A Secured Mobile Learning Platform for Assessment in South-South Part of Nigeria [ ]

This paper is based on a secured mobile learning platform for assessment South-South Part of Nigeria. The use of mobile devices for learning (mobile learning) is more suitable and flexible than electronic learning (e-learning), since a lot of people own mobile devices and learning can take place anytime and anywhere. The geographical terrain of the South-South Part of Nigeria being surrounded by water bodies make it difficult for students to always attend classes, hence the need for a mobile learning platform. This system must be secured to pervert malpractice and impersonation during assessment. The proposed system software which can run on mobile devices and personal computers is designed using a modular approach. PHP and HTML were used for the effectiveness of the design together with MYSQL as the integrated database. The design system is meant to register candidates and their courses, before accessing the examination questions with the aid of a biometric fingerprint scanner. Only registered candidates with the right details can have access to the examination questions, which is in various formats and is randomly selected. The report for the assessment is immediately displayed at the end of the assessment. The result of the design system shows that candidate authentication using biometric aids can provide a solution to the difficulty of identifying the genuine candidate for examination, be it distant learning or campus learning. This definitely reduces malpractice and impersonation found in the education sector.