Synergy 2015 - International Symposium, VIT University, Vellore

"Synergy 2015 Conference Papers "

IoT: To Enhance Automatic Accident Notifications Using M2M Technologies[ ]

Traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of victims all over the world. The level of treatment or first-aid received at the accident spot is very low. Hence, an important indicator for survival rates after an accident is the time between the occurrence of accidents and dispatching time of emergency medical personnel to the accident spot. Recently, Internet of Things (IoT) plays the major part in communication technologies, among which M2M application services is considered an integral part. However it brings several benefits to industries around the world and has a wide range of applications such as logistics of data analytics, Smart grid sensor, Health monitoring etc. As a result, IoT can be integrated to monitor automatic accident notifications. The proposed system requires each vehicle to be endowed with M2M device in On-Board Unit of vehicle, which is responsible for detecting the location of accident, estimating the severity of accidents and reporting accident situations to an M2M server application using the wireless technology. Then M2M server is responsible for allocating the necessary resources for the rescue operation and sharing the information to other M2M devices to give the victims a better chance and resources for survival, using Lightweight M2M standards protocols. As a result, our system could notably reduce the time needed to alert and deploy the emergency services after an accident took place.

Open Platform Cloud Infrastructure Model with Enhanced Virtualization[ ]

Evolution of International network had led to growth in Cloud Computing technology. Cost efficient personal computers with vast resource have been possible only by the evolution of Cloud Computing.

Portable Game Controller Using STM32[ ]

This paper aims at presenting an innovative way of converting a smart phone into a portable game controller using low cost ARM based STM32 microcontroller and arduino leonardo with a specific aim at improving the lag which occurs while using the traditional method by means of reducing the computational burden on hardware and using the algorithms in the smart phone itself making the deive much more efficient and platform independent.

Energy Harvesting and Utilization in Mobile Phones[ ]

This paper aims at presenting an innovative way of charging mobile phones by harvesting energy from piezoelectric keypads and Electronmagnetic ransducers.
