Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h, Vo lume 3, Issue 2, February -2012 1

ISS N 2229-5518

Analysis of Execution Plans in

Query Optimization

Dr. Sunita M. Mahajan, Mrs. Vaishali P. Jad h av

Abs tractThe sequence in w hich the source tables are accessed during query execution is called a query execution plan. The process of selecting one execution plan f rom potentially many possible plans is ref erred to as query optimization. The query optimizer is one of the most important components of a query processor. The input to the optimizer consists of the query, the database schema (table and index def initions), and the database statistics. The output of the optimizer is a query execution plan, sometimes ref erred to as a query plan or just a plan. The goal is to eliminate as many unneeded tuples, or row s as possible. The paper describes the design of query optimizer w ith f our basic phases such as Query Analysis, Index Selection Join Selection and Plan Selection.

Index TermsExecution plan, index selection, join selection, query analysis, query optimization.

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here are three phases that a query passes through during the
DBMS‟ processing of that query:
• Parsing and translation
• Optimization
• Evaluation
Most queries submitted to a DBMS are in a high -level lan- guage such as SQL. During the parsing and translation stage, the human readable form of the query is translated into forms usable by the DBMS. These can be in the forms of a relational algebra expression, query tree and query graph.
The first step in processing a query submitted to a DBMS is to convert the query into a form usable by the query processing engine. High-level query languages such as SQL represent a query as a string, or sequence, or characters. Certain sequences of characters represent various types of to- kens such as keywords, operators, operands, literal strings, etc. Like all languages, there are rules (syntax and grammar) that govern how the tokens can be combined into unders- tandable (i.e. valid) statements. The primary job of the parser is to extract the tokens from the raw string of characters and translate them into the corresponding internal data elements (i.e. relational algebra operations and operands) and struc- tures (i.e. query tree, query graph). The last job of the parser is to verify the validity and syntax of the original query string.

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Dr. Sunita M. Mahajan is currently Principal, Institute of Computer

Science, MET, Mumbai. E-mail:

Mrs. Vaishali P Jadhav is an Assistant professor in St Francis Instituteof

Technology, Borivali. She is a research scholar in NMIMS University,E-
In optimization phase, the query processor applies rules to the internal data structures of the query to transform these structures into equivalent, but more efficient representations. The rules can be based upon mathematical models of the rela- tional algebra expression and tree (heuristics), upon cost es- timates of different algorithms applied to operations or upon the semantics within the query and the relations it involves. Selecting the proper rules to apply, when to apply them and how they are applied is the function of the query op- timization engine.
The final step in processing a query is the evaluation phase. The best evaluation plan candidate generated by the optimi- zation engine is selected and then executed. There can exist multiple methods of executing a query. Besides processing a query in a simple sequential manner, some of a query‟s individual operations can be processed in paral- lel—either as independent processes or as interdependent pipelines of processes or threads. Regardless of the method chosen, the actual results should be same [1][2].


The paper focuses on query optimization based on cost, which determines the query plan that will access the data with the least amount of processing time. The input to the op- timizer consists of the query, the database schema (table and index definitions), and the database statistics. The output of the optimizer is a query execution plan, sometimes referred to as a query plan or just a plan.
The primary goal of the query optimizer is to find the cheap- est access path to minimize the total time to process the query. To achieve this goal, the optimizer analyses the query and searches for access paths and techniques to minimize log- ical page access and physical page access. Disk I/O is the most significant factor in query cost. Therefore fewer physical and logical I/O, speeds up the query [3][4][5].

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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 2 , Fe bruary -2012 2

ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 1 Input and output to query optimizer
Query optimization has four basic steps:
• Query Analysis
• Index Selection
• Join Selection
• Plan Selection

2.1 Query Ana lysis

Query analysis phase look at each clause of the query and determine whether it can be useful in limiting how much data to be scanned. It checks whether the clause is useful as a search argument (SARG) or as a part of join criteria. A clause that can be used as a search argument is referred to as Surga- ble or Optimizable argument. It can make use of index for faster retrieval.
A SARG limits a search because it specifies an exact match, a range of values or a conjunction of two or more items joined by AND. It also contains a constant expression that acts on a column by using an operator. SURGABLE operators includes
<, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN and sometimes LIKE operator. LIKE
is surgable depending upon the wildcard used.
Consider the following surgable query:

Select emp_name, emp_designation, emp_salary from Employee

where emp_name like ‘JOHN%’

Consider the following non-surgable query:

Select emp_name, emp_designation, emp_salary from Employee

where emp_name like ‘_JOHN’

The second query is non-surgable because the wildcard (_) at the beginning of JOHN prevents the use of index.
An expression that is not surgable can not limit the search. Every row has to be checked to determine whether it meets the conditions in the where claus e. So index is not use- ful to non- surgable expressions. Typical non -surgable ex- pressions includes NOT, !=, < >, ! >, NOT EXISTS, NOT IN and NOT LIKE etc.Surgable expressions use Clustered Index Scan and Non- Surgable expressions use Index Seek. Index scan is a vertical traversal of an index and index seek is a horizontal traversal of an index [6][7].

2.2 Index Selection

Index is a database object, which can be created on one or more columns (16 Max columns combination).When creat- ing the index , optimizer will read the column(s) and forms a relevant data structure to minimize the number of data com- parisons. The index will improve the performance of data re- trieval and adds some overhead on data modification.
Conditions specified in where clause, i.e. the column used in where clause should have an index for searching as well as fast retrieval of data. If index covers all the referenced col- umns then index is called covering index and is one of the way to access data. Consider the following table:
Table 1: Customer Table

Cust_i d





Ric h



Ric h


Am anat

Mi ddle


Je n et

Poo r


San dee p

Ric h



Poo r



Mi ddle

Clustered Index:
The primary key created for the particular column will create
a clustered index for that column. A table can have only one clustered index on it. When creating the clustered index, SQL server 2005 reads the column and forms a Binary tree on it. This binary tree information is then stored separately in the disc. With the use of the binary tree, the search for the partic- ular row based on the indexed column decreases the number of comparisons to a large amount.
Consider the following clustered index:

Create clustered index CLUS_CUST_ID on customer


The use of index on Cust_id will generate binary tree and reduce the number of comparisons while sea rching for a par- ticular Cust_id in customer table[3][4].
Non-Clustered Index:
A non-clustered index is useful for columns that have some
repeated values. A clustered index is automatically created when we create the primary key for the table. The non - clustered index has to be created separately. A table can have more than one Non-Clustered index. But, it should have only one clustered index that works based on the binary tree concept. Non-Clustered column always depends on the Clus- tered column in the database.Consider the following non - clustered index:

Create non-clustered index NCLUS_CUST_CATEGORY on cus- tomer (cust_category)

In the above scenario, the cust_category is non-clustered in-
dex and the cust_id is clustered index arranged in a binary

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Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 2 , Fe bruary -2012 3

ISSN 2229-5518

tree. Here, the Cust_category column with distinct values Rich, Middle, Poor will store the clustered index columns values along with it.
For example; Let us take only class value of Rich. The Index goes like this:
Index Cost
For determining the selectivity of a SARG, the estimate cost of the access methods that can be used is calculated. Even if a useful index is present, it might not be used if the optimizer determines that it is not the cheapest access method. One of the main components of the cost calculation is the amount of logical I/O, which is the number of page accesses that are needed. Logical I/O is counted whether the pages are already in the memory cache or must be read from disk and brought into the cache. Pages are always retrieved from cache via a request to the buffer manager, so all reads are logical. If the pages are not already in the cache, they must be brought in by buffer manager.
query is multi-table query or a self- join, the query optimizer evaluates join selection and selects join strategy with the low- est cost. It determines the cost using a number of factors, i n- cluding expected number of reads and the amount of memo- ry required. It can choose between three basic strategies for processing joins: nested loop joins, merge joins, and hash joins[5][6].
Nested Loop Join
Iteratively scanning the rows of one table and trying to match with second table using index is called nested loop join. If i n- dex is not available then hash join is used.
Cons ider the following jo in

Select dept_no, emp_id, emp_salary

from department dept join employee empl on dept.dept_no = empl.dept_no


Do(Until no more dept ows); GET NEX T dept row



// Scan empl, using an index empl.deptno

GET NEXT e mpl row for given

In those cases, the read is also physical. Whether the access
method uses a clustered index, one or more non -clustered
indexes, a table scan, or another option determines the esti- }

dept end

mate number of logical reads[5]. The estimated cos t in logical
reads for diffe rent inde x s tructures is given below:
Table 2: The analysis of cost of data access for tables with dif- ferent index structures

2.3 Join Selection

Join Selection is the third step in query optimization. If the
Merge Join
When two inputs are sorted on the join column then merge join is used. If the inputs are already sorted then less I/O is required to process a merge join if the join is one to many. A many to many merge join uses a temporary table to store rows instead of discarding them. If there are duplicate val- ues from each input one of the inputs must rewind to start of the duplicates as each duplicate from other input is processed.
Pseudo- Code

GET one dept row and one empl row

DO( until one input is empty)

IF dept_no values are equal

Return values from both rows

GET next employee row

ELSE IF empl.dept_no < dept.dept_no

GET next employee row

ELSE GET next department row

Hash Join
Hashing determines whether a particular data item matches
an already existing value by dividing the existing data into groups based on some property. Hash Bucket contains the data with the same value. For finding the match of new data, hash bucket with existing data is to be checked. While processing hash joins, the smaller input is taken as build in- put. The buckets are actually stored as linked lists, in which each entry contains only columns from build input that are

IJSER © 2012

http ://

Inte rnatio nal Jo urnal o f Sc ie ntific & Eng inee ring Re se arc h Vo lume 3, Issue 2 , Fe bruary -2012 4

ISSN 2229-5518

needed. The collection of these linked lists is called the hash table [6][7]. Table 3.s hows the analys is of bas ic s trategies for process ing joins.

Allocate an Empty Hash Table For Each Row in the Build Input

Determine the hash buck et by applying the

hash function

Insert the relevant fields of the record into the bucket

For Each Record in the Probe In- put

The optimizer may choose a less efficient plan if it thinks it will take more time to evaluate many plans than to run a less efficient plan.
Suppose a query has a single table with no indexes and with no aggregates or calculations within these the query then ra- ther than spending the time in calculating the optimal plan, optimizer will simply apply single, trivial plan to these types of queries. If the query is non-trivial, the optimizer will per- form cost-based calculation to select a plan. For this purp ose, optimizer relies on statistics of the execution plan [7].

Determine the hash buck et

Scan the hash buck et for matches

Output matches

De-allocate the Hash Table

Table 3: Analysis of basic strategies for processing joins



Loop Joins



Hash Joins

Name of


Join Inputs



Build Input

Probe Input

Need of






merging time



Need of



saves the







Situation when it is used

Joining the


number of rows

Two join


are sorted

on the


Joining the


number of rows

Need of







Best use of the method


index is on

the join inputs

When join


are sorted



table fits entirely in the available memory.

2.4 Plan Selection

The plan selection is the fourth step in query optimization. It is based on the cost of a given plan, in terms of required CPU preprocessing and I/O, and how fast query will execute. Hence it is known as Cost-Based plan.The optimizer will generate and evaluate many plans and will choose the lowest cost plan. It is the plan which will execute the query as fast as possible and use the least amount of resources, CPU and I/O.


Since SQL is declarative, there are typically a large number of alternative ways to execute a given query, with widely vary- ing performance. When query is submitted to the database, the query optimizer evaluates different possible plans for executing the query and returns what it consi ders the best alternative.
Paper gives the overall phase-wise working of the query op- timizer. In Query Analysis phase, optimizer will find search arguments, OR clauses and Joins. In Index Selection phase, optimizer chooses the best index for SARGs, ORs, Join Claus- es and the best index to use for each table. In join reordering phase, optimizer evaluates join orders, computes cost and evaluates other server options for resolving joins. In plan s e- lection, optimizer will select a plan suitable for given query.
So while processing the query, a cost based query optimizer has to find the cheapest access path to minimize the total time of execution of the query.


[1] Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe.

Fundamentals of Database Systems, second edition. Addison-Wesley Pub- lishing Company, 1994.

[2] Avi Silbershatz, Hank Korth and S. Sudarshan. Database System Con- cepts, 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill,2002

[3] Henk Ernst Blok, Djoerd Hiemstra and Sunil Choenni, Franciska de Jong, Henk M. Blankenand Peter M.G. Apers.Predicting the cost-quality trade-off for information retrieval queries: Facilitatiing database design and query op- timization. Proceedings of the tenth international conference on Information and knowledge management, October2001, Pages 207-214.

[4] Reza Sadri, Carlo Zaniolo, Amir Zarkesh and JafarAdibi. Optimizationof

Sequence Queries inDatabase Systems. In Proceedings of the twentieth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACTSIGART symposium on Principles of database sys- tems, May 2001, Pages 71-81.

[5] G. Antoshenkov, “Dynamic Query Optimization in RdblVMS”, Proc. IEEE

Int „1. Conf on Data Eng.,Vienna, Austria, April 1993,538.

[6] Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

[7] K. Ono and G, M, Lehman, “Measuring the Complexity of Join Enumeration in Query Optimization”, Proc. Int„1. Con$ onVe~ Large Data Bases, Brisbane, Australia, August 1990,31

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