International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June-2012 1

ISSN 2229-5518

A Report on Compilation Techniques for Short- Vector Instructions

Ankita Joshi, Aditya Singh, K.S.Pandey

AbstractToday Multimedia extensions are prevalent in embedded systems and in general-purpose designs. Short-vector instructions are common in these extensions. This paper presents some approaches for compilation of these instructions. These approaches d iffer in their work. Vectorization purely depends on the architecture and the software pipelining is compiler based technique which exploits ILP. Selective vectorization is a mixture of above two techniques and results in better resource utilization.

Index Terms Loop unrolling, Multimedia extension, Modulo scheduling, Parallelism, Software pipelining, Vectorization, Vector-length


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ULTIMEDIA extensions are the biggest advancement in processor architecture in past decade. Now a days they are predominant in embedded systems and also in
general-purpose computers. The structure of multimedia ap- plications often contains compute-intensive kernels that oper- ate on independent streams of data. Multimedia extensions provide vector instructions that operate on relatively short vectors. Vector instructions works on SIMD (single instruction multiple data) architecture. Common examples are MMX, SSE and AltiVec . Over time multimedia extensions have grown increasingly complex. They offer extensive vector instruction sets, including support for floating-point computation. So, these short-vector instructions need some kind of improve- ment. Multimedia extensions may contain combination of vec- tor and scalar instructions. Automatic compilation faces two major challenges: identifying vector instructions in sequential descriptions, and using this information to deal with short- vector instructions efficiently. There are two important issues with multimedia extensions- memory alignment and selection of vector code. This paper presents a review of different schemes which are available to address selection of code is- sues.


When targeting the general-purpose architectures, the most important performance consideration is the overall code gen- eration scheme. There are two classic techniques for extracting parallelism: vectorization and software pipelining.
Researchers first developed vectorizing technique [1],[2] for vector supercomputers such as Cray-1[3]. More recently this


Ankita Joshi is currently pursuing masters degree program in computer science & engineering in NIT Hamirpur (H.P.), India. E-mail: anki-

Aditya Singh is currently pursuing masters degree program in computer

science & engineering in NIT Hamirpur(H.P.),India.E-mail: aditya-

K.S.Pandey is currently working as associate professor in computer science

& engineering dept. in NIT Hamirpur(H.P.),India.Email: kumarspan-
technique is adopted for compilation to multimedia exten- sions[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11]. Vectorization identifies the instructions in which the same operations operate on multiple data items concurrently.
Software pipelining is a method for exploiting ILP (instruc- tion- level parallelism). Modulo scheduling is a popular ap- proach of software pipelining. Most software pipelining im-
plementations are based on Rau’s iterative modulo scheduling heuristic. Iterative modulo scheduling was first developed for one of the first VLIW machine Cyndra 5 [12],[13].


Vectorization is a process which converts a sequential loop into a parallel version that can utilizes a processor’s vector instruction set. This transformation involves reordering of instructions. As the main work of vector instruction is to com- pute multiple values before committing any of the results. In normal programming language we write a loop as-
execute this loop 10 times
read the next instruction and decode it
fetch first number
fetch second number
add them
store the result
end loop
After vectorization the above loop looks like- read instruction and decode it
fetch 10 numbers
fetch another 10 numbers
add them
store result
Vectorization is only legal if it preserves dependencies in the original loop. Data flow analysis [14],[15] is a method which shows dependencies among scalar variables. There must be an accurate identification of dependences among memory opera- tions as they can prevent vectorization.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June-2012 2

ISSN 2229-5518

Allen and Kennedy [1] and Wolfe [2] had provided overview of techniques for memory dependence analysis. Data depen- dences are of three types-
1. Flow (or true) dependences occur when op1 writes a value which is read by op2. If this type of dependency is present between instructions then they must be execute sequentially op1 and then op2.
2. Antidependences occur when op1 reads a location which op2 subsequently overwrites.
3. Output dependences occur when op1 writes a value which op2 subsequently overwrites.
Dependences in a loop further classified as loop-carried and loop-independent, depending upon whether they occur be- tween operations in different iterations or the same iteration, respectively. For loop carried dependence we associate a dis- tance vector with each loop.
for (i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) for(k=0;k<n;k++)
The above loop contains flow dependence from store to load with distance vector (1, 3, 2). Vectorization operates at the source level representation but low level vectorization is also possible if the compiler computes dependences early and saves the information.
The basic steps for vectorizing a loop are as follows. Consider the following loop-
The data dependence graph of the above loop is-

Fig. 2. After combining strongly connected components

The result after vectorization is c[1:n+1]=e[0:n]+f[0:n];
The vector operation execute first, even though in the original code it appears later. This results from the topological sort and is necessary to preserve the dependences from statement 3 to statement 1.
Maximum number of multimedia architectures does not pro-
vide specialized hardware support for transferring data be-
tween scalar and vector registers. In this case the communica-
tion overhead is unavoidable.


Vector supercomputer works more efficiently when operates on long vector. Superword-level parallelism is obtained from unrolling data-parallel loops. Often, it is present in multime- dia codes that perform the same operation on the red, green and blue components of a pixel, as in alpha bending

In cases where data parallelism is available across loop itera-
1 tions, unrolling converts loop-level parallelism to superword-
level parallelism. Consider a loop
3 {

Fig. 1. Data dependence graph of the above loop

Then identify the strongly connected components in graph. Statements involved in cycle must execute sequentially and rests are vectorizable.
Statement 1 and 2 form a strongly connected component so must execute sequentially. Statement 3 is vectorizable.
Unrolling this loop by a factor of 2 for(i=0;i<n;i+=2)

IJSER © 2012

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June-2012 3

ISSN 2229-5518

SLP can be implemented by different algorithms. The algo- rithm, using simple greedy heuristic [16], locates groups of isomorphic expressions and replaces them with vector op- codes. Isomorphic expressions are vectorizable when they are independent. Data dependence analysis is simpler for SLP than for traditional vectorization because it can ignore loop- carried dependences. Independent isomorphic expressions may not vectorizable in all cases. Consider the following loop:
erations of an inner loop. If we schedule the loop in a tradi- tional manner, the blocks must execute sequentially in order to follow dependences. Fig 3 (b) represents parallel execution of instructions with software pipeline. The schedule preserves dependences between instructions since each state operates in a different iteration. The kernel executes repeatedly and forms the steady-state of the software pipeline. The prolog and epi- log fill and drain the pipeline, respectively.

Suppose we have architecture of vector length of 2. So we can B A B
unroll the loop by factor 2.
a[i+1]=b[i]; b[i+1]=a[i]; a[i+2]=b[i+1]; b[i+2]=a[i+1];


In the above code there is no dependences from statement 1 to statement 3, a single vector can execute both. Same is true for statement 2 and 4. Combining both pairs wll results the fol- lowing code:


There is a dependence cycle in the original loop which means full vectorization is impossible. So the above code is invalid. The SLP heuristic [16] might produce the following:
To determine when vectorizable is profitable, superword- parallelization employs an unsophisticated cost metric.


Software pipelining is a static scheduling technique for over- lapping iterations of a loop. The technique takes advantage of ILP hardware to execute operations from multiple iterations concurrently.
The blocks in Fig 3(a) represent the dependence between op-

Fig.3.(a) dependence graph of inner loop, (b) dependence graph after applying software pipelining

Most existing algorithms generate modulo schedules. A mod- ulo schedule is an ordering of instructions in an inner loop which preserves dependences and no resource conflicts. Rau’s iterative modulo scheduling heuristic [19], [20] forms the basis of many software pipelining implementations. Modulo sche- duling is applicable to any architecture providing ILP hard- ware. When available, however it benefits from rotating regis- ters and predication [12], [13]. Rotating registers provide a mechanism to queue multiple writes to the same nominal reg- ister. If they are unavailable in the target architecture, the compiler can employ unrolling and scalar renaming [18]. Pre- dication provides a means for modulo scheduling loops with control flow.


The aim of selective vectorization is to divide the operations between scalar and vector operations in order to maximize loop performance. The algorithm [22] is concerned with ba- lancing resources and ignores the latency of all operations. If dependence cycle is present in the graph then full vectoriza- tion is not possible unless the dependence distance is greater than or equal to the vector length. For example, a loop state-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June-2012 4

ISSN 2229-5518

ment a [i+3] =a[i] has a dependence cycle but can be vecto- rized for vector lengths of four or less. Selective vectorization algorithm is based on Kernighan and Lin’s two-cluster parti- tioning heuristic [21]. The algorithm divides instructions be- tween scalar and vector partition. All operations are originally placed in scalar partition. Operations are moved one at a time between the partitions, searching for a division that minimizes cost function. Once each operation has been repartitioned, the configuration with the lowest cost is used as the starting point for the next iteration. The algorithm stops when an iteration fails to improve the starting point. Operations remaining in the vector partition are vectorized. Consider the following loop:





Dependence graph of the above loop

load load

Modulo schedule table for full vectorization





















Table 2 shows that if we use full vectorization it gives an II of 1.5. Now distribute the loop into vector and scalar loops by using selective vectorizaton.
for(i=0;i< n;i++)


The modulo scheduling table for the above loop is


Fig. 4. Dependence graph of the loop

Now we create modulo schedule of the above loop with an II of






By analyzing table 3 we can say that it gives an II of 1.0.


We have shown different techniques of compilation of short- vector instructions. These instructions are common in multi- media extensions and now days they are important part of embedded and general-purpose computers. These techniques are differing in their work and complexity. Selective vectoriza- tion promises to give the best result but the algorithm is very much complex. Different heuristics can be used in selective vectorization. The selection of techniques depends on the un- derlying architecture.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June-2012 5

ISSN 2229-5518


The authors would like to acknowledge MHRD, Govt. of India for providing support by Teaching Assistantship scheme.


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