ASET 2016

ASET-2016 Conference Papers "

Stabilized mud block as a substitute for conventional brick block[ ]

The development of many alternative building materials will be of immersive benefit to minimize the impact on the environment pollution. There are few undesirable properties such as loss of strength when saturated with water erosion due to wind or driving rain and poor dimensional stability. Hence a study was conducted to determine the characteristic of stabilized compressed earth block. In this contribution, the stabilized mud block is mixed with 7% of cement 5% cement and 2%. The experiments on the compression and water absorption were made which allow us to determine the characteristics of earth block. Comparisons between the two mixes are discussed. It was found that water absorption is less and dry compressive strength of cement as stabilizer with 7% is higher when compared to cement and lime (5% +2%). Hence the cement with 7% as a stabilizing agent is found to be good compared to other.

Experimental Investigation of Sustainable Concrete Using GGBS and Recycled Coarse Aggregate[ ]

Concrete Consumption is increasing every year. For sustainability reduction of cement and aggregates are necessary. For sustainable con-struction the only way is to reduce the cement and aggregate consumption. Alternative cementations materials like GGBS can be used as a replacement for cement and recycled aggregates for natural aggregates. This study deals with usage of ground granulated blast furnace slag as an alternative for cement and recycled coarse aggregate for natural coarse aggregate. Experimental investigation is carried out with a conventional M25 mix, mixes by replacing with 10 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent, 40 percent and 50 percent of cement with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Mix with 60 percent of cement when replaced with 40 percent GGBS gave better performance compared to M25 conventional mix when tested for fresh and mechanical properties. For further study mix was made with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 percent replacement of cement with slag and 0, 25, 50, 75 and100 percent replacement of coarse aggregate with 100, 75, 50, 25 and 0 percent recycled coarse aggregate. Its fresh and mechanical properties were then compared with M25 mix. Fresh properties were studied using slump test and compaction factor test. Mechanical properties studied were compressive, flexural and splitting tensile strengths. Mix with GGBS and recycled aggregates gave a satisfactory performance compared to M25 conventional mix.


Concrete is the premier construction material across the world and the most widely used in all types of civil engineering works, including infrastructure, low and high rise buildings, environment protection and local/domestic development. Concrete is a manufactured product essentially consisting of cement, aggregates, water and admixture(s). Reuse of agricultural wastes and industrial by-products for building materials has been gaining popularity in the recent years.In this project an attempt has been made to know the variation in the compressive strength of concrete by the replacing 30% of Fly ash by weight of cement, 20% of Rice husk ash by weight of concrete and 1%, 1.5%, 2% of steel chippings by weight of fine aggregate. Tests were conducted on the constituents of concrete such as cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and for Fly ash and rice husk the specifications were available from Raichur power plant and local brick factory from where the rice husk was obtained.Compression tests were conducted on the concrete cubes after curing in for 3, 7, 14, 28days. The compressive strength of normal concrete cubes and replaced materials were compared, and results were tabulated.

Stabilization of soft clay soil using Fly ash and Lime stone dust[ ]

Soft clay soils exhibit high plasticity characteristics, low shear strength properties and high swell shrinkage characteristics. Soft Clay has particle sizes less than about 0.002mm, it is the finest of all and. even it can only be clearly monitored by using microscopic tools. Foundation settlements are the most emergence problems happened in building constructions on soft clay soil. Fly ash and Lime stone dust are both waste substances typically an industrial waste which is commonly used for stabilization of soils. The requirement of stabilization is to improve the adequate strength of soil by adding lime stone dust and fly ash. The objective of stabilizing the soil is to reduce the moisture holding capacity, plasticity to improve stability of soil. This paper investigates the complete analysis of the improvement of the soil properties and stabilisation using fly ash and lime stone dust. In this study laboratory experiments were conducted on soft clay soil with replacement by various percentage of fly ash and lime stone dust. The various laboratory experiments such as compaction test, UCC,Permeability, etc were conducted on both soft clay soil and clay soil mixed with various percentages of fly ash and lime stone dust. The study has shown that the addition of additives , lime stone dust and fly ash has shown the significant improvement in the strength and decreased moisture content and stiffness of the soil, more importantly it exhibits greater toughness, durability and stability as compared to soil alone.

Study of Using Waste Rubber Tyres in Construction of Bituminous Road[ ]

India is a rapid urbanizing country. Due to overall development new roads are being constructed for ever increasing population. Density of vehicular traffic increases day by day. The wear and tear of tires from these vehicles is undoubted. So a large number of scrap tires are being generated. A large number of waste and worn out tires are 15-20% each year. These tires are discarded indiscriminately or stockpiled. The used tires cause a great threat to human health and environment, the waste tire rubber has become a problem of disposal. This paper is intended to study the feasibility of the waste tire rubber as a blending material in bitumen and its mix which is used for road construction. The present study has been carried out in two stages. In the first stage basic property of bitumen is modified by adding the crumb rubber in 1-4%. In the second stages strength property of bituminous mix is determined by adding crumb rubber up to1-4% with bitumen and replacing aggregate from 5-15% with waste rubber aggregate. The grade of bitumen used in this study is VG-30. The test result of basic property of VG-30 bitumen is within the permissible limit. By Adding 0-4% rubber in bitumen the values of specific gravity, softening point, flash & fire point are increases and ductility, penetration values are decreases but up to 1% addition of crumb rubber. Stability and flow of bitumen mix are within the limit up to 1% of crumb rubber. By replacing 5% aggregate by rubber aggregate, the Marshall Stability and flow values are within optimum limit.

Estimation of Runoff using Empirical Equations and Fuzzy Logic method: A case study[ ]

Water is a basis necessity for sustaining the life and development of society. Water is a precious gift of nature to the mankind. The Important source of water is rainfall and for most of the hydrological models, rainfall is used as one of the main elements to estimate the runoff process. Rainfall-runoff model is a mathematical model describing the rainfall-runoff relations of a catchment area or watershed. Rainfall data is uncertain and Runoff is one of the important hydrologic variables used in the water resources management and planning.

A Study on Urban Municipal Water Supply and Demand[ ]

Water is the main factor which had a biggest impact on the sustenance and flourishing of a population. Water resources are being depleted day by day, be it the surface or groundwater resources. A water supply system is mainly planned on the basis of the quantity of the consumption by the present and future population for a time period of 20-30 years (design period).In India, 82% of the population has been provided access to drinking water, but large amount of it are under-performed both in quantity and quality.

Classification of Big Data Stream usingEnsemble Classifier[ ]

Big Data Stream mining has some inherent challenges which are not present in traditional data mining. Not only Big Data Stream receives large volume of data continuously, but also it may have different types of features. Moreover, the concepts and features tend to evolve throughout the stream Recently, mining data streams with concept drifts for actionable insights has become an important and challenging task for a wide range of applications including credit card fraud protection, target marketing, network intrusion detection, etc. Conventional knowl-edge discovery tools are facing two challenges, the overwhelming volume of the streaming data, and the concept drifts.

Filter Based Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispec-tral Image to Improve Spectral Quality[ ]

Image fusion intends is to improve color information in a final image as well as adding edge (spatial) information to it. Along with the existing fusion algorithms, filter based fusion method are the most frequently discuss cases in fresh publications due to their skill to get better edge and color information of multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) images. Filter based fusion approach extract edge information from the PAN image and injects it into MS images. Visual and numerical assessment show that the proposed algorithm plainly improves the fusion quality in terms of correlation coefficient (CC), relative dimensionless global error (ERGAS) in synthesis, spectral angle mapper(SAM), universal image quality index(UIQI), and quality without reference(QNR), as compared with fusion methods, including better intensity-hue-dispersion(IHD), Bayesian, and sparse fusion of image.

An Efficient Mechanism for Classification of Imbalanced Big Data[ ]

In many real world applications, there is wide increment in data generation and storage. The classification algorithms are facing a problem in the classification of highly imbalanced datasets. All the classification algorithms are biased towards the majority classes ignoring most of the significant samples present in the minority class. To resolve this issue, a method called Hybrid Sampling technique is proposed to deal with multi class imbalanced data. This methods acts by balancing the data distribution of all the classes to some reference point called mean and addresses the problem of imbalanced data by eliminating insignificant samples that exists in the majority class.

Mining User Opinions on Different Product Aspects from Online Product Reviews[ ]

Product Manufacturer expects the customer to review their product once they have purchased. Due to the popularity gain in the e-commerce the reviews of the product is also increasing day by day in large number. There is no limitation in writing the reviews by the customer it all depends on the customer satisfaction and their likes. This makes it difficult for a product manufacturer to read the reviews, analyze the opinions and to keep track of product opinions. Thus, we aim to mine the product opinions with respect to its attribute and then rate the aspect. Most of the works before were using document level or sentence level of opinion mining. This work makes use of aspect based opinion mining (phase level or word level). It mainly focuses on mining user opinions on different product aspects from online product reviews and to identify whether the opinions are positive or negative. The methodology we present here will enhance effectiveness of the time efficiency of aspect orientation.

Face Detection based Locker Security System using Raspberry Pi[ ]

In current scenario, bank and locker robberies are frequently happening this means our locker is vulnerable to theft since it has no ulti-mate protection rather than a lock and key. Currently, most of the banks use two keys to open the lockers. One key is with the customer and another key is with the bank manager. This system is having some drawbacks. There is a possibility of losing the key which make the system to be insecure and duplication of keys may lead to unauthorized access of the locker. So in order to overcome that we are introducing Locker Security System based on Face Recognition and GSM (Global System for Mobile) technology, which can be used in Banks, Security Offices and Homes for giving protection to expensive possessions. In this system, only the authorized person can access the valuable things like money, licenses and jewels from locker. Face Recognition is done by using active appearance model algorithm with Bayesian classifier, which is used to identify the persons and verify their identity with the Raspberry Pi processor. RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and GSM technology are combined together for accessing the locker securely. When an authorized person tries to access the locker, the system will generate a one-time password and send to the registered mobile number of that person. If the password entered by him is correct, then only he will be allowed to access the locker. If he does any offensive acts on the locker, it will be sensed by the vibration sensor and the sensor will send the control signal to Raspberry pi processor and it will generate alarm sound.


This paper is about a novel data hosting scheme which integrates two key functions desired, based on com-prehensive analysis of various state-of-the-art cloud vendors. A company starts paying for consulting before even buying the software, and continues to pay for services (or hire IT staff) throughout the life of the software. The total cost of services for selection, implementation, maintenance and support ranges from 40% to 100% of the cost of software.The paper proposes and implement, a novel, efficient, and heuristic-based data hosting scheme for heterogeneous multi-cloud environment. It accommodates different pricing strategies, availability requirements, and data access patterns. It selects suitable clouds and an appropriate redundancy strategy to store data with minimized monetary cost and with high possibility .

Research Approaches and Survey of opinion mining and sentimental analysis techniques[ ]

As the world became more global via networks of network, encouraging exchangeability of views and thoughts imprinted with textual or hypermedia chats in social media, inferring cognitive voices of sentiments wade a new domain to analyse those opinionative cognitive voices called “sentimental analysis”. This paper upholds raise of sentimental analysis, objectives derived at, expresses natural language processing where analysing patterns of communication to arrive at essence of core data by adaptive AI computers as overviewed by humans. We specify the tools of opinionative studies, Conceptual thesis of opinion mining finally arriving at challenges of negative impact which has tobe tackled.


In the modern world, various applications are enormously increasing to help people to interact with their environment. The aim of this paper is to develop an android enabled IoT based application which preferably help the doctor to analyse the diseases using their mobile phone. Patient’s health conditions are drastically taken care by today’s wireless technologies along with medical staff and accessing patient’s database. In this study, a new android enabled patient monitoring system is developed from a general idea to real time experience. This IoT application helping the patient to monitor the health condition like heart beat, temperature, etc. If any critical situation occurs, it will be notified to emergency unit like ambulance. Using this new device it is possible for medical staff to track patients’ vital parameters. The conveniency of this application is ease and simple, also compact and cost effective.


In this dynamic era, online shopping and associated recommendation systems become essential ingredients of web based systems. The global ratings provided by each online portal are not trustworthy, because it is possible to give some level of rating for each product by them. Most of the existing work only considers the ratings at the current time slot. In real life, a user’s opinion evolves over time, since he receives the influence of different opinions sequentially.So we are using a social network for connecting the trusted friends such that shopping through this network provide a trusted rating along with the global rating which provided by the portals. That means we will get multiple ratings from multiple user in a single point of view. To reach these ends we propose a new model, FluidRating which uses fluid dynamics theory to reveal the time-evolvingformulation process of human opinions.Here we compare the user as container such that several containers are connected through pipes which are influence relations such as “persistency”,“persuasiveness” and “forgetting”.So the final decision by the user can take from an analysis based on Global rating, Buyer and Non-buyer trusted friends rating through this social network.


Tech world is envisioned as an era in which objects (e.g., tv, microwave, cars, computers, buses, washing machine, and all electrical gadgets) can automatically and intelligently serve people in a collaborative manner. Paving the way for tech world, Internet of Things (IoT) connects everything in the tech world. Motivated by achieving a sustainable tech world, this paper provides the facilities on various technologies and issues regarding IoT, which further reduces the time, energy consumption and usage of IoT. Particularly, an overview regarding IoT and aio IoT is performed first. Then, all-in-one (aio) information and communications technologies (ICTs) (e.g., aio radiofrequency identification, aio wireless sensor network, aio cloud computing, aio machine to machine, and aio data center) enabling aio IoT are studied, and general aio ICT principles are summarized. Furthermore, the latest developments and future vision about sensor cloud, which is a novel paradigm in aio IoT, are reviewed and introduced, respectively. Finally, future research directions and open problems about aio IoT are presented. Our work targets to be an enlightening and latest guidance for research with respect to aio IoT and tech world.

Integrating a Instant Messenger into the Institution Web-site[ ]

Instant messaging (IM) application provides a real time media and text transmission over a network. IM can be used for real time communication between the individuals when both are connected over a network. Through IM not only text but other media files like audio, video and image files also can be shared. There are a lot of IM applications that are being used by millions of user. Because of different preferences of the user they prefer different type of IM giving a high market for IM application developer to develop new application of user preferences. Some IM application focuses on faster communication, while some on reliable communication, while some may provide more secured communication then others. Integrated IM in an institution can be used securely and for more reliable information sharing by people affiliated to the institution.

Introduction To Wireless Health Monitoring Application using Portable Device[ ]

n the last decade the healthcare monitoring systems have drawn considerable attentions of the researchers. The prime goal was to develop a reliable patient monitoring system so that the healthcare professionals can monitor their patients, who are either hospitalized or executing their normal daily life activities. In this work we present a mobile device based wireless healthcare monitoring system that can provide real time online information about physiological conditions of a patient.

Feasibility Evaluation of Short Time Generation Rescheduling Considering Power System Uncertainties and Generator Ramp Constraints[ ]

Renewable energy penetrations and load fluctuations in the grid pose serious threats of uncertainty in the power system. The existing Lambda Iteration method does not take into account the uncertainties and the generator ramp constraints while scheduling the thermal generators for optimal dispatch of power to reduce the supply demand mismatch that is a common phenomenon in the present power scenario. This paper proposes an algorithm with modification in the lambda iteration method to account for these uncertainties and the generator ramp constraints to achieve short time generation rescheduling. The method is technically feasible and is suitable for high-speed online application due to fast and steady computation time.

Hybrid Buck Boost Converter For Simultaneous DC And AC Applications[ ]

This work proposes a family of hybrid converter topologies which can supply simultaneous dc and ac loads from a single dc input. These topologies are realized by replacing the controlled switch of single-switch boost converters with a voltage-source-inverter bridge network. The resulting hybrid converters require lesser number of switches to provide dc and ac outputs with an increased reliability, resulting from its inherent shoot-through protection in the inverter stage. Such multi outputconverters with better power processing density and reliability can be well suited for systems with simultaneous dc and ac loads, e.g., nanogrids in residential applications. The proposed converter, studied in this paper, is called boost-derived hybrid converter (BDHC) as it is obtained from the conventional boost topology. The steady-state behavior of the BDHC has been studied in this work,and it is compared with conventional designs. A suitable pulse width modulation (PWM) control strategy, based upon unipolar sine-PWM, is described. A DSP-based feedback controller is designed to regulate the dc as well as ac outputs. A 600-W laboratory prototype is used to validate the operation of the converter. The proposed converter is able to supply dc and ac loads at 100 V and 110 V (rms), respectively, from a 48-V dc input. The performance of the converter is demonstrated with inductive and nonlinear loads. The converter exhibits superior cross-regulation properties to dynamic load-change events. The proposed concept has been extended to quadratic boost converters to achieve higher gains.

Design And Simulation Of Series Active Power Filter To Improve Power Quality Conditioner By Reduction Of Harmonic[ ]

In this paper, a simplified control algorithm of athree-phase Series Active Power Filter (SAPF) as Power Quality Conditioner is presented. SAPF compensates supply voltage distortions/unbalance, supply voltage harmonics in a view as such they does not reach at the load end with very low THD in load voltage. The series APF is realized using a threephase, three leg VSI. A dynamic model of the SAPF is developed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment and the simulation results demonstrating the power quality improvement in the system are presented in terms of constant RMS Voltage at load.

Superconducting Fault Current Limiter & Its Application[ ]

The Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCLs) concept proposes two types of superconducting materials. Firstly, Resistive- SFCL (which is inserted directly in series with the circuit to be protected). Secondly, Inductive-SFCL(which is a transformer shorted by superconducting tube). We also study few applications of SFCLs which is proposed to limit the fault - current that occurs in power system. Fault current level has become a serious problem in transmission and distribution system operations. The application of the superconducting fault current limiter(SFCL) would not only decrease the stress on network devices , but also can offer a connection to improve the reliability of the power system. They also make electric power network more powerful and integrated.

Design & Simulation Of New Converter Topology For Solar Power Generation System[ ]

A new solar power generation system is composed of a dc/dc power converter and a new seven-level inverter. The dc/dc power converter integrates a dc–dc boost converter and a transformer to convert the output voltage of the solar cell array into two independent voltage sources with multiple relationships. This new seven-level inverter is configured using a DC-DC converters and a full-bridge power converter, connected in cascade. The DC-DC converters converts the two output voltage sources of dc–dc power converter into a three-level dc voltage, and the full-bridge power converter further converts this three-level dc voltage into a seven-level ac voltage. In this way, the proposed solar power generation system generates a sinusoidal output current that is in phase with the utility voltage and is fed into the utility. The salient features of the proposed seven-level inverter are that only seven power electronic switches are used i.e., three switches and three dc sources to generate three level dc voltage and one bridge circuit to convert this three level dc voltage to seven level ac voltage. Where in conventional converter three bridge circuit along with three dc sources are required to generate seven level voltage.

Wireless Power Transmission Through Air, Wood & Concrete Medium At Utility Frequency Of 50hz[ ]

An attempt is made to perform wireless power transmission using circuits resonating at the utility frequency of 50 Hz. The purpose of this project is to develop a method for transmitting electrical power through air, wood and concrete walls. An equation for the theoretical transmission efficiency that considers the copperand core losses was derived through equivalent circuit analysis. There is good agreement between the experimental and calculated values. The transmission efficiency was found to be strongly dependent on the shape of the magnet pole pieces The ultimate goal of the present project is, simulation is done using mat lab and hardware design is done and obtained values are compared with theoretical and simulated values. There are three possible methods of wireless power transmission (WPT) electromagnetic induction, magnetic resonance, and radio waves.In the present study, the efficiency of resonant power transmission through concrete was investigated at the utility frequency of 50 Hz, using magnet pole piece configurations.


The multilevel inverter is an electronic device which converts DC to AC used for high power utility applications. But the inverter output waveform contains harmonics that has to be eliminated to give sinusoidal waveform with low harmonics less than 3%. This paper presents the selective harmonic elimination in voltage output of 11-level cascaded multilevel inverter by considering varying dc sources. Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to obtain the switching angles and artificial neural network (ANN) is trained to determine the switching angles in an 11-level cascaded multilevel inverter. This proposed method can be applied even when the number of switching angles is increased. This results show the elimination of harmonics.

Closed Loop Analysis Of Cascaded Boost-Buck Converter For Renewable Energy Sources[ ]

In this paper, a hybrid PV/wind system is designed for cascaded boost- buck operation. It also includes new perturbation-and-observation-based tracking system, which is developed through additional hardware such as a cascaded boost-buck DC-DC converter, an efficiency sensing system, and a controller. At a power level of 40 Watts, the overall efficiency from the power source to the final load is maintained. Through the tracking control, high overall system efficiency can be maintained when variations occur at source. The proposed system will be validated by simulating in MATLAB/Simulink.

Control of Hybrid renewable energy system connected to the grid using MATLAB/Simulink[ ]

As the rate of electrical energy demand is increasing due to the population growth and economic development, Hybrid renewable energy systems such as Solar and Wind sources are becoming popular in order to satisfy the demand. This paper defines control and simulation of energy systems under certain meteorological conditions such as wind speed and variable solar radiation in order to extract maximum energy from sources while maintaining power quality at a desired level. MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING algorithm is used to capture maximum power. Incremental conductance method is applied for demonstrating the maximum power of Photovoltaic generator. Nickel Metal Hydrid battery is connected by bi-directional dc-dc converters which is used as back up source when these two renewable sources are not able to full fill the demand. A phase locked loop control applied between the inverter and grid side in order to ensure the synchronization. The inverter adjusts the DC link voltage at desired voltage reference with the help of this control strategy. The results show that the current and the voltage of grid side are alternative and sinusoidal forms, and the power fed to the grid is around the power obtained by the two renewable sources.

Analysis and Design of Single Phase Single Stage Integrated Converter to Improve Power Factor with Zero Switching Transition[ ]

Now a days it is necessary to incorporate power factor correction in AC/DC front end converter modules as there is increase in usage of electronic devices like laptops, cell phone chargers, electric vehicles, UPS, etc. In this paper, a single phase high power factor ac/dc converter with soft switching characteristic has been described. The circuit topology is derived by integrating a boost converter and a buck converter. Boost converter takes care of front end power factor correction to acquire high power factor and to obtain low current harmonics at input line. Buck converter will take care of the output voltage regulation i.e it directs the dc-link voltage to give a steady stable dc output voltage. Without utilizing any active clamp circuit or snubber circuit, the dynamic switches of the proposed converter can accomplish zero-voltage switching on (ZVS) transition which is made in the circuit naturally. MATLAB13 has been used for simulating the circuit. The steady state analysis has been observed with different simulation circuits to get the desired performance output.

Maximum Power Point Tracking Of A Hybrid Solar-Wind Power Generation System For A Smart Grid Using Fuzzy Logic Control[ ]

A novel model of smart grid-connected PV/WT hybrid system is developed. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) must usually be integrated with photovoltaic (PV) power systems so that the photovoltaic arrays are able to deliver the maximum power available. The new controller improves the hill-climbing search method by fuzzifying the rules of such techniques and eliminates their drawbacks. The proposed model and its control strategy offer a proper tool for smart grid performance optimization. The model is implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK software package.

Simultaneous placement of Distributed Generation and D-Statcom in a radial distribution system using Loss Sensitivity Factor[ ]

Proper location of DGs in power systems is important for obtaining their maximum potential benefits. This paper deals with DG for minimizing active power loss and D-statcom for reactive power loss minimization is considered. The proper siting of DG and D-statcom is a recently developed combination with the aim of reducing line loss in a radial distribution system. Loss Sensitivity Factor (LSF) is used for finding the optimal location of DG and D-statcom A load flow of a 12 bus radial test system is in conducted using Direct Load Flow analysis which uses simple matrix multiplication to obtain a time efficient solution unlike the complex Jacobaian matrix computation. The optimal location is suggested by the LSF for the placement of DG and D-statcom by power loss calculation. Simulation results are given to verify the proposed DLF approach.

Multi objective Control Strategy Using Distributed Generation Inverter For Power Quality Improvement[ ]

power quality plays a vital role as electricity will be marketed based on the same in this competitive environment. The presence of nonlinear loads and power electronic equipment leads to a major power quality issue in a grid. This paper deals with a multiobjective control strategy for current controlled dg inverter. The dg inverter incorporates active filter functionality in forward and reverse power flow modes when connected to a nonlinear load. It also deals with compensation of current harmonics, reactive power and unbalance mitigation of active power of the power distribution system through closed loop power control strategy. A hysteresis band current controller is used to generate the switching pulses for the interfaced inverter. Extensive simulation studies are done in matlab/simulink software to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.

Advanced Domestic Power Saving Power Factor Improvement[ ]

Power factor is defined as the ratio of real power to apparent power. Where real power is the time integral of the instantaneous power measured over a full period and the apparent power is simply the product of the RMS voltage and RMS current measured over the entire period.

Eco-Friendly Advanced Hybrid Automobiles[ ]

This paper is to associate photovoltaic generators, fuel cells, and electrolysers. Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can transform our fossil-fuel dependent economy into a hydrogen economy, which can provide an emissions-free transportation fuel. But we are generating hydrogen fuel from solar panels which is most economic and even its emission free. Here, to sustain the power demand and solve the energy storage problem, electrical energy can be stored in the form of hydrogen. This hybrid system produces hydrogen in the daytime and stores it in the storage tank in order to supply the required energy. Hydrogen has been hailed as the key to a clean energy future primarily because it can be produced from a variety of energy sources, it satisfies all energy needs, it is the least polluting, and it is the perfect carrier for solar energy in that it affords solar energy a storage medium. The development of sustainable is clean and it reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases. Research has been done that, the different methods for producing hydrogen, storing it in vehicles.

Magnetic Technology In Computers To Reduce Power Consumption[ ]

In the recent years there is a growing demand of power consumption, which is the measure of prosperity. To fulfil this growing energy demand it is to either increase the generation of energy or reduce the energy losses or consumption in the devices. Recently the trend is switching towards the reduction of energy consumption in the devices and also to reduce the size of the components using modern fabrication technology. One of such is the improvement in fabrication technology of magnets leading to the replacement of electronics circuit in chip by Nano-magnets which helps in reducing the power consumed by the electronic circuits. The work on replacement of the electronic circuits by magnets and designing the computer using array of quantum dots was started an era back but due lack in fabrication technology this seemed a difficult task. Now with the help of improved fabrication technology the idea of making computers by using arrays of quantum dots is possible. The computation time taken is slightly more than electronic circuits though the major advantage of reduced power consumption compensates it.

Self-Healing In Electrical Domain[ ]

This paper deals with the survey conducted for self-healing of underground insulation cables for high voltage system. The internal damages in the composites is extremely difficult to detect and also to repair. Therefore the self-healing technique provides a direct re-sponse to its degradation. This can be very useful in challenging environments. This deals with the concept of self-healing during the occurrence of electrical treeing which results in degradation of the material and therefore shorten its service lifetime. Monomers are filled in the microcapsules which are placed in the thickness of the insulation. When electrical treeing occurs, the capsules rupture and the liquid monomer (healing agent) fills the cracks, stopping the progression of electrical treeing. The final process is polymerization of the monomer which occurs when the monomer reacts with the catalyst which is also added to the insulation material. One of the branches of the tree is likely to break the capsule and since all the branches are interconnected, the entire tree fills up with the healing agent. The experimental setup provides the propagation of the phenomenon and also the direct attraction of the tree with the capsule using an optical microscope.

Graphene Filter To Reduce The Cost Of Nuclear Power[ ]

Nuclear Energy is one of the resources used to generate electricity. The production of electricity from Nuclear Energy is a very energy intensive and tedious job as every nick and corner of the plant there has to people/engineers responsible for every part of the plant to work correctly and safely according to the requirement. The nuclear fission and fusion reactions are responsible for the nuclear energy and also the nuclear waste which is hazardous to the surrounding environment if not dealt properly. Hard water plays a major role in this aspect as it behaves as a coolant and also a moderator to the nuclear reactors. The people of the University of Manchester have made experiments to demonstrate us a new method to sieve out the isotopes of Hydrogen using Graphene as a filter which is easy and convenient. This method if implemented can save huge amount of investments and also space.

Implementation Of Ac Power Stand By Switch-Off Outlets Using Arduino Mega2560[ ]

As more and more domestic appliances and consumer electronics are installed, house usage energy consumption tends to grow rapidly. A large number of domestic devices increase power consumption in two features, standby power and normal operation power. These two kinds of power consumption are proportional to the number of domestic devices. As a result, operational cost in domestic area is also increasing. to achieve efficient domestic energy management in addition to the technology of standby power reduction.

Robust face detection and person recognition using gabor texture and multi block LBP features[ ]

By means of increasing security concerns, surveillance cameras are have an important role in the society and face recognition in mass is gaining more importance than ever.To identify people in unconstrained video, one has to come across at the identity information in multiple frames and the additional dynamic signature. These identity cues including face, body, and motion. The proposed project approach is based on video-data base due to the huge application available for large intra person variation in video and limited information content in still images. Video- data base is to completely encode temporal, pose, and lighting information. In order to make a fully automated system that analyzes the information in face images, there is a need for robust and efficient face detection algorithms. The proposed work is divided into two phases, i.e. Training and testing. In training phase, preprocess the extracted frames which include resize and color conversion. These extracted features are stored in a database. In testing phase, by taking input video and extract the frames followed by preprocessing. For face part detection, from the extracted frame using adaboost approach and extract the features from the detected image. These features are stored using Support Vector Machine (SVM). Finally recognize the person using stored features. The proposed work deals with video based face recognition and person identification, using adaboost technology to extract feature of the person and identification. Also adapting a gabor coefficient filter to get effective results.

Substation Automation system[ ]

Green and sustainable power is the need of the day. With widening supply and demand gap, power management has become one of the most critical areas of concern all over the world. India’s energy consumption is increasing at one of the fastest rates in the world. Hence, we require Substation Automation Systems in the present day substations to efficiently control and deliver power. The main objective is to create a SCADA system for the desired substation. Power automation serving electric supply locations often require special protection against the effects of fault-produced. Protection relays need to function immediately when a faulty condition occurs. This is why Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED’s) are brought in for safe operation of switchyard devices, which can prevent disasters to energy supply and help in human safety. With the introduction of IEC 61850, utility communication will be used for substation automation and also for protection purposes within a substation and between substations. A Substation Automation System (SAS) provides facility to control and monitor all the equipment in the substation locally as well as remotely. A Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) system provides users with a Human Machine Interface (HMI) which can be used for controlling, monitoring and protection of devices. This saves us cost and time. Substations are key components of the power grid, facilitating the efficient transmission and distribution of electricity .Substation automation systems make their control and monitoring possible in real time and help maximize availability, efficiency, reliability, safety and data integration.

A Secured E Health Architecture using the Internet of Things[ ]

The Healthcare industry brings up new trends each year regarding up gradation of the technology in various devices used by them. They help in developing not only sensory devices, but also communication, recording and video devices. Monitoring the various medical parameters by the officials from distant places has been of growing concern and is very important. The IoTplatform has grown rapidly in all the essential fields and has become a primary requirement. In this Project, the Arduino Uno is used to connect multiple sensors such as temperature sensor and pulse oximeters. The Arduino collects data from each sensor and passes it to the cloud through a Wi-Fi internet module and makes it accessible for doctors. The data could be accessed anytime by the doctor. The security and confidentiality of the required data is a major concern and should not be misused by anyone. The data which is sent from one end to the other should be transmitted in a secured manner. For that purpose a Wi-Fi internet module is being used to send data to the prescribed web server which could be protected by a password. Not only that the data could be available to the doctor anytime, it could also be accessed anywhere at a few distance near to where the patient is. At the time of any extreme situation, alert is being sent to the doctor and hence quick medication could be carried out. The system consumes less power and is efficient.

A Novel Higher Order Modulations Based WiMAX Framework for Mobile Broadband Communications[ ]

With the recent advancement in the field of mobile broadband communication using wireless mediums, the concept of WiMAX has gain lot of attention from the researchers. WiMAX is considered as one of the most prominent technology in the field of wireless broadband communication as it has efficient interoperability for microwave access. In the past the WiMAX basically has been implemented for the fixed topologies and it has been denoted by IEEE 802.16d standard. The conventional WiMAX models have been implemented using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation technique which results high PAPR ration. The concept of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) has been adopted by the mobile WiMAX which has been denoted by IEEE 802.16e. The OFDMA concept can be utilized in the WiMAX model as well as for the portable services as it has the capability to achieve high data transfer rate. This proposed study aims to develop a novel WiMAX model using different sub carrier modulation techniques (QAM/PSK). The proposed model also uses the concept of OFDMA and OFDM modulation in order to achieve bandwidth utilization. The experimental outcomes are demonstrated using the performance parameters SNR and BER.

Designing Fuzzy Logic Controller for Auto Landing of Flight[ ]

Landing an aircraft is not an easy task for the pilot, so some assistant from computer or auto pilot with reliable and efficient auto landing controller is needed. This task is not an easy even for the controller as there are many variables considering winds, flare, altitude, approach velocity, heading, vertical velocity and the alignment of the aircraft with runway etc., which result in high cost for conventional controllers to be used in this situation. Therefore fuzzy logic can be used to design a system which has the reasoning ability to act as controller for the landing assistant this result in cost savings, efficient material uses and better time management. Model aircraft is used in this project which is given in Aerosim adds in MATLAB. So the goal of controller assistant for auto landing is achieved, using this simulation, stabilization of aircraft is done with Aerosim add model in MATLAB using classical techniques. Here the fuzzy logics which are used in the controller rectify the errors and the landing is made smooth and easy task.

Quadcopter for pesticide spraying[ ]

In agricultural fields, the use of pesticides is necessary for better crop yields. The use of aircrafts and drones has become common for carrying out this operation mainly because of its speed and effectiveness in the spraying operation. The disadvantages of manual spraying is that some factors may reduce the yield, or even cause damage (e.g. some crop areas may not be covered in the spraying process, overlapping spraying of crop areas, applying pesticides on the outer edge of the crop). Climatic condition, such as the intensity and direction of the wind while spraying add further complexity to the control problem.An Automated Aerial Pesticide Sprayer is basically Quad copter with pesticide spraying mechanism. This project is to mainly overcome the ill-effects of pesticides on human beings (manual pesticide sprayers) and also to cover larger areas of fields while spraying pesticides in a short span of time when compared to a manual sprayer.

Sea Ice Floe Detection and Classification using Adaptive Clustering[ ]

Detection and classification of sea ice floe is very important for understanding physical process in the polar regions. Important thing is to know the shapes, sizes and spatial distribution of ice floes for understanding the physical process. Several image processing algorithms have been applied to samples of sea ice images in order to extract useful information. In this paper we are proposing a method for detecting and classifying the sea ice floe using adaptive clustering technique, which helps in identifying the classification of images which are done with segmentation that is done by adaptive histogram equalization. In order to improve cluster quality adaptive clustering uses external feedback that improves the execution time. Detect the edge of the ice floes by Canny image edge detection method and extract the features and compare the query image features with knowledge base features and classify the result that is done by SVM classifier. Good experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.

Gesture Control Of Wheel Chair And Electrical Devices By Physically Challenged Using 3d Mems Accelerometers And Health Monitoring[ ]

Wheelchairs are used by the people who cannot walk due to physiological or physical illness, injury or any disability. Recent development promises a wide scope in developing smart wheelchairs. The present article presents a gesture based wheelchair which controls the wheelchair and electrical devices using hand movements. The system is divided into three main units: MEMS Sensor and wheelchair control and electrical device control. The MEMS sensor, which is connected to hand, is an 3-axis accelerometer with digital output that provides hand gesture detection, converts it into the 4- bit digital values and gives it to the Arduino mega controller. The wheelchair control unit is a wireless unit. The electrical device control unit is controlled using Arduino UNO.

Heat Load Calculation for the Design of Environmental Control System of a Light Transport Aircraft[ ]

Environmental Control System (ECS) is a generic term used in aircraft industry for maintaining the required air temperature and pressure inside passenger and crew compartment. The real challenge for an ECS is to operate and supply adequate cooling over a wide range of ground and flight conditions in a most reliable and efficient manner. The most important aspect of ECS is to know the cabin heat loads during air cooling or air heating phases. A precise calculation of aircraft heat load would be a long process requiring detailed knowledge of the aircraft structure and of the quantities involved in the mechanism of heat pick up and interchange in the cabin. This paper describes a method that may be applied in calculating the heat load for any aircraft and calculations are shown for a typical light transport aircraft under the conditions that, the cabin altitude is maintained within 0 ft to 8000 ft (2438.4m) for the aircraft altitude of 0 ft to 25000ft (7620m). The system shall be capable of maintaining temperatures within 59°F to 75°F (15°C to 30°C).

Fatigue life evaluvation of an automobile Front Axle[ ]

An axle is central shaft for a rotating wheel or gear. On wheeled vehicles, the axle may be fixed to the wheels, rotating with them or fixed to its surroundings, the wheels rotating around the axle. Is one of the most important parts of a vehicle. Present study is to focus on mechanical integrity and life evolution of front axle using FEA approach, blending the classical approach for preliminary design considerations and loading conditions, including Gross weight of the vehicle, Inertial loads Gradient resistance and rolling resistance. Consider the selected front axle is proved to be beam of uniform strength. And Customized methodology of analysis through sub modelling technique, dynamic characteristics subjected to cyclic loadinggood man diagram are utilised to find life evaluation,

Effect of Tool holder over hang & Feed on Surface roughness in Turning application – an experimental approach[ ]

Manufacturing of machine parts and automobile parts are required to be carried out in various machines. The machining operation is done to convert raw material in to a finished part. Further, to carry out machining operation a cutting tool is to be used having proper tool signature. A tool intended for high production machining process should be amply strong, rigid, and the cutting tool should produce required surface finish on the component which is accepted to the end user, and also convenient to use. The length by which the cutting tool extends from the Tool post or Turret is a variable that can be decided by the machining process. But there is also a certain relationship between product quality in terms of surface roughness and cutting tool over hang. Thus the present paper presents the influence of tool holder over hang and feed rate on the surface roughness while machining Al6061 and fly ash composite. The work material having 15% fly ash and the machining parameters were cutting speed of 300 m/min to 600m/min, feed of 0.05mm/rev to 0.15mm/rev. Tool holder overhang of 35 mm to 65 mm keeping depth of cut of 0.5mm. The experimental results shown increased tool holder overhang of the cutting tool from the carrier body and feed of the cutting tool resulted in higher surface roughness. Hence the feed rate and the cutting tool overhang were considered as a main cutting factor during machining.

Effect of Mica on Mechanical properties of filled Epoxy[ ]

This paper reports the studies carried out on epoxy reinforced with particulates of Mica. The weight fraction of mica was varied from 10 to 40% in steps of 10%. Tensile, flexural and compression tests were conducted on Lloyd’s tensile tester as per ASTM standards D638, D790 and D695 respectively. The increase in filler fraction increases density, tensile and flexural modulus of Mica epoxy composite where as degradation of hardness and strength was observed with an increase of mica. The tensile modulus predicted by analytical equations such as Maxwell, Hamilton crosser, Reuss and inverse rule of mixture was compared with experimental tensile modulus. Tensile modulus predicted by analytical equations and by experiment exhibit good correlation with each other

Mechanical Characterization of Bagasse and Coconut Coir Reinforced With Vinylester Polymer Composite[ ]

This Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) are gaining more importance compared to the monolithically materials as being more reliable and cheap. Polymer matrix composites are finding application from household to engineering approach. With the advancement of PMC’s their properties can be increased by the addition of one more fiber made as hybrid composite which boost the property of PMC where a single fiber composite lags. In our project we have chosen bagasse as the major reinforcement and coconut coir as an additional fiber to improve the mechanical property of polymer composite with vinyl ester as the base material prepared by hand layup process according to ASTM standards Test specimens are prepared with different weight fractions of bagasse at the optimization point of tensile test a small percentage of coconut coir are added and tests were conducted and the improvement in mechanical properties (tensile strength and flexural strength) of the hybrid composite material is observed.

Numerical Study of Labyrinth Seal with Dimple Pattern Using Open Source CFD Software[ ]

The secondary flow path in gas turbines is responsible for supply of cooling air to hot sections. Labyrinth seal acts as sealing for the gaps between rotating and stationary components. It minimize the leakage flow and prevent hot flow ingress. Labyrinth seals works with controlled pressured drop, along a series of cavities having small clearance, which are separated by narrow teeth. The secondary air system can account for significant impact on the thermodynamic efficiency. The precise control of mass flow is mandatory in order to avoid overheating or excessive cooling of main stream flow. Manufacturing cost, maintenance and reliability are additional parameters to be considered in seal design[1]. The present analysis aims at the evaluation of a new genre labyrinth seal configuration which has dimples on the stator surface that serves as an alternative to honeycomb cells on the stator.
