International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 52

ISSN 2229-5518



T. Ramu, Dr.T. Arivoli

AbstractIn the past fifteen years the use of Internet technologies has been substantially growing for delivery of educational content and online learn- ing has become increasingly popular and evolved. Online examination is an integral and vital component of online learning. Student assessment in online learning is largely submitted remotely without any face-to-face interaction and therefore, student authentication is widely seen as one of the major challenges in online examination. This study aims to investigate potential threats to student authentication in the online examinations and analyzing the benefits and limitations of the existing authentication approaches. Online examinations pose a unique problem, in that it can be very difficult to provide

true user authentication. Due to the inherent anonymity of being online, compared to taking an examination in a classroom environment, students may attempt to artificially boost their scores in online examinations by having another individual take the exam for them, which a typical user/password au- thentication scheme cannot detect. For this purpose, we propose the Framework of Secured Biometric student authentication in Online Examinations. This framework uses a multi-modal authentication approach to secure online examination. The solution comprises of two layers of authentication i.e. student biometric authentication and Knowledge based authentication. In this paper, we propose a framework that provides security to improve on-line examination by utilizing technologies such as biometric authentication based Keystroke Dynamics. This paper attempts to address this important prob- lem by proposing a theoretical framework that incorporates available biometric authentication technologies in conjunction with Knowledge based authen- tication. Discussions on future research and possible implications of the proposed theoretical framework for practice are provided.

Index Terms— Online Examination, Secure biometric Authentication, Keystroke dynamics


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In today’s world learning capability is judged by means of examinations. Thus, the need of exams today in universities, schools, colleges and even companies for recruitment purpos- es. The general paper-pen tests/exams are now slowly being replaced by the online internet based testing system. The growth of Internet has largely evolved teaching and learning from a conventional class room into an invaluable educational resource accessible remotely from disperse geographical loca- tions, beyond physical boundaries. The online learning envi- ronments are likely to be accessible, available, updatable, re- source efficient, useable, economical [1] and have been widely adopted by a number of educational institutions in various disciplines.
The main advantage of online examination is that it can be conducted for remote candidates and evaluation of answers can be fully automated for MCQ questions and other essay type questions can be evaluated manually or through auto- mated system, depending on the nature of the questions and the requirements. Also online examinations can be conducted at any time and does not incur higher cost as traditional exam


T..Ramu is currently pursuing PhD program in Kalasalingam Universi- ty, India. E-mail:

Dr.T .Arivoli is currently working as professor in vickram engineering college,India. E-mail:

scenario as there is no paper work involved (e.g., printing ex
-am papers, prepare paper admissions etc.,) , there are no in-
vigilators, also no need of arrangement of exam centers. When
comparing with traditional exam scenario the cost for an
online examination will be almost zero. In the online learning,
examination is integrated with the teaching and learning com-
ponents. In an online examination scenario, there may be no
face to-face interaction between students, tutors and adminis-
trators [2], thus, security is vital to the credibility of online
learning environments. The nature of online learning envi-
ronments makes it more vulnerable to various security threats.
Online examinations being an integral part of the learning environment can be high stake applications, which may fall to impersonation and malicious attacks for higher grades [3]. One of the primary goals of student authentication is to ensure
the genuine interaction of individual students with the online examination. The conventional user-id and password authen- tication is not sufficient to verify the identity of an online stu- dent.
Online exam has expanded rapidly [4], [5]. Even though, the offline exam is usually chosen as evaluation method for both on-line and off-line exams. Online course examinations are useful to evaluate the student’s knowledge using modern computer technology without any effects on the traditional university course exam that uses Pens, Papers and invigilators. Online exam can improve the standards of student’s examina-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 53

ISSN 2229-5518

tion whereas the traditional examination system using the pen and paper requires more effort on the part of students and invigilators. Online examinations are considered an important source for university exam, and the development of network technology polices has given the possibility to conduct the exams online. Thus, the university students can benefit from these services. University course exams , using the multiple choice questions and allowing the students to choose only one answer from alternative answers or the true/false questions, are traditionally using the paper and pens and they have al- ways been a heavy load for both students and lecturers. Com- puter new technology has been generally useful to the fields of education. In attitude and tools, the new computer technology gives the lecturer the advantage of an effective assessment. The traditional way of identifying the students is checking the student card, driving license, resident card or Passport.
The online process and security of the online exam system helps with eliminating cheating. This paper proposes the us- age of biometrics which supports the security control, authen- tication and integrity of online exam process. E-monitoring of students uses finger prints and cameras for preventing cheat- ing and substitution of the original student. This paper targets the online exam for basic computer in university courses with students at particular locations, at a fixed time and jumbled questions for all examinees at the restricted physical location of the examinees.
Most modern online education uses Web-based commercial courses management software [6] such as Web CT [7], black- board [8], or software developed in-house. This software is not used widely for online exams, due to security vulnerabilities, and the system must rely on students’ honesty or their having an honor code [9]. A study has been conducted on online ex- am and traditional exam which indicates that an online exam has better results than traditional exams. [10]
This paper discusses existing authentication features, and re- views their benefits and constraints. We have designed and developed a biometric Authentication Framework (BAF) for online examination. In section 2 discussing about the potential threat of online examination and section 3 , we review various authentication methods of online examination. Section 4, we review various biometric authentication and section 5 present the framework of secure online examination and section 6 dis- cuss on future research and possible implications of the pro- posed theoretical framework for practice are provided.


The online examination approach essentially differs from the conventional face-to-face examination. In the online learning environments, technology is harnessed with assessment tech- niques to assess learning outcomes. Online examination is a fundamental and integral part of the learning environment. The online examinations may include questionnaires, assign- ments, projects, peer review, essays, quizzes, self-assessment and portfolios [11]. In the online learning and examination, students interact and submit their work remotely and there- fore, building confidence and trust is of vital importance [12]. The online teaching and learning approaches has largely
changed student assessment methods. The two different as- sessment approaches used in the online environments, are summative and formative assessments

In the summative assessments, student’s learning outcomes are evaluated and their skills are measured against the learning goals using various assessment techniques. In online examinations, summative assessment may be at greater risk of attack due to its high-stakes. Tutors typically use formative assessment to review feedback on learner’s activities [13] and record progression. Formative assess- ment does not count towards final result or grades and this characteristic is likely to reduce security threat in online learning environments.

In spite of the anticipated benefits of online learning, security remains one of the major issues and a threat to the success of online learning [14]. As in [15], online learning offers more opportunities for academic dishonesty from remote locations than traditional face-to-face learning and assessment. Lin [16] suggests that academic dishonesty has always been one of the challenges of higher education and cheating and academic dishonesty is an ongoing issue. Academic dishonesty ranges from cheating in examination session to plagiarism or original- ity of work submitted.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is seen as one of the major challenges to both online and face-to-face examination. In plagiarism, students imitate or appropriate someone else’s original idea or scholarly work and claim to be the original author. The stu- dents submit the plagiarized work as part of their assessment. Evidence suggests that plagiarism is on the rise [17] and it can be a potential treat equally to both online and face-to-face learning and examination. A large number of plagiarism de- tection software’s are employed to check originality of the submitted work. Plagiarism can be one of the potential chal- lenges to online learning; however, our research mainly focus- es on student authentication in online examination.

Cheating: In online examinations, the students submit their work remotely and it poses a challenge to verify the identity of a person taking online examination as the same person who registered and completed the course work [18]. Cheating and student impersonation have been a serious problem to the reputation of online learning. Agulla [18] identifies the rise in academic dishonesty in online examinations to gain maximum marks as a threat to online learning. The threat level is higher for online systems because it has increased the opportunities for deception due to non-rigorous authentication regime. As in [19], unethical conducts have intensified in online learning due to more opportunities for cheating in online examination as a result of use of technology and the Internet.


Reliable student authentication is extremely relevant to online examinations because of high stakes being involved. Authen- tication attempts to verify that the users are who they claim to be. In an online examination scenario, authentication aims to verify the identity of online students and plays a key role in security. Unlike face-to-face (traditional) examinations, au- thentication in online examinations is not supervised and in-

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 54

ISSN 2229-5518

vigilation is largely different in an uncontrolled remote envi- ronment [20]. Authentication guarantees the currency of online examinations, as the legitimate interaction between a student and the online examination is more likely to lead to authentic results. The mainstream authentication techniques are based on user’s knowledge, objects possession and bio- metric features. The method of various authentications in online examination is shown in figure 2.

3.1 Knowledge Based Authentication

As in [20], knowledge based authentication verifies Identity on the basis of “what you know”. It requires personal knowledge to authenticate individual access to the online environment. A user-id and password scheme is a commonly used example. It is a popular authentication method, because passwords are key to authentication and memorable. In a scenario like bank- ing, where users are highly likely to make every effort to pre- vent illicit access, this scheme can be effective. However, due to the nature of online examinations, students may conven- iently share their login credentials with a third party to boost their grades. As analyzed in [21], low entropy passwords are prone to dictionary attacks. Hence, online examinations rely- ing on a user-id and password are susceptible to collusion and malicious attacks.
Challenge questions or security questions are another example
of knowledge based authentication. It is generally used in the banking sector [22] for authentication, and corporate email service providers for credential recovery [23].

3.2 Object Based Authentication

In the object based authentication, individuals in possession of identity objects are believed to be authentic. The users are identified by presenting or applying physical objects i.e. elec- tronic chip cards, magnetic cards, RFID tag and digital keys. It is broadly used in the banking sector, transportation and se- cure premises access. The identity objects such as electronic and magnetic cards benefit from storage of individual’s identi- fication features. In an online examination scenario, the pres- ence of both entities i.e. identity object and student, increases the security. However, objects may be transferred to a third party or compromised, which poses potential threat to the online examinations [24] e.g. collusion. In addition, it may re- quire special purpose devices to take user input for registra- tion and authentication.

3.3 Profile Based Authentication

In [25], Profile Based Authentication for student authentica- tion in online examinations. This authentication possess i.e. user-id and password, and challenge questions. Initially, a user-id and password can be used to login into the online learning environment to carry out regular learning activities. During the learning process, students are posed with profile questions that are used to extend and refine individual stu- dent’s profile. When a student requests to access an online examination, the second layer of authentication triggers the challenge questions, which are generated from the student’s
profile. The profile questions are used to collect answers in order to build and update the student’s profile. Challenge questions are used to verify the student’s identity. The prima- ry focus of the proposed solution is secure authentication for online examination. The profile is a student’s description in the form of questions and related answers. It represents a stu- dent by using information received from questions and an- swers during registration and learning process. The questions and answers in a student profile can pertain to personal in- formation, education, activities, professional experience, hob- bies, future objectives, and learning activities. In the authenti- cation process, if the collection of answers to profile questions and answers to challenge questions matched the stored au- thentication results then student is granted access to online examination. If the answers to challenge question do not match to the stored profile information, student is denied ac- cess. Due to the nature of online examinations, students may conveniently share their login credentials and profile infor- mation with a third party to boost their grades.


Biometrics is defined as the identification of an individual based on physiological and behavioral characteristics. Com- monly used physiological characteristics include face , hand (fingerprint, hand geometry, palmprint), eye (iris and retina), ear, skin, odor, dental, and DNA. Commonly used behavioral characteristics include voice, gait, keystroke, signature, mouse movement, and pulse. Two or more of the aforementioned biometrics can be combined (Multimodal) in a system to im- prove the recognition accuracy. In addition, some soft bio- metric traits like gender, age, height, weight, ethnicity, and eye color can also be used to assist in identification. Rabuzin et al. [26] and Asha et al.[27] proposed to combine several differ- ent biometric traits in the field of e-learning.
The biometrics authentication is performed by the verification
of an individual’s physical or behavioural characteristics [28]. Biometric frees individuals to memorize passwords and carry cards, as the person is the key for identification [29]. A number of biometric authentication features have been evolved from recent research and implemented in online learning systems including finger print, video authentication, face recognition, audio recognition or combination of these features in the form of multi-modal biometrics.
Generally a biometric system is designed to solve a matching problem through the live measurements of human body fea-
tures. It operates with two stages. First, a person must register a biometric in a system where biometric templates will be stored. Second, the person must provide the same biometric for new measurements. The output of the new measurements will be processed with the same algorithms as those used at registration and then compared to the stored template. If the similarity is greater than a system-defined threshold, the veri- fication is successful otherwise it will be considered unsuc- cessful. Due to the fuzzy measurements of biometrics error correction coding is needed. Table 1 lists a few biometrics and their features for authentication with error correction.

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 55

ISSN 2229-5518

4.1. Fingerprint Authentication

Ramin [30] proposed approach that can incorporate a random fingerprint biometrics user authentication during exam taking in e-learning courses. Alotaibi [31] also proposed using fin- gerprints for E-exams. Fingerprint is one of the most common- ly used biometrics authentication features [32], which offers a unique global identifier. The fingerprint may offer secure solu- tion and minimize threat of impersonation in online examina- tions. The wider implementation of fingerprint for online ex- amination requires additional resources i.e. fingerprint scan- ners and software on the client’s location.

4.2 Face Authentication

Penteado and Marana [33] proposed to use face images cap- tured on-line by a webcam in Internet environment to confirm the presence of users throughout the course attendance in an educational distance course. Face recognition biometric trait implements image recognition and pattern matching algo- rithms to verify user identity [34]. It may be a reliable authen- tication candidate for online examinations. However, face recognition biometric may not be secure authentication for online learning system due to the complexity of face recogni- tion technology [3]. Various aspects such as variable face ex- pression capture point direction, variable light, environment, web camera, weather and other pertinent accessories e.g. beard, glasses can affect the authentication results.

4.3 Voice Authentication

The audio or voice biometric is used both for speech recogni- tion and speaker identification. In this biometric trait, human voice is recognized using automated system based on the data from speech wave. As in [2], intra-individual variations i.e. human voice features like acoustic, voice pitch and speaking style or accent provide a unique identifier for use as a bio- metric feature. As a behavioural authentication technique, it may be a secure option to shield online examinations. Howev- er, varying speaking speed, environmental noises, quality of recording equipment’s may not result in robust outcome [35]. The intra-individual variation can be a major practical issue in voice recognition. In the context of online learning, user train- ing can be an overhead, when recording voice samples during the enrolment and authentication phase. A user’s voice may be recorded for use in replay attacks as the ‘liveness’ of the user cannot be verified [36].

4.4 Signature Authentication

Signature verification is a legacy feature and it has been wide- ly used and highly acceptable in day to day life transactions [37]. However, as in [38], the evolution of technology has ena- bled the capture and verification of human signature using a combination of computer software and hardware. It is a unique behavioural trait and a potential candidate for user authentication. Purpose built accessories like digital signature pads, tablets and digital pens are used to capture signature information [39]. Unlike some biometric features, signature
may not be easily replayed as only the signatory can repro- duce the original signatures. However, signature recognition may face other issues i.e. complexities of algorithms, variation in signatures on different occasions, individual’s emotional and physical influence on signature and signature forgery [40].

4.5 Keystroke Authentication

Flior et al. [41] presents a method for providing continuous biometric user authentication in online examinations via key- stroke dynamics. Keystroke dynamics biometrics is a data processing technique that analyzes the way a user types by monitoring the keyboard inputs in attempt to identify them by their habitual typing patterns [42]. As compared to other phys- ical and behavioral biometrics, keystroke dynamics biometrics falls short to be a sole biometrics authenticator. Conversely, by integrating keystroke dynamics biometrics into the existing password authentication system, even if the impostor is able to present the correct login information, either by hacking, key logger or shoulder spoofing, without the right typing pattern, they will be denied access. In contrast, sole password authen- tication will guarantee access to any user as long as the login credential received is correct not considering if the user is le- gitimate.
Most research works done by far were focusing on extracting keystroke timing latency as feature data and mainly focused on one or two types of keystroke features at a time. For exam- ple [43] proposed a simple statistical method in which dura- tion of each key press and the time duration between each different key press were considered. The experimental result recorded an unfavorable FRR of 24%. The author asserted that the poor performance was partly caused by the poor typing skill of the users involved.
Monrose et al. [44] stressed that keystroke recognition based on fixed-text was more desirable than free-text. This was due to contributing factors such as uncontrolled environmental parameters, unconstrained inputs, and uncooperative user which imposed restriction on the usage of free-text recogni- tion. The author used Euclidean distance and Bayesian alike classifier as the classification techniques in their study. The keystroke features extracted were keystroke duration and key- stroke latency (time between a key is released and the next key is pressed). However, the performance result presented was not complete as the result only reported in FRR of 16.78% and
7.83% for Euclidean distance and Bayesian classifier respec- tively.
While most research works on keystroke dynamics have been conducted on conventional timing-based typing characteris- tics, [45] looked into the prospect of using typing pressure as keystroke feature. A conventional keyboard was customized into a pressure sensitive version by inserting special force de- tection sensors underneath the keyboard matrix. ARTMAP-FD neural network was used for keystroke pattern classification. They fed the network with keystroke pressure, keystroke la- tency, as well as the combination of both. The performances of the classifier using different sets of aforementioned keystroke features were recorded at an EER of 16.50%, 14.94%, and
11.78% respectively. Although the inclusion of keystroke pres- sure feature showed improvement in performance, the error

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rate was still higher than the other traditional keystroke fea- tures based methods. Furthermore the practicability of such customized keyboard in large scale implementation was called into question due to limited availability.

Keystroke, two events occur each time the user types a charac- ter on the keyboard, to be precise ‘‘key press” and ‘‘key re- lease”. Each key event will be associated with a timestamp and this timestamp is the core component of the template gen- eration process. Keystroke features can be extracted in terms of Dwell Time (DT), Flight Time (FT) , Difficulties of typing phrase ,Pressure of keystroke ,Typing rate ,Linguistic style
,Sound of typing Frequency of word errors.
Nevertheless, not all of the above features are favorable. For
example, in order to acquire keystroke pressure feature, dedi-
cated pressure sensitive keyboard is essential, which contra-
dicts with the main advantage of keystroke dynamics biomet-
rics. Frequency of word errors, typing rate, and difficulties of typing phrase are merely practical for text with large number of characters. Where else, there is a high concern with the noise associates with the acquisition devices used to record
sound of typing.Dwell Time DT (also known as keystroke press time or hold time) is the time difference between a key press and key release of the same key and Flight Time FT (also known as keystroke latency) is the time interval between two successive keys press or release., timing interval between key- stroke actions of different keys (also known as latency). Even- tually, if we try to break down flight time further; we notice that it can be sub divided into three types (D2, D3, and D4) as in Figure 1. Explanation and method of calculation for each of these keystroke features based on example are given as follow.
Dwell Time (D1): The time interval between a key pressed until the key is released.


D1 = R1 -P1

D2 = P2 -P1

D3 = P2 -R1

D4 = R2 - R1

D1 = R1 -P1

Flight Time (D2): The time interval between a key press and the next key press.

D2 = P2 -P1

Flight Time (D3): The time interval between a key release and the next key press. Negative value may occur if the next key is pressed before the previous key release.

D3 = P2 -R1

Flight Time (D4): The time interval between a key release and the next key release.

D4 = R2 - R1

Template generation is the stage where user’s keystroke fea- ture samples are combined and transformed into a compact yet representative form. These templates are then stored in database for future authentication and retraining use. A user keystroke template is kept in the following format:

Figure 1: An example of four keystroke features using the phrase ‘‘AB”.

where t represents the value of each latency, n is the number of training samples, while µ and σ is the mean and standard deviation of a particular set of latency.Gaussian probability density function (GPD) is used to compute the similarity score between a reference template and a test data template. The output score of GPD has the range of [0,1]. The nearer the score towards the value of one, the higher the similarity be- tween the two tested templates. In other words the more likely the test data template belongs to a genuine user, and vice ver- sa. Generally Gaussian function has the form of


Biometrics Feature Extraction Error Cor- rection

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 57

ISSN 2229-5518

where SGPD is the GPD score, t is the test data’s latency of a particular character, k is the total number of keystroke feature in a phrase, µ and σ are the mean and standard deviation of a reference template, respectively. The formula indicates that the matching is performed on every latency in a phrase, which will yield separate individual sub score for each measurement. The final score is obtained by computing the average of all sub scores.Keystroke authentication to prevent students taking online exams from e-cheating and attempted to answer the question whether they have helped to achieve the goal of elim- inating student dishonesty in online examination.Biometric authentication has its strengths and limitations in terms of usability, cost and security when used in online examinations. It aims to ensure the presence of individual students by verify- ing physical and behavioural characteristics, which can be a preferred way to counter impersonation. However, it may incur additional cost for using special purpose hardware and software kits, and its wider implementation globally could be a challenge. Unlike knowledge based authentication, the bio-
metric features are not amendable and hence not useable if compromised. Some biometric features may require student training and additional administration to facilitate and moni- tor various processes. The outcome of the biometric authenti- cation may be affected by variation in human physical and environmental atmosphere, reducing authentication accuracy.


The figure 3 shows the proposed framework of secured bio- metric authentication in Online Examination. A framework uses a multi-modal authentication approach to secure online examination. The solution comprises of two layers of authenti- cation i.e. student biometric authentication using keystroke dynamics and Knowledge based authentication. It shows the series of steps of online exam starting with the secured login using biometrics and system login through server till the end of exam results. The special exam group is created by group- ing the hostnames / IP of clients for a specific location (Com- puter Lab) and time. To avoid the malpractice in the exams we use keystroke dynamics as a means to log into the exam and continuous evaluation. The user after identified login into the system uses the user-id and password provided by the univer- sity, which are authenticated by the server. This gives him/ her permission to open the exam from the server otherwise the students cannot login into the system. The unauthorized users attempting to log into the system from remote computers are blocked by the proposed system Once the session begins the timer is on, the student completes his exam within the allocat- ed time and once the time is up the system send an alert and logs the user off. The following steps are describing the pro- posed framework
Step 1: Student Identification: The system will check the iden- tity of the student by using keystroke dynamics biometrics before entering the exam. This will also check whether the student is eligible for that particular exam.
Step 2: Exam Domain Login: The student will log into the ex- am domain of the university with the user name and pass- word and profile information provided by the university do- main login. If the user name and password and profile infor- mation are correct, then the user will be able to log into the exam.

Online Exam Authentication Method

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 58

ISSN 2229-5518

Knowledge Based Au- thentication

E.g., User name / Pass word

Object Based Authenti- cation E.g., electronic chip cards, magnetic cards, RFID Tag

Profile Based Authen- tication E.g., user id with password and user profile

Biometrics Based Au- thentication E.g., finger print, Face, Voice , Online Signature and Keystroke dynamics

Figure 2: Types of Authentication methods in Online Examination

Biometric Student Authentication (KeystrokeDynamic)

Keystroke Extract- ed features (D1


Exam Biometric

server Authentica-

tion Server




Proctor Domain (User Name/ Password)










Online Exami- nation Started Set Time




Exam Domain (User Name/ Password/ profile)




Exam Results

Figure 3: Proposed Framework of Secured Biometric Authetication in

Online Examination

Step 3: Online Exam Proctor (Supervisor) Password: The su- pervisor password is given to the students who are successful- ly logged into the exam domain. This gives them access to the exam and the exam session begins for that specific exam.
Step 4: Random questions: The random questions are given to the students, who submit the answers to the server.
Step5: Exam Results: When session is completed, the system generates the results of the examination on the screen.


Keystroke biometrics is the additional security mechanism which is invisible to users as they only need to type on a key- board as usual, instead of providing their physical biometric data (i.e. fingerprint, iris image), where some users may feel uncomfortable. The security mechanism will be responsible to capture and process the users’ typing timing patterns without their knowledge. Ease of incorporation into the existing pass- word based authentication system and no additional device requirement increase the potential of keystroke dynamics to be deployed in real world application, such as online examina- tion, online banking and password based security system.The popularity and growth of online learning has also led to an increased concern about security of online examinations. The

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 59

ISSN 2229-5518

threats to online examinations can have a detrimental impact on the credibility of online learning courses that make exten- sive use of online examinations.
Conventional approaches to student authentication are unlike- ly to be sufficient to counteract collusion and malicious attacks to online examinations. We believe the online format is con- siderably superior to paper-and-pencil exams. This paper re- viewed various authentications traits, their feasibility in the online learning environments, and their strengths to deal with collusion and malicious attacks. This paper proposed new framework and the findings from the empirical study reported here suggest, that keystroke based authentication with knowledge based authentication can be an effective technique. We have come to the conclusion that the secure online exami- nation can be solved by using keystroke dynamics with addi- tional knowledge based authentication. Future work would therefore, concentrate on the usability, security, privacy and reliability aspect of the keystroke authentication in online ex- amination.


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