The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey of Different Techniques for Detection of Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Network 1

ISSN 2229-5518

A Survey of Different Techniques for Detection of

Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Network

Moutushi Singh, Rupayan Das

AbstractThe nature of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks make them very attractive to attackers. One of the most popular and serious attack in wireless ad hoc and sensor network is the wormhole attack. It is a particularly severe attack on routing protocols for ad hoc networks in which two or more colluding attackers record packets at one location, and tunnel them to another location for a replay at that remote location. When this attack targets routing control packets, the nodes that are close to the attackers are defended from any alternative routes with more than one or two hops to the remote location. All routes are thus directed to the wormhole established by the attackers. This paper focuses on Wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor network. The wormhole attack is particularly challenging to deal with since the adversary does not need to compromise any nodes and can use laptops

or other wireless devices to send the packets on a low latency channel. In This paper we have discussed and compared some of the very popular tech- niques for detecting this kind of attack.

Index TermsIntrusion detection, Wormhole attack, QoS, jitter, delay, PSD, malicious node.

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Wireless Sensor networks are comprised of many small and resource constrained sensor nodes that are deployed in an environment for many applications which require unattended, long-term operations. In WSNs, each node serves as a router for other nodes, which allows data to travel by utilizing multi- hop network paths without relying on wired infrastructure. Due to numerous constraints such as, lack of infrastructure, dynamic topology and lack of pre-established trust relation- ships between nodes, most of the envisioned routing protocols for ad hoc networks are vulnerable to a number of solve chal- lenging real world problems which continues to attract atten- tion from industrial and academic research environment. Ap- plications are emerging and widespread adoption is on the horizon. Most previous ad hoc networking research issues has focused on problems like routing and communication in a trusted environment. However, many applications run in un- trusted environments and require secure communication and routing. Applications that requires secure communications like emergency response operations, military or police net- works and safety-critical business operations such as oil drill- ing platforms or mining operations. For example, in emergen- cy response operations such as after a natural calamity like a flood, tornado, hurricane, or earthquake, ad hoc networks could be used for real-time safety feedback. Here regular communication networks may be damaged, so emergency rescue teams nowadays rely upon ad hoc networks for better communication [2].
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section
2 we present the concept of Intrusion Detection. In section 3
we present the basics of Wormhole Attack. In section 4 differ-
ent literatures are surveyed on the techniques of wormhole
attack detection and prevention. In section 5 comparison of the
techniques are done based on their features. Finally conclusion is given in section 6.


An intrusion detection system (IDS) inspects all inbound and outbound network activities and identifies suspicious patterns that may indicate a network or system attack from an attacker attempting to break into or conciliation a system. With the wide spread use of computer networks the number of attacks has grown extensively and many new hacking tools and intru- sive methods have appeared. Using an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one way of dealing with suspicious activities within a network.This System monitors the activities of a giv- en environment and decides whether these activities are mali- cious (Intrusive) or genuine (normal) based on system integri- ty, confidentiality and the availability of information re- sources. The Intrusion Detection System collects information about the system being observed. This collected audit data is processed by the detector. The detector eliminates unneces- sary information from the audit data and then makes a deci- sion to evaluate the probability that these activities can be con- sidered as a sign of an intrusion [1] [3].
There are following five measures to evaluate the efficiency of an intrusion detection system. They are:
Accuracy – incorrectness occurs when an intrusion detection system flags as abnormal or intrusive a genuine action in the surroundings.
Performance – The performance of an intrusion detection sys- tem is the rate at which audit events are processed. If the performance of the intrusion detection is de- prived, then real-time detection is not possible.
Completeness – Incompleteness occurs when the intrusion detection system fails to detect an attack. This

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ISSN 2229-5518

measure is very difficult to assess because it is im- possible to have a global knowledge about the at- tacks or abuses of privileges.
Fault Tolerance – An intrusion detection system should itself be dead set against to attacks, especially denial of service. This is very important because most of the intrusion detection systems run on top of commer- cially available operating systems or hardware, which are known to be susceptible to attacks.
Timeliness – An intrusion detection system has to perform and propagate its analysis as quickly as possible to enable security events. This implies more than the measure of performance, because it not only en- compasses the essential processing speed of the- intrusion detection system, but also the time re- quired to transmit the same and to reply to it.

tivity based protocols in the network. Once the new routes are established and the traffic in the network starts using the X-Y shortcut, the wormhole nodes can start dropping packets and cause network disruption. They can also spy on the packets going through them and use the large amount of collected information to break any network security.

Fig. 2 Wormhole attack
In a wormhole attack using wired links or a high quality wire- less out-of-band links, attackers are directly linked to each other, so they can communicate swiftly. However they need special hardware to support such communication. On the con- trarily, a wormhole using packet encapsulation is relatively much slower, but it can be launched easily since it does not need any special hardware or special routing protocols [1] [2] [4].
Fig. 1 Intrusion Detection System for Security Man- agement


A wormhole attack is considered dangerous as it is independ- ent of MAC layer protocols and immune to cryptographic techniques. In wormhole attacks, attackers create a low- latency link between two points in the network. This can be achieved by either compromising two or more sensor nodes of the network or adding a new set of malicious nodes to the network. Two attackers connected by a High speed Off- channel Link, are strategically placed at different ends of a network. Once the link is established, the attacker collects data packets on one end of the link, sends the data packets using the low-latency link and replays them at the other end [4].
Here X & Y be two Wormholes (Intruder) connected by Wormhole link.X replays in its neighbourhood (in area A) eve- rything that Y hears in its own neighbourhood (area B) and vice versa. The net effect of such an attack is that all the nodes in area A assume that nodes in area B are their neighbors and vice versa. This, as a result, affects routing and other connec-
There are two types of wormhole attack: Hidden Mode (HM) and Participation Mode (PM). HM wormhole nodes are con- cealed from genuine nodes as they do not process routing packets. They simply capture, tunnel and forward packets to each other and never appear in routing tables. Distinctively, PM wormhole nodes are visible during the routing process since they process routing packets as any normal node.

Significance of Wormhole Attack

Though wormhole is a useful networking service because it simply presents a long network link to the link layer and up, the attacker may use this link for his own benefit. After the attacker attracts a lot of data traffic through the wormhole, it can interrupt the data flow by selectively sinking or modifying data packets, generating gratuitous routing activities by turn- ing off the wormhole link sporadically [4]. The attacker can also simply record the traffic for later analysis. Using worm- holes an attacker can also break any protocol that directly or indirectly relies on geographic immediacy. Like, target track- ing applications in sensor networks can be easily mystified in the presence of wormholes. Likewise, wormholes will affect connectivity-based localization algorithms, as two neighboring nodes are localized in close proximity and the wormhole links essentially ‘fold’ the entire network. This can have a major impact as location is a useful service in many protocols and application, and often out-of-band location systems such as

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey of Different Techniques for Detection of Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Network 3

ISSN 2229-5518

GPS are considered expensive or unusable because of the en- vironment [5].


In this paper several wormhole detection and prevention techniques are discussed. All the techniques are having their own advantages ans disadvantages.
The authors of [6] have discussed about localization-based systems, which are susceptible to wormhole attacks as they can disturb the localization procedure. For preventing the ef- fect of wormhole attack, a 'distance-consistency-based secure location' scheme was projected, which incorporated wormhole attack detection, valid location recognition and self- localization. To achieve secure localization in the network and shielding against wormhole attack, Chen et al. [7]make a 'con- flicting-set' for each node to use all differing sets of its adjacent locators for filtering out incorrect distance measurements of its adjacent locators. But the downside of this method is that it only works properly when the system has no packet loss. As the attackers may drop the packets intentionally, the packet loss is unavoidable when the system is underneath a worm- hole attack.
In case of Localization based approach, Lazos and Poovendran [8] developed a "graph-theoretical" approach for the preven- tion of wormhole attack. The anticipated protocol is based on the use of limited location-aware guard nodes (LAGNs) which are in the known location and initiation and achieved through GPS receivers. LAGNs use "local broadcast keys" that are valid only between instant one hop neighbors. In their proposed protocol, for challenging wormhole attackers, a message en- crypted with a local key - encrypted with the pair-wise key - at one end of the network and will not be decrypted at the other end. In [8] it is recommended that, use of hashed messages from LAGNs to sense wormholes during the key founding. A node can detect certain inconsistencies in messages from dif- ferent LAGNs if a wormhole is present. In the absence of wormhole, a node is not capable to have the sense of hearing two LAGNs that are away, and are not able to hear the same message from one protector twofold.
The authors of [9] proposed the Hop Count (delay per hop indication [DELPHI] method. Both the hop count and delay per hop indication (DelPHI) are monitored for wormhole de- tection here. The elementary assumption in [9] is that, the re- scheduling of a packet under normal condition for propagat- ing one hop is very high in wormhole attack as the actual path between the nodes is longer than the advertised path. Like[9], the proposed methodology in [10] for wormhole detection is also a two-step process. In the first phase, from a set of dis- lodge paths from sender to receiver, the route path infor- mation are collected. Each sender embraces a timestamp on a special DREQ packet and sign it before sending it to the re- ceiver. Each node upon receiving the packet for first time will
include its node ID and increase the hop count by 1 and dis- cards the packet next time onwards. The DREP packets will be sent by the receiver for each dislodge path received by it. For three times this course of action is carried out and the shortest delay and hop count information is selected for wormhole detection. In the second phase, the round trip time (RTT) is taken by calculating the time discrepancy between the packet it had sent to its neighbor and the reply received by it. The delay per hop value (DPH) is calculated as RTT/2h, where h is the hop count to the particular neighbor. A smaller h will have smaller RTT in normal conditions.But, under wormhole attack, a smaller hop count is having a larger RTT. If one DPH value for node X exceeds the consecutive one by some threshold, then the path through node X to all other paths with DPH val- ues larger than it is treated as under wormhole attack[10] [11] . The authors of [12] proposed another technique for the detec- tion of Wormhole attack, which is Hello Message timing in- terval procedure. Here revealing of wormhole nodes is done due to the Hello control messages. As a metric of compliance with the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, the percentage of HELLO Message Timing Intervals (HMTIs) that fall within a range is surrounded by the amount of jitter. A range R = [T - δ, T + δ] is defined. If an HMTI is in this range R, it is considered to be legitimate; otherwise it is out-of- protocol. An inferior test is done whenever the Hello Message Timing Interval packet behavior is doubtful. On the contrarary
, a weakly performing node is associated with it a relatively
large number of retry packets, which would not be the case
with an attacking node. In this way, the problem of false posi-
tive alarms is solved[11] [12].
In case of both SAW [13] & DAW [14] technique, similar methodologies are discussed. But the major difference is the use of routing protocols. In reference [13], AODV protocol was followed while in [14], DSR routing protocol was used [17] [18]. In both of these papers, trust based security models have been proposed and used to detect intrusion. Arithmetical methods are used to identify the wormhole attack. If any link is found to be doubtful, then existing trust information is used to identify the wormhole tunnel. In this trust model , nodes observe neighbors based on the pattern of their packet drop but not on the number of packet drops. In [14], another algo- rithm for detecting the presence of wormhole WSN is pro- posed. Here, after sending the RREQ, the source waits for the RREP. The source receives many RREP coming through dif- ferent routes. The link with very high frequency is checked and the value is checked with a previously defined threshold coefficient value. If the number of packet drop is higher than the number of packets sent, then there is the presence of wormhole.
The Cluster based detection technique is used in [15]. The au- thors of [15] have made an assumption that the MANET is made of a cluster of nodes. The underlying routing topology is AODV [16] [17].Different data structures are described to un- derstand and propose the algorithm. Two layers have been

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ISSN 2229-5518

described. When a node in the cluster of layer 1 expect worm- hole attack within the cluster, it informs the cluster head of layer 1, which informs the cluster head at layer 2 about the malicious node. This cluster head of layer 2, broadcasts this information to all the cluster heads at layer 1. The cluster heads at layer 1 then inform their respective cluster members within the cluster.
Fig. 3 Cluster Based Detection Technique
In Fig. 3, source node S sends a HELLO packet to destination node D. S has a path to D via (2, 3). M1, being in the closeness of S, overhears the HELLO message and forwards the same to node M2 in the other cluster of the network. Node D hears this HELLO message from S and therefore considers S to be its immediate neighbor and follow the route to send message to S via M1 and M2. The node 3 which is at the overlapping posi- tion of two cluster acts as GUARD node who can here every packet send by node S for the destination node D and monitor the packets route from source to destination. The guard node is also called monitoring node. When S observes some mali- cious behavior when it sends packet to D it informs the guard node. The guard node then checks the number of packets send for the node D and those actually received by D from S. Then it calculates Δp = PKTSNT(S, D) - PKTRCD (S, D). If the value of Δp surmounts the threshold value that is predefined by the monitoring node then monitoring node finds out the worm- hole attack [15].
He Ronghui et. Al. in [19] have described wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks with the use of Beacon nodes.This paper introduces an easy and effective method to detect and locate the wormholes. As wormhole attack is reac- tive, it happens only when a message is being transmitted in the area near a wormhole. A distributed algorithm is used to detect and locate a wormhole attack, in which each beacon node acts as a detector, each sensor node participates for hop counting, while the base station controls the start and end of the detecting procedure, and estimates the locations of worm- hole ends based on alarm messages sent from beacon nodes. It
acts like the Guard nodes of Cluster based technique [15]. This paper presents a distributed wormhole detection and localization algorithm which takes advantage of the known locations of beacon nodes. Its calculation cost is very low compared to those extra hardwares such as directional anten- nas and accurate clocks or manual setup of networks. It also provides the location of wormhole with a very small localiza- tion error.
In [20], the authors described the End to End Detection of Wormhole Attack (EDWA) technique. In some routing proto- cols of wireless ad hoc networks like AODV [17] and DSR [18], the source node first initiates a routing discovery by broad- casting a ROUTE REQUEST packet. All intermediate nodes continue broadcasting the ROUTE REQUEST upon receiving it until the ROUTE REQUEST reaches the destination or some nodes that have a route to the destination. Then a ROUTE RE- PLY will be unicasted back to the source along a routing table or according to the path in the packet header. The authors have modified these routing protocols to make them flexible with the wormhole attack. After sending the packet, it re- trieves the receiver’s site from the packet. Based on measure- ment of the sites, the sender estimates the shortest path in terms of hop count. The sender also retrieves the hop count value from the received ROUTE REPLY packet and compares it with the estimated value. We denote the estimated hop count of the shortest path as he and the value from the ROUTE REPLY packet as hr. If the received hop count value is smaller than the estimation, that is hr < _he, the sender predicts a wormhole attack and will mark the corresponding route. Once a wormhole is detected by the sender, the sender temporarily enables the path with wormhole and sends out a TRACING packet to the receiver. This TRACING packet is forwarded by each midway node through the route with wormhole. When a node in the route receives the TRACING packet, it acknowl- edges the source node with its current position by replying a TRACING-RESPONSE packet. The source will then estimate shortest path to each midway node and identify the two end points of the wormhole in a small area. An ERROR message is broadcasted to inform the presence of wormhole.
A new scheme called Statistical Analysis of Multi-path (SAM) is proposed in [21]. The authors used the maximum probabil- ity of relative frequency of a link to occur in the set of all ob- tained routes from one route discovery and the difference be- tween the most frequently appeared link and the second most frequently appeared links in the set of all obtained routes from one route discovery, which will be higher in the presence of wormhole attack. The probability mass function (PMF) is used to get that the maximum relative frequency, which is more for a system under wormhole attack as compared to a normal system.
The authors of [22] used a trust based model for the identifica- tion of wormhole in the sensor network. In trust-based sys- tems, each source node uses its trust information to calculate the most reliable path to a particular destination by circum- venting intermediary malicious nodes. A wormhole in a sys-

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The research paper published by IJSER journal is about A Survey of Different Techniques for Detection of Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Network

ISSN 2229-5518

tem have the least trust level if that wormhole drops all the packets and if all the packets sent reach the destination then the neighboring node of a source node will have the highest trust level.



Fig. 4 Time and Trust Based Detection Technique
It is a combined time and trust based model which detects the compromised nodes for false detection. These two models run together. Malicious nodes on the path can give the wrong im- pression about the time-based module by providing incorrect information. To prevent this problem, trust-based module al- ways observes the first module and calculates trust values of neighbor nodes. These values are used to modify the path next time.


Since wormhole attacks are easy to implement but hard to detect, wormhole prevention and detection has been an attrac- tive research problem. Here we have surveyed various worm- hole detection techniques and tried to find out their features.


Wormhole attacks in WSNs can significantly degrade network performance and threaten network security. In wormhole at- tacks, as adversaries usually replay the genuine data packets, detection of these attacks is quite complicated. In this paper we have discussed what wormhole attack is actually and how to detect them in wireless environment. All the detection pro- cedures have their own benefits and drawbacks. But there is no detection procedure which detects wormhole attack per- fectly. Here we have basically surveyed the existing approach- es which will help us in future to design a new approach for detecting the wormhole attack in wireless sensor network and MANET.

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ISSN 2229-5518


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