural language processing. Email:

IJSER © 2011